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The woolly mammoth vanished from the Earth 4,000 years ago, but now scientists say they are on the brink of resurrecting the ancient beast in a revised form, through an ambitious feat of genetic engineering.

Speaking ahead of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Boston this week, the scientist leading the “de-extinction” effort said the Harvard team is just two years away from creating a hybrid embryo, in which mammoth traits would be programmed into an Asian elephant.

Genetic engineering, yes or no. Bringing them from Agartha or from time travel are also possibilities. More partial disclosure.

It might also be a fancy way of bringing genetic engineering to the public to make them accept it. But the experience that we have of Monsteranto overshadows any such advertising campaign.

by Iona Miller

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past,
present and future is only a stubborn, persistent illusion."
- Albert Einstein


"Great Mystery of Life”

In the Qabala, the Ruach is an aspect of soul which reflects the intellectual and moral capacity.

As a vehicle of consciousness, the Ruach allows us the possibility of consciousness journeys through the realm of Universal Mind.
Since this aspect of soul dies with the body, it is not the ultimate vehicle of spiritual liberation. T

hat final transcendence takes place in the Neshamah.

But the Ruach does allow us to make conceptual models of our experience of reality.
These Ruachian models help us navigate our own local space/time continuum.

We can be thinking, contemplating, or meditating in our own homes, and mentally be far, far away.
Which truth is real?

Imaginal journeys are as old as the human race.
They have helped us make advances in both mysticism and science.

Scientists may know nothing about the Ruach, as such.
Yet when they make their "thought-experiments" and speculate on the nature of the universe, they enter the same realm as the mystics and philosophers: the causal plane.

These thought-experiments are virtual experiences in a mental/imaginal reality.
They can have real consequences in real-time.

They yield previously enfolded information about the nature of consensus reality.
Sometimes they happen in the dreaming state.

They are equally revealing in the waking and waking-dream states.

Einstein made a thought-experiment that was experiential and instructive.
He imagined himself riding along on a beam of light, and "discovered" the theory of relativity.

By keeping the parameters of his postulated world consistent, he simply went on this journey and noticed what happened along the way.
This is not so different from the process of magical path-working.


We wonder how Einstein imagined his "astral body" and "causal body"?

The Ruach, and its conceptual models allow us to roam widely through the universe, from sub-atomic to macrocosmic realms.
Consciousness maps allow us to "familiarize" ourselves with the territory.

They describe the signposts, milestones, and landmarks of our imaginal journeys.
The Tree of Life is one such roadmap from the grossly physical to the sublime.


Another model of reality is that offered by current sciences such as physics and astronomy.

Sometimes the scientific and the mystical find a common boundary or area of interest.
The prospect of time travel or escape from time is one such area.

Come now, out of your physical body, into a realm of speculative potential.
Journey with us to a vision of reality which transcends our physical constraints.

Here science and philosophy overlap.


We invite you to "Look at it this way..."

Matter curves space - the greater the density of matter, the greater the curvature.
The greater the curvature, the slower time runs.

First known as the "forbidden sphere", associated with a region of dense matter, the radius of a "wormhole" in space baffled scientists who could not deduce its significance.

was the first to postulate that if you went through, you would wind up in another universe.
Wormholes were discovered mathematically through general relativity, and subsequently found in space as black holes.

The surface of a black hole is known as an event horizon.
There are four-types of stellar-collapse black holes.

Wormholes that were not associated with black holes were described as potentially passable, but only if a special "balm" was applied to the sides of the wormhole.

Scientists called this balm "exotic matter."

This sounds very much like an alchemical fantasy, but it didn't remain one for long.

"The details of making the wormhole into a time tunnel have now been worked out. All you need to do is move one end of the wormhole at high speed (close to the speed of light) or place it in a strong gravitational field. Either will do the trick. Once this is done, you could go in one end and come out the other at an earlier time. Or you could go in the other end, go through it in the opposite direction, and come out in the future."

This is easily accomplished as a thought-experiment, but presents problems for the physical body.
But it does open speculation on what vehicles of consciousness could actually make such a journey unscathed.

As our medical and technological sciences progress, who knows what mysterious forms humans might come to inhabit which could make these journeys possible?

As for the mystics, they have already tackled the problem.
The Body of Light is a vehicle of consciousness appropriate for such travel.


Light is an electromagnetic wave. We can speculate on identifying with a quantum of light as a vehicle for our consciousness, and imagine escaping the constraints of 3-space.

In the world of relativity, light has the greatest degree of freedom.

Mystics admonish us to detach and dis-identify from our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and ego.
They say that time, space, and the separate identity are illusions - only a virtual reality, not absolute Truth.

Our day-to-day reality is a relative one.

The process of detaching is what mystics mean when they suggest we "die daily."

They encourage a process of "spiritual body building”.
If we imagine this body smaller and smaller, we enter the sub-atomic realm of quantum theory.

We are no longer subject to to the classical laws of physics and biology.
We have a model for making quantum leaps - at least with the mind, or in the Ruach.

This action takes place in the "virtual space" of Universal Mind.

Newton asserted that space/time was absolute, but he was never entirely satisfied with his own theory.
Newton was an alchemist as well as a scientist, although this gets downplayed in his life story.

As an alchemist he would be concerned with the search for the god-head in matter - its sacred underpinnings, known in Qabala as the Shekinah.

The sacred side of matter and geometry is an intuitive apprehension.
When Einstein was about 12, he came across a geometry book...He later referred to it as his "holy geometry" book.

Clearly, he had a reverent attitude even as a small child toward the awesome elegance of mathematics and the universe.

Later, Einstein struggled with the problem of time dilation and nearly abandoned the problem.
Then, one night after incubating the problem for months, he awoke with the answer that not even space was absolute.

