In astrology, the positions of planets in a solar system when you are born affects your personality. All bodies in the solar system have an effect, both planets and asteroids. The addition of a planet or asteroid makes astrology more complicated. Sometimes an ET race creates a new planet. But planets sometime explode as happened to Maldek in our solar system. My question is, how did astrology change after the explosion of Maldek?
In astrology, the positions of planets in a solar system when you are born affects your personality. All bodies in the solar system have an effect, both planets and asteroids. The addition of a planet or asteroid makes astrology more complicated. Sometimes an ET race creates a new planet. But planets sometime explode as happened to Maldek in our solar system. My question is, how did astrology change after the explosion of Maldek?

Can you clarify what you are asking exactly?
Do you mean, perhaps an astrological influence is missing now?
Can you clarify what you are asking exactly?
Do you mean, perhaps an astrological influence is missing now?

According to Corey Goode and other people, Maldek was once upon a time a thriving planet. It had a large body of water and was inhabited by an early prototype of the human race. It exploded due to war in the galaxy affecting our solar system. Assuming that there were other human tribes/civilizations on Earth, their astrological system(s) had to change when the planet Maldek vanished. Right?

What role did Maldek play in their astrological beliefs?
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"Get your ass to Mars"
- Buzz Aldrin, 2016

"Get your ass to Mars"
- Arnold Schwarzenegger, Total Recall, 1990​
According to Corey Goode and other people, Maldek was once upon a time a thriving planet. It had a large body of water and was inhabited by an early prototype of the human race. It exploded due to war in the galaxy affecting our solar system. Assuming that there were other human tribes/civilizations on Earth, their astrological system(s) had to change when the planet Maldek vanished. Right?

What role did Maldek play in their astrological beliefs?

I question such sources of sounds too much like Scientology to me.
Perhaps it did occur, but we could never confirm it through any other source save for aliens landing on our front lawn with a history of wars in the galaxy.
Quantum Physics and Consciousness Studies_Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi
(ICC 2015, by IAC)

Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi received his Ph.D. degree in physics from the Federal Institute of Technology, in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1995, with a study on time-observables in quantum scattering theory.

His research activities are focused on the foundations of physics, quantum theory, and consciousness.
He has written essays, popular science books, children’s stories, and has published numerous research articles in international journals, both in physics and the study of consciousness.

He is a life member of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers, as well as a full member of the Society for Scientific Exploration and the International Academy of Consciousness.

He is currently the director of the LAB – Laboratory of Basic Self-research, and the editor of the journal AutoRicerca (

Sassoli de Bianchi talks about consciousness and science, quantum physics experiments, energy, entropy, multidimensional reality, cosmology, and related topics.

The interview derives from his presentation at the 1st ICC (International Congress of Conscientiology - Consciousness Science) that took place in May 2015 in Portugal, held by the International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) at its research campus, where he presented his paper “Taking Quantum Physics and Consciousness Seriously: What does it mean?”

Interviewed by Wagner Alegretti for the program Consciousness & Science.
Research on Consciousness and Anomalous Phenomena_Brenda Dunne
(ICC 2015, by IAC)

Brenda Dunne, president of International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL), former manager of the historic, but now discontinued, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory, and former education officer of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE), talks about research conducted with fellow scientist Robert Jahn, chairman of the board of ICRL and former vice president of SSE.

The interview derives from her presentation at the 1st ICC (International Congress of Conscientiology / Consciousness Science) that took place in May 2015 in Portugal, held by the International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) at its research campus, where she presented a paper, Consciousness and the Nature of Life, co-authored with Dr. Jahn.

Interviewed by Nanci Trivellato for the program Consciousness & Science.
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I question such sources of sounds too much like Scientology to me.
Perhaps it did occur, but we could never confirm it through any other source save for aliens landing on our front lawn with a history of wars in the galaxy.

Yeah, relax by playing a tune on your bone pipe. It is better for your health that way. Is it Verdi-tuned for frequencies?
Yeah, relax by playing a tune on your bone pipe. It is better for your health that way. Is it Verdi-tuned for frequencies?

