questions for INFJ's


cause I like you guys and want to understand your personality type better. feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like. also, anyone else can answer too if they like.

1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect?
2) what personality traits are you most offended by?
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ?
4) what enneagram personality type are you?
5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it?
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money?
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future?
8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it?
9) how do you feel about humanity in general?
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)?

thanks if you answer! :)
You seem to be thoroughly interested in researching INFJs and understanding the type in great detail? Why?
1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect?
Kindness (charity), enduring, forgiving.
2) what personality traits are you most offended by?
Quick judging, aggressiveness, revengeful.
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ?
Confident enough, the things I've read online from... I don't remember the url... fit me very well.
4) what enneagram personality type are you?
I haven't tested that.
5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it?
Yes, everyone has flaws. What mathers most is that the given person truly regrets it, if it continues then it's more or less obviously not something that is regretted. But nevertheless I would forgive.
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money?
No, but I never see any so that might explain (there's none in my city...)
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future?
Not exactly, would be nice to be able to see the consequence of all things you consider doing though ;).
8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it?
I would be able to do it, but I wouldn't do it. I believe that a life should be lived to it's fullest, you take hardships to be able to enjoy the good times. This is partially because I believe in eternal life.
9) how do you feel about humanity in general?
The human nature is full of mistakes, but humans are great. When human beings work to their fullest to truly become better, that is something admireable. To create.
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)?
First day here.
1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect? Benevolence, kindness, and insight.

2) what personality traits are you most offended by? Mean closed minded pettiness.

3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ? 83%

4) what enneagram personality type are you? 9w1 or 1w9, not sure which.

5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it? Absolutely.

6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money? Sometimes, but I usually ask them what they would buy with the money and buy it for them, like a meal, or a beer.

7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future? INFJs already have it, but sometimes it shows us things we'd rather not see, but we'd always rather know.

8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it? Absolutely, but only if I was convinced that this was the only answer for them.

9) how do you feel about humanity in general? I love people. Sometimes they really fail to meet my standards, but I still love them.

10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)? To communicate with others like myself, which is an extremely rare opportunity for INFJs.
great replies, and Tzesarel, welcome to the forum :)
von_hase, what do you mean about infj's already being able to see into the future? do you mean being able to predict people's reactions accurately?

i find it interesting you both are ready to forgive a cheating partner. i doubt i'd be able to be that compassionate, there'd have to be compelling reasons why i should trust them again.
1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect?
benevolence, caring, feeling, charitable, gracious,
2) what personality traits are you most offended by?
vanity, judgmental, malice, spite, hate...
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ?
without a doubt...
4) what enneagram personality type are you? 2w3
5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it?
No, I dont think I could...I would say it did...and live forever in silent suffering for their misdeed...I think on some level i would blame myself, therefore punish myself for the rest of my life.
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money? yes, or food. Usualy when Im down town I have just eaten and have leftovers.
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future? no...never, bit my NI does it anyway...

8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it?
I would have the ability...but I could not.
9) how do you feel about humanity in general? Doomed, tho it has its moments.
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)? Because, here I am more me. I can explore me inside, and see how those around me react to it.. I never realized how big of a mask I wore till I came here
1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect? Tolerance, kindness, unconditional acceptance...
2) what personality traits are you most offended by? Arrogance, intolerance, combative...
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ? Sometimes I second guess it but being here on this forum really does it for me. I feel like I'm in the midst of like-minded people!
4) what enneagram personality type are you? Not too sure...
5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it? Yup. If they admitted that they made a mistake and accepted responsibility then I think I can absolutely forgive. I believe in second chances.
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money? Yeah, if I have it. If I don't I either ask my dad or something to give it or I feel extremely sad and guilty...
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future? I'm not too sure...sometimes the thought of seeing into the future scares me...
8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it? I personally wouldn't be able to do it...but I would stand by my friend till the very end...even if the doctors decide to do it...I would hold their hand.
9) how do you feel about humanity in general? A great love and pain for humanity. A love because I feel like we are all connected somehow and that we all have so much potential to change the world...each of us...and pain because I realize that we all don't live in a world like the Disney movies I grew up watching...There isn't always a happily ever after. : (
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)? See answer number three. : )
von_hase, what do you mean about infj's already being able to see into the future? do you mean being able to predict people's reactions accurately?

