

Community Member
Can you be objective when you need to be and detach from your emotions and biases when it counts? Or do you let these things get the better of you? Say you were in a group project of some sort and you really hate one or all of the people in the group. Could you set aside your emotions and biases to get the job done? Or say that you are fearful or something/someone or some situation when you know that your thoughts are not well founded and/or irrational. Could you talk yourself out of your fear and gain a more logical perspective?

I've found that I'm getting better at this as I get older. I can set aside any feelings to get the job done better now that I could a few years ago. I also can gain a more logical perspective regarding unnecessary or illogical emotions better now than awhile ago. I've also read that INFJs get better at using their Thinking function as they age.
YES YOU COULD!!!! Through rational reasoning and in the logics of math.
OH I JUST GOT A TOP GRADE ON AN ESSAY INCORPORATING THIS SUBJECT. I AM so sproutly and happy and crazee and euphoric hahah. It's nuts. I worked so hard for it you know ^^

Oh I totally love the whole world.
Can you be objective when you need to be and detach from your emotions and biases when it counts? Or do you let these things get the better of you? Say you were in a group project of some sort and you really hate one or all of the people in the group. Could you set aside your emotions and biases to get the job done? Or say that you are fearful or something/someone or some situation when you know that your thoughts are not well founded and/or irrational. Could you talk yourself out of your fear and gain a more logical perspective?

I've found that I'm getting better at this as I get older. I can set aside any feelings to get the job done better now that I could a few years ago. I also can gain a more logical perspective regarding unnecessary or illogical emotions better now than awhile ago. I've also read that INFJs get better at using their Thinking function as they age.

Yes, but it's definitely been a learned skill for me, and one I have to continue working at.

I had to cultivate and routinely employ objectivity (and grabble with my natural instincts/inclinations/disinclinations/fears) throughout my career, and I have to employ it frequently as a parent (remaining calm through trips to the emergency room, doctor and dentist is KEY).
Yeah, when it's important that I get something done I can set my pettiness aside. Unless working with that particular person drives me to the point I would probably get fired for for mouthing off or beating up, yeah, I would stay on and be objective.
I think it comes with age and maturity. At some point (hopefully) you realize the entire world does not revolve around your emotions and biases. Feeling types make decisions based on how everyone else involved will be affected. It's well and good to follow your intuition and gut feeling, but it needs to be tempered with reason in order to be efficient. Otherwise, you're just a tyrant.
YES YOU COULD!!!! Through rational reasoning and in the logics of math.
OH I JUST GOT A TOP GRADE ON AN ESSAY INCORPORATING THIS SUBJECT. I AM so sproutly and happy and crazee and euphoric hahah. It's nuts. I worked so hard for it you know ^^

Oh I totally love the whole world.

O, that was really objective, wasn't it? (lovingly chiding) -But in all reality I do dearheart, disagree. I don't think a people can be completely objective. Our powers of subjectivity are so vast that pure objectivity would limit us to being like machines or computers. Sure, we can use objectivity as and when we wish to, but again it's a subjective decision as to when and where and how we decide to.

ps Congrats on the grade! :smile:
I can do this, but only in certain situations. I am best at it when I am in the mediator posistion between arguing people, or something to that effect. When it is something that directly effects me, and only me, I have an extremely diffucalt time doing this.
I can do this, but only in certain situations. I am best at it when I am in the mediator posistion between arguing people, or something to that effect. When it is something that directly effects me, and only me, I have an extremely diffucalt time doing this.

agreed on this. this is about the same as me.
Say you were in a group project of some sort and you really hate one or all of the people in the group. Could you set aside your emotions and biases to get the job done?

I have trouble setting aside emotions even when the people in the group are friends. I had to do a group project for uni last year and yeah there were a number of issues that tested our cohesion. It was an usually stressful situation I think. There was another member who was totally slacking off and for the most part we were behind schedule, so the pressure and fatigue just amplified any little thing to the biggest issue in the world. I'm still friends with all of them though. Good times. I learnt a lot about my limits.
O, that was really objective, wasn't it? (lovingly chiding) -But in all reality I do dearheart, disagree. I don't think a people can be completely objective. Our powers of subjectivity are so vast that pure objectivity would limit us to being like machines or computers. Sure, we can use objectivity as and when we wish to, but again it's a subjective decision as to when and where and how we decide to.

ps Congrats on the grade! :smile:

Hahah I know I tend to be super-subjective you know, I love emotions and sometimes they overwhelm me. Thank you so much, you are adorable mayflow, never stop ^^
I agree with you on the 'robot objective' but I consider objective to rather be that if we put our bias aside (as in what we are raised to 'know' such as culture and religion), then we can make a righteous judgement. Like you said there is no pure objectivity, although maybe levels of objectivity :)
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I do it all the time. Yay T!


