People drawn to you. Good or bad.

Top cat

Permanent Fixture
I always seem to get people paying attention to me wherever I am. Does this happen to any of you?

People at school -on the first day strangers suddenly drawn to you. They know nothing about you but they are quick to talk to you, ask you a lot of questions and also sit next to you and even, copy what you do. Also teachers, even though there are plenty of other students who also get high marks in class and even better, are always on time.
People in general... at the store etc. When one stares, then another one stares, and the rest of them...and the next thing you know the security guard is after you (O_O). And the next time you go back to the store, the people who work there are all looking at you... so I never go back. I always change stores.

I would love to be invisible.

If your experiences are different from this, I'd like to hear them too... I do remember another thread about being prey to emotional/psychic vampires. So they definitely get attached to something that gives off vibes and energies... feeding and feeding. I may not get into contact with vampires, but I feel the same way... I feel like I am a "source" for these people to feed on, to talk about, to watch etc...!
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Yes I have experienced this...I will suffice to say that i am validating you...about all of it.
Today, at least 10 people stopped dead in front of me, and stared at me. Acorns fell from mysterious places, and groups of people laughing as I walked by, all day. I almost broke down. People need to stop paying so much attention to strangers.:m079:
Haha, same with me..I'm pretty much a recluse yet act so positive and naive..a naive recluse? that's new xD..people are always starring at me...looking at me..for some reason. I guess they feel that I give some kind of weird energy, must be negative since most ignore me.
Sometimes it happens, but I give off more of a "don't bother me" vibe while not meaning to. Sometimes I have a group in my office, all asking for different things or wanting to chill, but for the most part I'm lucky. Sometimes I don't like giving off that vibe, though. But, meh. Introvert issues are introvert issues.
. But, meh. Introvert issues are introvert issues.

haha arbygil, that's awsome!

Yes I get this too sometimes and I do actually change grocery stores every so often because when I begin to get familiar looking to the staff, they smile and try to chat more and I don't want to talk to them! ( it's just my thing I guess, as arby stated).

I try not to look at people while I'm out and I give off the unapproachable vibe that says "keep awaaaayyyyy"

It's a funny thing... (maybe someone can help me with this mystery), but always, and I mean Always, elderly Asian people stare at me and smile as if they know me! I often ask myself; "why is that?"...

Sometimes it happens, but I give off more of a "don't bother me" vibe while not meaning to.

I try not to look at people while I'm out and I give off the unapproachable vibe that says "keep awaaaayyyyy"

You guys have useful vibes
I always try to give off this same vibe... I suppose if I give them direct eye contact it will work. I usually pretend the staring is not happening. I don't like to look at people usually because I sometimes look angry/disapproving

I think my vibe says something along the lines of "I'm keeping something secret" or "I'm up to something." That's my impression from the reactions of people

I am actually always up to something... :md:
Maybe I should change the title of the thread...? I'm only guessing that it's about 'emitting energy.'

Maybe drawing people to you is a better title
or do people like to watch you
I dont know what kind of energy I give off. I think it probably depends on my surroundings. I used to try to give off scary energy. I am sure it didnt work. When I see people like I used to be I just think "What a fag."
Move to the country?

Were a mask?

Well something similar happens to me? People will seem to have met me when I have know idea who they are.

Maybe thats cause my memory is shit...

I have found that I seem to attract/effect people in positions of power over me.
From when I was at school and would somehow always manage to end up the teachers pet, to getting far too much attention from my boss. Even sessions with psychologists soon end up being oddly influenced and the playing field suddenly changes.
I have found that I seem to attract/effect people in positions of power over me.
From when I was at school and would somehow always manage to end up the teachers pet, to getting far too much attention from my boss. Even sessions with psychologists soon end up being oddly influenced and the playing field suddenly changes.

That is interesting, do you have any theories as to why this is; Spiritual, logical, or maybe both?
I suspect it's due to having been manipulated considerably by those who had power over me growing up that I have somehow developed a covert/passive mechanism that evens out the playing field when I find myself in a potentially compromising relationship with someone who may be able to use their power to hurt me. I seem to be intuitively acutely aware of where my power lies within a relationship.
I suspect it's due to having been manipulated considerably by those who had power over me growing up that I have somehow developed a covert/passive mechanism that evens out the playing field when I find myself in a potentially compromising relationship with someone who may be able to use their power to hurt me. I seem to be intuitively acutely aware of where my power lies within a relationship.