INFJs are freakishly intuitive. There are all manner of things we just know are going to happen. It's the inexplicable nature of introverted intuition dominance combined with a right brained reasoning function - extroverted feeling.
1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect? idk - easy-going + accommodating + patient
2) what personality traits are you most offended by? overly aggressive or overly confident or indifference
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ? 70%
4) what enneagram personality type are you? not tested
5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it? it would take some time but yes, if there was still something there and both of us were willing to work on it
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money? once upon a time yes, but i've become weary of motives. i would rather find more established ways to help (many will disagree with this i'm sure)
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future? seen enough of where we're headed. rather not.
8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it? absolutely not. i would have a hard time living with that responsibility.
9) how do you feel about humanity in general? disconcerting how we see but don't see what we're doing to world and the society we live in
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)? addicted
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6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money? once upon a time yes, but i've become weary of motives. i would rather find more established ways to help (many will disagree with this i'm sure)

I know what you mean here, actually. Unfortunately, I've heard stories of people giving money away to a homeless person only for the homeless person to call them a derogatory name and run off with the money...presumably to buy drugs.
INFJs are freakishly intuitive. There are all manner of things we just know are going to happen. It's the inexplicable nature of introverted intuition dominance combined with a right brained reasoning function - extroverted feeling.

It's not exactly seeing into the future though, if someone chooses differently than you expect then something else happens. You can make more or less (and even obviously) accurate "theories" on what can happen, but it's not certain. There are a lot of unpredictable things, even if you view several different results. Even considering this, sometimes theres the "feel" of something is about to happen, and then it... creepily enough... happens. Not allways though ;).

I know what you mean here, actually. Unfortunately, I've heard stories of people giving money away to a homeless person only for the homeless person to call them a derogatory name and run off with the money...presumably to buy drugs.

Yeah! I think it's great (I didn't think about it myself) those of you that actually give them food, and some beggars truly are trying to get up on their feet, but just need a push (I haven't seen many beggars so my experience with it is... low ;) ). But I imagine that if one just helps them a little, they will truly want to work for something better (some / most of them).

p.s: Sorry I'm not that good at explaining, but I hope people understand what I mean by the sentences I've written ;).
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1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect?

Honesty, wisdom, acceptance, maturity, kindness, humbleness, accountable, reliable, self-confident, selfless.

2) what personality traits are you most offended by?

uncaring, inconsiderate, close-minded, extreme perfectionism, extreme insecurity, unaccountable, selfish.

3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ?

I don't believe anyone is constantly a single type, but I am quite confident that I am INFJ most of the time.

4) what enneagram personality type are you?

I tested 2w1 before, but my 2 was tied with 5. Today I tested and I was massively 5w6, but I am under stress.

5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it?

Yes, if I believed she was sincere and would not do it again, and was in love, I doubt I would have a choice but to accept and forgive.

6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money?

I wouldn't stop to give them money, but If I passed beside them slowly I would if I had it on me.

7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future?


8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it?

Emotionally I could, spiritually I could not.

9) how do you feel about humanity in general?

More people need to try.

10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)?

There are good people here.
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1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect?
laid backness, altruism, optimism, intelligence, patience, creativity.
2) what personality traits are you most offended by?
over confidence, indifference, sense of superiority, impatience, selfishness.
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ?
I'm not, I mean, this is just a typing system somebody created - after all, everybody is different and you just can't put them in boxes. I'm not 100% INFJ (as the general type description), but is the one that's closer to the way I am.
4) what enneagram personality type are you?
4w5 (in fact, I feel more identified with my enneagram)
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money?
sometimes. if I see that he/she REALLY needs the money -like if he/she is disabled- then I do. otherwise, I don't (since most of the times they spend it on drugs and things like that). instead I give them food or something.
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future?
hmmm no
8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it?
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)?
hmm because is full of people like me (though that has its cons) and I have learnt a lot about myself and people in general (also because I have nothing better to do :D)
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1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect?

kindness, gentleness, modesty, politeness, compassion, honesty

2) what personality traits are you most offended by?

Arrogance, aggressiveness, rudeness, immodesty, cruelty, dishonesty

3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ?

65%-100% depending on what's going on in my life. If I'm not INFJ I'm INFP. It's one or the other, I am certain.

4) what enneagram personality type are you?

