Question and Answer


On Holiday
Answer the previous question that is asked about INFJ's, then ask your own question. It can be a question that requires personal experience or a general question. I am not sure how this is going to go.

Question : How do you handle deadlines?

Answer: I am a J so I get things done. I am not a J by too much so sometimes I can procrastinate too write now when I should get back to work.

O.K Ready:
What is your favorite characteristic of an INFJ?
What is your favorite characteristic of an INFJ?
They are humble! And proud! At the same time! ;D Actually I was thinking to make a spec. topic and ask about this...

How many INFJs to screw a light bulb??
They are humble! And proud! At the same time! ;D Actually I was thinking to make a spec. topic and ask about this...

How many INFJs to screw a light bulb??

:m067: just me...ill screw in all the lightbulbs :m160::m136:

How do other INFJ's handle extreme emotional pain?
They are humble! And proud! At the same time! ;D Actually I was thinking to make a spec. topic and ask about this...

How many INFJs to screw a light bulb??

Leave it unscrewed, I like to sit in the dark...
:m067: just me...ill screw in all the lightbulbs :m160::m136:

How do other INFJ's handle extreme emotional pain?

You didn't answer the quetion NeverAmI. I will though: How do other INFJ's handle extreme emotional pain?

We shutdown and keep it all inside. Our Fe quits working. We obssess inwardly about it. We become extremely fragile, like vibrating glass ready to shatter. We can be helped if we have those few, very close people around us to confide in however. For many of us, writing is an emotional outlet also.

My turn: What is it an INFJ wants most out of life?
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You didn't answer the quetion NeverAmI. I will though: How do other INFJ's handle extreme emotional pain?

We shutdown and keep it all inside. Our Fe quits working. We obssess inwardly about it. We become extremely fragile, like vibrating glass ready to shatter. We can be helped if we have those few, very close people around us to confide in however. For many of us, writing is an emotional outlet also.

My turn: What is it an INFJ wants most out of life?

Great answer..and oh so true!

Beauty, creation, and peace...though we know we can only create those in our own lives...we cant help but wish it for the entire world! OH and LOVE!!

How do INFJ" handle confrontation?
:meye: They bottle it up until they explode. (I am so happy to use this monkey)
Question: If INFJ's were going too create their own country what would it be called?
They either freak out by the amount of people or they have some drinks and let themselves become comfortable with a group they know/like :D

What sort of places are you drawn to as an INFJ?
They either freak out by the amount of people or they have some drinks and let themselves become comfortable with a group they know/like :D

What sort of places are you drawn to as an INFJ?

canyons...nature...this place lol

Are infj's musically diverse?
canyons...nature...this place lol

Are infj's musically diverse?

Absolutely! Look at the music thread.

What physical feature on a person attracts INFJ's the most? What would be second?
How do other INFJ's handle extreme emotional pain?

We shutdown and keep it all inside. Our Fe quits working. We obssess inwardly about it. We become extremely fragile, like vibrating glass ready to shatter. We can be helped if we have those few, very close people around us to confide in however. For many of us, writing is an emotional outlet also.

Seriously, quit reading our minds. :m145:

My turn: What is it an INFJ wants most out of life?

To be understood (I think), to be able to find people who simply understand without having to explain.
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I would say the eyes and then the smile.

What sort of things can infjs determine about strangers just by looking at them?
Posted via Mobile Device
I would say the eyes and then the smile.

What sort of things can infjs determine about strangers just by looking at them?
Posted via Mobile Device

Bingo! Right on, at least for me.

I would answer: blood type, religious beliefs, what they ate for breakfast! LOL

Ok, seriously: General type (I or E, F or T), truthfulness and honesty, general emotional state (happy or sad), if they like us, if they like themselves.
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Bingo! Right on, at least for me.

I would answer: blood type, religious beliefs, what they ate for breakfast! LOL

Ok, seriously: General type (I or E, F or T), truthfulness and honesty, general emotional state (happy or sad), if they like us, if they like themselves.

what's the next question?
what's the next question?

What is the definition of a "Soulmate" for an INFJ?

Bonus question: Do INFJ's like the movie "Roadhouse"?
What is the definition of a "Soulmate" for an INFJ?

Bonus question: Do INFJ's like the movie "Roadhouse"?

I guess to an INFJ, a soulmate is someone who completely understands you, someone you can share everything with, almost like a long lost twin. You find each other and you know that you have that strong connection. There doesn't have to be anything romantic about it or anything like that.

Sorry, I have no idea what that movie is about.

What's one of INFJs' worst habits?
What's one of INFJs' worst habits?

Trying to do too much or to put it another way, never being satisfied with a job well done..always seeing room for improvement (ie. editing and re-editing to the point where the time spent becomes counter productive).

What compliment would an INFJ appreciate the most?