
C'est la vie
Retired Staff
It does not get sweeter than this!

On April 13, the "rent boy" (whom we'll call Lucien) arrived at Miami International Airport on Iberian Airlines Flight 6123, after a ten-day, fully subsidized trip to Europe. He was soon followed out of customs by an old man with an atavistic mustache and a desperate blond comb-over, pushing an overburdened baggage cart.

That man was George Alan Rekers, of North Miami — the callboy's client and, as it happens, one of America's most prominent anti-gay activists. Rekers, a Baptist minister who is a leading scholar for the Christian right, left the terminal with his gay escort, looking a bit discomfited when a picture of the two was snapped with a hot-pink digital camera.

If you all only knew how much junk science Dobson and this guy have created, the misinformation about gay people they have spread, the damage they have done, and the gay kids they have hurt! This guy is not just "antigay", he is one of the chiefs of the antigay movement! He doesn't just have his hands in the Family Research Council which exists just to spout half truths about homosexuality, but also in the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality and in the National Organization for Marriage. Because of the kind of agenda driven prejudice he spreads, many gay people have gone through utter hell and some have even killed themselves. His arguments were even used to justify a ban on gay couples adopting children in Arkansas! He took every disparity faced by gays and used it to argue that any gay person would be unfit to adopt a child! Reker is the embodiment of everything I hate, everything I despise about how Christianity is used in this modern day! He is the epitome of evil if such a thing exists! To hear that he was on such a site, and that he hired a male prostitute is not only sickening, but infuriating! A charlatan, a complete and utter hypocrite of the tenth order! He is a worthless, disgrace to humanity!
the way this is written is confusing me. is it saying that Rekers had an old gay traveling partner?
the way this is written is confusing me. is it saying that Rekers had an old gay traveling partner?

I'll break it down for you.

Leading antigay activist + One male prostitute he met on a gay porn site = One ecstatic Satya.
I'll break it down for you.

Leading antigay activist + One male prostitute he met on a gay porn site = One ecstatic Satya.

Ah I see. Interesting how its gays leading the anti gay war against other gays.
Ah I see. Interesting how its gays leading the anti gay war against other gays.

I know. It's almost as if there is some sort of malevolent belief system out there which distorts people's minds so that they convince themselves that being gay is somehow immoral.
I know. It's almost as if there is some sort of malevolent belief system out there which distorts people's minds so that they convince themselves that being gay is somehow immoral.
I blame that gays are naturally evil.
I blame that gays are naturally evil.

This is true.

This reminds me of the Terreblanche murder in South Africa.

Terreblanche was an extreme hater of gays and blacks. However, he apparently would molest and even rape black men and boys when he was under the influence of alcohol.

I would say this is closer to a Larry Craig or Mark Foley type thing. There is just such a tremendous amount of money and political incentive involved right now in spreading gay conversion therapy and antigay rhetoric. If only I didn't have this damn integrity I could be filthy rich.

and he was photo'd with a Barbie Cam. I wonder how the press knew it was hot-pink?

I had to look up "atavistic". It means "like your great-grandfather".

But seriously, the comb-over should've been a dead giveaway. He's obviously in the habit of trying (unsuccessfully) to hide things!

Mind still in the process of boggling...
This is my morning coffee. Excellent
Wow, this is extremely hilarious, hopefully it spreads like wildfire through out the interwebs.
Wow, this is extremely hilarious, hopefully it spreads like wildfire through out the interwebs.
let it hit /b/ and let all hell be released!!!!!!!

*tempted... very tempted*

(Its probs already hit /b/....)
Now the news just needs to spread it around and rub salt into the wounds. Like they do with every news story.

And give this thread a thumbs way up! :mhula:

The sooner we can shut people like this up the better.
Another WIN for JUSTICE!!!! :mjedibr:
not heard about this in the news Yet...

Another reason the gay rights movement is pathetic and needs me marshalling it...
Another reason the gay rights movement is pathetic and needs me marshalling it...

Is that something you really want on your resume? Leader of the gay rights movement? People are going to assume you play for our team.

On the other hand, most straight women let gay guys play with their breasts and many want to "convert" gays guys.
ROFL. Satya, they're just slashers in disguise....

I have no idea why so many women write horrible gay slash porn.'s unfathomable to me.
ROFL. Satya, they're just slashers in disguise....

I have no idea why so many women write horrible gay slash porn.'s unfathomable to me.

I had never heard that term before. I had to go to the Urban dictionary to look it up. Some women and their fascination with gay romance amazes me. But they write good yaoi, so I'm not gonna complain.
On the other hand, most straight women let gay guys play with their breasts and many want to "convert" gays guys.
...I have no desire to be felt up by a gay man. About as much as I don't want other women fondling me.