[PUG]Obesity rates in the US level off


Right the First Time!
For women, the prevalence of obesity showed no statistically significant changes over the 10-year period from 1999 through 2008. For men, there was a significant linear trend over the same period, but estimates for the period 2003-2004, 2005-2006, and 2007-2008 did not differ significantly from each other. These data suggest that the increases in the prevalence of obesity previously observed between 1976-1980 and 1988-19941, 3 and between 1988-1994 and 1999-20003 may not be continuing at a similar level over the period 1999-2008, particularly for women but possibly for men.


Women are no fatter than they were ten years ago, men no fatter for about 7 years (if I'm reading correctly).

Does this lend weight (lol) to the idea of natural genetic limits on body size?
Well something has put the brakes on it, why not genetics?
You can only get so fat. It might be genetics. It might also be that efforts to curtail increasing obesity are able to offset the increasing obesity so that obesity remains level. It could also simply be that the remaining non-obese people do not want to become obese and that their decision to avoid obesity is the cause, as opposed to genetics.

At any rate, 34% or so of the population as obese is quite enough.

Women are no fatter than they were ten years ago, men no fatter for about 7 years (if I'm reading correctly).

Does this lend weight (lol) to the idea of natural genetic limits on body size?

Unless I missed something, I don't believe that paper really states or implies that the reason why people aren't getting fatter is mainly because of natural genetic limits. It doesn't really state anything else than "We stopped getting so fat" practically.
I'm just wondering what was obviously different about the last ten years compared to the ten years before? I thought America was supposed to be eating itself to oblivion and a majority obesity level?

I think the fact that the increase has leveled off (rather than keep on skyrocketing as predicted) might indicate that most of those with the genetic propensity to become obese or overweight already have.
I'm just wondering what was obviously different about the last ten years compared to the ten years before? I thought America was supposed to be eating itself to oblivion and a majority obesity level?

I think the fact that the increase has leveled off (rather than keep on skyrocketing as predicted) might indicate that most of those with the genetic propensity to become obese or overweight already have.

I think it's due to media exposure. People literally break themselves trying to lose weight and those that aren't overweight fear getting fat (Generalization and not typical) Food is also more expensive. Really, it could be many things.
There is something called weight set point that suggests that our body have a genetically set weight, a small range which our body will work and adjust to stay within!

I wonder if the majority reached the top of their range in the late 90's?
I'm just wondering what was obviously different about the last ten years compared to the ten years before? I thought America was supposed to be eating itself to oblivion and a majority obesity level?

I think the fact that the increase has leveled off (rather than keep on skyrocketing as predicted) might indicate that most of those with the genetic propensity to become obese or overweight already have.

when the levels of fat went from 5 levels to 6 people started to become conscious of what is going on with weight.

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Well, that's great, someone finally invented a system for getting the most deep fried-french-fries stuffed breaded chicken wings inside of a chocolate molten lava cake. After you do that you can't get any more obese- it's like the perfectly tied basketball game, when your hair is so fried from being dyed so many times it all falls out.
Sounds very reasonable actually, after a peak comes a moment of stability to then perhaps the majority will be morbidly underweight in the future? :D

Only during and after the nuclear winter...

Can someone [PUG] this thread? I forgot.
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Maybe it just got to the point where the fat people on one side of the coast got so heavy that they catapulted the fat people on the other side into the ocean, thereby reducing the overall mass of fat people and lowering the 'prevalence of obesity' rate.

or maybe not...
Well, I think the light people would be the first to fly off the continent. Unless Americans are all fat to begin with. Still, the weight would tend to increase rather than decrease. Especially if the ones on one side all jumped at once.
Same with "infinite" economic growth.

Yep, apparently, a man cannot grow to become larger than the planets, and the Sun, in size. So long, Gargantua and Pantagruel...
I think this study shows that lifestyle and diet have stabilized. Both of these things underwent rather drastic change over the last 50 years, and obesity (along with all the disorders that accompany it) have increased in direct proportion. Now that society has found a new equilibrium with these factors, weight has begun to stabilize accordingly.