He concluded that the only absolute of nature was the speed of light.
Because things shrink in the direction of motion relative to a fixed observer at high speed, you get the strange result that object shrink to nothing!

Space bends and twists.
The geometry of space is non-Euclidean.

Relativity paints a picture of the space/time continuum that is counter-intuitive and cannot be imagined by normal human senses, which are based on three-dimensional perception.

Four-dimensional space is also known as hyper-space, or 4-space.
In terms of normal experience, it appears to us as non-space.


We can assume that our three-dimensional space is surrounded by hyperspace, yet we have no idea how to enter it.
In hyperspace, time is either non-existent or it does not "pass."

Reimann's "Space Theory of Matter" contained four hypotheses:
  1. Small regions of space are, in fact, of a nature analogous to little hills on a surface which is, on the average, flat; namely, that that ordinary laws of geometry are not valid in them.

  2. This property of being curved or distorted is continually being passed on from one portion of space to another after the matter of a wave.

  3. The variation of the curvature of space is what really happens in the phenomena which we call the motion of matter.

  4. In the physical world nothing else takes place but this variation.
If space is curved, it presents the possibility of providing short-cuts through hyperspace.
Einstein showed that matter caused space, or causes space-time to curve.

Einstein called it "the happiest thought of his life," when he realized the effect of gravitational and inertial mass on acceleration.

We now see that space-time can become curved by the matter within it.
We cannot see this curvature directly, but we can see its effects.

The extent of the curvature depends on the amount of matter present, or more explicitly, on the density of matter.

The Universe is about 18 billion years old.
But time should not be compared to a river, always flowing in one direction, and we are not voyagers on a raft on that river.

This makes no sense in terms of physics' formulas which do not have a "now" in them.
They deal only with time intervals.

Time is not a physical thing like a fluid that we can examine.
It is just a dimension like the dimensions of space.

This is demonstrated, mathematically, by antiparticles, which can be considered as particles moving backward in time.


We know from statistical mechanics and the second law of thermodynamics, or entropy, that the disorganization of any closed physical system always increases.

Yet, entropy is a statistical concept.
It doesn't exist for individual atoms or molecules.

Recent advances in chaos theory have shown the process of probability generates strange attractors, which in turn create self-generating order from chaotic systems.

The expansion of the universe provides one physical arrow of time.
Another is the thermodynamic arrow which depends on entropy, while the cosmological arrow is based on gravity.

If there is a beginning to time, is there an end?

Reversing the expansion of the universe, we come up with Planck time, the big crunch prior to the big bang.
Here, general relativity breaks down at the quantum level.

The end of time is visualized as a sort of foam like soap bubbles.
Space-time is broken up into regions of space, time, and nothing.

Time is therefore completely distorted on this scale and may have no meaning.
  • Schwarzschild discovered that holes exist at the center of gravitationally curved space. These holes have singularities at their center.

  • In mathematically plotting these anomalous curvatures, Flamm found that the radius of the sphere is the gravitational radius. He called it the "invisible sphere", which harks back to such qabalistic notions as DAATH, termed the Invisible Sphere from antiquity.

  • To further co-opt mystical terminology, Eddington called this area inside the radius, a "magic circle."

  • For years it was an enigma, until Robertson found that this gravitational radius, or magic circle was accessible after all.

  • Wormholes in space were discovered by Einstein, Rosen, Wheeler, and Misner.

  • Wheeler found that they pulsed over time.
Their link to reality was found in black holes, or rips in the fabric of the space/time continuum.
Eddington showed that stars are gaseous throughout, and are stable because they are balanced between enormous gravitational pull and an outward gas pressure.

When they collapse electrons are squeezed together almost maximally close.

Black holes are different from other collapsed stars like neutron stars and white dwarfs.
They are basically empty space.

All of the matter of a black hole is at the center in the form of a singularity with infinite density and zero dimensions.
It is a spinning gateway to another reality.

There is a distinct similarity between entropy and the surface area of a black hole.
Black holes absorb everything yet have a surface temperature of absolute zero.

Stephen Hawking discovered that in virtual pair production, pairs composed of a particle and antiparticle are spontaneously produced out of the vacuum. They pop into existence, then come back together almost immediately and annihilate one another.

The process is allowed because of a basic principles in quantum theory, called the uncertainty principle.
This principle tells us that there is a "fuzziness" associated with nature at the atomic level.

The process is concealed within this fuzziness.

In the strong tidal forces of a black hole, virtual pairs would be "ripped" out of the vacuum by the tidal forces.
Yet, even if one falls through the event horizon, the other may escape, producing radiation.

This seems to imply that black holes evaporate, but this is contrary to the notion that the surface area of a black hole can only increase.
One is true in classical theory, the other in quantum theory when dealing with atoms.

Hawking showed that the radiation from black holes obeyed a basic quantum formula, called Planck's formula.

This was the first time a link had ever been forged between classical theory (general relativity) and quantum theory.

In all, there are four possible types of black holes, but only the Kerr black hole is likely to occur in nature.
The others are purely mathematical entities.

So the Kerr black hole is the logical candidate for physical plane time travel.
This was portrayed in the Disney film, Black Hole, so if you can't imagine it, see the film.

Or, for the intellectually inclined, try COSMIC TIME TRAVEL: A SCIENTIFIC ODYSSEY, by Barry Parker, Ph.D., published in 1991.

It is postulated that there are gigantic black holes at the center of each galaxy.
The black hole uses the stars and gas for fuel.

There is a giant energy suck-hole at the core of our galaxy.
Who knows, it may be the womb of another universe, with its matter being born on "the other side.”

