Regulation and Restriction in our everyday lives


Permanent Fixture
I forget
Do you notice how regulated and restricted we are in life? For example we are in a restaurant and you see the menu, the menu regulates you to order from it, you can order only from the menu, nothing else. Or when you go to work, you are regulated to be their at a certain time or to wear certain things. You can try and break free of regulation, but there is usually consequences.

What do you think about regulations and restrictions?
It really doesn't bother me all that much, to be quite honest. I like order. My brain is chaotic enough place as it is.
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Some rules and regulations create order and structure. They allow daily life to run smoothly. If we didn't have regulations about driving automobiles, people would be driving all over the sidewalks if there were even sidewalks to begin with (maybe the workers decided that they'd just lay the sidewalk elsewhere or not even lay it at all). Rules and regulations are needed, it's when they become oppressive that they are a danger.
It really doesn't bother me all that much, to be quite honest. I like order. My brain is chaotic enough place as it is.

It doesn't bother me too often, I like rules otherwise their would be more chaos in the world then their is today. I'm just wondering what people think of it.
Often times when someone enjoys the qualities of a orderly society they think it's natural to them and at times it is taken granted.

I think some regulations are a little much but the law over all offers, maintains, and improves the quality of all for most people in our society. A philosopher once said that although people of the future (us now) will be much more free than the present times (hundreds of years ago) they will feel as if their freedom is less than the reality of the matter.
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To rephrase the question, when does regulation and restriction become oppressive?
That's a tricky one to answer but I'd like to say somewhere along the lines of when it restricts someone's personal freedoms such as religion, fair wages, equal treatment and the such (granted that's just a broad view).
I like regulation, but I don't like feeling constricted. It's kind of difficult for me to do a lot of the things I want to because of stuff like that, sometimes.
I also like structure, but I dont like over structure where there is no room for failure anymore. I like to figure stuff out on my own which is why i spend a lot of time hiking with my rifle through the forests.

I hate the structure of work though, the entire concept of working for someone else, time per money is nauseating to me... i plan to never do that again.
I also like structure, but I dont like over structure where there is no room for failure anymore. I like to figure stuff out on my own which is why i spend a lot of time hiking with my rifle through the forests.

I hate the structure of work though, the entire concept of working for someone else, time per money is nauseating to me... i plan to never do that again.

I'm with you on everything u have mentioned. I totally can relate and agree.