Oh Great Masters.........


Retired Staff
Oh great masters of the MBTI, I come to you with yet another question.

So, we know that there are significantly less I's than E's in the general population, but what about the other traits on MBTI?

Are there more N's or S's? Are there more F's or T's? Are there more P's or J's?

I want to know! Do you know? :mcute:

BTW, there are a lot of monkeys...
approximate US percentages, according to wikipedia
ISFJ 13.8%
ESFJ 12.3%
ISTJ 11.6%
ISFP 8.8%
ESTJ 8.7%
ESFP 8.5%
ENFP 8.1%
ISTP 5.4%
ESTP 4.3%
INFP 4.3%
INTP 3.3%
ENTP 3.2%
ENFJ 2.4%
INTJ 2.1%
ENTJ 1.8%
INFJ 1.5%

I is 50.8%
N is 26.7%
F is 59.7%
J is 54.2%

So despite being in the majority in 3 out of 4 distinctions, we are still the rarest type.

S is all 6 of the most common, N is 7 of the 8 rarest, F makes 5 of the top 7, J 4 of the top 5.
No wonder INTPs are so cynical...
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NJ's are at the bottom because they all use Ni, which is the least commonly used function.
Thank you laofmoonster for the data!

I just have to say though, in my addiction to type-watching and studying people for evidence of their type, I have found that in my personal experience, that Sensors do wildly outnumber Intuitives. If you are like me, you are always so anxious to discover that N, but the reality is, you can practically just assume S if you are unsure. I mean, of course we'll be more scrupulous than that about figuring out the target subject's type, but, yeah, it's hard for me to kick that desire to see that beatiful N...
How is it possible that there are more Is than Es?

MBTI's definition of an introvert is different to the general usage of the word.

I am suspicious of these statistics I'm surprised ISF_s are supposed to be so numerous.
Yeah, I think it would be nice to have a source for that data. It's also the first time I've heard that I's outnumber E's. I'm prepared to accept it, but it is just contrary to data I've seen in the past.
It might be interesting to show male to female in the population, too. The rarest types are actually female INTJs from what I hear, followed by male INFJs. Female INFJs are more common, but still not *that* common.
No, No, No silly INFJs. You misunderstand Extroversion, and Introversion. It doesn't mean you cannot be social and outgoing if you're an introvert, though most INFJs aren't. ISFPs tend to be an extremely outgoing brand of Introverts, and ISTPs too.

Extroversion: You get energy off people.
Introversion: You get drowned by people.

That sums up what MBTI's Extroversion and Introversion means, and by that the data is correct that more people get drainned of energy by being around people.

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No, No, No silly INFJs. You misunderstand Extroversion, and Introversion. It doesn't mean you cannot be social and outgoing if you're an introvert, though most INFJs aren't. ISFPs tend to be an extremely outgoing brand of Introverts, and ISTPs too.

Extroversion: You get energy off people.
Introversion: You get drowned by people.

That sums up what MBTI's Extroversion and Introversion means, and by that the data is correct that more people get drowned of energy by being around people.

*smiles* I enjoyed your post, but we are talking about data. What do the numbers say about the frequency of each type. Edit: Oh, and scold me if I sound patronizing, because it is not my intention!
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I don't know how that data is supposed to be interpreted, but it is a well known fact that extroverts make up the majority. Anywhere from 60-75% of the population is considered extroverted.

EDIT: OK I have no idea. Apparently this is a topic of debate. It use to be understood that extroverts far outweighed introverts, but in recent years they have gained more research and seem to still be formulating opinions.
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Is it just my experience, but have you noticed that people who are N usually are more intersted in typing and MBTI.
S's usually forget results (so I memorise for them) or are not even intersted in taking test.
Is it just my experience, but have you noticed that people who are N usually are more intersted in typing and MBTI.
S's usually forget results (so I memorise for them) or are not even intersted in taking test.

Yep. There might be a reason why I can't find the ESTP forums.
Yep. There might be a reason why I can't find the ESTP forums.

that or they probably wouldn't call it the ESTP forum