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Doctors Open Real Life ‘Farmacies’ — Treat Patients With Organic Vegetables Instead of Pills
June 30, 2017 by Edward Morgan

“The food you eat can either be the safest & the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison” – Ann Wigmore

At a reputed medical centre in the US, a unique experiment is on; doing common things in most UN common way.

Here the patients are being treated with select fruits and vegetables from its Farmacy (Farm) instead of medicines from its Pharmacy.

According to the director of the medical centre the patients have responded positively to this innovative method.


The director added that based on this success story, it is time to create awareness about the efficacy of fresh fruits and vegetables over the conventional approach of treating patients with the pills which inflict a number of side effects on the patient.

At the medical center’s Farmacy, a variety of fruits and vegetables are grown scientifically such as bananas, oranges, apples, carrots and items of green salad at the most economic cost giving deep discounts to inculcate the habit of eating fresh fruits and vegetables direct from the Farmacy, instead of popping pills which not only harms the body but also digs a big hole in the patient’s pocket, leaving him high and dry.

This Farmacy, though unique in many ways is not the only one in the States.

Plant-based wholesome organic foods are the most powerful disease repelling tools and are much more powerful than any drug or surgery.

They have proved themselves more effective in preventing chronic heart attacks, strokes, cardiovascular diseases and cancers, claims the spokesperson of the medical center.

On the contrary the use of modern medicines and its compounds being manufactured by the Pharma companies have caused many problems to the civil society, both within our country and elsewhere, he added.

Programmers like growing plant based organic foods would go long way in reforming heath care system and keeping a tap on big Pharma stronghold in the heath care market for the benefit of consumers, he claims.

“Let Food be the Medicine and Medicines be thy Food”, said Hippocrates many centuries ago but his message forgotten over the time due to commercial considerations.

India too has its own version of Farmacies with Yogic and Ashrams spread across the country actively engaged in rendering advice on heath care problems and farming of quality food stuffs in the form of fruits and vegetables.

Their product range include Melons, Buck wheat, Avocados, Apples, bananas, oranges, carrots , reddish, items of green salad, garlic, broccolis, papayas, cucumbers.

While some of product range is excellent colon cleaner, others protect heart cardiovascular system and have excellent antioxidants attributes.

They not only help us to be less susceptible to life style disease and illness but have also lead to increase in our life span in much better way than the modern medicines.

These Ashrams are well equipped to advise on various heath care options based on various modern and ancient systems of medical care, including Ayurveda, Yoga and naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy etc as suitable to the patient.

However, primacy is given to the ancient and time tested systems having Zero side effects.

Today though the life expectancy has increased but the quality of life has not kept its pace with the overall developments and improvements due to many factors including side effects of heavy doses of medicines to keep the life on and on….

In the process, the old and weak are the victims of the prolonged agony and pain in their extended “Death Years”.

With prey on their lips, they seek redemption from the prolonged death years, sooner rather than later!

Reference: / The book The Nature’s Farmacy is available on



I have to say my SO has cut all refined sugars out of her diet...along with processed carbs.
She says she feels like she has so much more energy...and I can tell a difference in her too.
There are some interesting books she was reading about sugar being right up with cocaine and various other drugs...they light up the same pleasure centers, etc.
Very interesting!
Thanks for sharing!

Some UFOs that abduct humans and animals crash.​

McDonald's new UFO burger coming soon!!​
Did you just dismiss your guides and the ET's?!?!?!?!
You know I don't dismiss anything @Kgal !
It was significantly I said, I'm waiting for my abduction.
That was less a joke than I let on, be sure.
I just don't know what to do with the signs.....?
So they showed themselves to me....what does that mean?
Trying to understand what I am supposed to do?
It's not the first time I saw a UFO btw...the first time was driving back from Pismo beach I was a twisty road and as I came around the corner I, that light on that plane is really bright....and then it shot from what looked like a plane flying toward flying off at a right angle to my left.
Couldn't have been a was sooooo fast.
I told you about that blur regarding me transmuting energy for interdimensional beings.
I just keep meditating on it and working on my astral projection.
Got any better ideas?
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I posted an article a while back about Ashwaganda root.
Was able to find just the plain ground root without all the B vitamins and shit in it too.
Have to say...very pleased so is rare that over the counter supplements...especially vitamins or herbs, to have a noticeable effect on me since the first dose.
Not placebo...I've tried enough different BS that doesn't work so well.
This one actually is pretty awesome...primarily for stress...but it does a whole other slew of beneficial things as well.
So they would be good side effects I suppose.
I will post more info about it tomorrow.
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Promised you a decent article on Ashwaganda.
It really has given me a noticeable improvement in both depression and anxiety.
Possibly has helped with my arthritis inflammation, but that can be from stress reduction.
Either way...I recommend it....just not if you're pregnant.
Could cause early birth.

