The usual ups and downs that one can suffer in modern life these days, lots of inconveniences but beyond that mostly survival and music binging.

Well, happy to see you again!
We’ve been missing your contributions!
Much love!

But I suppose they need help on another level as well then don’t they?




Since Halloween is coming up...
Some alternative ideas on ghosts to ponder and consider.

What is the Nature of Ghosts?
Some Alternative Theories


Throughout human history and across cultures there has been one aspect of the paranormal world that has seemingly always been with us, that of ghosts, wraiths, specters, whatever you want to call them.

These apparitions have always roamed about the periphery of our understanding, lurking in the shadows and the spooky places of our world to incite wonder, speculation, and of course fear and terror.

Yet for all of their pervasiveness throughout the world and their presence upon the landscape of the human psyche, there has always been a profound question lingering, and that is: just what exactly are ghosts?

What is their nature and what place do they hold in reality as we know it?
The question of just what ghosts are has been contemplated, discussed, and debated for a very long time, but what answers do we really have, and do you think you know the solution?

Here are just some of the musings on what these mysterious entities might be.

The most traditional idea, and the one most pervasive among most people, is the idea that ghosts are the spirits of the dead, that the soul has somehow transcended the death of the physical body to continue on to inhabit our realm for reasons unknown.

In this view, ghosts are basically us, just living on into the afterlife while tethered to the world of the living for reasons we cannot comprehend.
Maybe they are unwilling to “move on,” or maybe it is that some tragedy or unfulfilled goal has fueled some power to linger on the physical plane.

When people think of ghosts, this is perhaps the most common vision that many will have, and how most people would probably define them, that they are our lost dead.

One of the interesting conundrums about this particularly prevalent idea, other than the fact there is no proof at all that anything survives us after death, is that there are innumerable religions, faiths, each with ideas on the afterlife as varied as the cultures who believe them.

In some there is a form of Heaven or some form of Hell, some new realm away from the we are in now, while in others we are reincarnated or even become one with the universe.

There is often little mention, if any, of wandering spirits loitering about Earth and interacting with it, or details on what those spirits should be like.
There is also the oddity that despite all of these different ideas on death and the afterlife, regardless of the differences ghostly phenomena are often remarkably similar across the spectrum in many ways, so what are we to make of this?

Is there any chance that ghosts are not the spirits of the living at all, and if not what could they be?

One alternative idea to the theory of ghosts as the spirits of the dead involves the concept that these are not independent entities at all, but rather a sort of echo of what once was.

Commonly referred to as “residual hauntings,” the basic idea is that for some reason past events have been imprinted upon the building or the landscape and are merely playing back like images on camera film, or sounds on an audiotape, residual memories of a time lost.

In this theory, what we see are not spirits in the traditional sense at all, but more like watching a video, with the film being the area around it.

This theory is especially applied to those cases wherein the apparitions seem to mindlessly repeat the same series of actions over and over again, perhaps for all eternity, and do not seem to realize that they are being watched or that they are dead, no more than an image on film “knows” it is being looked at.

Why and how these particular past events should have been transplanted onto the landscape, as well as how they are played back, are unknown, but there has been speculation.

For instance, it has been postulated that death, pain, suffering, tragedy, and other events involving strong emotions might somehow stain the location, imprint upon it, and cause these incidents to be replayed, and this fits in with hauntings often occurring at places where something terrible has happened.

There is also the idea that the composition of the surrounding soil or rocks itself may have some part to play in these residual hauntings.
Are ghosts perhaps, at least in some cases, merely history playing back on an endless loop?

Another intriguing theory is that ghosts do not come from the outside world at all, but rather from within.
In this line of reasoning, ghosts are not a product of supernatural energy or strange forces of nature, but are rather extensions of the mind reaching out through little understood psychic powers, creating seemingly real constructs projected onto the physical world solely through the power of the subconscious mind.

These thought forms are often referred to as tulpas, and can even be generated by people who are not even aware that they are doing it, the forms often appearing to materialize or vanish at will, depending on the mental state of the individual or individuals projecting them.


An interesting historical example of a ghost as a tulpa occurred in the 1960s, when a paranormal researcher by the name of Hanz Holzer was looking into a series of hauntings in the building at 12 Gay Street, in New York City, which involved an apparition most commonly described as a tall gentleman dressed in black formal clothing and with a top hat, black cape, and cane.

This phantom was said to walk about the darkened premises and surrounding area at night startling people only to disappear, Holzer would go on to publish the case in his 1966 paranormal book Yankee Ghosts, and this is where things get rather bizarre indeed.

According to an author named Walter B. Gibson, he had lived in that very same building not long before Holzer began his investigation.
Gibson claimed that he had been living there in order to do research for an installment for his series of novels starring a Batman-like crime fighter called The Shadow.

So absorbed was he in his writing and in envisioning The Shadow roaming about the streets and the premises that he would often even hallucinate his character, who just happened to wield a cane and wear formal evening clothes, a cape, and a top hat.

The author likely would have attributed this to pure tiredness and obsession with his character if he had not happened to read Holzer’s book.
He was immediately taken aback by the similarities between the ghost and his character, as well as the fact that the sightings were taking place in the exact same place he had lived while writing his novel at around the same time, and he became convinced that what had been seen was an actual projection of his character from his mind, which had somehow been transferred into reality.

Related to the idea of these thought forms materializing into reality from the mind are mental powers running amok in other ways.
For instance, it is believed even among many paranormal researchers that some poltergeist infestations could be caused by psychokinetic energy, that is, the mind reaching out to touch the physical world, unleashed to cause disturbances such as moving objects or anomalous noises.

As with some cases of tulpas, these outbursts can strike out even without the knowledge of the person producing them, but they usually follow some general tendencies, for instance in most cases, psychokinetic poltergeist activity originates with younger individuals, and is most likely linked to some inner turmoil, stress, or emotional strife.

This sort of ghostly activity is typically not confined to any one location, as it is tethered to a person or persons, and it could be a possible explanation of “hauntings” that follow a family from place to place.


Even more outlandish than any of those theories is the idea that ghostly phenomena come from neither our physical or mental worlds, but rather a whole other realm beyond ours entirely.

The idea has to do with the concept of multiple dimensions, parallel realities beyond our own that may bump up against ours and may even allow us to travel between them.

This idea is dependent on the theory that rather than just one reality or physical universe as we know it, there is “multiverse” of many other, possibly even infinite other universes that all lie side by side with each other, but which are generally imperceptible to us.

If this is so, then the reasoning is that inhabitants of these parallel dimension may bleed over into ours or even intentionally break through the mysterious veil that separates us from time to time.

The researcher and author John Keel, as well as UFOlogist Jacques Vallée, were among the first in the paranormal world to suggest the link between multiple dimensions and paranormal phenomena when they theorized that UFOs and their occupants may not be from other faraway planets, but rather from parallel dimensions next to our own, beings that he termed “ultra-terrestrials.”

This basic concept would later be expanded to include a possible explanation for all manner of paranormal phenomena, from strange entities, to ghosts, demons, and even cryptids or out of place animals.

In this case, these phenomena are proposed as being caused by the denizens of these other universes bursting forth into our own, intentionally or otherwise.

With ghostly phenomena this interdimensional angle could go down a few different ways.
It could be that these entities are somehow becoming temporarily entangled with our reality, where they are sighted and even interact with our physical world before vanishing back to their own, which could very well be seen as ghosts or phantoms by witnesses.

Or it could be that these are basically those ultra-terrestrials Keel spoke of, dimensional travelers coming to visit us for reasons unknown, but in this case rather than coming down in spaceships or UFOs they are appearing as ghosts, wraiths, and specters.

It has even been theorized that aliens, ghosts, and other strange entities might all be basically the same thing, merely appearing differently to different individuals depending on witness expectations.

So, if they think they are being abducted by aliens, that is what the entities appear as, whereas in a spooky old house they may appear as ghosts because that is what the witness is keyed up for.


