My Latest Wacky Theory

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Variable Hybrid
What if...

The introverted and extroverted modes of each function (F, T, N, and S) were simply parts of a sliding scale?

For instance, what if there were no real Fi or Fe, but an F scale with Fi on one end and Fe on the other?

If we were to order each scale by preference, we might get an interesting and insightful picture or map of one's mind.

In my case...





Notice how my function pairs get less and less polar as they diminish. Interesting. Anyone else care to post their results? Maybe we can establish a pattern.

introverted Intuiting (Ni)*****(42)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne)***(26.9)
Total N = 68.9
Factor = 1.51

extraverted Feeling (Fe)
introverted Feeling (Fi)***(24.9)
Total F = 66
Factor = 1.64

introverted Thinking (Ti)
extraverted Thinking (Te)***(26.8)
Total T = 56.5
Factor = 1.10

extraverted Sensing (Se)***(25.7)
introverted Sensing (Si)**(20.7)
Total S = 46.4
Factor = 1.24

Also note, if we were to put these in order of Factor rather than Total, I would be F > N > S > T, with a dominant Ni - a highly intuitive ENFJ.
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oooooo wacky very wacky. i shall ponder on this a bit.
oooh I love this stuff :mk:

Is the placement of your functions arbitrary or did you have some function test results you based yourself on?
At a guess for me I would say:





Hence why I am so introverted.
oooh I love this stuff :mk:

Is the placement of your functions arbitrary or did you have some function test results you based yourself on?

I got the scores from this quiz, which I now take about once a month to track my progress and trends. There is also another quiz I take frequently that gives a graphic display rather than numerical scores. In these two tests, I've noticed a strong bias toward Fi and against Ne on the former, but toward Ne and against Fi on the latter, so I like to take them both and compare results as a gestalt.

I rather arbitrarily guesstimated the bars at the top, but I took the math directly from my scores. I only put it in there as a visual reference of the abstract concept I was suggesting. I should probably take it out and stick to the actual scores.

I'm not really sure if there is any significance to the proportions of the shadow functions, but I've developed a theory that shadow functions are simply the combination of two inherent functions, because most people seem to score results that midpoint shadow functions between inherent functions. For example. My Fe and Ti seem to have Fi or Te as a midpoint, depending on the test. These things could be unrelated coincidence, but they're worth exploring.
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Here is mine (using the results I just tested myself on)

I retook the cognative function test again to get new more updated results. Again I answered as truthfully and objectivly as I possibly could. This also gives me an updated set as follows:
[Ni>Fi>Fe>Te>Si>Ti>Ne>Se] Only one change from when I took this last month (Si and Ti switched places).

introverted Intuiting (Ni) - (46.8)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) - (25.3)
Total N = 72.1
Factor = 1.85

extraverted Feeling (Fe) - (33.8)
introverted Feeling (Fi) - (36.7)
Total F = 70.5
Factor = 0.92

introverted Thinking (Ti) - (25.6)
extraverted Thinking (Te) - (30.7)
Total T = 56.3
Factor = 0.83

extraverted Sensing (Se) - (11.4)
introverted Sensing (Si) - (29.7)
Total S = 41.1
Factor = 0.38





(this sliding scale might fail in some extreme cases)
Actually, there is an error with this, the scale become logarithmic below a factor of 1, so really you would have to take the recrippical of a number below 1. which would throw my Si score over the scale.

Very interesting indeed. By the theory you came up with this would set me as Ni > Si > Te > Fi which really makes no sense at all, haha! Really, I think people are too dynamic to fit every theory in exsistance, one theory works for one person, but not another. My results are clearly INFJ. The thing is though, I don't think many INFJ's would get the results that I got.
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I retook the cognative function test again to get new more updated results. Again I answered as truthfully and objectivly as I possibly could. This also gives me an updated set as follows:
[Ni>Fi>Fe>Te>Si>Ti>Ne>Se] Only one change from when I took this last month (Si and Ti switched places).

introverted Intuiting (Ni) - (46.8)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) - (25.3)
Total N = 72.1
Factor = 1.85

extraverted Feeling (Fe) - (33.8)
introverted Feeling (Fi) - (36.7)
Total F = 70.5
Factor = 0.92

introverted Thinking (Ti) - (25.6)
extraverted Thinking (Te) - (30.7)
Total T = 56.3
Factor = 0.83

extraverted Sensing (Se) - (11.4)
introverted Sensing (Si) - (29.7)
Total S = 41.1
Factor = 0.38





(this sliding scale might fail in some extreme cases)
Actually, there is an error with this, the scale become logarithmic below a factor of 1, so really you would have to take the recrippical of a number below 1. which would throw my Si score over the scale.

Very interesting indeed. By the theory you came up with this would set me as Ni > Si > Te > Fi which really makes no sense at all, haha! Really, I think people are too dynamic to fit every theory in exsistance, one theory works for one person, but not another. My results are clearly INFJ. The thing is though, I don't think many INFJ's would get the results that I got.

