Polish President and 95 Other Polish Leaders, Dead in Tragic Plane Crash


SMOLENSK, Russia – Polish President Lech Kaczynski and some of the country's highest military and civilian leaders died on Saturday when the presidential plane crashed as it came in for a landing in thick fog in western Russia, killing 97, officials said.

Russian and Polish officials said there were no survivors on the 26-year-old Tupolev, which was taking the president, his wife and staff to events marking the 70th anniversary of the massacre in Katyn forest of thousands of Polish officers by Soviet secret police.

The crash devastated the upper echelons of Poland's political and military establishments. On board were the army chief of staff, the navy chief commander, and heads of the air and land forces. Also killed were the national bank president, deputy foreign minister, army chaplain, head of the National Security Office, deputy parliament speaker, Olympic Committee head, civil rights commissioner and at least two presidential aides and three lawmakers, the Polish foreign ministry said.

Although initial signs pointed to an accident with no indication of foul play, the death of a Polish president and much of the Polish state and defense establishment in Russia en route to commemorating one of the saddest events in Poland's long, complicated history with Russia, was laden with tragic irony.
Reflecting the grave sensibilities of the crash to relations between the two countries, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin personally assumed charge of the investigation. He landed in Smolensk Saturday with an entourage of Russian officials to meet Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who was flying in from Warsaw. The president's twin brother, former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kacynski, also flew there in a chartered plane, according to his party.

You can read the full article here. Personally, I'd be lying if I said if this whole development didn't raise some eyebrows. Nevertheless, RIP to all the victims and condolences to the families.
Was about to post on this. RIP to everyone who passed in this tragedy.
... Russia just became very important again.
Georgia (potential russian conflict ),
Greece (internal instability ),
Iran (selling arms to defend against USA),
Alaska (palin insulting putin in federal election)...

Thank Balder there isn't a Republican in the White House....
Is there not security protocol to prevent all the key figures travelling together?

Very suspect
Social upheaval incoming in 3, 2, 1...
This story is going to be in development for a very long time. Even if this had no foul play in it what so ever, people are going to point fingers and that is going to cause conflict.
Also, what about Poland? All of these officials need replacement. There must be serious turmoil in the government right now.

I'm surprised I haven't heard any serious outcries or pointing of fingers calling foul play.
This story is going to be in development for a very long time. Even if this had no foul play in it what so ever, people are going to point fingers and that is going to cause conflict.

Honestly, you can't expect anything different. There are just too many variables here that make it look like a convenient accident. Not to mention the fact that the politics have been especially volatile as of late. Look at all the dignitaries on board:

President of Poland
The First Lady of Poland
The Undersecretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
The last President of the Polish government-in-exile
The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
The President of the National Bank of Poland
The Chief of the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
The Head of the National Security Bureau
The Secretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
The Chief of the Polish Air Force
The Commander of the Polish Land Forces
The Chief of the Polish Army General Staff
Vice Admiral Andrzej Karweta, Commander-in-chief of the Polish Navy
General Włodzimierz Potasiński, Commander-in-chief of the Polish Special Forces
Of seven high military commanders, the Polish Armed Forces lost all except one; the Commander-in-Chief (the President), all four Branch Commanders, and the Chief of Staff were killed. Only the Minister of Defense survived, as he was not on the plane.

The Deputy Speaker of the Senat and at least thirty members of the Senate and the Sejm.
The Orthodox Ordinary of the Polish Army
The bishop of the Military Ordinariate of the Polish Army
The Rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University

The Polish Ombudsman for Citizen Rights
The President of the Institute of National Remembrance
The President of the Polish Olympic Committee
The President of the Polish Community Association, former Speaker of the Sejm
The Secretary-General of the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites

Anna Walentynowicz, free trade union activist and one of the most prominent members of Solidarity movement

That's almost the entire head of the government that's just fallen off of its perch. On their way to a controversial commemoration of the KGB orchestrated massacre of the Polish and Polish-Jewish intelligentsia in World War II.... which Russia had blamed on the Nazis before reluctantly admitting fault in 1990. Conspiracy theorists are going to have a field day, while the rest of us will have to make do with being suspicious of whatever pre-masticated crap we're spoonfed. Or just marvel at the perfect, serendipitous irony.

Especially since Putin has taken it upon himself to personally investigate this crash. Which is a bit suspect, in my opinion. Half these people were opposition to his plans to make Poland entirely reliant on Russia's oil. Kaczynski in particular. Those two never saw eye to eye. It might very well be that it was just an accident, but its my opinion that they should bring in a more neutral party to investigate the matter, not someone who could've allegedly had his hand in the cookie jar. That way, there are no implicit suspicions and all the cards are on the table.
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Given the general britishers deep appreciation for the massive influx of a skilled polish workforce in a small island already well populated by immigrants who bring and try to enforce their own language and culture... Who else went to Sickipedia.org as soon as they heard the news?

Who else heard the news there first?
Indeed be very sad to hear, whether this was a conspiracy or not it will be subject to major controversy for the days to come. For now I hope that those people are in a better place now.
that's AWFUL. dear heavens. poor poland...
When visibility is low, the success of landing a plane depends heavily on air traffic controllers. If Putin or other Russian officials wanted the Polish president dead, it would have been a relatively simple matter to fudge numbers on the ground.

That said, it could not have been planned very far in advance. Fog is unpredictable. I think it was most likely an accident.
wow...... why on earth would they put all those people on one plane, thats asking for just trouble. Rest in peace, sending up prayers for the families.
it is a huge loss to poland,and terrifying at how quickly their most influencial members were just wiped out, its such an awful event,especially in a time where poland has the potential to go from strength to strength...rip to all involved and condolences to both those immediately effected and the nation as a whole
WOW...thats just...wow...Sad...raises questions...now what?

any more news on this?
any more news on this?

Nope. Now there's just a controversy concerning the president's burial. I hope that won't take the back-seat to the actual investigation.
I doubt there were any conspiracy. Russians are not very keen to make their past crimes the center of world attention (of Katyn forest). My condolences to polish people.

wow...... why on earth would they put all those people on one plane, thats asking for just trouble. Rest in peace, sending up prayers for the families.

In the end everyone is equal when facing death. If they were common people - it would still be a terrible event.