With apparitions of recognizable people or those who have died, this could also be indicative of other parallel dimensions that are nearly identical to ours, but a bit different.

One of the theories of the multiverse is that there may very well be countless versions of our own dimension, with many of them almost the same but with some subtle or profound differences.

For instance, there could be a reality where you wore a red shirt today instead of blue, where you made different choices, have a different job, or where you don’t even exist.

Maybe in one reality a different team won the World Series, the Beatles never broke up, or one where dinosaurs never went extinct.
Maybe a person who died in your own universe didn’t die in that one, but yet still inhabits the same place, where they go about life overlaid on this version of reality where they died.

It this case, it is speculated, they might sort of overflow into our dimension from time to become visible for short durations or with a somewhat intangible or unearthly quality, only to fade away, making us think we’ve seen someone’s spirit rather than just a version of them from a different timeline.

These have so far been ideas that are far from proven and remain mostly in the realm of conjecture and speculation, so what of other, more scientifically grounded explanations for ghosts?

One popular theory in recent times has been that ghosts and similar entities could have their basis in naturally occurring phenomena rather than the supernatural, and that the main culprit could be what are known as ultra-low frequency soundwaves, or infrasound.

These are sounds that register just below the threshold of human hearing, but which our bodies sense and are affected by all the same.
Infrasound is known to create a wide range of physical and mental effects, including disorientation, dizziness, shortness of breath, faintness, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and nausea, as well as emotional and mental effects including fear, sorrow, panic, and anxiety, and also effects on perception, like both aural and visual hallucinations, and since the one being affected cannot actually hear what is causing the disturbances, it could very well seem like the work of supernatural beings.

Infrasound is actually quite common in nature as well, created by all manner of physical forces such as earthquakes, volcanoes, waves crashing upon rocks, wind, rain, and thunder, so perhaps the ghosts are really all in our head, the result of natural forces that we can’t hear.

There is also the idea that our minds can play tricks on our perceptions in other ways as well.
One good example would be some studies that show that electrical stimulation of certain areas of the brain can create a profound sense of other entities nearby or of “shadow people” lurking about taunting us.

There was once interesting case illustrating this in action that was published in the journal Nature, which was carried out by researchers from University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland, and described the case of an epilepsy patient who witnessed a separate entity in the room with her when a region of the brain known as the temporoparietal junction was stimulated.
(Skarekrow - and how do they know that there wasn’t really an entity that she was perceiving via the stimulation?)


The woman apparently perceived this shadow figure as a very real autonomous entity separate from herself, rather than just a hallucination, and she often complained that the entity would touch her or embrace her.

In some experiments this shadow person was described as interfering with her tasks, such as trying to pull cards out of her hands or distracting her in other ways.

This strange phenomenon likely has to do with a crossing of the wires in this part of the brain, which distinguishes oneself from others, and one researcher in the study would say of the patient and the study:

Electrical stimulation repeatedly produced a feeling of the presence of another person in her extra-personal space, a shadow who did not speak or move, and whose position beneath her back was identical to her own.

The strange sensation that somebody is nearby when no one is actually present has been described by psychiatric and neurological patients, as well as by healthy subjects.

Our findings may be a step towards understanding the mechanisms behind psychiatric manifestations such as paranoia, persecution and alien control.
(Skarekrow - while completely dismissing the possibility that these things could exist)


Similarly, ghostly phenomena could be the result of a range of optical illusions or hallucinations that emerge for a myriad of reasons.
Psychological circumstances, stress, sleep deprivation, sleep paralysis, hypnagogia, or when a person is in a dream-like state halfway between sleep and waking, schizophrenia, drugs, side effects of medication, these can all combine with trigger visual cues such as a spooky locale to perhaps produce the perception of paranormal phenomena.

The phenomenon known as pareidolia, wherein the human brain tries to make sense of random patterns by giving them a recognizable identity, could also play a role, in that something half glimpsed in one’s peripheral vision could be misconstrued as something more supernatural in nature.

Combined with an over active imagination, visual cues, and an expectation to see something strange, all of these things could possibly contribute to experiences of ghostly phenomena when in fact there is nothing really there at all.

Is it possible that ghosts are just all in our head?
(Skarekrow - not when they throw shit!)

In the end it is perhaps impossible to explain the full range of ghostly phenomena with any one of these factors.
Ghosts seem to be an area of the paranormal that is a lot more varied, nuanced, and complicated than it may at first seem, to the extent that to call something a “ghost” might be considered akin to calling a “dog” a “vertebrate.”

The permutations and possible descriptions are vast.
There are many factors at play here, all equally strange and all intertwined to the point that they may never be unraveled.

What we can be sure of is that people since time unremembered have experienced ghostly phenomena, beyond the scope of mere tall tales and hoaxes, and something truly odd is going on, whatever that may be.
It's funny that you posted this, @Skarekrow as I randomly stumbled upon a recording of Art Bell's show on EVP's last night and ended up falling asleep to it. It's funny that you brought this up in your blog when this isn't even my usual realm of interest and yet, here I am in a position to pitch something that might be of interest to you.

Check it out

(I haven't seen the second video, but it was mentioned in the cast last night, so I'll share that too)
Amazing posts like always @Skarekrow!!


Seconded - great posts, I'm really enjoying them.

Since Halloween is coming up...
Some alternative ideas on ghosts to ponder and consider.

What is the Nature of Ghosts?
Some Alternative Theories


Throughout human history and across cultures there has been one aspect of the paranormal world that has seemingly always been with us, that of ghosts, wraiths, specters, whatever you want to call them.

These apparitions have always roamed about the periphery of our understanding, lurking in the shadows and the spooky places of our world to incite wonder, speculation, and of course fear and terror.

Yet for all of their pervasiveness throughout the world and their presence upon the landscape of the human psyche, there has always been a profound question lingering, and that is: just what exactly are ghosts?

What is their nature and what place do they hold in reality as we know it?
The question of just what ghosts are has been contemplated, discussed, and debated for a very long time, but what answers do we really have, and do you think you know the solution?

Here are just some of the musings on what these mysterious entities might be.

The most traditional idea, and the one most pervasive among most people, is the idea that ghosts are the spirits of the dead, that the soul has somehow transcended the death of the physical body to continue on to inhabit our realm for reasons unknown.

In this view, ghosts are basically us, just living on into the afterlife while tethered to the world of the living for reasons we cannot comprehend.
Maybe they are unwilling to “move on,” or maybe it is that some tragedy or unfulfilled goal has fueled some power to linger on the physical plane.

When people think of ghosts, this is perhaps the most common vision that many will have, and how most people would probably define them, that they are our lost dead.

One of the interesting conundrums about this particularly prevalent idea, other than the fact there is no proof at all that anything survives us after death, is that there are innumerable religions, faiths, each with ideas on the afterlife as varied as the cultures who believe them.

In some there is a form of Heaven or some form of Hell, some new realm away from the we are in now, while in others we are reincarnated or even become one with the universe.

There is often little mention, if any, of wandering spirits loitering about Earth and interacting with it, or details on what those spirits should be like.
There is also the oddity that despite all of these different ideas on death and the afterlife, regardless of the differences ghostly phenomena are often remarkably similar across the spectrum in many ways, so what are we to make of this?

Is there any chance that ghosts are not the spirits of the living at all, and if not what could they be?

One alternative idea to the theory of ghosts as the spirits of the dead involves the concept that these are not independent entities at all, but rather a sort of echo of what once was.

Commonly referred to as “residual hauntings,” the basic idea is that for some reason past events have been imprinted upon the building or the landscape and are merely playing back like images on camera film, or sounds on an audiotape, residual memories of a time lost.

In this theory, what we see are not spirits in the traditional sense at all, but more like watching a video, with the film being the area around it.

This theory is especially applied to those cases wherein the apparitions seem to mindlessly repeat the same series of actions over and over again, perhaps for all eternity, and do not seem to realize that they are being watched or that they are dead, no more than an image on film “knows” it is being looked at.

