Religion is anti-truth: yes or no

Is religion is anti-truth?

  • yes

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • no

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • other

    Votes: 16 38.1%

  • Total voters
How do you know this? What do you think meditation is?

Buddhist meditation is used to make your self one with Brahman or atleast to bring yourself closer to being one with Brahman, Prayer is used to connect yourself to God(not to become one with God, simply to talk to him, to hear him, to understand him).

I know this because I've taken college courses on world views.
Buddhist meditation is used to make your self one with Brahman or atleast to bring yourself closer to being one with Brahman, Prayer is used to connect yourself to God(not to become one with God, simply to talk to him, to hear him, to understand him).

I know this because I've taken college courses on world views.

This book says that God and Brahman affect the same parts of the brain.

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Buddhist meditation is used to make your self one with Brahman or atleast to bring yourself closer to being one with Brahman, Prayer is used to connect yourself to God(not to become one with God, simply to talk to him, to hear him, to understand him).

Brahman's from Hinduism, not Buddhism. As I understand it the goal of Buddhist meditation is to achieve Nirvana (the state of being free from suffering) by developing the qualities of mindfulness, samatha (serenity) and vipassana (insight).

I know this because I've taken college courses on world views.
Maybe you should ask for your money back. :lol:
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Eastern style meditation is not really deserving of the name. The word meditation comes from the Latin Metirari, to ponderm consider or think over. In Christian meditation the mind is supposed to be active and rationally considering the subject of what has been revealed about god in scripture. In Eastern Meditation the purpose is the opposite, to empty the mind and think of nothing. Mantras as used to suppress thought instead of encourage it. (If we were to try to connect this to Jungian cognitive functions, Western meditation is a very Ti thing while Eastern Meditation is more Fi or maybe Ni.)
(If we were to try to connect this to Jungian cognitive functions, Western meditation is a very Ti thing while Eastern Meditation is more Fi or maybe Ni.)

Definitely not Fi, IMO. Fi isn't "non-thought", it's personal values-based reasoning, which I'd say is clearly one of the things Eastern meditation attempts to avoid.