Seriously though, sometimes I can be disturbingly objective, even with my best friends. Which is why usually a lot of my friends come to me for advice or opinions about something they're doing.
*polishes T and grins*
Hahah I know I tend to be super-subjective you know, I love emotions and sometimes they overwhelm me. Thank you so much, you are adorable mayflow, never stop ^^
I agree with you on the 'robot objective' but I consider objective to rather be that if we put our bias aside (as in what we are raised to 'know' such as culture and religion), then we can make a righteous judgement. Like you said there is no pure objectivity, although maybe levels of objectivity :)

I know that you love your emotions. I don't know how to phrase this, but you are just a lovely person. You inspire my heart, you really do. I really hope I can do the same for you?
I don't think I can entirely detach myself from my emotions, but I can appear to be objective. Like in the group work example, I can hold myself as though I didn't hate the people, maybe even act like I enjoy their presence, but I'd go home still hating them. Either way, it doesn't really matter, so long as the other people don't know what my feelings are. If they think we're friends, they'd be happy and the work would get done, and I've been doing this long enough to know how not to crack.
it has never been a problem for me.
I know that you love your emotions. I don't know how to phrase this, but you are just a lovely person. You inspire my heart, you really do. I really hope I can do the same for you?

I think I understood that corectly, I'm a loving being so subjectivity most likely comes with it xD Hopeless romantics ... And you do inspire me all the time mayflow. You are the living proof of a boy who loves flowers and happiness and truly loves noless... Merely your beautiful poetry reflects your heart. Never stop !
I think I understood that corectly, I'm a loving being so subjectivity most likely comes with it xD Hopeless romantics ... And you do inspire me all the time mayflow. You are the living proof of a boy who loves flowers and happiness and truly loves noless... Merely your beautiful poetry reflects your heart. Never stop !

With you by my side, no things can stop me.

My head seems to be floating in some cerebral world sometimes and I dream dreams which don't seem to make much sense
but sometimes I realize the Beauties of another's Heart, and this seems to be one of these sometimes. You amaze me, Pristine girl, you really do. Sometimes I think we can revolutionize the world. Pure hearts with pristine intentions? What a lovely dream,. I think we can do it! :smile:
With you by my side, no things can stop me.

My head seems to be floating in some cerebral world sometimes and I dream dreams which don't seem to make much sense
but sometimes I realize the Beauties of another's Heart, and this seems to be one of these sometimes. You amaze me, Pristine girl, you really do. Sometimes I think we can revolutionize the world. Pure hearts with pristine intentions? What a lovely dream,. I think we can do it! :smile:

OH MY. YES some kind of transcendence? WHo needs objectivity anyway when the world of love is the most significant one. Haha O M G that really says it "Pure hearts with pristine intentions". AMEN. I think we can as well Mayflow and make the world a better place. People keep saying 'it doesn't help anyway'. WELL guess what if everyone would change their attitude somewhat, we would see a big change. Unity dear flowers!

I dream of a world of love and colour, and a helping hand for those who need it and not letting people in agony drown in it. Everyone should carry a thought of flower reminding them of the pristine instead of the obscene. I just love natures beauty, even when only the sun shines - my day is made. ^^
How do you tell the difference between objectivity and intellectualizing?
Who said they're any different? :3

I learned when I was a kid that I had to take objective looks at issues in my life. When something would pop up, I'd tell my feelings to fuck off and let my brain do the decision-making. I don't remember when or how I came to that conclusion but I do remember specifically thinking "The easiest way to get out of a problem, unscathed, is to take a step back and look at it objectively. Look at it from an outside, emotionless point of view and decide a course of action from there." After that, it just became natural. Any problem would come up and I'd just think about what directions I could go. Mind you, I took my feelings into consideration.

I'm a very convoluted person. Haha.