Why and how these particular past events should have been transplanted onto the landscape, as well as how they are played back, are unknown, but there has been speculation.

For instance, it has been postulated that death, pain, suffering, tragedy, and other events involving strong emotions might somehow stain the location, imprint upon it, and cause these incidents to be replayed, and this fits in with hauntings often occurring at places where something terrible has happened.

There is also the idea that the composition of the surrounding soil or rocks itself may have some part to play in these residual hauntings.
Are ghosts perhaps, at least in some cases, merely history playing back on an endless loop?

Another intriguing theory is that ghosts do not come from the outside world at all, but rather from within.
In this line of reasoning, ghosts are not a product of supernatural energy or strange forces of nature, but are rather extensions of the mind reaching out through little understood psychic powers, creating seemingly real constructs projected onto the physical world solely through the power of the subconscious mind.

These thought forms are often referred to as tulpas, and can even be generated by people who are not even aware that they are doing it, the forms often appearing to materialize or vanish at will, depending on the mental state of the individual or individuals projecting them.


An interesting historical example of a ghost as a tulpa occurred in the 1960s, when a paranormal researcher by the name of Hanz Holzer was looking into a series of hauntings in the building at 12 Gay Street, in New York City, which involved an apparition most commonly described as a tall gentleman dressed in black formal clothing and with a top hat, black cape, and cane.

This phantom was said to walk about the darkened premises and surrounding area at night startling people only to disappear, Holzer would go on to publish the case in his 1966 paranormal book Yankee Ghosts, and this is where things get rather bizarre indeed.

According to an author named Walter B. Gibson, he had lived in that very same building not long before Holzer began his investigation.
Gibson claimed that he had been living there in order to do research for an installment for his series of novels starring a Batman-like crime fighter called The Shadow.

So absorbed was he in his writing and in envisioning The Shadow roaming about the streets and the premises that he would often even hallucinate his character, who just happened to wield a cane and wear formal evening clothes, a cape, and a top hat.

The author likely would have attributed this to pure tiredness and obsession with his character if he had not happened to read Holzer’s book.
He was immediately taken aback by the similarities between the ghost and his character, as well as the fact that the sightings were taking place in the exact same place he had lived while writing his novel at around the same time, and he became convinced that what had been seen was an actual projection of his character from his mind, which had somehow been transferred into reality.

Related to the idea of these thought forms materializing into reality from the mind are mental powers running amok in other ways.
For instance, it is believed even among many paranormal researchers that some poltergeist infestations could be caused by psychokinetic energy, that is, the mind reaching out to touch the physical world, unleashed to cause disturbances such as moving objects or anomalous noises.

As with some cases of tulpas, these outbursts can strike out even without the knowledge of the person producing them, but they usually follow some general tendencies, for instance in most cases, psychokinetic poltergeist activity originates with younger individuals, and is most likely linked to some inner turmoil, stress, or emotional strife.

This sort of ghostly activity is typically not confined to any one location, as it is tethered to a person or persons, and it could be a possible explanation of “hauntings” that follow a family from place to place.


Even more outlandish than any of those theories is the idea that ghostly phenomena come from neither our physical or mental worlds, but rather a whole other realm beyond ours entirely.

The idea has to do with the concept of multiple dimensions, parallel realities beyond our own that may bump up against ours and may even allow us to travel between them.

This idea is dependent on the theory that rather than just one reality or physical universe as we know it, there is “multiverse” of many other, possibly even infinite other universes that all lie side by side with each other, but which are generally imperceptible to us.

If this is so, then the reasoning is that inhabitants of these parallel dimension may bleed over into ours or even intentionally break through the mysterious veil that separates us from time to time.

The researcher and author John Keel, as well as UFOlogist Jacques Vallée, were among the first in the paranormal world to suggest the link between multiple dimensions and paranormal phenomena when they theorized that UFOs and their occupants may not be from other faraway planets, but rather from parallel dimensions next to our own, beings that he termed “ultra-terrestrials.”

This basic concept would later be expanded to include a possible explanation for all manner of paranormal phenomena, from strange entities, to ghosts, demons, and even cryptids or out of place animals.

In this case, these phenomena are proposed as being caused by the denizens of these other universes bursting forth into our own, intentionally or otherwise.

With ghostly phenomena this interdimensional angle could go down a few different ways.
It could be that these entities are somehow becoming temporarily entangled with our reality, where they are sighted and even interact with our physical world before vanishing back to their own, which could very well be seen as ghosts or phantoms by witnesses.

Or it could be that these are basically those ultra-terrestrials Keel spoke of, dimensional travelers coming to visit us for reasons unknown, but in this case rather than coming down in spaceships or UFOs they are appearing as ghosts, wraiths, and specters.

It has even been theorized that aliens, ghosts, and other strange entities might all be basically the same thing, merely appearing differently to different individuals depending on witness expectations.

So, if they think they are being abducted by aliens, that is what the entities appear as, whereas in a spooky old house they may appear as ghosts because that is what the witness is keyed up for.


With apparitions of recognizable people or those who have died, this could also be indicative of other parallel dimensions that are nearly identical to ours, but a bit different.

One of the theories of the multiverse is that there may very well be countless versions of our own dimension, with many of them almost the same but with some subtle or profound differences.

For instance, there could be a reality where you wore a red shirt today instead of blue, where you made different choices, have a different job, or where you don’t even exist.

Maybe in one reality a different team won the World Series, the Beatles never broke up, or one where dinosaurs never went extinct.
Maybe a person who died in your own universe didn’t die in that one, but yet still inhabits the same place, where they go about life overlaid on this version of reality where they died.

It this case, it is speculated, they might sort of overflow into our dimension from time to become visible for short durations or with a somewhat intangible or unearthly quality, only to fade away, making us think we’ve seen someone’s spirit rather than just a version of them from a different timeline.

These have so far been ideas that are far from proven and remain mostly in the realm of conjecture and speculation, so what of other, more scientifically grounded explanations for ghosts?

One popular theory in recent times has been that ghosts and similar entities could have their basis in naturally occurring phenomena rather than the supernatural, and that the main culprit could be what are known as ultra-low frequency soundwaves, or infrasound.

These are sounds that register just below the threshold of human hearing, but which our bodies sense and are affected by all the same.
Infrasound is known to create a wide range of physical and mental effects, including disorientation, dizziness, shortness of breath, faintness, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and nausea, as well as emotional and mental effects including fear, sorrow, panic, and anxiety, and also effects on perception, like both aural and visual hallucinations, and since the one being affected cannot actually hear what is causing the disturbances, it could very well seem like the work of supernatural beings.

Infrasound is actually quite common in nature as well, created by all manner of physical forces such as earthquakes, volcanoes, waves crashing upon rocks, wind, rain, and thunder, so perhaps the ghosts are really all in our head, the result of natural forces that we can’t hear.

There is also the idea that our minds can play tricks on our perceptions in other ways as well.
One good example would be some studies that show that electrical stimulation of certain areas of the brain can create a profound sense of other entities nearby or of “shadow people” lurking about taunting us.

There was once interesting case illustrating this in action that was published in the journal Nature, which was carried out by researchers from University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland, and described the case of an epilepsy patient who witnessed a separate entity in the room with her when a region of the brain known as the temporoparietal junction was stimulated.
(Skarekrow - and how do they know that there wasn’t really an entity that she was perceiving via the stimulation?)


The woman apparently perceived this shadow figure as a very real autonomous entity separate from herself, rather than just a hallucination, and she often complained that the entity would touch her or embrace her.

In some experiments this shadow person was described as interfering with her tasks, such as trying to pull cards out of her hands or distracting her in other ways.

This strange phenomenon likely has to do with a crossing of the wires in this part of the brain, which distinguishes oneself from others, and one researcher in the study would say of the patient and the study:

Electrical stimulation repeatedly produced a feeling of the presence of another person in her extra-personal space, a shadow who did not speak or move, and whose position beneath her back was identical to her own.