Maybe it belongs to the starry goddess, Nuit, whose essence is "nothing," yet Divine.

In the Qabala, the Ruach is said to function on the Causal Plane.
This sounds like a carry-over from the mechanistic, predictable, clockwork notion of the universe.

It does reflect the way logical intellect works, but we also process information with our intuitive mind, which can embrace an acausal connecting principle.

Jung termed this synchronicity, and it bears directly on our notions of things being connected in time.
In Jungian psychology synchronicity has been superseded by the concept of chronicity, the chronic re-appearance of dynamic archetypal patterns.

With the introduction of chronicity to our discussion, we have found the god within our fantasy - Chronos, who has been he who binds us to the physical form, he who devours his own children.

As the Lord of our local universe, Time assures our imprisonment within the Creation, the material Universe.
Mystics have an inherent yen to escape the bounds of time and space, and seek their spiritual home beyond the Abyss.

As long as we are below the Abyss, our consciousness finds causality problems inherent in time travel.
These conceptual conundrums prevent the mind from entering the realm of the pure archetypes.

We perceive only dim reflections of their effulgence, but we must "see through" the literal nature of reality, even to accomplish this task.

The mind-boggling problems of time travel violate the causality principle, so it becomes paradoxical.
The mind, or Ruach, cannot enter these finer realms - only the Neschamah or soul can journey there to the Source.

When you cross this Abyss, you untie the knot between the soul and the mind, leave the province of Universal Mind and its three-fold illusion of time-space-matter.

Mystic practice provides a prescription for soul travel that makes transforming a wormhole into a time machine seem like child's-play.
The energy for the journey comes from your intent and Will, but like any journey to foreign lands, it requires extensive preparation.

Like the Shamans of old, one becomes a psychonaut, rather than an astronaut.

New Science and the Tree of Life



The science of wholeness emerging from interdisciplinary approaches to the nature of reality reflects many Qabalistic principles.

Among the theories expressing this new paradigm are quantum mechanics, chaos theory, Bohm's holographic universe, Pribram's holographic brain, Buckminster Fuller's synergetics, Sheldrake's morphogenetic fields, co-evolution, the Gaia and Panspermia hypotheses, semiotics, hermeneutics, hyperdimensional realities, the new cosmology and consciousness studies.

In new sciences, consciousness and matter share the same essence as different expressions of the same reality.
New sciences describe the evolution of the laws of nature, the evolution of our perception of nature.

In this view there are no abolutes, no fixed laws of nature, only a relative stability.
The laws of nature are evolving because nature is creative.

This universal dynamic creativity is also the domain of the Qabala with its consciousness map, the Tree of Life.
It presents a holistic image of emergent creativity, a webwork of the interaction of various spheres of influence, and the complex feedback loops which bind them to one another.

In terms of consciousness, each sphere (hypersphere) represents a discrete state of consciousness, and each path a transitional phase, or transformation.

Aspects of the system can be entrained through resonance.

Every body placed in the luminous air spreads out in circles and fills the
surrounding space with infinite likenesses of itself and appears all in all.

-- Leonardo da Vinci

Our mapmaking changes the very terrain, and terrain in turn changes our map.
Maps, mapmakers, and terrains whirl around each other like the vortex in a river which expresses the whole.

-- Briggs and Peat, Looking Glass Universe


Wholeness has traditionally been a mystical perspective.
Now, the new sciences with radical notions of nonlinear complex dynamics, nonlocality, chaotic behavior, patterns of energy flow, relativity, enmeshment, fuzzy logic, etc. are revealing a deeper order underlying the nature of our directly experienced reality.

Wholeness is characterized by "flow," and the influence of every event on every other.
Through minute fluctuation, this flow gives birth to sudden orders of all kinds--structures of flowing energy exchange.

The whole is contained, paradoxically, within the "part," holographically.
Yet, wholeness can include incompleteness, the higher degree of order always hidden in apparent randomness.

Analogous processes of transformation in consciousness lead to insight and creativity.
Each moment in the therapeutic process, as in all life, reflects all others in the past.

Each therapeutic image contains a fractal-like representation of past, present, and future.
The transformation of imagery reflects in creativity; transformation of beliefs, thoughts, fellings, values, attitudes and behavior.

The Tree of Life encodes a dynamic system of transformation of the individual at the physical, emotional, conceptual, and spiritual levels.
Rather than a hierarchical "ladder" to be climbed, the Tree is a stratified image of the holistic nature of existence which interpenetrates as a fluid exchange of energy at every level.

More subtle "planes" are simply more deeply enfolded aspects of reality--hidden domains of order creating variables in our ordinary existence.
More than the sum of its parts, the Tree represents a multidimensional web of processes emanating in all directions by the conjoint macro-micro co-evolution of all systems.

This web exalts the pure intensification of life.
The secret of the universe is that it is alive.

The qabalistic Tree presents a model of reality and consciousness which is organic in nature.
It reflects the nature of nature, the nature of mind, and relevates the nature mind (natural mind) -- void of conceptualization -- the Clear Light.

Qabala offers an animated alternative perspective to the mechanistic, cybernetic models of psychoneurological function.
The living Tree models co-evolution as a creation that is happening at every point everywhere, in a fractal-like bottomless unfolding.

It also accomodates the self-referential process of recursive feeding back (or recycling) of consciousness in psychological transformation -- modeling the penetration of awareness into deeply implicate realms.

Pathworking provides for the opening, amplification, and exploration of specific feedback channels, and the induction of specific altered states of consciousness.

The Tree is a graphic representation of the dynamic process of becoming.
There is no real hierarchy, no fundamental level of description.


Rather, there are different levels, each dependent on the others in complex ways.
Higher levels feed back strands of information to lower levels, back to new higher levels, and so on.