By the way....I have listed the frequencies and their corresponding binaural effects on this thread before...let me find you a link to that page.

This is a fairly comprehensive list for you to reference in your own studies/meditations and use of binaural beats.
Hope that helps!
By the way....I have listed the frequencies and their corresponding binaural effects on this thread before...let me find you a link to that page.

This is a fairly comprehensive list for you to reference in your own studies/meditations and use of binaural beats.
Hope that helps!


I have a multitude of questions about that and chakras later. You will max out your Ni for your own enjoyment later own.

How Love Magic Really Works, A Message for the Broken Hearted



How love magic really works: A message for the broken-hearted
February 14, 2017

Have you noticed what happens when you look for love?

When you chase it, or try to hold it in your hand? If you’ve lived a while, you know exactly what happens when you try to imprison or confine love; it slips and slithers away, through the bars of the prison, through the chains of your heart, through the closed grasp of your first.

Love will not be held, confined, or ruled.

Love wishes not to be discovered. Instead, love seeks to discover, to flow, to move, to migrate, the evolve. Love does not belong to you. No other soul belongs to you. Souls can belong with you, but that’s a different matter entirely.

When you feel like you’ve looked, chased, and tracked love down only to be left alone and sad, it’s time for a cosmic wakeup call: Love discovers. Love finds. Love seeks. And it seeks those who aren’t seeing it back. Love wants to surprise and delight you, find you at the point of need and despair and fill your cup back up to the brim with optimism, hope, and strength. Love waits until you say to yourself, ‘that’s it! I’ll never find love again!’ to swoop in and deliver that steady, perfect love to you in perfect time.

When love finds us, everyone rejoices – right? An answer to prayer, it must be! Or, is it simply a reward for long and even patience, trust, and faith. Is love the reward for becoming your fullest authentic self and surrendering the need to have a partner because you are, in fact, a perfect echo of love? Is love the honoring of your own sovereignty and your own unique ability to become the things you believe you need? I have learned that love is a teacher. Love instructs us in the divine art of self care and internal appreciation. Once you come to the place where you say, “I don’t need another to complete or validate me,” love knows that you are in fact more ready than ever to be partnered because your expectations will be aligned with what another can truly provide to you: A mirror.

Our partners, our loves are only beautiful mirrors for us to gaze into and see both our beauties and our challenges. Our partners convey to us all that still needs to grow, become, and evolve. When you understand that love is simply a mirror of your own capacity to experience love, then you’ll be ready to hold the most powerful emotion a human being can experience.

In your heart you will have been ready all along.

May you be surrounded by perfect mirrors of your beauty and your power in perfect time. May your moments of connection with true love live forever in your soul’s memory.
Amen, Aho, So it is.

9 Types of Pain That Are Directly Linked to Emotional States

9 Types Of Pain That Are Directly Linked To Emotional States


1. Pain in your head.
Pain in your head, like headaches, can be caused by stresses of the day. Take some time to relax and ease the stress every day.

2. Pain in your neck.
If you feel pain in your neck, you may have trouble forgiving others or yourself. If you're feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about people.

3. Pain in your shoulders.
Shoulder pain may indicate that you're carrying a heavy emotional burden. That's where the saying "shouldering a problem" comes from. Focus in on some proactive problem solving and distributing some of that burden to other people in your life.

4. Pain in your upper back.
Upper back pain means you don't have enough emotional support. You may feel unloved and unwanted. If you're single, this may mean it's time to go out on a date or two.

5. Pain in your lower back.
Lower back pain might mean you're too worried about money. It may be a good time to ask for that overdue raise or consider a financial planner.

6. Pain in your elbows.
Elbow pain speaks to your resistance to change in your life. If you have stiff arms, you may have a stiff life as well. Make compromises and shake things up a little bit.

