[PUG] New bubba


New bubba


O.k., I see you have a big memberlist and have been online two years. I am checking this out because I was getting spammed to death by another MBTI group. I have 10K e-mails in my Hotmail with no hope of ever deleting them (no mass delete option).

Bottom line up front: Your politics forum needs to be divested from your INFJ forum.

Not like me to muckrake, but here are my observations so far.

- The politics thread here is a major turnoff. You have the same three or four childish afficionados of men rustling around in a tent posting over and over all this ghey liberation movement stuff. You could tell me, "Ignore it," but it's kind of difficult because apparently these are the most active threads. It's safe to assume reproduction is the norm. By default, that means homosexuality isn't normal. Why are your minds so manipulated that you throw out fanfare for a new country trying to normalize perversity? Hetero men do not celebrate this sort of thing. It's called the man test: If you're hetero, and truly a man, you would be revulsed by looking at two men kissing. Would you sit in a room and applaud gay porn? Now: nobody's sinless, nobody's free of guilt for things in their past. But it's a sheer indicator of an inability to pursue the truth while you purport all this gay celebration baloney. People that visit this place probably walk away with the impression that INFJs are mostly queers, or they have a hard time walking.

- Another sample in "Politics" (sarcasm implied) comes from the people that are en pro of surrendering the United States to the unwashed hordes streaming over the border and sundering our cities. Illegal immigrants hurt the economy. They drive down the cost of labor and send their wages abroad where they have only exploited the system. They avoid most taxes and receive what services they choose. Illegals aren't honest, illegals scam the system. It has nothing to do with race.

It would be nice if this were a thinking man's forum, but at least observing the people I see so far (the monkey guy, the guy with the real-life pic trawling for he-dates, and a few others), you've saturated yourselves with degenerate children who have little meaningful discussion.
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These subjects would be better discussed in their actual threads...You've presented several different topics for one thread. Pick one and go with it.

Although, it looks more like you're trying to goad people into personal attacks.
Wow, I never would have thought I'd see so much retardation in one post.

As for trawling for he-dates, that avatar was chosen, resized, and insisted upon by my girlfriend. You've met actually, seeing as she's posted in this thread.
I can see the he dates thing, your good looking enough to get another guy. Keep a watch on him Dove.
I can see the he dates thing, your good looking enough to get another guy. Keep a watch on him Dove.
OMG! I can't believe you said that!
This better not be a subtle hint about your intentions Barny ;).

Its is true he's super cute. ^^
I am not out to look for guys!

Unless it's Indy.
O.k., I see you have a big memberlist and have been online two years.
Yeah, ain't we enviable? :cool:

I am checking this out because I was getting spammed to death by another MBTI group. I have 10K e-mails in my Hotmail with no hope of ever deleting them (no mass delete option).
The INFJ Mailing List, perchance?

Bottom line up front: Your politics forum needs to be divested from your INFJ forum.
There are INFJs who like to discuss politics, though. I think it's important to have a broad range of topics accommodated.

- The politics thread here is a major turnoff. You have the same three or four childish afficionados of men rustling around in a tent posting over and over all this ghey liberation movement stuff.
I consider that a turn-on. Not when it gets unduly nasty and out of hand, mind you
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@normalman: you are the perfect stereotype of a biggot. People like you are the kind that end up being used as straw men in arguements.

How about using some reasonable arguements.
Just an important note that it seems most of the users replying to this thread seemed to have overlooked, sarcasm is signified by using (!) not quote marks, although I do admit that quotation marks (that is "") can be used to stress words, it is not the correct use of them.

I would like to point out that if you have any interesting political points you wish to discuss or put across it's fully in your ability to create a thread of your own concerned such a topic as long as it adheres to the forums rules.

I'm going to assume (sorry I haven't read your post TLM) that I agree with what was said by TLM.

Your wording aside (to which I would suggest a little more practice) I would have thought you would know that people tend to post things that resonate with them, so it's only natural that if they feel pigeonholed or beaten down about something that they see as an injustice that they would post about it, so again feel free to add some new topics :)
I didn't realize that there were INFJ's who were this bigoted, prejudicial, and completely out of touch with their extraverted feeling function.

Can you even be an INFJ without your extraverted feeling function?

Someone pull his INFJ card and check for fraud.

If this guy is being spammed to death from another MBTI forum there may be a reason for it.
Just an important note that it seems most of the users replying to this thread seemed to have overlooked, sarcasm is signified by using (!) not quote marks, although I do admit that quotation marks (that is "") can be used to stress words, it is not the correct use of them.
Ah! I did not know that. Thanks.
Just an important note that it seems most of the users replying to this thread seemed to have overlooked, sarcasm is signified by using (!) not quote marks, although I do admit that quotation marks (that is "") can be used to stress words, it is not the correct use of them.

Interesting (!)
OMG! I can't believe you said that!
This better not be a subtle hint about your intentions Barny ;).

Its is true he's super cute. ^^

I can't flirt with him, look at him. He's obviously taken, it's like he has wipped stamped on his forhead.