Rather than describing a world of things, it describes process structures and emphasizes relationship.
It describes hidden formative principles, and a webwork of multiple perspectives.

Modern cosmology suggests that all matter plus all gravity in the observable universe equals zero.
So the universe -- and therefore, ourselves -- could come from nothing, because it is fundamentally nothing.

This echoes the qabalistic creation myth where all substance emanates from the primordial Veils of Negative Existence.
It reminds us of the Vedic and Buddhist notions that we and all we can observe are no more than 'mind-stuff.’

It reminds of Jung's conclusion that at the most fundamental levels psyche and matter are the same, that psyche and soma are indissoluably welded in our psychophysical selves.


The story goes that around 4,000 years ago an angel of God gave the Qabala and Tree of Life to Abraham.
Though the glyph has gone through a few permutations through the centuries, it's essence has remained intact.

Curiously, this matrix describes the exact geometries of the nucelus of atomic structure as described by Buckminster Fuller in Synergetics.
By "looking within" the qabalists correctly deduced the primal structure of reality without any recourse to modern science and technology.

Apparently, the angels spoke the Truth.
This is the essence of Synergetic Qabala.
Organic food sales soar as shoppers put quality before price
Retailers say demand is at its highest for a decade with popularity spreading from fruit and vegetables to other groceries

Fruit and veg are not the only growth area. Photograph: Rex/Shutterstock

Jamie Doward

Sunday 19 February 2017 07.00 GMT Last modified on Sunday 19 February 2017 10.11 GMT

Demand for organic food is at its highest for more than a decade, according to major retailers.

That’s good news for an industry that was hit hard by the economic downturn but now seems to be returning to rude health as more shoppers say organic food is worth paying the premium for. This week the Soil Association will release its annual report on the state of the organic food market, which is expected to show that it has grown for the fourth consecutive year.

Meanwhile, Tesco says that organic sales in its stores have risen by 15% in the past year. And the home delivery service Ocado, which stocks more than 3,000 organic products, said sales increased 16% last year.


Tasty news. How is Monsteranto's marketing campaign going, BTW? :m090:
Thought this was worthy to post here ;)
Great website
for those who love to know...

List of Psychic Abilities

By Ryan DubeParanormal Enthusiast and Investigator

Although no form of psychic ability has been validated by science yet, there is a long list of psychic abilities that continue to be reported throughout the world.

What are Psychic Abilities?
The organization that examines the question of PSI abilities in the most scientific manner is the Parapsychological Association (PA), which is an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Within the PA's online encyclopedia, they've published an article by Dr. Mario Varvoglis where he defines "psi" as every kind of unexplainable psychic phenomenon that "seem to be related" to the human mind. He further quantifies that by defining what it means to be "psychic". Dr. Varvoglis calls it an experience that "must involve" interactions that aren't the same as our normal methods of interacting with the world around us. In other words, the scientific definition of types of "psychic abilities" refers to those abilities to perceive things about the world through a "sixth sense". This is why types of psychic abilities are referred to as extrasensory perception.

The following list of psychic abilities make up entire categories of ability. Some psychics claim to have only one of these abilities, while other psychics say that they have several.

A List of Psychic Abilities
Astral projection is the ability to cause your conscious awareness to be in a position outside of your physical body. It is also referred to by the literature as an out-of-body experience (OBE). Experiencers of this psychic phenomenon report seeing their body on an operating table and watching events unfold as medical technicians work to revive them. Some experiencers wake up later and, to everyone's astonishment, they are able to describe those details to medical staff.

Aura Reading is the perception that allows a "sensitive" to perceive a disturbance in the air surrounding an individual, animal, or object. Auras are defined differently by different people, with some referring to them in the spiritual terms, while some researchers refer to them in purely scientific terms. Whether these disturbances are caused by spirit or by electromagnetic radiation, reading auras is a very common psychic ability.

Automatic writing is a technique that many clairvoyants use to pass information from the spiritual world through their subconscious mind and onto paper. The theory is that the psychic's hand is ultimately controlled by the outside intelligence.

Channeling is similar to automatic writing, except instead of the outside spiritual intelligence controlling the psychic's hand, it take over the vocal chords of the psychic. People who have this ability are called "mediums" because they serve as a medium, or vessel, for communication to take place with the invisible entity.

Clairvoyance refers to the capacity of a psychic to see visions of events, people and places that are far away, or outside of the normal perceptual range of the psychic. This is also the form of psychic ability most commonly referred to as "remote viewing."

Clairaudience is very similar to clairvoyance, except it is focused on the ability to hear things that are normally inaudible to regular hearing. This does not refer to hearing voices of invisible spirits; instead, it is the ability to hear the voices of people who are very far away from the psychic.

Clairsentience is simply the awareness of a fact or piece of information that is hidden from the psychic. For example, if a psychic met someone for the first time and knew their name, or their birthday, this would be an example of clairsentience.

Animal Telepathy is a less commonly known ability to communicate telepathically with animals. Also called "pet psychics," these people are claimed to have a psychic connection with the thoughts and feelings of animals. Some people believe that people who excel at training animals tend to have this form of telepathy without realizing it.

Divination encompasses the more commonly known activities practiced by most of the commercial psychics such as fortune telling and prophesying. Divination is essentially the ability of a psychic to foretell the future.

Dowsing is an age-old art of using rods or sticks to locate objects. This was a technique used for many decades to locate water. Many older folks swear that it works, but no one can really explain why.

Intuition is an innate "sense" of events, thoughts, activities or feelings of others that are outside of the normal human ability to perceive them. For example, someone with extraordinary intuition may have a very strong feeling that someone they just met has a drinking problem even though the person shows no outward appearance of being alcoholic. An intuitive person has a borderline psychic perception.

