- INFPishy
Even I found my post annoying. So comments withdrawn.
For a long time, especially in late undergrad/early grad. I followed the trend of the intellectual, projecting this image of the continually, intellectually engaged, using the language, citing the thought and perpetuating the lingo of the culture and discipline. Only to realize in the last few years that most of it was pseudo intellectualism.
I notice that there is more pseudo-intellectualism than true intellectual engagement, even among true intellectuals. I guess it makes us think we see things that others don't. E.g. "I see dead people . . ." (6th Sense). Apparently, if you can understanding something simply, or explain it in simple terms, it's not good or intellectual enough. And apparently, it supposedly demonstrates simplicity of thought or understanding.
I notice that a few here on the board, who don't read posts carefully, rush to use "intellectual" typology speak to point out where the poster doesn't understand what they are saying or isn't clearly articulating their thoughts on a concept or idea. Making snap, oversimplified judgments which give the impression that they are more intelligent or intellectual than the person who is posting. This is proped up by extreme arrogance and ignorance of the many possible ways an individual may understand and interpret an experience.
Understanding is complicated and cannot be understood through language and communication. Our minds have quite a bit more inside than what we are able to express through words. Intellect or a complex of understanding cannot be defined entirely through verbal or written communication; nor, can the pseudo-intellectual analysis of someone's thoughts or ideas expressed in a post. Sometimes, all that's necessary is to relate your experience; it's not always necessary to demonstrate how capable you are of spewing typological thought just to prove you are so knowledgeable or that much more understanding than everyone else.
You know . . . you can know what you know, and not need to prove it.
Even I found my post annoying. So comments withdrawn.
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