Our Principles?


Community Member
I came across this today in wandering around the internet. I found it pretty interesting although there are a couple of minor edits I would make for my own life.

Declaration of Principles.

Published on January 16, 2010

Paul Coelho

1] All men are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.

2] Each human being has been granted two courses of action: that of deed and that of contemplation. Both lead to the same place.

3] Each human being has been granted two qualities: power and gift. Power drives man to meet his destiny, his gift obliges him to share with others that which is good in him. A man must know when to use his power, and when to use his gift.

4] Each human being has been granted a virtue: the capacity to choose. For he who does not use this virtue, it becomes a curse
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Yes, Chessie, there are some great ideas there and well articulated, too! Many of these come out of what I would call "classic thought"...rooted in long-term human awarenesses, yet timeless, fresh, and relevant as ever. A fresh articulation of these is always welcome....so welcome that I think I'll read it again!!!!!
Interesting. Many good ideas and concepts here. It's tinged with ideas that are still in some ways on the fringe. I agree with most, but not all of it. I do feel like sometimes people use more complex language in order to impress, when simpler words could convey the meaning just as well. It can come off as condescending. This reads like it was written by an ENTP. I like 4,8,11, and 14 the best. They really make one think. A good post though, thank you!
Whose principles? Someone owns them? Imposes them? We must, we should? What if we don't? :P
1] All men are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so.
If it is natural, why the struggle to appear so? Should people cut some body parts to appear different? Some beggars do. It has become such an impossible necessity for survival to appear very, very, VERY different. I'm sure most animals still see us all the same, despite all efforts.

4] Each human being has been granted a virtue: the capacity to choose. For he who does not use this virtue, it becomes a curse – and others will always choose for him.
And all these choices rely on what others have already chosen. Coelho can't even choose his own words. Come on, Coelho, be more creative, man! All these language structures, you use, have been chosen for you, by others. Be brave, write with unknown symbols, or make unknown sounds, or even use completely different communication:
But still everything you "choose" is based on the limitations of your senses and experiences and your body. And your whole ability to communicate with others and to claim hypocritically that you are independent, is based on the communication methods of others and on their value systems, which you changed a little bit, to call yours.

8] Each man has a feminine side, and each woman has a masculine side.
There are no such sides. In different human cultures and primates, the initial division of labor has been different and the power, or lack of, has been differently distributed, ending up with variety of sex-based or sex-less social profiles.

And must behave like a normal person.
Which among cannibals means to eat other people; among scalp scouts means to feel guilt you didn't scalp enough enemies today; and among nazi's means to feel less sexual drive, because some jews ran away from the concentration camp.

12] The only faults considered grave are the following: not respecting the rights of one’s neighbor, letting oneself be paralyzed by fear, feeling guilty, thinking one does not deserve the good and bad which occurs in life, and being a coward. We shall love our adversaries, but not make alliances with them. They are placed in our way to test our sword, and deserve the respect of our fight.
We shall choose our adversaries, not the other way around.
Holy war! Go wars, go! The rights - which are? And it contradicts with the holy rule 10.] to seek joy. What if one's joy is to violate other people's mysteriously floating in the air rights. Oops. And of course people are afraid and irrationally feel guilt, when this has been invented for them, by such sets of unsustainable social principles.

13] We hereby declare the end to the wall dividing the sacred from the profane: from now on, all is sacred.
This is good, but I'd be happier if sacred and profane didn't exist as useless notions, altogether. Wait, they don't. Only the language claims they do.

What I appreciate about Coelho is how he mixes naivety, experience, and simplicity of form, but appealing form doesn't imply meaningful content.
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These can be summarised in three shorter principles:

Know thyself

Be true to thyself

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

(I used a slightly older usage of English to make it sound more pompous) ;)