Ashwagandha Stress Reduction,
Neural Protection, and a Lot More from an Ancient Herb



Ashwaganda, an exotic Indian herb, has remarkable stress-relieving properties comparable to those of powerful drugs used to treat depression and anxiety.

In addition to its excellent protective effects on the nervous system, ashwagandha may be a promising alternative treatment for a variety of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Ashwaganda has powerful antioxidant properties that seek and destroy the free radicals that have been implicated in aging and numerous disease states.

Even more remarkable, emerging evidence suggests that ashwagandha has anti-cancer benefits as well.

Powerful Protective Effects on the Nervous System

Stress, environmental toxins, and poor nutrition all have a detrimental impact on our nervous systems.

Scientific studies support ashwagandha’s ability not only to relieve stress, but also to protect brain cells against the deleterious effects of our modern lifestyles.

For example, in validated models of anxiety and depression, ashwagandha has been demonstrated to be as effective as some tranquilizers and antidepressant drugs.

Specifically, oral administration of ashwagandha for five days suggested anxiety-relieving effects similar to those achieved by the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam (Ativan®), and antidepressant effects similar to those of the prescription antidepressant drug imipramine (Tofranil®).1

Stress can cause increased peroxidation of lipids, while decreasing levels of the antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase.

When ashwagandha extract was administered by re-searchers one hour before a daily stress-inducing procedure, all of the aforementioned parameters of free radical damage normalized in a dose-dependent manner.2

Premature aging associated with chronic nervous tension may be related to increased oxidative stress, which is abolished by the potent antioxidant properties of ashwagandha extract.

Researchers believe this finding supports the clinical use of ashwagandha as an anti-stress agent.


Other studies of chronic stress support these findings.
For example, in a remarkable animal study, examination of the brains of sacrificed animals showed that 85% of the brain cells observed in the animals exposed to chronic stress showed signs of degeneration.

It is this type of cellular degeneration that can lead to long-term cognitive difficulties.
Amazingly, when ashwagandha was administered to chronically stressed animals, the number of degenerating brain cells was reduced by 80%!3

In one of the most complete human clinical trials to date, researchers studied the effects of a standardized extract of ashwagandha on the negative effects of stress, including elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Many of the adverse effects of stress are thought to be related to elevated levels of cortisol.
The results were impressive.

The participants subjectively reported increased energy, reduced fatigue, better sleep, and an enhanced sense of well-being.

The participants showed several measurable improvements, including a reduction of cortisol levels up to 26%, a decline in fasting blood sugar levels, and improved lipid profiles.

It would appear from this study that ashwagandha can address many of the health and psychological issues that plague today’s society.4

Over the past five years, the Institute of Natural Medicine at the Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Japan has conducted extensive research into the brain benefits of ashwagandha.

The Institute’s scientists were looking for ways to encourage the regeneration of nerve cell components called axons and dendrites in validated models of the human brain.

This important research may one day benefit those who have incurred brain injuries due to physical trauma, as well as those who suffer cognitive decline due to destruction of the nerve cell networks from diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Using a validated model of damaged nerve cells and impaired nerve-signaling pathways, re-searchers noted that ashwagandha supported significant regeneration of the axons and dendrites of nerve cells.

Furthermore, ashwagandha extract supported the reconstruction of synapses, the junctions where nerve cells communicate with other cells.

The investigators concluded that ashwagandha extract helps to reconstruct networks of the nervous system, making it a potential treatment for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.5

In another study at the same institute, researchers found that ashwagandha helped support the growth of nerve cell dendrites, which allow these cells to receive communications from other cells.