Levitation is a rare ability to levitate one's body above the ground. Levitation is reported in many cases of demonic possession, but it's also been reported in other spiritual cases, such as the case of St. Theresa of Avila during the 16th century, when witnesses reported seeing her levitating while she was meditating during mass.

Precognition is the ability to foretell the future. This particular form of future viewing involves obtaining specific information about an event, rather than a visual "viewing" of the future.

Psychometry is the ability of a psychic to perceive energies (also called vibrations or impressions) from an object. This ability has been portrayed often in movies and TV shows where a psychic touches an object and receives flashbacks about the person who last touched it.

Pyrokinesis refers to the ability to spark fire with the mind. This is a highly specialized form of psychokinesis. Just because someone has pyrokinetic ability does not mean that he or she has all forms of psychokinesis.

Telekinesis or psychokinesis is one of the most commonly portrayed psychic abilities in the media. It refers to the ability of a psychic to affect or move objects.

Telepathy is the ability to communicate with others through mental thought alone.

Are Psychic Abilities Real?
Even after many years of research regarding psychic phenomenon, the jury is still out. On the one hand, solid and repeatable evidence continues to elude serious scientists. On the other hand, witnesses report seeing and experiencing psychic phenomenon taking place very often, and psychics can be found in almost every community in the world. While some are surely frauds or magicians, others avoid the spotlight while silently using their psychic abilities to counsel or help others - convincing many people that psychic abilities are very real.
Intuition is an innate "sense" of events, thoughts, activities or feelings of others that are outside of the normal human ability to perceive them. For example, someone with extraordinary intuition may have a very strong feeling that someone they just met has a drinking problem even though the person shows no outward appearance of being alcoholic. An intuitive person has a borderline psychic perception.
This definition was what caught my eye in the article...;)
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This definition was what caught my eye in the article...;)

You obviously haven’t been reading the whole thread.....haha.

This is as close to an “official” document goes using the word “intuition” in place of precognition...that is really what this program is set up for.
And studies replicated around the world by various institutions using various means including PET scan fMRI imaging, etc. have shown that the average human has a precognitive sense on average of about 5-6 certain people, those who meditate, or who are naturally gifted it can range up to 10-12 seconds.
Then you have the millions of people who dreamed of 9/11 that night before it happened.
Intuition is the more subconscious version of precognition...or perhaps less refined and more body reactive?
:m198: umm, nope didn't see that.
That was pre-July. :D
:m043:**plan to roll through from onset and see what else I'm missing ;)

Was a joke...
Anyhow...I fully agree with intuition being a precursor to other psychic phenomena...they are probably all related anyhow.
I think if you could develop one, then the others would begin to seem more feasible.
Though...I have yet to witness anything levitated by someone...shit being thrown at me in the dark by unseen entities yes.
But in that regard, I don’t see why you couldn’t levitate.
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Sorry...haven’t been on for almost a week.
Needed to disconnect I think.
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Was a joke...
Anyhow...I fully agree with intuition being a precursor to other psychic phenomena...they are probably all related anyhow.
I think if you could develop one, then the others would begin to seem more feasible.
Though...I have yet to witness anything levitated by someone...shit being thrown at me in the dark by unseen entities yes.
But in that regard, I don’t see why you couldn’t levitate.
Yes my dear, I took it as a joke ;).
I had to confess I haven't read the entire thread...only reading since July when I climbed through the window of the forum :p. I've time lately in waiting rooms so going back and starting from the beginning will keep me occupied and out of mischief, lol.

I hear you about levitation. I knew a boy in 8th grade (he moved away that summer) that took a pencil and stared at it and it came up about 1/16th of an inch off the table and he pushed it some how right across the table, over the edge and it landed on the floor! Freaked out the four of us sitting with him. So I think some folk can levitate things. Not sure about bodies...there are stories of my shaman and Sufi levitation.

I've a question for you since you brought up entities in the dark. Have you ever experienced one in a purple robe, red tassel belt? This bugger has been here twice this month, I've not seen it until now. First time I thought I was still dreaming and noted the time. It was 3:17 am when I "woke up". Sunday it came back, I realized I wasn't asleep and paid closer attention. It didn't scare me, but I wasn't settled either as it stood by my bedside. I felt like I had just returned from somewhere. I looked past it and noted the time. It was 3:17 am. I noticed the red tassled belt, that puzzles me. It actually faded away, I checked the time It was 3:20 am. So it took 3 minutes to completely fade and disappear.

I'm stumped. What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance for letting me derail a moment.
Yes my dear, I took it as a joke ;).
I had to confess I haven't read the entire thread...only reading since July when I climbed through the window of the forum :p. I've time lately in waiting rooms so going back and starting from the beginning will keep me occupied and out of mischief, lol.

I hear you about levitation. I knew a boy in 8th grade (he moved away that summer) that took a pencil and stared at it and it came up about 1/16th of an inch off the table and he pushed it some how right across the table, over the edge and it landed on the floor! Freaked out the four of us sitting with him. So I think some folk can levitate things. Not sure about bodies...there are stories of my shaman and Sufi levitation.

I've a question for you since you brought up entities in the dark. Have you ever experienced one in a purple robe, red tassel belt? This bugger has been here twice this month, I've not seen it until now. First time I thought I was still dreaming and noted the time. It was 3:17 am when I "woke up". Sunday it came back, I realized I wasn't asleep and paid closer attention. It didn't scare me, but I wasn't settled either as it stood by my bedside. I felt like I had just returned from somewhere. I looked past it and noted the time. It was 3:17 am. I noticed the red tassled belt, that puzzles me. It actually faded away, I checked the time It was 3:20 am. So it took 3 minutes to completely fade and disappear.