7. Pain in your hands.
Hand pain means you may not be reaching out to others in the way you should be. Consider making new friends, having lunch with a co-worker, and making a new connection.

8. Pain in your hips.
Hip pain means you're too scared of moving. Sore hips could indicate that you're resistant to moving on and changing. You might be too cautious when making decisions.

9. Pain in the knees.
Knee pain can be a sign that your ego is a little too big and that you're thinking of yourself a little too highly. Humble yourself. Spend some time volunteering. Remember, you're mortal.

9 Types of Pain That Are Directly Linked to Emotional States

9 Types Of Pain That Are Directly Linked To Emotional States


1. Pain in your head.
Pain in your head, like headaches, can be caused by stresses of the day. Take some time to relax and ease the stress every day.

2. Pain in your neck.
If you feel pain in your neck, you may have trouble forgiving others or yourself. If you're feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about people.

3. Pain in your shoulders.
Shoulder pain may indicate that you're carrying a heavy emotional burden. That's where the saying "shouldering a problem" comes from. Focus in on some proactive problem solving and distributing some of that burden to other people in your life.

4. Pain in your upper back.
Upper back pain means you don't have enough emotional support. You may feel unloved and unwanted. If you're single, this may mean it's time to go out on a date or two.

5. Pain in your lower back.
Lower back pain might mean you're too worried about money. It may be a good time to ask for that overdue raise or consider a financial planner.

6. Pain in your elbows.
Elbow pain speaks to your resistance to change in your life. If you have stiff arms, you may have a stiff life as well. Make compromises and shake things up a little bit.

7. Pain in your hands.
Hand pain means you may not be reaching out to others in the way you should be. Consider making new friends, having lunch with a co-worker, and making a new connection.

8. Pain in your hips.
Hip pain means you're too scared of moving. Sore hips could indicate that you're resistant to moving on and changing. You might be too cautious when making decisions.

9. Pain in the knees.
Knee pain can be a sign that your ego is a little too big and that you're thinking of yourself a little too highly. Humble yourself. Spend some time volunteering. Remember, you're mortal.

For certain conditions I would say that there is real truth in this list, though you cannot attribute just anything to your emotional state...sometimes it actually IS a physical condition that can be treated and/or eliminated.
For instance...a torn meniscus in someone’s knee is not going to fix itself no matter how much you listen to what frequency.
Sometimes it’s just fucked up, emotional or not...haha.

The Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL)

The Non-Consolidated Frequency List (NCFL)

The All-Frequencies CAFL (AFCAFL)

Cross Reference List of CAFL Frequencies

More Frequencies and Anecdotes Links
(There are quite a few lists that have been compiled and other links relating to the different frequencies)

Surprising stories about Winston Churchill just keep on coming. He has long been praised for his courage, wisdom, eloquence and many other qualities, but people have been amazed to learn this week that he was also a scientific visionary.

The revelation comes from the US National Churchill Museum in Missouri, where the astrophysicist Mario Livio uncovered Churchill’s “lost” 1939 essay about the possible existence of alien life, titled Are We Alone in the Universe? It demonstrates a remarkably high level of scientific literacy and far-sightedness, Livio points out. Yet this is only part of a much bigger story, too long neglected. Churchill had a long career as a topical science writer and he appreciated the importance of new breakthroughs to the development of civilisation better than any other leading western political leader of the past century.

More *soft disclosure that Corey Goode is talking about?

* I mean partial disclosure.
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In terms of Hyper Beta and Ultra Beta, and the negative impact on the human energetic field , I can't understand that this is not already know by Science and Tech Industries...not to mention governments etc. Maybe they would just like to fry our brains on purpose. There is going to be introduced here, and in other countries the so called 'Smart Meter'. This is a device which emits a lot high frequency waves. For the mere sake of recording and transmitting energy usage data. It is costing a fortune and is going to contribute greatly to the net effect of negative high frequency waves...why on earth? Even though I've already told my energy company I do not want one of these toxic devices in my home, I will still be affected by all my neighbours devices whether I like it or not.
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