This finding suggests that ashwagandha could help heal the brain tissue changes that accompany dementia.6


Finally, in a third published study, the researchers noted that ashwagandha helped promote the growth of both normal and damaged nerve cells, suggesting that the herb may boost healthy brain cell function as well as benefit diseased nerve cells.7

These findings provide tremendous hope that ashwagandha extracts may one day help heal neurodegenerative diseases in humans, freeing patients from the mental prisons of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Clearly, this is just the beginning of research into ashwagandha’s ability to encourage physical re-growth of the brain.

Ashwagandha also shows promise as a treatment for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, chronic neurodegenerative conditions for which there currently are no cures.

In a recent study using a standardized model of human Parkinson’s disease, ashwagandha extract reversed all the parameters of Parkinson’s-type neurodegeneration significantly and in a dose-dependent manner.8

Remarkably, an earlier study showed that ashwagandha extract inhibits acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme responsible for breaking down one of the brain’s key chemical messengers.

Drugs currently used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, such as Aricept®, act in this very manner to slow the progression of this frightening, mind-robbing disease.9

Studies Suggest Potent Anti-Cancer Activity

In addition to ashwagandha’s documented neuroprotective effects, exciting recent evidence suggests that it also has the potential to stop cancer cells in their tracks.

For example, a recent analysis showed that ashwagandha extract inhibited the growth of human breast, lung, and colon cancer cell lines in the laboratory.

This inhibition was comparable to that achieved with the common cancer chemotherapy drug doxorubicin (Caelyx®, Myocet®).

In fact, researchers reported that withaferin A, a specific compound extracted from ashwagandha, was more effective than doxorubicin in inhibiting breast and colon cancer cell growth.11,14

Scientists in India recently conducted cell studies showing that ashwagandha extract disrupts cancer cells’ ability to reproduce—a key step in fighting cancer.

Additionally, laboratory analysis indicates that ashwagandha extract possesses anti-angiogenic activity, also known as the ability to prevent cancer from forming new blood vessels to support its unbridled growth.

These findings lend further support to ashwagandha’s potential role in fighting cancer.15
Based on these studies, research in this area continues.

In another study, orally administered ashwagandha extract significantly inhibited experimentally induced stomach cancer in laboratory animals.

Tumor incidence was reduced by 60% and tumor multiplicity (number) by 92%.
Similarly, in a rodent model of skin cancer, ashwagandha inhibited tumor incidence and multiplicity by 45% and 71%, respectively.16

Ashwagandha's protective effect against skin cancer has been shown in other studies as well.17

A recent experiment demonstrated that ashwagandha extract produced a marked increase in life span and a decrease in tumor weight in animals with experimentally induced cancer of the lymphatic system.18

This is an exciting finding, suggesting that ashwagandha could enhance survival in individuals with cancer.

Ashwagandha's Pharmacological Activity

Scientists speculate that some of ashwagandha’s benefits stem from its antioxidant properties and ability to scavenge free radicals.10

Two main classes of compounds—steroidal alkaloids and steroidal lactones—may account for its broad range of beneficial effects.

Steroidal lactones comprise a class of constituents called withanolides.
To date, scientists have identified and studied at least 12 alkaloids and 35 withanolides.

Much of ashwagandha’s pharmacological activity has been attributed to two primary withanolides, withaferin A and withanolide D.11

Other studies reveal that ashwagandha has antimicrobial properties, with antibacterial activity against potentially dangerous bacteria, including Salmonella, an organism associated with food poisoning.

This activity was demonstrated in cell cultures as well as in infected laboratory animals.12

Additional studies show that ashwagandha root extract enhances the ability of macrophage immune cells to “eat” pathogens, as compared to macrophages from a control group that did not receive ashwagandha.13

Ashwagandha extract may also have applications as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy treatment.
One of the consequences of chemotherapy is neutropenia, a decrease in white blood cells called neutrophils that can leave patients dangerously vulnerable to infection.

A study of animals demonstrated that orally administered ashwagandha extract protected against this decline in infection-fighting neutrophils.

While further human studies are needed, these findings suggest that ashwagandha may be an excellent adjunctive therapy to chemotherapy.19

Another animal study investigated ashwagandha extract’s effects in normalizing the immune-suppressing effects of chemotherapy.