What is the difference between someone using their power to harm you to someone using their power to help you?
I always seem to get people paying attention to me wherever I am. Does this happen to any of you?

People at school -on the first day strangers suddenly drawn to you. They know nothing about you but they are quick to talk to you, ask you a lot of questions and also sit next to you and even, copy what you do. Also teachers, even though there are plenty of other students who also get high marks in class and even better, are always on time.
People in general... at the store etc. When one stares, then another one stares, and the rest of them...and the next thing you know the security guard is after you (O_O). And the next time you go back to the store, the people who work there are all looking at you... so I never go back. I always change stores.

I would love to be invisible.

If your experiences are different from this, I'd like to hear them too... I do remember another thread about being prey to emotional/psychic vampires. So they definitely get attached to something that gives off vibes and energies... feeding and feeding. I may not get into contact with vampires, but I feel the same way... I feel like I am a "source" for these people to feed on, to talk about, to watch etc...!

I believe I attract all various manners of people. However I usually attract ones that are good hearted with problems. Many people comment how safe they feel around me or that their luck has changed from just interacting with me.

Anyone spend time with I care about greatly. I have them on my mind/heart at all times, all their souls, their inner worlds, outer worlds, etc. I'll actively destroy darkness within them. I constantly pray for them as well as put various protection spells on them. I'm violent enough where most darkness are turned off by my presence and usually do not come close.

To emphasis that violence I quote myself from another thread

"Hunting demons, I really do spend much effort and go out of my way to kill them. Most times it's fate and needs to be done, other times it's out of leisure due to my hatred.

If I cannot sink my spear through their ugly hearts during the hunt I will consume them.
If I cannot consume them, I will merge with them and stab upon my own soul.
If I cannot merge with them, I will destroy them with love.
I am a beast of light and at times I am out of control in a berserker rage; this is one of my less healthy obsessions."
This happens to me and it intrigues me quite a bit at times.

I seem to attract two type of people: Hippies and old people.

By hippies I mean free spirited, friendly warm people who have that kind of nature vibe about them.. typical stoners if you want to put it into 1 way. Like you see people try to act this way but if they're fake then they ignore me. It's rather to explain but they seem to always be intrigued by me.

Old people I really don't understand why but everytime I walk past them they give me a huge smile and are welcoming and talkative to me. Somebody said it was because I come off as an old soul or something.
yes.. most of the times

at school(even if they're not my classmates or batch mates and i don't even know them), it feels horrible because i KNOW and can sense that they're talking bad stuffs about me.

when i go to dance studios or gym or wherever.. i feel people looking and i can feel them a lot!!

i hate it!!!! because of them, i feel more of a failure :(
Sometimes people get overly attached to me because I have a non-threatening demeanor and tend to be rather validating when talking to someone. I'm fairly skilled at boosting self-confidence because I had to work so hard to build it in myself.

I also have the ability to become a ghost. There is a way that absolutely no one can see me. I'm not sure how I manage it, but there are times I have to a noticeable degree. I think I can become still, quiet, and peaceful like a lake with absent ripples that becomes impossible to see in its own right.
Oh this. Yes, definitely. I've always thought it was odd how people just randomly stare at you for no reason, and then somehow proceed to talk to you.

I really dislike that. It's awkward.

And yes, the old people. They approach me a lot. o-o
Lately, it's the babies that stare at me. Ha! Like this one time I was in the train, and a baby was crying. As soon as he saw me, he stopped and immediately started to smile and laugh. He even went as far as to touch me. Heh. It was cute and flattering, but still. Strange. :m131:
Oh this. Yes, definitely. I've always thought it was odd how people just randomly stare at you for no reason, and then somehow proceed to talk to you.

I really dislike that. It's awkward.

And yes, the old people. They approach me a lot. o-o
Lately, it's the babies that stare at me. Ha! Like this one time I was in the train, and a baby was crying. As soon as he saw me, he stopped and immediately started to smile and laugh. He even went as far as to touch me. Heh. It was cute and flattering, but still. Strange. :m131:

Children tend to stare at me a lot too, not quite sure what their initial impression is, I can look mean. But then I start making funny faces at them, lol.