4w5. 6 when under tyranny.

5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it?

Yes, unless it was repeated, but the dynamic of the relationship would change irreversibly, I'm sad to say.

6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money?

Not always, but often. I'm considering being more practical about that and having extra food or provisions available for such occassions.

7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future?

I feel as though I already have that power, in a general, mystical sort of way, but to know with certainty specific outcomes, no. Apart from the lottery numbers.

8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it?

Yes, and I'd even face prison for it, if neccessary, for someone I cared deeply about.

9) how do you feel about humanity in general?

Love and a desire for peace and unity, but mostly love.

10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)?

Feels like home
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1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect? kindness, compassion and a great sense of humour.
2) what personality traits are you most offended by? immodesty, disrespect, cruelty, sadism
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ? It's the only one that fits.
4) what enneagram personality type are you? can't remember
5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it? Yes.
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money? When I get an intuitive pull to do so.
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future? I don't have the power to see into the future but I can see outcomes. Which at times has really spoiled the fun grrrrr lol
8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it? No, I don't think I could do it although I don't really know. But I wouldn't put myself at legal risk for the sake of my family. I don't think I'd do well in jail.
9) how do you feel about humanity in general? In general I would just say I find it very sad. When I think about humanity my heart sinks.
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)? I wuv the people here.
1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect? Kindness, gentleness, insightfulness.
2) what personality traits are you most offended by? Rudeness, coldness, selfishness.
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ? Uhh..pretty? do you want a number?
4) what enneagram personality type are you? 2w1
5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it? :-/ I'd rather not answer this one.
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money? I don't usually have money, but I would give them food or something if I have it. I have a soft spot in my heart for homeless people, as I have been homeless, and so have my parents. I wish I could be more involved with community action programs like SafeHouse Outreach and ProjectLiveLove. I still want to do this kind of work in the future, but don't have the means to do so at this particular juncture.
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future? Kinda already do, in a weird way. I would not want for this ability to be stronger, because it complicates things.
8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it? No. I couldn't.
9) how do you feel about humanity in general? *sigh* I want to fix it. I want people to love one another. I struggle with cynicism regarding the good in humanity.
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)? Because I'm kinda lonely? I'm trying to adjust to a new town, and I have a hard time making friends because I'm painfully shy. I guess I'm kind of also addicted.
cause I like you guys and want to understand your personality type better. feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like. also, anyone else can answer too if they like.

1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect?
2) what personality traits are you most offended by?
3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ?
4) what enneagram personality type are you?
5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it?
6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money?
7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future?
8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it?
9) how do you feel about humanity in general?
10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)?

thanks if you answer! :)
1. honesty, intelligence, kindness, persistance, humorous
2. rudeness towards teachers, bullying others in a mean way, impatience with people who are trying to learn something.
3. Not quite confident since my F and T are exactly the same.
4. What?
5. "How would it have been a mistake?" I would ask upset. I might forgive them but I would need some time.
9. That it's interesting as in why so many people act in so many different ways.
10. Because it's interesting.
1) what personality traits do you most admire and respect?

Wise, Patient, Honest, Respect, kindness,

2) what personality traits are you most offended by?

cocky, mean, thinks they are king of the world, overly-talkative,

3) how confident are you that you are in fact an INFJ?


4) what enneagram personality type are you?

4w5 or 5w4

5) if your partner cheated on you, said it was a mistake and asked for your forgiveness, would you be able to give it?

Yes, but it would take me sometime to trust my partner again.

6) when you see homeless people by the side of the road, do you give them money?

Sometimes, i really do question the reasons sometimes but I try to be empathetic.

7) would you want the power to be able to see into the future?

my Ni helps in this, I have had some dreams that actually have come true, and well my guesses have a lot of times guided me through. Though that power will be fascinating.

8) if some dear friend of yours was dying of terminal cancer asked you to euthanize him/her, would you be able to do it?

Yes, i would get more suffering from seeing that person suffer, it's not healthy for the patient or the one who's watching the patient suffer.

9) how do you feel about humanity in general?

I'm sort of at a pit hole in my life(depression, sort of like a loner) so my views outside of the people here are not very positive..Im hoping things change and my Fe can finally grow.

10) why do you keep coming back to this forum (if you do)?

Because this forum is filled with caring, understanding people who share my type and well it's just so fun :)
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