When test animals received a common chemotherapy drug, levels of the desirable immune factors interferon-gamma and interleukin-2 decreased.

When the animals also received orally administered ashwagandha extract, however, their immune system parameters remained normal.

These findings add support to the idea that ashwagandha may help protect immune function during chemotherapy treatment.20



Chronic stress exacts a high price from our bodies as well as our minds.
Many degenerative diseases, as well as premature aging, are associated with chronic nervous tension.

There is great need for safe and effective prevention strategies to combat the ravages of stress on our nervous system.

Ashwagandha, an exotic Indian herb, has demonstrated anti-anxiety and neuroprotective effects, and tantalizing evidence suggests that it is also a cancer fighter.

Animal toxicity studies indicate that this remarkable plant is safe and well tolerated.21

1. Bhattacharya SK, Bhattacharya A, Sairam K, Ghosal S. Anxiolytic-antidepressant activity of Withania somnifera glycowithanolides: an experimental study. Phytomedicine. 2000 Dec;7(6):463-9.

2. Bhattacharya A, Ghosal S, Bhattacharya SK. Antioxidant effect of Withania somnifera glycowithanolides in chronic footshock stress-induced perturbations of oxidative free radical scavenging enzymes and lipid peroxidation in rat frontal cortex and striatum. J Ethnopharmacol. 2001 Jan;74(1):1-6.

3. Jain S, Shukla SD, Sharma K, Bhatnagar M. Neuroprotective effects of Withania somnifera Dunn. in hippocampal sub-regions of female albino rat. Phytother Res. 2001 Sep;15(6):544-8.

4. Unpublished study, 2005. NutrGenesis, LLC.

5. Kuboyama T, Tohda C, Komatsu K. Neuritic regeneration and synaptic reconstruction induced by withanolide A. Br J Pharmacol. 2005 Apr;144(7):961-71.

6. Tohda C, Kuboyama T, Komatsu K. Dendrite extension by methanol extract of Ashwagandha (roots of Withania somnifera) in SK-N-SH cells. Neuroreport. 2000 Jun 26;11(9):1981-5.

7. Tohda C, Kuboyama T, Komatsu K. Search for natural products related to regeneration of the neuronal network. Neurosignals. 2005;14(1-2):34-45.

8. Ahmad M, Saleem S, Ahmad AS, et al. Neuroprotective effects of Withania somnifera on 6-hydroxydopamine induced Parkinsonism in rats. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2005 Mar;24(3):137-47.

9. Choudhary MI, Yousuf S, Nawaz SA, Ahmed S, Atta uR. Cholinesterase inhibiting withanolides from Withania somnifera. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2004 Nov;52(11):1358-61.

10. Govindarajan R, Vijayakumar M, Pushpangadan P. Antioxidant approach to disease management and the role of ‘Rasayana’ herbs of Ayurveda. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Jun 3;99(2):165-78.

11. Anon. Monograph. Withania somnifera. Altern Med Rev. 2004 Jun;9(2):211-4.

12. Owais M, Sharad KS, Shehbaz A, Saleemuddin M. Antibacterial efficacy of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) an indigenous medicinal plant against experimental murine salmonellosis. Phytomedicine. 2005 Mar;12(3):229-35.

13. Davis L, Kuttan G. Immunomodulatory activity of Withania somnifera. J Ethnopharmacol. 2000 Jul;71(1-2):193-200.

14. Jayaprakasam B, Zhang Y, Seeram NP, Nair MG. Growth inhibition of human tumor cell lines by withanolides from Withania somnifera leaves. Life Sci. 2003 Nov 21;74(1):125-32.

15. Mathur R, Gupta SK, Singh N, et al. Evaluation of the effect of Withania somnifera root extracts on cell cycle and angiogenesis. J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 Jan 9.

16. Padmavathi B, Rath PC, Rao AR, Singh RP. Roots of Withania somnifera inhibit forestomach and skin carcinogenesis in mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005 Mar;2(1):99-105.

17. Mathur S, Kaur P, Sharma M, et al. The treatment of skin carcinoma, induced by UV B radiation, using 1-oxo-5beta, 6beta-epoxy-witha-2-enolide, isolated from the roots of Withania somnifera, in a rat model. Phytomedicine. 2004 Jul;11(5):452-60.