The strange sensation that somebody is nearby when no one is actually present has been described by psychiatric and neurological patients, as well as by healthy subjects.

Our findings may be a step towards understanding the mechanisms behind psychiatric manifestations such as paranoia, persecution and alien control.
(Skarekrow - while completely dismissing the possibility that these things could exist)


Similarly, ghostly phenomena could be the result of a range of optical illusions or hallucinations that emerge for a myriad of reasons.
Psychological circumstances, stress, sleep deprivation, sleep paralysis, hypnagogia, or when a person is in a dream-like state halfway between sleep and waking, schizophrenia, drugs, side effects of medication, these can all combine with trigger visual cues such as a spooky locale to perhaps produce the perception of paranormal phenomena.

The phenomenon known as pareidolia, wherein the human brain tries to make sense of random patterns by giving them a recognizable identity, could also play a role, in that something half glimpsed in one’s peripheral vision could be misconstrued as something more supernatural in nature.

Combined with an over active imagination, visual cues, and an expectation to see something strange, all of these things could possibly contribute to experiences of ghostly phenomena when in fact there is nothing really there at all.

Is it possible that ghosts are just all in our head?
(Skarekrow - not when they throw shit!)

In the end it is perhaps impossible to explain the full range of ghostly phenomena with any one of these factors.
Ghosts seem to be an area of the paranormal that is a lot more varied, nuanced, and complicated than it may at first seem, to the extent that to call something a “ghost” might be considered akin to calling a “dog” a “vertebrate.”

The permutations and possible descriptions are vast.
There are many factors at play here, all equally strange and all intertwined to the point that they may never be unraveled.

What we can be sure of is that people since time unremembered have experienced ghostly phenomena, beyond the scope of mere tall tales and hoaxes, and something truly odd is going on, whatever that may be.

Physical reductionism - always at the bottom of the potential well, but so is a lot of crap too!

While I was reading this I suddenly found myself thinking of the maths of fractals. One of the really intriguing ideas in there is that you can have fractional dimensions - an object that has 1.5 dimensions for example which could be constructed from an infinitely long curve packed into (say) a square in such a way that it occupies just part of it's area. Why do ghosts remind me of this ... well I got to wondering whether there could be fractional beings. Things that were only partly in existence, not wholly like we are. Maybe existence isn't discrete, yes or no, but there could be something in between. But then you could take it a step further - if we have an existence of 1, and ghosts could have a partial existence of less that 1, are there beings that could have a higher amount of existence than us, say 1.5, or 2? Yes - metaphoring like mad, but it makes you think doesn't it ....
It's funny that you posted this, @Skarekrow as I randomly stumbled upon a recording of Art Bell's show on EVP's last night and ended up falling asleep to it. It's funny that you brought this up in your blog when this isn't even my usual realm of interest and yet, here I am in a position to pitch something that might be of interest to you.

Check it out

(I haven't seen the second video, but it was mentioned in the cast last night, so I'll share that too)

Are you referring to the “Calling Earth” documentary?
Thank you so much for those videos I will be sure to listen to them.
I used to listen o him when I got off late from the OR and had to drive back from Portland where I was working at the time.
Thank you very much!
Much love and take care of yourself!
(I gotta post this before I reply to you @John K...too many open tabs!)


For more than a century, archaeologists had assumed the remains of a high-ranking Viking warrior discovered in Birka, Sweden belonged to a man.
Now, researchers have used DNA testing to confirm that the warrior, who had been buried with military honors, was actually a woman.

The study by a team at Stockholm University, which was published on Friday in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, confirms that women held high roles in the Viking military and demonstrates the impact that sexist preconceptions can have in scientific research.

As the authors observe, since the grave site was first excavated in the 1880s, researchers never considered that the warrior might not be a man:
“This image of the male warrior in a patriarchal society was reinforced by research traditions and contemporary preconceptions. Hence, the biological sex of the individual was taken for granted.”

Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson, an archaeologist at Uppsala University, described the grave site, which contained all of the trappings of a high-ranking Viking officer:
“Aside from the complete warrior equipment buried along with her – a sword, an axe, a spear, armor-piercing arrows, a battle knife, shields, and two horses – she had a board game in her lap, or more of a war-planning game used to try out battle tactics and strategies, which indicates she was a powerful military leader. She’s most likely planned, led and taken part in battles.”

The researchers added that these new findings "provide a new understanding of the Viking society, the social constructions and also norms in the Viking Age."

The researchers also note that archaeologists and historians'’ attitudes towards the sex of the remains reveal a lot about our own culture:
“As long as the sex is male, the weaponry in the grave not only belong to the interred but also reflects his status as warrior, whereas a female sex has raised doubts,” they write.

“This type of reasoning takes away the agency of the buried female... The results call for caution against generalizations regarding social orders in past societies.”

They further hope that the confirmation that there were high-ranking female warriors in Viking society will encourage more research using modern techniques aimed at creating a more accurate picture of historic cultures:
“This study shows how the combination of ancient genomics, isotope analyses and archaeology can contribute to the rewriting of our understanding of social organization concerning gender, mobility and occupation patterns in past societies.”
Seconded - great posts, I'm really enjoying them.

Physical reductionism - always at the bottom of the potential well, but so is a lot of crap too!

While I was reading this I suddenly found myself thinking of the maths of fractals. One of the really intriguing ideas in there is that you can have fractional dimensions - an object that has 1.5 dimensions for example which could be constructed from an infinitely long curve packed into (say) a square in such a way that it occupies just part of it's area. Why do ghosts remind me of this ... well I got to wondering whether there could be fractional beings. Things that were only partly in existence, not wholly like we are. Maybe existence isn't discrete, yes or no, but there could be something in between. But then you could take it a step further - if we have an existence of 1, and ghosts could have a partial existence of less that 1, are there beings that could have a higher amount of existence than us, say 1.5, or 2? Yes - metaphoring like mad, but it makes you think doesn't it ....

Yes...I have often considered very similar ideas...
It’s similar to the idea of UFOs coming to see what the hell we are doing in our dimension or universe when we started to experiment with atomic bombs...they often interfered with tests and launches and even deactivated nukes according to witnesses.
The idea being that perhaps wherever they are from is connected to our own reality somehow and the bombs...being something that splits an atom (and we are not exactly sure all the quantum effects of them) may have destructive or unknown effects in their own dimension and they came to investigate and/or stop us.
But that’s a pretty out there theory.
I have little doubt that there are higher dimensions that we cannot see and access normally.
I also don’t think that time is relevant to us anymore once we slough off this mortal coil - so perhaps we are only seeing them partially - as the same scene is seen to repeat in the case of hauntings - it is feasible that each time it is only a single event stretched out over our perception of time but is really only singular - this could also explain why they usually don’t respond to us is possible that they can see and talk to us with just as much difficulty as we do them.
I do like your idea of half dimensions!
And if it’s fractional...then I guess it’s reduced forever?

Much love!
Time for a good article!
Some wild stuff!

by Richard Alan Miller (aka Philo Stone)


This paper is from THE HOLISTIC QABALAH, a series of 12 books, written by Richard and Iona Miller.
It has also appeared in print in "Psychedelic Monographs and Essays," Volume Four, Summer 1989


The use of psychedelics or empathogens traditionally involves effectual traits or nuances which can parallel endogenous mystical or cybernetic landscapes.

This piece presents an introduction to current descriptions common throughout all three fields.
A promise of increased comprehension so far as metaphor, symbol and effect surrounding these and other cross-correlative fields is reviewed and annotated.

"...If the manas is to preform its proper task of controlling senses, it must reflect the ideal pattern that is laid up in the heavens of Buddhi. Only when that pattern is reflected in its mirror has it the standard of reference by which to judge... nor should we think that the possession of such a divine standard by which to judge attainment is far above us; one to which we may aspire in some dim future.
Here and now the Pattern is within us."

~ Sri Krishna Prem

Theoretically, the practice of meditation is intended to withdraw the personal mind from its persistent preoccupation with external affairs.
It can be seen as a form of training for the mind in switching from matter to psyche.

