My Secret MBTI Type


Absent-Minded Professor

I have gotten various MBTI types through the years, and some of them have varied quite a bit.

I've read in quite a few places that standardized tests don't work well with people who've grown up in unstable backgrounds, so I don't know if that's part of it.

The first time I took the test, in high school, I was scored as ENFJ. This inspired me to get a job on a cruise ship as an emcee. I dealt with 800 new people every week, not including crew. Although I could do the job, I didn't understand why I was always worn out, and would run back to my room and hide under my blankets, even if it was just for 5 minutes. I started to really hate people and didn't understand why.

When I finally quit that job and went to college, I didn't speak to anyone new or to anyone I didn't have to for about 2 years (still a lot like this). I couldn't! I was too worn out! I hated talking! (still do)

I've realized since then that the tests have changed. The tests used to say, "Are you comfortable speaking to people." Which my answer is yes - I don't like people in person so much as in theory, but they don't scare me (not much does). "Would you rather speak to people or do you like to speak to people ?" would have been a better question for me. I can do what I have to do, what I 'must do,' but I do need lots and lots of quiet time.

Through the years, I've also tested ISTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INFP (and of course INFJ). The last few years I've tested pretty regularly as INFJ, and although I am sort of low in both F and J (20's), this is the one where I finally had an 'Aha' moment. "This is what fits me the best."

So, I consider it my real type, or my secret type. I think I am very much a chameleon - I can respond to what I need to, and how I need to, but my inner self is very much INFJ.

Anyway, any thoughts on this, or any similar experiences?
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Nope, no variation...just a dead-boring, run-of-the-mill, off-the-shelf, standard-issue, plain-vanilla, wake-me-when-you're done, one-size-fits-all, garden-variety INFJ here. :)

Some psychologists believe that no one really 'changes type' through their life, or if they do, that something was seriously wrong with them. I was scared for a long time that there was something wrong with me because I got so many different types through the years. After having been on this forum, I've realized that this is probably quite normal for some people - and maybe it is true that standardized tests don't work that well for everyone. Hmmm.

I have gotten various MBTI types through the years, and some of them have varied quite a bit.

I've read in quite a few places that standardized tests don't work well with people who've grown up in unstable backgrounds, so I don't know if that's part of it.

The first time I took the test, in high school, I was scored an ENFJ. This inspired me to get a job on a cruise ship as an emcee. I dealt with 800 new people every week, not including crew. Although I could do the job, I didn't understand why I was always worn out, and would run back to my room and hide under my blankets, even if it was just for 5 minutes. I started to really hate people and didn't understand why.

When I finally quit that job and went to college, I didn't speak to anyone new or to anyone I didn't have to for about 2 years (still a lot like this). I couldn't! I was too worn out! I hated talking! (still do)

I've realized since then that the tests have changed. The tests used to say, "Are you comfortable speaking to people." Which my answer is yes - I don't like people in person so much as in theory, but they don't scare me (not much does). "Would you rather speak to people or do you like to speak to people ?" would have been a better question for me. I can do what I have to do, what I 'must do,' but I do need lots and lots of quiet time.

Through the years, I've also tested ISTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INFP (and of course INFJ). The last few years I've tested pretty regularly at INFJ, and although I am sort of low in both F and J (20's), this is the one where I finally had an 'Aha' moment. "This is what fits me the best."

So, I consider it my real type, or my secret type. I think I am very much a chameleon - I can respond to what I need to, and how I need to, but my inner self is very much INFJ.

Anyway, any thoughts on this, or any similar experiences?

My twin!!!! I still score INFJ the most.
You've had the same experiences NAI? Cool!

My circumstances in life weren't particularly rough compared to anyone else's, But yet it was quite hard for me growing up.

I get completely drained when dealing with a lot of people.
I tend to score INFP and INFJ each about half the time. I feel comfortable with INFJ as my best fit after much research and exploration of both types.

I am close with someone who describes their best type fit as INFP, but as a child they typed ENFP. There was some childhood difficulty in that situation as well. I wonder if there is some common cause for a younger expression of extroversion settling into an adult introversion?
I understand this NAI. Very much so.

I was always uncomfortable with the other types, because they never seemed to fit me head on - especially the E. People wear me out - and quickly, even though I'm sort of 'good' with people. I can also see myself as P in some situations and T in others, but the person who is really me, seems to generally be F and J.

This all came pouring out because of everyone's video's btw. :D
I understand this NAI. Very much so.

I was always uncomfortable with the other types, because they never seemed to fit me head on - especially the E. People wear me out - and quickly, even though I'm sort of 'good' with people. I can also see myself as P in some situations and T in others, but the person who is really me, seems to generally be F and J.

This all came pouring out because of everyone's video's btw. :D

I am more P than J, I know that much, I am very laid back and accepting of others. I am messy, but I force myself to be more J because it is healthy.
I'm in much the same situation.

