Political Values Tests

8Values results:

This makes me wonder: who does the "radical left" in the US vote for? Sanders? Do they vote at all?

Am I exaggerating the size of this movement?

The radical left and right aren't that big.
They also are mainly interested in the destruction of the current governing system in one way or another.
The main problem/fear isn't the current size of any group, but a potential cascade effect.
'Leftist' is interesting because in French it's a derogatory term. We just say 'left-wing'. 'Leftist' implies sectarianism (In French, that is).
'Leftist' is slightly derogatory in British English, too, for the same reasons. It's deployed as an accusation rather than a descriptor.

I think it may be the same in American English.
As an aside, I don't think Republicans and Democrats really have much of a difference in terms of values. It seems to me they fight over the mechanisms by which these values are implemented into policy.

For example people debate what is the just way to do something but nobody really comes out and argues against the concept of justice. The argument is usually "is X the way to achieve a just result or is it Y?" Not "no I love it when everything is unfair, let's not bother"

There's not much difference in values in my opinion.

I'd like to offer and example of "left" vs. "right". It has been documented (and if I really have to post a source I will but, really?) that Obama had built and used the "kids in cages" for illegal alien minors (with an O not an E). Nothing was said/posted about how "evil" that is/was. Trump dealing with the very same issues continued to use the "kids in cages" for the same group and as was posted elsewhere on this forum (in referencing Trump; he is) "Sociopathic asshole who throws kids in cages to discourage people from seeking asylum in the U.S." other posters concurred in one manner or another. Because of the ruckus Trump stopped using and closed down those facilities. It has/is been in the MSM that Biden has re-opened and is going to continue to use the "kids in cages" and there hasn't been a single word of the evil of Biden doing such a thing on this forum. So how one defines that difference is up to each individual to decide for oneself.

I will stipulate ahead of time that both parties that are prevalent in the United States are incredibly corrupt.
It has/is been in the MSM that Biden has re-opened and is going to continue to use the "kids in cages" and there hasn't been a single word of the evil of Biden doing such a thing on this forum.
AOC condemned it, which shows consistency and made me respect her for it. Not for the conclusion obviously I don't agree, but at least she seems to be a believer in what she says. Pretty good chance she'll be president someday if she doesn't get derailed by a scandal or something.
When I'm bored, political quizzes are the way to alleviate such a state.
Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 19.40.46.webp
Screenshot 2021-02-27 at 19.19.34.webp
When I'm bored, political quizzes are the way to alleviate such a state.

We could have been friends, but no, you had to be a heretic.


Also I like how Google defines paleoconservatism as 'extemely right-wing' but according to the test my next two 99.9% matching ideologies are center right politics and classical liberalism.
Also I like how Google defines paleoconservatism as 'extemely right-wing' but according to the test my next two 99.9% matching ideologies are center right politics and classical liberalism.
Quiz results are Bible. You cannot argue with the logic, otherwise reality crumbles

We could have been friends, but no, you had to be a heretic.
Your dirty theocracy score makes me sick, bloody zealot. I bet you believe Jesus was white
AOC condemned it, which shows consistency and made me respect her for it. Not for the conclusion obviously I don't agree, but at least she seems to be a believer in what she says. Pretty good chance she'll be president someday if she doesn't get derailed by a scandal or something.

My point was not intended to infer politicians but civilians.
Border detention camps are also not a value by the way. Fairness is a value. Humane treatment of people is a value. Security is a value. Again you have to look deeper.

Deeper eh? I was trying to actually point out a bit on the discreet side, Hypocrisy..........and no that doesn't take a very deep look. Humane treatment of people eh?
Deeper eh? I was trying to actually point out a bit on the discreet side, Hypocrisy..........and no that doesn't take a very deep look. Humane treatment of people eh?
If you think that the left are the only ones capable of hypocrisy you've missed a very important detail about the right-
They're human too.
We could have been friends, but no, you had to be a heretic.

Also I like how Google defines paleoconservatism as 'extemely right-wing' but according to the test my next two 99.9% matching ideologies are center right politics and classical liberalism.


Turns out that left or right, I'm a boring Centrist.