There is a purpose.
It is to prepare the personal nature so that it is able to reflect and express its relationship with the Universal Self.

Throughout history there have been a number of techniques used to achieve a meditative state.
The most often used first step is a form of rhythmic breathing.

If done correctly, a sequence of strong and unusual body reactions occur.
These also will eventually trigger unusual psychological states via a type of resonance effect.

A closer examination of these resonance-relationships yields information useful in improving the meditation.

Perhaps an example clarifies this: When a subject is totally relaxed and has achieved a deep meditative state, a slow, rhythmic sine wave pattern can be registered by a cardiograph-type sensing device.

What is being measured is a standing wave in the aorta.
There is a heart-aorta resonating oscillator which affects other parts of the body, including the brain.


Resonance occurs when the natural vibration frequency of a body is greatly amplified by vibrations at the same frequency from another body.
Oscillators alter the environment in a periodic manner.

When in a deep meditative state the regular movement of the body indicates that a standing wave is set up in the vascular system, specifically in the aorta.

This standing wave affects several other resonate systems in the body, all of which are driven by this large signal.

A paper by Paul F.J. New 1, and several current papers, indicate the presence of a major resonate cavity oscillator located between the heart and the bifurcation, where the aorta divides itself.

When the timing of the pressure pulses travel down the aorta coincide (in phase) with the reflected pressure pulse, a standing wave is achieved.
When this frequency approaches 7Hz., a progressively amplified wave form is created by resonance, resulting in a large oscillation affecting every other circuit in the body tuned to this frequency.2

There is a resonance relationship to this frequency with standing waves on the Earth's crust.
If we assume that the spherical crust of the Earth represents a condenser, then the frequency of resonance can be calculated on the basis of the equation:​
Resonance frequency = C/7.3R2

C = velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves
R = radius of the Earth.

This frequency has been shown to be 6.4Hz.
Thus, a harmonic frequency corresponding to the pulsation of the electrical charge of the Earth is present in heart/aorta.
(Skarekrow - Though my understanding of the Schumann Resonance is that the natural vibration of the Earth is at 7.83 appears to be the vibration between us and the Earth then in this equation it seems.)

The brain may be considered as a piezoelectric gel 3, one converting physical vibrations into electrical ones.
Although the body movement from this heart/aorta resonance is relatively small, 0.003-0.009 mm., the head is a dense and tight structure.

By moving up and down, the skull accelerates the brain with mild impacts.
These acoustical plane waves are reflected from the cranial vault and are focused upon the third and lateral ventricles.

A hierarchy of frequencies couple this 7Hz. body movement to the higher frequencies in the ventricles.
"That which is that bright within the heart; in that this man resides, innate with mind transcending death, with brilliance innate."

Taittiriya Upanishad

In the book Biomedical Engineering Systems 4, Chapter 7 is a major work entitled "Toward A View of Man", by Manfred Clynes.
Clynes is a medical doctor working at the Research Center in Rockman State Hospital, Orangeburg, New York.

This work is considered a breakthrough in the fields of psychology and medicine, known today as the field of psychobiology (biocybernetics).

Clynes took a number of volunteers and shaved their heads, placing a series of electrodes in rosette patterns or various regions of the brain.
These included the temporal, frontal lobe section and occipital region.

In this way, not only were the brain frequencies monitored, but directional shifts in these frequencies could also be determined by the geometry of the electrodes on the scull.

The original purpose of Clynes' work was to find out how precision and order exist in brain processes; to discover what is inherently programmed in man and how he might make use of the inherent programs.

These individuals were given a number of images (form) and colors to concentrate on while their brain was monitored by computers.
Recording from opposite pairs of electrodes simultaneously, he obtained views of the electrical activity from different angles: mathematically, a spatial differentiation of the electric vector.

What was happening literally was a mapping of consciousness.

A number of very important observations were made:
  1. Certain qualities and relationships were of great importance to the computer than such quantitative factors such as intensity. This meant that the brain's systems of identification are based on differences, rather than intensity of the signal.

  2. Thin lines were found to produce characteristic evoked potentials, irrespective of size. The form itself is transduced into another form in the brain space time which can be measured. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the visual form of the stimulus, the response form in the brain, and the perception. This is, perhaps, the first physical description of the field of an archetype. It is a geometrical structuring and has uniqueness.

  3. The process of inhibition is as important for transducing the external world as is excitation. Concentrating on specific lines of geometry does not constitute the changing stimulus, but their steady presence systematically and radically alters the response to another changing stimulus.

  4. Changes in intensity of a single color produce very simple response shape. Light and darkness (as opposites) show no evidence of being different values of the same variable. Rather, they seem to be the result of stimulating and also of inhibiting different receptors. This, the evoked potentials to light and darkness in no way may be said to be positive and negative, respectively. White, for example, appears in this view as the result of mutual inhibition of color.

  5. These experiments clearly imply an inherent form of organization and not a random learning of nerve nets. It is possible to mentally recognize and perceive the stimulus within the first portion of the invoked potential. Portions responding (in the brain) which occur later than 0.3 sec. are seen as systematic processes, or tuned circuits to those responses to specific in-coming stimulus. This is a form of resonance in the brain to specific geometry. This could also lead to the formation of memory.

  6. Every perception has a unique counterpart as a space-time code form in the brain. These space-time shapes are evidence of relationships between the external world and its representation in the brain. They act like keys to "unlock" specific parts of our brain, often being observed below psychological threshold levels (subliminal).
Clynes literally mapped fields in the human brain.
A computer was able to identify and reproduce those geometrical figures from what that human was concentrating on, either as a geometric form or color.

The individual did not even have to look at the pattern but simply concentrate "in his mind's eye.”
A standing wave means that the wave is not changed, but is holding itself steady in one certain geometrical thought.

If quantum mechanical properties of matter are actually the conscious property of matter, then one would predict that all phenomena where quantum wave explanations are important, the phenomena could be interpreted better in terms of consciousness.5

Our planet is surrounded by a Layer of electrically charged particles called the ionosphere.
The lower layer of the ionosphere starts about 80km. from the Earth.

This charges layer is known to reflect radio waves.

Since this is a highly charges layer, the ionosphere forms a so-called capacitor with the Earth.
This means that there is a difference in electrical potential between the two, the Earth being negatively charged and the ionosphere being positively charged.

This potential varies somewhat but is around 200 volts/m.

This is a fundamental type of electrical generator.
The solar winds, interacting with the upper atmosphere rotation, act as a collector and brushes of a generator.

The lower atmosphere can be seen as a storage battery for this gradient potential.

This electrostatic around the Earth can be viewed as a stiff jelly.
When our bodies move and vibrate, these movements are transmitted to the environment.

These fields not only impinge on our body but they also affect the charges inside our body.
When we are standing on the ground, under normal conditions, we are grounded.

Our body then acts as a sink for the electrostatic field and we actually distort the force lines somewhat.

Our body also has its own electrostatic field about itself.
These field-lines are the result of the various biochemical reactions in the body.

This resultant bio-field couples us to the isoelectric field of the planet.

A "tuned system" consists of at least two oscillators of identical resonance frequencies.
If one of the oscillators starts emitting, the other will be activated by the signal very shortly.

Because the coupling is ideal, they will respond to the tiniest signals and begin to resonate.

In 1957, W.O. Schumann 6 calculated the Earth-ionosphere cavity resonance frequencies.
His works were updated over the years and the figure now used is at 7.5Hz.

As indicated previously, the micro motion of the body is about 6.8 to 7.5Hz.
(Skarekrow - Then currently it is at 7.83 Hz)

It is obvious that when one is in deep meditation, it is possible for the human being and the planet system to start resonating.
There is a transfer of energy.

It is no coincidence that this frequency is in the theta region of brainwaves, the state of maximum regeneration.

Information is embodied in a field, rather than just being a field.
A field is thus an abstract quantity of information; relationships between this point and that point in the universe.