18. Christina AJ, Joseph DG, Packialakshmi M, et al. Anticarcinogenic activity of Withania somnifera Dunal against Dalton’s ascitic lymphoma. J Ethnopharmacol. 2004 Aug;93(2-3):359-61.

19. Gupta YK, Sharma SS, Rai K, Katiyar CK. Reversal of paclitaxel induced neutropenia by Withania somnifera in mice. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2001 Apr;45(2):253-7.

20. Davis L, Kuttan G. Effect of Withania somnifera on cytokine production in normal and cyclophosphamide treated mice. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 1999 Nov;21(4):695-703.

21. Aphale AA, Chhibba AD, Kumbhakarna NR, Mateenuddin M, Dahat SH. Subacute toxicity study of the combination of ginseng (Panax ginseng) and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in rats: a safety assessment. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 1998 Apr;42(2):299-302.

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You know I don't dismiss anything @Kgal !

It was significantly I said, I'm waiting for my abduction.
That was less a joke than I let on, be sure. I just don't know what to do with the signs.....?
So they showed themselves to me....what does that mean?

Trying to understand what I am supposed to do?
It's not the first time I saw a UFO btw...the first time was driving back from Pismo beach I was a twisty road and as I came around the corner I, that light on that plane is really bright....and then it shot from what looked like a plane flying toward flying off at a right angle to my left.
Couldn't have been a was sooooo fast.
I told you about that blur regarding me transmuting energy for interdimensional beings.
I just keep meditating on it and working on my astral projection.
Got any better ideas?

Hahahahahahaha.... I knowww....I knowww.... :D :D

What does it mean? Well... for the most part that's up to you...

The Galactic Beings connected to ....or wishing to connect with... you....are really no different than you other than the fact they are not playing out a role in a human body....yet.

Let's say you're sitting up on a rock high up the hill of your town....and you see your friend walking along the path far below. Your heart lights up with affection for them and decide to send them a text message saying you're up on top of the hill and you wish to say Hi. You notice your friend stop and peer down at something in their hand....then they straighten up and turn towards you. You wave. .....
....and they stand there for a minute looking up at you....and then turn around and walk on.

How do you feel? Are you asking your self why didn't they wave back? Do you think they're asking themselves why did Skarekrow just send a text message saying Hi? Were they waiting for you to say something more? and there you were waiting for them to respond in some fashion back to you. Maybe a wave Hi to you.

In the same kind of loving connection your galactic family was waving Hi back to you in response to your asking for a sign. It's a signal of Love for you. It is most assuredly a sign they are LISTENING to you.
Now all you need to do is Trust you are in connection with your higher aspect(s) of self and try out asking them a question.

What do you want to know from them?

I was using a pendulum once to ask whether B was going to die that week or something like that. The pendulum just hung there and wouldn't move. Finally I asked them if they loved me and the thing went wild round and round and round in a wide circle and I felt so much energy shoot through me I became giddy.
They wouldn't/couldn't tell me his time of death as that was not for our highest good. As it turned out I'm glad I did not know. It allowed me to continue doing the things I was doing for him as I was guided.... in helping him Transition.
The fact the pendulum responded in such a way as to let me know I was loved filled me with confidence...
Ironically I haven't picked up the pendulum nor the tarot cards since B died. I started doing automatic writing. Now it's full on connection through my heart. On the other hand... my connections with the four Elements Earth Air Water Fire seem to flow in from outside of my energy sphere and then blend in with it. :D It's hard to put in to words how amazing that feels.

So... if it were me....I'd take the signal from space as a sure sign you are watched over....loved deeply...and are in connection with them.

Wow.... I know many people who'd love to be in your shoes as they have had no "signs" of any kind.

Why are you practicing on astral projections?

I will tell you from my own experience the more I tried to "figure it out" the less anything happened. Once I let go of my flowed.