I'm stumped. What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance for letting me derail a moment.

If you are not afraid of it then perhaps it has been spending time with you in lucid dreams or OOBEs - the problem isn’t that most people don’t have lucid dreams or OOBEs, it’s that their mind doesn’t remember’s all part of the reducing valve of our brain imho.
You can smudge your place...I’m sure you know how - then see if it comes back....if it does, then maybe it is returning you safely home from wherever you just were...or if not, perhaps it has a message for you...have you tried to address it?

Levitation...and the pencil thing...I think of the Russian lady...she was quite famous...Nina Kulagina.

I have never seen a purple robe, red tassel belt...maybe you are secretly Santa’s wife?
My own experience is that the not so nice things don’t tend to dress up...but then again, who’s to say that isn’t it’s ploy.
I was told that a negative spirit will not shake your hand unless you invite it...that doesn’t necessarily ring totally true for me....or others who have had things thrown at them or pulled by the hair, etc.
The entity that used to haunt me as a child was a face in the dark....think the triangle shaped flame of a burning face...with black evil eyes screaming at you night after night as it rushed toward has a name but I will not name it.
That had no body that I could see.
The old hag is dressed in rags.
Command it to name itself.
Try keeping a dream journal...not to really keep track of your dreams but to improve your conscious recall when you wake...after time, you will need the journal less and less as your memory improves.
Hmmm...any other details?
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And it’s finished...

PB1.jpg Grid.jpg

(^^^If you turn it on it’s side then the stone grid matches up with the sigils above)

As always, the devices and instruments I make are made for functionality firstly, but I hope it is also appealing to the eye.

The design is created using sacred geometry and the sigils on the board are burned into it using pyrography, the the wood is stained/painted...then copper-leafing is meticulously applied very delicately in order to highlight and lend it’s energy to the overall piece!

Under the board is a crystal grid which has been laid out to correspond to the sigils on the front (See list below for the properties of crystals/stones selected).

Behind the spiral in the center of the board is affixed a tumbled piece of Jet to insure that you are well protected from any negative energy that may try to use or influence this instrument.

Finally the board is given a protective coating of polyurethane to insure the colors and the copper-leafing stay intact and bright!

The sigils/symbols represent the following:

1.) Protective Center Spiral

Spirals are one of the oldest symbols.
They symbolize the slow reveal of things that are hidden.
It can mean growth and evolution.
They could represent people coming back to the same point in their life, but with new and better kinds of understanding.
The symbol of the spiral can push the viewer to be flexible and have trust when things change.

2.) Yes/Positive

3.) No/Negative

4.) Uncertain

5.) Love

6.) Magick

7.) Beware

The crystals and stones chosen to correspond and power the listed sigils are as follows:

1.) Behind the Spiral - Jet.

Jet's energies of purification of energy and vibrations bring about protection on many levels.
It has been used extensively for protection against evil and all negative energies.
It is also a powerful protector against psychic attacks.
In the spiritual realms, jet has many uses.
Protection is one, particularly against sickness and violence.
It is also used for clairvoyance, past life work, and psychic work in general, as it purifies the vibration of the information coming in.
Jet is used to remove energetic attachments, particularly those from other people, and it sloughs away negative energies.
This makes it a particularly good choice for assisting in clearing the aura.
Jet is used for spiritual quests, spiritual advancement, and to assist in opening one to awakening with a rise of Kundalini energy.
Jet is used in rituals and magic to bring up and channel Earth energy including manifestation of will and desires.

2.) Yes/Positive - Magnesite.

Magnesite is a wonderful relaxing and calming stone to use in meditation, and it has the potential to aid you to create quite amazing changes in your life.
It is a strong stone for creative visualization and imagination, and it will aid the development of psychic visions of exceptional clarity.

3.) No/Negative - Blue Goldstone.

Blue Goldstone connects one with the Divine and provides one with wisdom, energy and courage.
Assisting with learning and communication, it teaches one to see the light at the end of the darkness and that everything is the source of energy and vibration.
Blue Goldstone vibrates at the frequencies of new beginnings and balance.
Associated with the Throat Chakra, it encourages acceptance of who we are, to express authenticity and no longer deny our truth.

4.) Uncertain - Tiger’s Eye.

Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding.
It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power.
Tiger's eye is a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel.
It can also help one see clearly without illusion.

5.) Love - Pink Opal.

Pink Opal is a stone of peace and tranquility for the aura.
It is especially noted for its energies in healing emotions.
Sleeping with pink opal or holding it while in meditation helps to bring compassion and a gentle resolution of painful memories.
Pink Opal is a Heart Chakra stone.
It is said to be the stone of love, but only to faithful lovers.

6.) Magick - Tourmalated Quartz.

Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength.
It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety, stress, and depression.
They encourage a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels.
The addition of this light into your being makes these powerful healing crystals.
This is because this combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear quartz crystals, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy.
Just like Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated quartz stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones.

7.) Beware - Dalmatian Jasper.

Dalmatian jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment.
It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality.
It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking.
The determination within Dalmatian Stone encourages one to carefully think over plans for any project, reflecting on every phase of development, and then to translate the ideas into actuality with enthusiasm and vigor.

Copper Leafing - Copper.

Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc.
Thus, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances.
According to myths, it is a conductor of the spiritualist's belief system and is able to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world.
It is also believed that copper has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications.
Copper has the ability to ground and transfer a wide array of vibrational frequencies and supports healing by keeping the pathways for healing open.
Copper improves the powers of communication, and it helps with channeling, cleansing, purifying and increasing self-esteem and freeing the user of mental burdens.
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Also finished this wand....


