My Therapist Says


Community Member
I am a pathological misanthropist! Meaning I am diseasedly, hatefull of man kind! Wow, I know I am an introvert, but really? Diseasedly hatefull of man kind? Okay then. So why do I get along with the 250 or so people on my FB page (I am scared to refuse a friend request on account of offending them, and most of them end up talking to me. I seem to get along very well with man kind) I just prefer not to be in a large group of them and think most people are very icky and not pleasant. I detest big cities because of the rotten earth smell and will one day end up living either alone with myself in Ireland painting the hills, or hiding in a cabin deep in the forest, both are locations where the air smells fresh and the earth is well loved. And IF I really hated man kind, would I have 2 children, and a fiance? NO! GHA! Some therapists are complete and utter imbisiles! I will shut up now.
Out of curiosity, what did your therapist recommend you do about it?
Make friends and hang out with people who make me uncomfortable, until they don't bother me anymore. Unfortunately, that may very well end in me going to jail, I do have a temper, once you manage to anger me, which isn't all that easy, I have my irritability well managed, I do tend to get physical.
I plan on it. Searching today.
Did you end up in therapy because you tend to "end up getting physical"? Or was it something else? Sometimes you have to shop around for therapists. But in general, a therapist who makes you happy is not doing their job. You gotta learn something from it.
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Yup. I beat the piss out of a bully in the 11th grade and have been in therapy since. On my defense I warned him several times not to touch me, after about the 10th warning, I jumped him and didn't stop until he begged for forgiveness.
Ever have any other physical altercations?
If you're getting physical and allowing others to bother you so powerfully, it's a real indication of a deep well of unmet needs, unfinished business, unresolved issues and a great deal of pain. Usually, what focus on is the "anger", rather than the "pain" underneith anger. It also raises blood pressure, contrinutes to heart disease and messes with your all round sense of "peace".

I'm sure you're aware of all this, but I want you to consider how this affects your loved ones, as I'm sure no one wants to see you hurting and not living to your full potential. If a therapist cannot help you, don't think that no one can help you. Often times, just some space to think, some inspiration and to reconsider how you percieve information (from others etc) can help a great deal. In short, "Be curious, not furious".
Only one, I generally avoid people in the physical sense. A "cat fight" if you will. This chick comes up on me and pulls on my hair (it was long at the time) she pulled out one of my braids (intentionally) so I warnedher "I dislike being touched, back off" she laughed and pulled my shirt till it ripped, I warned her again "I do not like being touched, back off" she continued until she'd ripped my shirt completely off. I proceded to drag her by her perfectly permed blonde locks to my locker, I opened it and tied a nice knot in her hair, finished it with a hair tie and a few pins to hold it, then I shut the knot inside my locker and twisted the whirly-ma-jig to lock it. I am unashamed of both. I had a right be angry and they had been rightly warned.
I see, so its not a recurring thing. So why do you think the therapist said you are a misanthropist? And yeah, if they just don't like you, then they aren't going to do a good job.
Because I avoid society in general, which is the dictionary definition of a misanthropist, one who dislikes, or avoids society in general. Very much me. I am not diseased for not liking the majority of people.
Because I avoid society in general, which is the dictionary definition of a misanthropist, one who dislikes, or avoids society in general. Very much me. I am not diseased for not liking the majority of people.
If you are a misanthropist than so am I because I don't like the majority of people either but just like you I get along with them fine. But I need one thing ironed out. Is it considered acceptable behavior to respond physically when someone touches you after you told them not to? In my neck of the woods not only is it acceptable but we even have the law on our side (under the 50/50 rule). If it is ok, than I personally don't think you need to be in therapy. Listen to what Ria said and try to change your perspective of others but paying someone to give you bad advice that you know is bad won't change much.
Yup. I beat the piss out of a bully in the 11th grade and have been in therapy since. On my defense I warned him several times not to touch me, after about the 10th warning, I jumped him and didn't stop until he begged for forgiveness.

I'm an official amateur therapist and I diagnose you as perfectly healthy and not a misanthropic whatzit.

My fee is $250 and please IM me for the mailing address.

Thank you.
So far I haven't seen any evidence that you need therapy.

You're introverted, so what.

You beat the crap out of a guy who wouldn't leave you alone after numerous warnings, good on you.

Your therapist is a business man. He wants you to think you have issues so he can charge you for talking to him about them.
judging by your first few posts in thid thread, i agree w your therapist.
Was it as good for you as it was for me?

oops.. this isn't the enlightening wrong answer game, is it?

M-Tewalt - become a hermit; that's what I want to do when I can extract myself from my duties.