Astral temples are set up to evoke a certain correspondence effect, like a resonance.
These temples are like a physical matrix, one with specific geometrical form and color.

The visualization, in turn sets up a particular EM resonance in the brain.
The reverberation pattern is most explicit.

Clarity is all important.
Distortion minimizes the resonance effect and reduces any amplification to connecting other "tuned" oscillators in the body.

Techniques of extending this harmonious resonance have been known for thousands of years.
These are the different meditative techniques.

Most slow down the metabolic rate of the body so that much less oxygen is required to keep the body going.

As one becomes proficient in meditation, the breathing becomes so gentle as not to disturb the resonate state of the aorta.
An automatic process develops in which the lungs and the diaphragm regulates the heart-aorta system so as to keep them well-tuned.

This helps extend the resonant behavior even with shallow breathing.

In conclusion, the following points should be made regarding the resonant effects available through meditation:

  1. There is a heart/aorta resonance which links up with a number of other critical oscillators, including several in the brain. It starts at the heart.

  2. Specific geometries or geometrical mandalas (form and color) create resonance effects in the brain. The pattern is repeated in the brain.

  3. Specific geometrical systems can be used as "keys" to access those specific archetypes. Access occurs to the psyche.

  4. This linking of resonant cavity oscillators can be seen to form a common thread, going from Hadit (DNA-RNA helix) to Nuit (galactic hydrogen-helium field).

  5. By "tuning" one's meditation, it is possible to amplify and have access to the other resonant systems, in and out of the body.
The Human organism has usually been regarded as a complex arrangement of chemical elements and compounds.
The quantity and structure of these variables are our reference points for states of health.

This is the area of biochemistry and biochemical analysis.

An equally valid approach is to regard the human organism as an aggregation of electromagnetic fields which are constantly interacting and changing as are their biological equivalents.

It has been shown that the human system is an emitter of electromagnetic radiations.7

All biological processes are a function of electromagnetic field interactions.
EM fields are the connecting link between the world of form and resonant patterns.

The patterns are arbitrary forms which are non-physical.
Archetypal forms are based on inherent characteristics and correspondences.

This provides a basis for what we would call resonant phenomena in archetypal systems.
EM fields embody or store gestalts, patterns of information.

An archetype may then be seen as a specific geometrical system of standing waves occurring in the brain as a space-time shape ("key").

In living organisms, opposites receive their structure of symmetry from particular combinations of spatial and temporal aspects.
Like reins on a horse, each of the opposites of the psychological pair has its own place.

This geometric property makes them capable of being opposites.
The activity of each arm determines the quantity; the spatial identity of the rein determines the quality.

There is no monotonic (or linear) transition from one to the other passing through zero.

A human being, immersed in the galactic hydrogen-helium field, may also utilize the pulsing feedback between man and the galaxy to build up the resonance effects, much like we would tune a radio.

These primary frequencies are multiples of the base frequency 7 Hz.

These four nucleotides provide resonant frequencies for alpha, theta, and delta (the characteristic brain states going from consciousness to deep sleep: 14-2 Hz.).

This resonance relationship can be seen to link with helium inside the body at various chemical sites.

The bridge connecting the solar system resonances and the brain frequencies seem to reside in the DNA-RNA helix.

In a paper by Oliver Reiser 8 from the University of Pittsburgh, a relationship is developed between the four helium cores in an atomic nucleus and the matrix forms on the DNA and RNA.

Reiser describes them as "radiation belts of thought," the four "nucleotides" enter into the dynamics of these nuclear properties.
A spheron is a nuclear constituent roughly spherical in shape and spaced in concentric layers.

The platonic solids are the five regular solids described by Pythagoras, now seen to form all crystal formations.
These forms later became the basis of the mathematics known as group theory.

The so-called "resonances" were specific combinations of five regular solids geometry.

"Helions" is Pauling's term for spherons 9 when he modeled,
  1. the helium in the sun

  2. the heliosphere around the Earth

  3. the hydrogen-helium plasma of the galactic disc
An optically activated molecule, such as helium, contains an electron which is coerced into a helical path by electric field.
This one-sided spiral is maintained in the intermolecular transport through protein molecules.

Note that the protein units of "spherical viruses" are packed symmetrically, in accordance with the pattern of cubic symmetry.


Once more we find our way back to Pythagoras and the Platonic solids.!

Time for a good article!
Some wild stuff!

by Richard Alan Miller (aka Philo Stone)


This paper is from THE HOLISTIC QABALAH, a series of 12 books, written by Richard and Iona Miller.
It has also appeared in print in "Psychedelic Monographs and Essays," Volume Four, Summer 1989


The use of psychedelics or empathogens traditionally involves effectual traits or nuances which can parallel endogenous mystical or cybernetic landscapes.

This piece presents an introduction to current descriptions common throughout all three fields.
A promise of increased comprehension so far as metaphor, symbol and effect surrounding these and other cross-correlative fields is reviewed and annotated.

"...If the manas is to preform its proper task of controlling senses, it must reflect the ideal pattern that is laid up in the heavens of Buddhi. Only when that pattern is reflected in its mirror has it the standard of reference by which to judge... nor should we think that the possession of such a divine standard by which to judge attainment is far above us; one to which we may aspire in some dim future.
Here and now the Pattern is within us."

~ Sri Krishna Prem

Theoretically, the practice of meditation is intended to withdraw the personal mind from its persistent preoccupation with external affairs.
It can be seen as a form of training for the mind in switching from matter to psyche.

There is a purpose.
It is to prepare the personal nature so that it is able to reflect and express its relationship with the Universal Self.

Throughout history there have been a number of techniques used to achieve a meditative state.
The most often used first step is a form of rhythmic breathing.

If done correctly, a sequence of strong and unusual body reactions occur.
These also will eventually trigger unusual psychological states via a type of resonance effect.

A closer examination of these resonance-relationships yields information useful in improving the meditation.

Perhaps an example clarifies this: When a subject is totally relaxed and has achieved a deep meditative state, a slow, rhythmic sine wave pattern can be registered by a cardiograph-type sensing device.

What is being measured is a standing wave in the aorta.
There is a heart-aorta resonating oscillator which affects other parts of the body, including the brain.


Resonance occurs when the natural vibration frequency of a body is greatly amplified by vibrations at the same frequency from another body.
Oscillators alter the environment in a periodic manner.

When in a deep meditative state the regular movement of the body indicates that a standing wave is set up in the vascular system, specifically in the aorta.

This standing wave affects several other resonate systems in the body, all of which are driven by this large signal.

A paper by Paul F.J. New 1, and several current papers, indicate the presence of a major resonate cavity oscillator located between the heart and the bifurcation, where the aorta divides itself.

When the timing of the pressure pulses travel down the aorta coincide (in phase) with the reflected pressure pulse, a standing wave is achieved.
When this frequency approaches 7Hz., a progressively amplified wave form is created by resonance, resulting in a large oscillation affecting every other circuit in the body tuned to this frequency.2

There is a resonance relationship to this frequency with standing waves on the Earth's crust.
If we assume that the spherical crust of the Earth represents a condenser, then the frequency of resonance can be calculated on the basis of the equation:​
Resonance frequency = C/7.3R2

C = velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves
R = radius of the Earth.

This frequency has been shown to be 6.4Hz.
Thus, a harmonic frequency corresponding to the pulsation of the electrical charge of the Earth is present in heart/aorta.
(Skarekrow - Though my understanding of the Schumann Resonance is that the natural vibration of the Earth is at 7.83 appears to be the vibration between us and the Earth then in this equation it seems.)

The brain may be considered as a piezoelectric gel 3, one converting physical vibrations into electrical ones.
Although the body movement from this heart/aorta resonance is relatively small, 0.003-0.009 mm., the head is a dense and tight structure.

By moving up and down, the skull accelerates the brain with mild impacts.
These acoustical plane waves are reflected from the cranial vault and are focused upon the third and lateral ventricles.