(^^^ taken from my Etsy page)​
Air Elemental Wand!!

**This is the first wand in what will be my “Tornado” series of wands, as all the branches were powerfully torn from the trees by an actual F1 Tornado!**

**Please keep an eye out for the others to follow!**

Please keep in mind that I don’t create my wands as decorative objects, they are made to be used for their intended purposes and to help you focus your energies.
I do try to make them attractive, but my first priority is functionality.

This branch was torn from a cottonwood tree (of the Aspen family, very protective) on December 10th, 2015, by an F-1 Tornado

(It also ripped apart my back fence!)

I have carefully selected a variety of branches that were downed by this elemental force of nature.
I believe and feel energetically that each has been infused by the power and potential of the element of Air.
The Alchemical symbol for “Air” has been incorporated using pyrography around the handle.

The wand was carefully selected, shaped and sanded, then the wood has been stained with the subtle colors of a sunrise or sunset.

The free flow of the wind has been intuitively burned into the wood (Pyrography), and there are 7 concentric rings of copper-leafing that has been painstakingly wrapped, folded, and shaped around the wand itself giving you excellent connection to it, as well as the added magickal properties of copper.
The tip of the wand is fully copper-leafed.

Finally, it is given several coats of polyurethane to protect the color and the copper leaf.
Affixed to the base is a protective and psychically energetic piece of Pyrite.

The properties of the wand have been carefully selected to be powerful and protective.
The magickal properties that compose the wand are as follows:

Cottonwood - Cottonwoods are related to Aspens and Poplars belonging to Family Salicaceae (Along with Willows) Genus Populus.
There are only three species of Cottonwood in their own section called Aegiros.
Cottonwoods are associated with spiritual growth and awakening, prayers, blessings, purity, creation, truth (especially the seeing of truth), endurance, higher communication, hope, and rebirth.

Pyrite - Pyrite is a stone of intellect and protection.
It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development.
It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities.
Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding.
Pyrite additionally is a stone that brings energies of good luck or good fortune.

Copper - Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc.
Thus, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances.
According to myths, it is a conductor of the spiritualist's belief system and is able to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world.
It is also believed that copper has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications.
Copper has the ability to ground and transfer a wide array of vibrational frequencies and supports healing by keeping the pathways for healing open.
Copper improves the powers of communication, and it helps with channeling, cleansing, purifying and increasing self-esteem and freeing the user of mental burdens.

It measures approx. 15.5 inches, is light and well balanced.
The wand feels wonderful to hold, would be great for everyday use or more specific purposes.
have you tried to address it?
No. I'm not sure about that and is one reason I didn't communicate with it. I do know from past experience not to invite them to anything.
You can smudge your place...I’m sure you know how - then see if it comes back...
Yep, I generally use sage smudge once a month on the 3rd. I'm not sure I want to send it away if it has a message for me.

You sparked an idea with saying it may have been with me all along. I wonder since the color purple is attached to spirit perhaps it's a guardian (?) in light of current goings on here at home, perhaps it's revealing itself to me now. And red is a color denoting strength...hmmm.
maybe you are secretly Santa’s wife?
LOL...I'd love to rub my toes in Santa's beard...umm...TMI
The entity that used to haunt me as a child
Sounds like a hateful nasty bugger. For some reason I've not encountered any "mean" spirits only troubled spirits, mean humans yes, but not entities. I attributed it that I don't attrack them, or I am strong enough they don't bother with me.
any other details
It's head was bowed so I saw no face on it. It has a 'frame' but no body I can see, looked full...if that makes sense. Oh, it smelled like woodsy smells. Not decay, but like the woods smell of moss, trees, plants and the like. It didn't make noise. When it disappeared it faded...that puzzles me. Any other time I've 'seen' a spirit it's there and then it's not there.
conscious recall
Writing stuff down I do. But not right after I wake, it's usually after an hour or so.

Thank you for your insights. I appreciate your helpfulness.
No. I'm not sure about that and is one reason I didn't communicate with it. I do know from past experience not to invite them to anything.

Yep, I generally use sage smudge once a month on the 3rd. I'm not sure I want to send it away if it has a message for me.

You sparked an idea with saying it may have been with me all along. I wonder since the color purple is attached to spirit perhaps it's a guardian (?) in light of current goings on here at home, perhaps it's revealing itself to me now. And red is a color denoting strength...hmmm.

LOL...I'd love to rub my toes in Santa's beard...umm...TMI

Sounds like a hateful nasty bugger. For some reason I've not encountered any "mean" spirits only troubled spirits, mean humans yes, but not entities. I attributed it that I don't attrack them, or I am strong enough they don't bother with me.

It's head was bowed so I saw no face on it. It has a 'frame' but no body I can see, looked full...if that makes sense. Oh, it smelled like woodsy smells. Not decay, but like the woods smell of moss, trees, plants and the like. It didn't make noise. When it disappeared it faded...that puzzles me. Any other time I've 'seen' a spirit it's there and then it's not there.

Writing stuff down I do. But not right after I wake, it's usually after an hour or so.

Thank you for your insights. I appreciate your helpfulness.

They say you should write down whatever comes to your mind immediately and then revisit what you wrote to add things you may recall later.

