My religion


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
So I'm starting my own religion today. I'm using a rather loose definition of religion, "A pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance".

My religion does not subscribe to any supernatural deity. There could be one or there could not be one. It doesn't really matter.

However, my religion does place importance on morality. I'm also using a rather loose definition of morality, "human conduct".

In my religion there is an assumption that most human beings possess 3 tools. Not all human beings do, but certainly most do. These tools are knowledge, reason, and empathy.

Knowledge is awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.

Reason is the process of thinking, understanding, and forming judgements.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Based on these three tools, human beings can discern good human conduct from poor human conduct.

For example, if I hit you, then my knowledge tells me it probably hurt, my empathy tells me that you probably didn't like it, and my reason tells me that you will probably want to hit me back, hence I know that hitting people is probably not good human conduct.

It really is that simple.

From these premises of my religion, I have discerned what I consider to be among the poorest forms of human conduct. When an individual chooses another authority to decide for them the difference between poor human conduct and good human conduct, then they have abdicated what has ultimately made them unique and special as a human being. In a sense they have enslaved themselves to the beliefs of others.

What do you think of my religion? Obviously I'm not looking for converts.
I guess I missed that part where your religion proclaimed being unique and special was a worthy goal? All your religion proclaims is that we have tools. There were no conditions placed upon status.
Knowledge: I know that by lining the pockets of lobbyists I can influence congress to subsidize my multinational energy company to the detriment of the middle class. This will suck money and power from you and bring it to me.
Reason: I reason that I will continue to grow in wealth and therefore power so as to make sure you will never, ever do that to my family again.
Empathy: I empathize with you there in the middle class because you revolted against my forefathers 300 years ago and left my family destitute and poor. Ah yes... I know exactly how you feel. My family has pounded the fear of you deep into the souls of us, the children...Scared to death - aren't you?

Well - this might not be quite in keeping with your ideals - but it was my interpretation.

I think your religion needs Love - or - Compassion in that Holy Trinity of Knowledge - Reason - Empathy.
I guess I missed that part where your religion proclaimed being unique and special was a worthy goal? All your religion proclaims is that we have tools. There were no conditions placed upon status. make an interesting point. It is difficult to empathize with those who would choose to allow others to discern for them, however, you are right in that my religion does not put a condition on that beyond my own prejudice towards it.
I think your religion needs Love - or - Compassion in that Holy Trinity of Knowledge - Reason - Empathy.

I had considered adding Kindness, "the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate" but that comes off as more of a value than a tool. I sort of expected that people would just naturally figure out from reason that it benefits them and the world at large to be kind. Of course, it may just be that I'm not too kind and I didn't want to exclude myself from my own religion.
I think perhaps instead of kindness you could add Passion. This will drive people in a direction of kindness using the other three tools. One must have passion to drive them anywhere in life.
I am all for personal moral codes and and discretionary application of more refined and time-tested spiritual pathways, but I do not recommend forming one's own personal religion. It is too easy for St. Ego to take over.
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You assume that humans have knowledge, reason, and empathy. Hmm... The Bible is a good source for what is good human conduct. The God who inspired those writers can be my Authority any day- the hard part is doing it.
My first thought? It is just one more attack against religion and the Bible.

For example: quote "When an individual chooses another authority to decide for them the difference between poor human conduct and good human conduct, then they have abdicated what has ultimately made them unique and special as a human being. In a sense they have enslaved themselves to the beliefs of others." unquote

Does a deity decide for me my morals, or have I chosen to agree with that which I have understood to be true?

As far as what I think about your religion? It lacks spirituality and love.

It is better to wrest with some things than to discard them.
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So I'm starting my own religion today. I'm using a rather loose definition of religion, "A pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance".

My religion does not subscribe to any supernatural deity. There could be one or there could not be one. It doesn't really matter.

However, my religion does place importance on morality. I'm also using a rather loose definition of morality, "human conduct".

In my religion there is an assumption that most human beings possess 3 tools. Not all human beings do, but certainly most do. These tools are knowledge, reason, and empathy.

Knowledge is awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.

Reason is the process of thinking, understanding, and forming judgements.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Based on these three tools, human beings can discern good human conduct from poor human conduct.

For example, if I hit you, then my knowledge tells me it probably hurt, my empathy tells me that you probably didn't like it, and my reason tells me that you will probably want to hit me back, hence I know that hitting people is probably not good human conduct.

It really is that simple.

From these premises of my religion, I have discerned what I consider to be among the poorest forms of human conduct. When an individual chooses another authority to decide for them the difference between poor human conduct and good human conduct, then they have abdicated what has ultimately made them unique and special as a human being. In a sense they have enslaved themselves to the beliefs of others.

What do you think of my religion? Obviously I'm not looking for converts.

What makes this a religion? It sounds like the kind of everyday life that everyone lives.
This seems like some kind of attempt to be like Shai Gar.
Religion defined by

1. A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of existence

2. A generally agreed upon set of beliefs practiced by multiple sects

3. A body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices

The Historical and etymological definition of religion

The Reverence, respect and fear of god's or God

The Wiki definition
Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spiritualityand moral values

Congratulations, you sir have not started a religion by any commonly accepted definition. What you have is a personal philosophy and belief system.
Read up on Buddhism and Taoism a bit. Sounds eerily similar to those two. Not that, that's something bad! You just don't want to be reinventing the wheel.