A hierarchy of frequencies couple this 7Hz. body movement to the higher frequencies in the ventricles.
"That which is that bright within the heart; in that this man resides, innate with mind transcending death, with brilliance innate."

Taittiriya Upanishad

In the book Biomedical Engineering Systems 4, Chapter 7 is a major work entitled "Toward A View of Man", by Manfred Clynes.
Clynes is a medical doctor working at the Research Center in Rockman State Hospital, Orangeburg, New York.

This work is considered a breakthrough in the fields of psychology and medicine, known today as the field of psychobiology (biocybernetics).

Clynes took a number of volunteers and shaved their heads, placing a series of electrodes in rosette patterns or various regions of the brain.
These included the temporal, frontal lobe section and occipital region.

In this way, not only were the brain frequencies monitored, but directional shifts in these frequencies could also be determined by the geometry of the electrodes on the scull.

The original purpose of Clynes' work was to find out how precision and order exist in brain processes; to discover what is inherently programmed in man and how he might make use of the inherent programs.

These individuals were given a number of images (form) and colors to concentrate on while their brain was monitored by computers.
Recording from opposite pairs of electrodes simultaneously, he obtained views of the electrical activity from different angles: mathematically, a spatial differentiation of the electric vector.

What was happening literally was a mapping of consciousness.

A number of very important observations were made:
  1. Certain qualities and relationships were of great importance to the computer than such quantitative factors such as intensity. This meant that the brain's systems of identification are based on differences, rather than intensity of the signal.

  2. Thin lines were found to produce characteristic evoked potentials, irrespective of size. The form itself is transduced into another form in the brain space time which can be measured. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the visual form of the stimulus, the response form in the brain, and the perception. This is, perhaps, the first physical description of the field of an archetype. It is a geometrical structuring and has uniqueness.

  3. The process of inhibition is as important for transducing the external world as is excitation. Concentrating on specific lines of geometry does not constitute the changing stimulus, but their steady presence systematically and radically alters the response to another changing stimulus.

  4. Changes in intensity of a single color produce very simple response shape. Light and darkness (as opposites) show no evidence of being different values of the same variable. Rather, they seem to be the result of stimulating and also of inhibiting different receptors. This, the evoked potentials to light and darkness in no way may be said to be positive and negative, respectively. White, for example, appears in this view as the result of mutual inhibition of color.

  5. These experiments clearly imply an inherent form of organization and not a random learning of nerve nets. It is possible to mentally recognize and perceive the stimulus within the first portion of the invoked potential. Portions responding (in the brain) which occur later than 0.3 sec. are seen as systematic processes, or tuned circuits to those responses to specific in-coming stimulus. This is a form of resonance in the brain to specific geometry. This could also lead to the formation of memory.

  6. Every perception has a unique counterpart as a space-time code form in the brain. These space-time shapes are evidence of relationships between the external world and its representation in the brain. They act like keys to "unlock" specific parts of our brain, often being observed below psychological threshold levels (subliminal).
Clynes literally mapped fields in the human brain.
A computer was able to identify and reproduce those geometrical figures from what that human was concentrating on, either as a geometric form or color.

The individual did not even have to look at the pattern but simply concentrate "in his mind's eye.”
A standing wave means that the wave is not changed, but is holding itself steady in one certain geometrical thought.

If quantum mechanical properties of matter are actually the conscious property of matter, then one would predict that all phenomena where quantum wave explanations are important, the phenomena could be interpreted better in terms of consciousness.5

Our planet is surrounded by a Layer of electrically charged particles called the ionosphere.
The lower layer of the ionosphere starts about 80km. from the Earth.

This charges layer is known to reflect radio waves.

Since this is a highly charges layer, the ionosphere forms a so-called capacitor with the Earth.
This means that there is a difference in electrical potential between the two, the Earth being negatively charged and the ionosphere being positively charged.

This potential varies somewhat but is around 200 volts/m.

This is a fundamental type of electrical generator.
The solar winds, interacting with the upper atmosphere rotation, act as a collector and brushes of a generator.

The lower atmosphere can be seen as a storage battery for this gradient potential.

This electrostatic around the Earth can be viewed as a stiff jelly.
When our bodies move and vibrate, these movements are transmitted to the environment.

These fields not only impinge on our body but they also affect the charges inside our body.
When we are standing on the ground, under normal conditions, we are grounded.

Our body then acts as a sink for the electrostatic field and we actually distort the force lines somewhat.

Our body also has its own electrostatic field about itself.
These field-lines are the result of the various biochemical reactions in the body.

This resultant bio-field couples us to the isoelectric field of the planet.

A "tuned system" consists of at least two oscillators of identical resonance frequencies.
If one of the oscillators starts emitting, the other will be activated by the signal very shortly.

Because the coupling is ideal, they will respond to the tiniest signals and begin to resonate.

In 1957, W.O. Schumann 6 calculated the Earth-ionosphere cavity resonance frequencies.
His works were updated over the years and the figure now used is at 7.5Hz.

As indicated previously, the micro motion of the body is about 6.8 to 7.5Hz.
(Skarekrow - Then currently it is at 7.83 Hz)

It is obvious that when one is in deep meditation, it is possible for the human being and the planet system to start resonating.
There is a transfer of energy.

It is no coincidence that this frequency is in the theta region of brainwaves, the state of maximum regeneration.

Information is embodied in a field, rather than just being a field.
A field is thus an abstract quantity of information; relationships between this point and that point in the universe.

Astral temples are set up to evoke a certain correspondence effect, like a resonance.
These temples are like a physical matrix, one with specific geometrical form and color.

The visualization, in turn sets up a particular EM resonance in the brain.
The reverberation pattern is most explicit.

Clarity is all important.
Distortion minimizes the resonance effect and reduces any amplification to connecting other "tuned" oscillators in the body.

Techniques of extending this harmonious resonance have been known for thousands of years.
These are the different meditative techniques.

Most slow down the metabolic rate of the body so that much less oxygen is required to keep the body going.

As one becomes proficient in meditation, the breathing becomes so gentle as not to disturb the resonate state of the aorta.
An automatic process develops in which the lungs and the diaphragm regulates the heart-aorta system so as to keep them well-tuned.

This helps extend the resonant behavior even with shallow breathing.

In conclusion, the following points should be made regarding the resonant effects available through meditation:

  1. There is a heart/aorta resonance which links up with a number of other critical oscillators, including several in the brain. It starts at the heart.

  2. Specific geometries or geometrical mandalas (form and color) create resonance effects in the brain. The pattern is repeated in the brain.

  3. Specific geometrical systems can be used as "keys" to access those specific archetypes. Access occurs to the psyche.

  4. This linking of resonant cavity oscillators can be seen to form a common thread, going from Hadit (DNA-RNA helix) to Nuit (galactic hydrogen-helium field).

  5. By "tuning" one's meditation, it is possible to amplify and have access to the other resonant systems, in and out of the body.
The Human organism has usually been regarded as a complex arrangement of chemical elements and compounds.
The quantity and structure of these variables are our reference points for states of health.

This is the area of biochemistry and biochemical analysis.

An equally valid approach is to regard the human organism as an aggregation of electromagnetic fields which are constantly interacting and changing as are their biological equivalents.

It has been shown that the human system is an emitter of electromagnetic radiations.7

All biological processes are a function of electromagnetic field interactions.
EM fields are the connecting link between the world of form and resonant patterns.

The patterns are arbitrary forms which are non-physical.
Archetypal forms are based on inherent characteristics and correspondences.

This provides a basis for what we would call resonant phenomena in archetypal systems.
EM fields embody or store gestalts, patterns of information.

An archetype may then be seen as a specific geometrical system of standing waves occurring in the brain as a space-time shape ("key").

In living organisms, opposites receive their structure of symmetry from particular combinations of spatial and temporal aspects.
Like reins on a horse, each of the opposites of the psychological pair has its own place.

This geometric property makes them capable of being opposites.
The activity of each arm determines the quantity; the spatial identity of the rein determines the quality.