It doesn’t sound experience with the negative is that they have one purpose and that is to cause you as the receiver fear and pain.
Asking it to name itself is a pretty good way to make sure it isn’t something demonic - they will not name themselves or you will have more power over them.
This thing that used to attack me every night taught me how to use some of the tools I have when out of body now...including it’s name.
I am able to recognize when something negative has entered my space - there is a noise they make.
High tension electrical power-line buzz only louder and with cracks and booms...this is how I came to know my space was/is being violated.
When I learned to return to my body and wake on command...I believe it came to me once in the form of my Dad sleepwalking.
He has never sleepwalked ever except once...and out of five kids he came to me...woke me up...said - “Move!”
Got in my bed and proceeded to fall back I went to sleep in his bed - boy was my Mom confused and my Dad even more so.
For some reason though I was awake I felt like it was this same thing...I just don’t think it knew how to really control someone else as they slept.
It doesn’t sound experience with the negative is that they have one purpose and that is to cause you as the receiver fear and pain.
Asking it to name itself is a pretty good way to make sure it isn’t something demonic - they will not name themselves or you will have more power over them.
Yes. I don't think it negative, it was just unsettling. I don't have spirits visit often. ;)

That story of your Dad is eerie. How old were you then? Many young folk suffer through poltergistic energies. Some never leave them. There is much written and spoken stories of poltergiest activity...they used to lock folks away that had shadow entities and psychic hitchhikers. I'm glad to see these stories more and more in the mainstream. Awareness keeps fear at bay;)

Thank you again for letting me derail for a moment, next time I'll send a PM...though I think some folks can gain insight from our chat here. Have a beautiful day...and keep bringing us all this information <3

Oh, well done on your projects...That wand is amazing!
Yes. I don't think it negative, it was just unsettling. I don't have spirits visit often. ;)

That story of your Dad is eerie. How old were you then? Many young folk suffer through poltergistic energies. Some never leave them. There is much written and spoken stories of poltergiest activity...they used to lock folks away that had shadow entities and psychic hitchhikers. I'm glad to see these stories more and more in the mainstream. Awareness keeps fear at bay;)

Thank you again for letting me derail for a moment, next time I'll send a PM...though I think some folks can gain insight from our chat here. Have a beautiful day...and keep bringing us all this information <3

Oh, well done on your projects...That wand is amazing!

Nothing was derailed.
And thanks for your compliments on my wand, like I’ve said before it is very hard for me to look at something I have made without feeling dissatisfaction with something...I have destroyed many paintings, poems, stories, art projects, etc. because of this.
I used to have a portfolio of 100 faces that I had painted...just faces from my head, no one in particular - they went into the fire one night.

I’m sure there was some poltergeist activity going on, but this began back as far as I can remember as a 3-4, something like that idk.
I question if the remote control R2D2 in particular was of my own PSI was my older brother’s that he got for Xmas and I always wanted to play with it. The first time it moved on it’s own, it was in the styrofoam it came in, in the bother had top bunk and I had bottom, so it was directly under my was the noises I heard through my pillow and mattress that woke me and for a moment I didn’t realize what it was...I was 4-5 was the damn thing moving in the box, it dawned on me and a ran screaming bloody murder down the hallway to my parents room in the middle of the night - I’m sure it gave them a heart attack...hehe....but it scared me to death.
The second time it was on the dresser and I woke to see the little red light swing around and face me in the dark as it moved across the dresser.
And wasn’t my brother...and no...I don’t believe my parent’s explanation of stray radio waves.
It could have been PSI, or a poltergeist...or just some kind of ghost or other entity.
I always would put my ear up to the wall whenever I was in the bath....I always had this vision that there was a little boy who lived in the space between the I would try to hear him.
Also, like I have said night terrors got so bad that I ended up at UCLA Medical Center seeing some specialist who I remember had a nicely trimmed brown beard and glasses.
He gave me an IQ test and also did two rounds of the Zenner ESP flash was fourth grade by this several years this was going on now.
I was losing sleep...I was depressed...I wanted to die as a child.
I especially didn’t feel like I belonged here and I hated my life and myself from my memories very beginning.

Anyhow...I did quite well on both...that’s all I will say. ;)
And...he didn’t help me at all.
I was when I began to learn the rules of going out of body and lucid dreaming, when I began to be able to gain a sense of some control is when the activity ceased to become a nightly thing.

I would definitely at least ask it to identify itself, and I would also make a statement defining clear boundaries between positive and negative spirits or entities.
Such as - “Only good and positive spirits or energies may interact or influence me, only good and positive can enter my home.”
The Lord’s Prayer seems to work well on negative things as well...if it is something good then that shouldn’t have a bad effect of it.
..I have destroyed many paintings, poems, stories, art projects, etc. because of this.
I can is an "artists thing" and I've found for me, a "temperment thing". I have difficulty with letting go of a project as done and good enough, lol. Like you, I've pitched many artworks into the fire, garbage, handed drawings to random people in the park who has stopped to stare (i really dislike that interuption).
I was losing sleep...I was depressed...I wanted to die as a child.
I'm happy to know you fought through this and grew into yourself ;) Rough childhood often make for courageous adults.

Reading through your posts...I wonder if you are afflicted with "Convergence Syndrome" this term was given to me years ago by a Shaman. She was convincing that some folks have a tighter (for lack of a better word) connection with their Superior energies. Its there, yet coming in as a mixed or incomplete signal. In other words, your Earthly energies had a missing piece to connect with your astral energies fully or completely...just a thought.(?)
I would definitely at least ask it to identify itself, and I would also make a statement defining clear boundaries between positive and negative spirits or entities.
Such as - “Only good and positive spirits or energies may interact or influence me, only good and positive can enter my home.”
The Lord’s Prayer seems to work well on negative things as well...if it is something good then t
If or when it comes back I'll try finding who/what it is and from where it came from or going. I'm thinking a full bowl cleansing of my room and another sage walk around the house should be done. I unwrapped my rose quartz bowl and set it out this morning. Sometimes information accumulates in the bottom of the bowl that forms a pattern of useful info.

Thank you always...your input is appreciated (and respected) <3