When you go by Factor OR Total, your results are clearly N > F > T > S. Your greatest spread is in N, followed by F, then T, then S. Your dominant function is Ni. This theory supports that you are an INFJ, actually.
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Strange. I generally don't score that high on Ne. Maybe I'm just feeling balanced these days (however I will always be absolutely useless when it comes to Te... )

introverted Intuiting (Ni) - (47.7)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) - (39.8)
Total N = 87,5
Factor = 1.2

extraverted Feeling (Fe) - (42.6)
introverted Feeling (Fi) - (37.7)
Total F = 80.3
Factor = 1.13

introverted Thinking (Ti) - (25.2)
extraverted Thinking (Te) - (16.3)
Total T = 41.5
Factor = 1.55

extraverted Sensing (Se) - (15.1)
introverted Sensing (Si) - (15.2)
Total S = 30.3
Factor = 1




Meh, too much math and averaging. The MBTI is by nature an oversimplification. If you dilute it to fit everything it ceases to explain anything.
Here is a visual representation of what I am proposing. While it may look a bit redundant, this merges the MBTI and Cognitive Function Test results for a much clearer picture of how the results come out as they do. The MBTI measures pure N, S, T, and F, along with I, E, J, and P. The assumption is that the MBTI is measuring overall cognitive functions, and therefore groups the respective pairs. Meanwhile, the individual function tests measure independent function. What I am doing below is combining them to form an MBTI type of result.

You can see the overall N, F, T, and S results, which I've placed in order of overall score, which are combined scores of the function pairs that comprise them.

These are my compiled results from the cognitive function test. These scores mirror my MBTI results, which indicate that I am an INFJ.

View attachment 1232

These are my compiled results from the 'old' cognitive function test. These scores mirror my Keirsey results. Also note, these results indicate I am an ENFJ, due to the Fe dominance over Ni, and Se dominance over Ti. However, my overall N, F, T, and S are in order corresponding to INFJ.

View attachment 1231
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Just out of curiosity, do you plan on some day publishing these theories?

Cause if thats the case I want signed print-outs of your threads just in case you become a Nobel Prize winner or something.
Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how do you come up with the factor?
What if...

The introverted and extroverted modes of each function (F, T, N, and S) were simply parts of a sliding scale?

For instance, what if there were no real Fi or Fe, but an F scale with Fi on one end and Fe on the other?

If we were to order each scale by preference, we might get an interesting and insightful picture or map of one's mind.

I was kind of thinking the same thing with this post. Guess I didn't actually come out and say it like that, but I can totally see a sliding scale for I vs E, N vs S, F vs T, and even J vs P.

Aparently I is b0rked! I took the test again, and came up with this:
Ne 41.4 (57%) - What?!
Ni 31.1
N: 72.5

Fe 34.2 (53%)
Fi 30.2
F: 64.4

Te 31.1 (53%)
Ti 27.1
T: 58.2

Se 21.9
Si 23.2 (51%) - How did this get higher than Se?!
S: 45.1

ENFP, according to the test Indigo took. The only thing I can think of is either I'm WAY off balance today, or else I've been at my current job WAY too long. Customer service doesn't tend to use Se so much, but all my other functions have an E preference. Weirdness. I'm not going to take this one too seriously...
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Something about your theory makes sense, however don't the introverted and extroverted axises of these functions oppose each other in a sense that in a regular decision-making capacity one will win out and that will be the path being taken.

For example if we hypothetically assign someone the strengths
Ni: 75
Ne: 61

We would have the following measures:
BASE-N: 61
Ne-strength: 14

The Ne would be used much more than Ni, but the presense of Ni would intrude on Ne and weaken it as a general decisionmaking function.
Something about your theory makes sense, however don't the introverted and extroverted axises of these functions oppose each other in a sense that in a regular decision-making capacity one will win out and that will be the path being taken.

For example if we hypothetically assign someone the strengths
Ni: 75
Ne: 61

We would have the following measures:
BASE-N: 61
Ne-strength: 14

The Ne would be used much more than Ni, but the presense of Ni would intrude on Ne and weaken it as a general decisionmaking function.

The entire basis for this theory is that total N is total N. Our leanings will go toward one side or the other, but we still use the 'shadow' function, which actually strengthens our primary function.

For example, my primary T function is Ti, but my Te is also very strong. I use both, and together they form my total T function, as measured by the MBTI type tests, which assume this to be the case by nature of the way they combine all i an e functions into their dichotomies.

In other words, MBTI type isn't an indication of cognitive functions. It is an indication of personality based on generic preferences. The people who choose this set of variables often act like this, and the people who choose that set of variables often act like that. The two sciences are related, but are not addressing the same subjects.

What I'm doing here is combining the two, even though they seem like they already are.
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I combined the results from both and got this...

View attachment 1234

From this, it is clear why I keep testing as INFJ and ENFJ, as well as ENFP and INFP on occasion. I can even see how I get the odd INTJ and ENTJ result (or alternative suggestion) due to the high Te scores.

This is more evidence of my theory that the human mind is far more fluid that the 16 types could define.

I'm somewhere in between INFJ, ENFJ, and ENFP, and not too far from INFP, INTJ, and ENTJ.

From what I have seen on these forums, many others are too. That's normal. It means you simply have a functional, normal (though we NFs might not be the epitome of 'normal' hehe), healthy mind.

However, most of us are closest to INFJ, and that is why we choose it as our type.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Von Hase again

Von.. I often find myself thinking when reading your posts that it would be interesting to actually sit down with you and pick your brain... However, you would definitely have to be patient with me because, even though I understand what your saying, it all gets blurry to me after a few sentences and I have to go back and force myself to reread and actually get what you're saying. I always feel like I'm studying when I'm reading your theories. They're interesting, but I always just want to give you my results and say, "Here, you do it."

I won't do or say that but, just know, I'm thinking it:m105:..... I'm gonna have to come back to this...