There is no monotonic (or linear) transition from one to the other passing through zero.

A human being, immersed in the galactic hydrogen-helium field, may also utilize the pulsing feedback between man and the galaxy to build up the resonance effects, much like we would tune a radio.

These primary frequencies are multiples of the base frequency 7 Hz.

These four nucleotides provide resonant frequencies for alpha, theta, and delta (the characteristic brain states going from consciousness to deep sleep: 14-2 Hz.).

This resonance relationship can be seen to link with helium inside the body at various chemical sites.

The bridge connecting the solar system resonances and the brain frequencies seem to reside in the DNA-RNA helix.

In a paper by Oliver Reiser 8 from the University of Pittsburgh, a relationship is developed between the four helium cores in an atomic nucleus and the matrix forms on the DNA and RNA.

Reiser describes them as "radiation belts of thought," the four "nucleotides" enter into the dynamics of these nuclear properties.
A spheron is a nuclear constituent roughly spherical in shape and spaced in concentric layers.

The platonic solids are the five regular solids described by Pythagoras, now seen to form all crystal formations.
These forms later became the basis of the mathematics known as group theory.

The so-called "resonances" were specific combinations of five regular solids geometry.

"Helions" is Pauling's term for spherons 9 when he modeled,
  1. the helium in the sun

  2. the heliosphere around the Earth

  3. the hydrogen-helium plasma of the galactic disc
An optically activated molecule, such as helium, contains an electron which is coerced into a helical path by electric field.
This one-sided spiral is maintained in the intermolecular transport through protein molecules.

Note that the protein units of "spherical viruses" are packed symmetrically, in accordance with the pattern of cubic symmetry.


Once more we find our way back to Pythagoras and the Platonic solids.!

There's a lot to think about in here Skarekrow. Mapping the mind is really interesting - I'd like to have something that would record my dreams overnight so I could play them back because I rarely remember them unless I'm on a dream logging jag. Could be a bit sinister though if it meant your friendly Government Department for Politically Correct Thinking could read your thoughts. It would be a godsend for people with physical disabilities - you could have a direct link to computerised aids - I've a feeling this is already available in some form that provides a mouse like device controlled only by thought. Anyway, I had a look and there are quite a few links out on the web - here's a typical one that echoes this article:
The suggestions on resonances are intriguing - it strikes me they could be tested using people with some kind of altered heart plumbing after surgery that gives them a different standing wave frequency to see if it alters their meditation experiences.
On a minor note I'm not sure what the author is getting at with
"The platonic solids are the five regular solids described by Pythagoras, now seen to form all crystal formations.
These forms later became the basis of the mathematics known as group theory."​
One of the drivers for the development of group theory was that it gave a systematic way of handling transformations of symmetric objects, but while this includes the Platonic solids, it wasn't inspired just by them. It looks like the first people to develop it were interested in solving higher order polynomials. It's a nice mathematical toy because it's very easy to understand simple group theory.
There's a lot to think about in here Skarekrow. Mapping the mind is really interesting - I'd like to have something that would record my dreams overnight so I could play them back because I rarely remember them unless I'm on a dream logging jag. Could be a bit sinister though if it meant your friendly Government Department for Politically Correct Thinking could read your thoughts. It would be a godsend for people with physical disabilities - you could have a direct link to computerised aids - I've a feeling this is already available in some form that provides a mouse like device controlled only by thought. Anyway, I had a look and there are quite a few links out on the web - here's a typical one that echoes this article:
The suggestions on resonances are intriguing - it strikes me they could be tested using people with some kind of altered heart plumbing after surgery that gives them a different standing wave frequency to see if it alters their meditation experiences.
On a minor note I'm not sure what the author is getting at with
"The platonic solids are the five regular solids described by Pythagoras, now seen to form all crystal formations.
These forms later became the basis of the mathematics known as group theory."​
One of the drivers for the development of group theory was that it gave a systematic way of handling transformations of symmetric objects, but while this includes the Platonic solids, it wasn't inspired just by them. It looks like the first people to develop it were interested in solving higher order polynomials. It's a nice mathematical toy because it's very easy to understand simple group theory.

Yes, there have been several teams working on recording dreams or thoughts....they have had moderate success with fMRI’s just getting that into a smaller (way smaller) version that the everyday person could use at home.

It could of course be used for good or for evil, like many things we seem to create.
Yes, I agree, the article was interesting and that is why I posted it, but some of the ideas seem half-formed or not fully thought through.
But it leaves some things to think about...and that is always my intent - no matter what percentage I view as possible or true.
Thanks for you thoughts on the subject, very wise!

If we take it even further....could they use magnetic resonance to do the reverse - could they implant images in someones’ head?
They already have connections between natural magnetic fields and it doesn’t seem totally impossible.

Much love!
The Human organism has usually been regarded as a complex arrangement of chemical elements and compounds.
The quantity and structure of these variables are our reference points for states of health.

This is the area of biochemistry and biochemical analysis.

An equally valid approach is to regard the human organism as an aggregation of electromagnetic fields which are constantly interacting and changing as are their biological equivalents.

It has been shown that the human system is an emitter of electromagnetic radiations.7
This right here sums up the G-Magnetc Monopole Center in the Human Design System...another description of our conscious and unconscious personality traits and behaviors.

Curently I'm on the understanding of the channels, gates and keys in the system and how they work in relationship of our Self (the G-MM Center) and how if/when we are lacking in a particular energy channel between centers--the Centers being:
The Head, Inspiration
Ajna or Third-eye, Certianty
Throat, Communication & Action
The G-Magnetic Monopole, Self, Love, and Life Direction
Heart/ Will, Willpower & Values
Sacral Chakra, Workforce & Lifeforce Energy
Emotional Solar Plexus, Emotional clarity
Root Chakra, Adrenaline energy
Spleen, Survival, Intuition, Immune system, Time
--we "pick up" these energies from others and our environment to complete the circuitry in the channel if it is open or "undefined"; whereas our defined Centers define the energy channels and these remain consistant from birth til passing.

It is amazing that with the 5 Body Types: the Manifestor, Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors and how the "magnetic" energy Centers of each attracts or repels the energy exchanges. It is based on many of the principle metaphysics being studied currently...the scientists are finally catching up to creating a Human Blueprint ;)

This right here sums up the G-Magnetc Monopole Center in the Human Design System...another description of our conscious and unconscious personality traits and behaviors.

Curently I'm on the understanding of the channels, gates and keys in the system and how they work in relationship of our Self (the G-MM Center) and how if/when we are lacking in a particular energy channel between centers--the Centers being:
The Head, Inspiration
Ajna or Third-eye, Certianty
Throat, Communication & Action
The G-Magnetic Monopole, Self, Love, and Life Direction
Heart/ Will, Willpower & Values
Sacral Chakra, Workforce & Lifeforce Energy
Emotional Solar Plexus, Emotional clarity
Root Chakra, Adrenaline energy
Spleen, Survival, Intuition, Immune system, Time
--we "pick up" these energies from others and our environment to complete the circuitry in the channel if it is open or "undefined"; whereas our defined Centers define the energy channels and these remain consistant from birth til passing.

It is amazing that with the 5 Body Types: the Manifestor, Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors and how the "magnetic" energy Centers of each attracts or repels the energy exchanges. It is based on many of the principle metaphysics being studied currently...the scientists are finally catching up to creating a Human Blueprint ;)


Wow Sandie, what a different take you have on it from how I was reading it...but I can see that now, thanks!
Yes, I know the human body does put off a magnetic’s actually in a torus pattern which matches incredibly old paintings and drawings on the subject where they would have no way of knowing that.
What are the benefits of this program exactly...I read through each page of the description seems a mixture of how our chakras and energy centers and channels of our body are influenced by astrology and numerology?
Does it help free up blocked energy centers, or what is the idea of doing the chart?

I hope you are doing alright otherwise?
Please let me know if I can ever do anything for you my friend.
Much love.