I've tested and been typed all over the place: INFP,INTP, INFJ, INTJ, ENTP.
I've known about MBTI for some 2 years now, and have done a fair amount of research and studying on the subject, yet my "true" type still escapes me.What I know definitely is that I'm an introvert and intuitive.
My problem is that aside from being a big chameleon, when trying to determine my type, every time I settle for a conclusion, I find some inconsistency, something that's out of place - and then off to the sketching board I am again.
I've had *hunches* about my possible type, but an intuitive hunch isn't enough for me; I need to confirm it somehow, which just seems to make me go in circles.
Though, I find that MBTI lacks the clarity and accuracy, that I'd like it to have, it doesn't account for a multitude of factors that could influence someone's personality.
Thanks Tovlo!

I tend to score INFP and INFJ each about half the time. I feel comfortable with INFJ as my best fit after much research and exploration of both types.

I am close with someone who describes their best type fit as INFP, but as a child they typed ENFP. There was some childhood difficulty in that situation as well. I wonder if there is some common cause for a younger expression of extroversion settling into an adult introversion?

I wonder about that too. I was an extremely introverted child, until I realized one day at about 12, that introversion wasn't helping me. When I went to my next foster home, I vowed to be as extraverted as possible - I remember making a list - "I will smile at everyone I meet." "I will say hi to everyone I meet." "I will walk tall to seem confident."

None of this was real exactly, although it is to some extent now... but it must have worked enough that I was typed E for a long time..... Thanks for these thoughtful responses!
I've scored all of the NJ's varieties, introverted, extroverted, doesn't matter. I am most definitely an F, though.
Oh wow, yes my personality has been very dynamic throughout the years, I can become very E with something I'm very passionate about, and went I propose my wild theories, then as a smaller child I was very INFP, I was lost doodling in fantasy, heck the teachers even thought I was autistic, then I grew up and started getting very interested in school and science and how do things work and why and developed a more INFJ side, I been very isolated from the world, pretty much an outcast but I still tried to help everyone. My depression soon gets the best of me and I start becoming misanthropic, and well for some reason I tend to test INTP when I do so, Very extroverted=ENFJ for me, then when I try to be much more cool about it I get typed as INTJ.

In conclusion I have scored INTP,INTJ,INTP,INFJ,ENFJ but deep down I know I am an INFJ!!
Peppermint, I am definitely I and N too - except for the one time I scored an S, the N is pretty much always high.

I think the tests can't account for everything. They are man-made and therefore flawed. I do think it takes some time to figure it all out!

TDHT - I think your F is like my N - the most stable! Isn't it odd how we can all be INFJ, but be so different on the spectrum?

And Raccoon Love, I understand perfectly. Maybe at some point we have to just 'decide' what our type is, and stick with it - LOL.
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When I was little, I was definitely ENFJ - a perfect duplication of my mom. :) I was outgoing, assertive and very charismatic. A was brimming with confidence! I always had some oddly out-of-place introverted characteristics, though: for example, I never liked to sit by a stranger in a movie theater.

In some ways, I prefer being introverted because I never say anything pointless anymore. However, there are some traits I'd rather not keep: I tend to attach myself to one best friend who often has other friends s/he wants to hang out with. :(
Peppermint, I am definitely I and N too - except for the one time I scored an S, the N is pretty much always high.

I think the tests can't account for everything. They are man-made and therefore flawed. I do think it takes some time to figure it all out!

TDHT - I think your F is like my N - the most stable! Isn't it odd how we can all be INFJ, but be so different on the spectrum?

And Raccoon Love, I understand perfectly. Maybe at some point we have to just 'decide' what our type is, and stick with it - LOL.

Heehee. Putting "N" and "stable" in the same sentence makes my head spin. I'm pretty sure my N accounts for one half of my inner-crazy. :P

But on a more neutral note, the thing with this types is that they can overlap with one another. We can have a base "type" but be a little bit of everything at the same time. Experience counts for everything.
Fizzitster, I also tend to be very loyal to just a few people I allow into my inner circle. It definitely sucks when others don't always return it when you really need it. Hang in there!
Heehee. Putting "N" and "stable" in the same sentence makes my head spin. I'm pretty sure my N accounts for one half of my inner-crazy. :P

But on a more neutral note, the thing with this types is that they can overlap with one another. We can have a base "type" but be a little bit of everything at the same time. Experience counts for everything.
Haha, TDHT!

(I do generally get near 100% in N though pretty regularly - which seems odd too.)

I didn't actually know that TDHT. If you get time, I'd love to hear this fleshed out a little more.
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Heehee. Putting "N" and "stable" in the same sentence makes my head spin. I'm pretty sure my N accounts for one half of my inner-crazy. :P

But on a more neutral note, the thing with this types is that they can overlap with one another. We can have a base "type" but be a little bit of everything at the same time. Experience counts for everything.

haha very true, N's tend to be very complex, I just can't imagine an N ever been ''stable''. And yes I agree ib the base type and how we might appear like other types, I know I have characteristics from many types but my main or ''base'' is INFJ..
So the 'N' is actually an unstable trait? I didn't know this - but it explains a lot, especially as I usually score so high - lol. Unstable how though?

I do move about every two years - I think it's from moving all the time as a child - I just get uncomfortable being in any one place too long. Is that N? Or neurosis? LOL.

(I think my personality is stable, but one of my long-term goals for myself is to learn to be physically stable - with where I live, jobs, etc)
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