I've begun asking for the next signal ...the next clue....the next step for me to take that I can do for my highest good at this time. Then I let go of how that message may come.
In the meantime I do various yesterday I toned OM while feeling love and gratitude for my body. Today I thanked WindAir for helping me feel cooler outside in the sunshine. While I was drinking water I'd hold a mouthful in my mouth so it could feel and hydrate with the Water. This gave me a chance to send love and gratitude to Water for helping my body function optimally. As I began to swallow I heard squeels of delight from Water as they slid down my throat and in to the body. Hah Hah... Water ....on an adventure ride....through my body....down in to the earth...and eventually to a Tree. Those were the Thoughts and Feelings transmitted to me. I laughed and laughed and my energy field expanded and felt light. :D :D I'm grinning....

Oh... another thing about increasing your connection to your guide(s). I have learned there will be Doubt...and this occurs to hone our Discernment. As long as you declare "For my Highest Good and Highest Good of All"....before trying any form of communication no other being can do harm to you without your permission. So unless you agree to an "abduction"....on some level.... I wouldn't expect it to happen. Unless of course you WANT to be know....just for the hell of it. Then by all means focus your attention there. LOL
At any rate... expect to have Doubt. It's normal. You are learning and remembering your self.
  • Like
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It was significantly I said, I'm waiting for my abduction.
That was less a joke than I let on, be sure. I just don't know what to do with the signs.....?
So they showed themselves to me....what does that mean?
Trying to understand what I am supposed to do?
It's not the first time I saw a UFO btw...the first time was driving back from Pismo beach I was a twisty road and as I came around the corner I, that light on that plane is really bright....and then it shot from what looked like a plane flying toward flying off at a right angle to my left.
Couldn't have been a was sooooo fast.
I told you about that blur regarding me transmuting energy for interdimensional beings.
I just keep meditating on it and working on my astral projection.
Got any better ideas?

Hahahahahahaha.... I knowww....I knowww.... :D :D

What does it mean? Well... for the most part that's up to you...

The Galactic Beings connected to ....or wishing to connect with... you....are really no different than you other than the fact they are not playing out a role in a human body....yet.

Let's say you're sitting up on a rock high up the hill of your town....and you see your friend walking along the path far below. Your heart lights up with affection for them and decide to send them a text message saying you're up on top of the hill and you wish to say Hi. You notice your friend stop and peer down at something in their hand....then they straighten up and turn towards you. You wave. .....
....and they stand there for a minute looking up at you....and then turn around and walk on.

How do you feel? Are you asking your self why didn't they wave back? Do you think they're asking themselves why did Skarekrow just send a text message saying Hi? Were they waiting for you to say something more? and there you were waiting for them to respond in some fashion back to you. Maybe a wave Hi to you.

In the same kind of loving connection your galactic family was waving Hi back to you in response to your asking for a sign. It's a signal of Love for you. It is most assuredly a sign they are LISTENING to you.
Now all you need to do is Trust you are in connection with your higher aspect(s) of self and try out asking them a question.

What do you want to know from them?

I was using a pendulum once to ask whether B was going to die that week or something like that. The pendulum just hung there and wouldn't move. Finally I asked them if they loved me and the thing went wild round and round and round in a wide circle and I felt so much energy shoot through me I became giddy.
They wouldn't/couldn't tell me his time of death as that was not for our highest good. As it turned out I'm glad I did not know. It allowed me to continue doing the things I was doing for him as I was guided.... in helping him Transition.
The fact the pendulum responded in such a way as to let me know I was loved filled me with confidence...
Ironically I haven't picked up the pendulum nor the tarot cards since B died. I started doing automatic writing. Now it's full on connection through my heart. On the other hand... my connections with the four Elements Earth Air Water Fire seem to flow in from outside of my energy sphere and then blend in with it. :D It's hard to put in to words how amazing that feels.

So... if it were me....I'd take the signal from space as a sure sign you are watched over....loved deeply...and are in connection with them.

Wow.... I know many people who'd love to be in your shoes as they have had no "signs" of any kind.

Why are you practicing on astral projections?

I will tell you from my own experience the more I tried to "figure it out" the less anything happened. Once I let go of my flowed.

I've begun asking for the next signal ...the next clue....the next step for me to take that I can do for my highest good at this time. Then I let go of how that message may come.
In the meantime I do various yesterday I toned OM while feeling love and gratitude for my body. Today I thanked WindAir for helping me feel cooler outside in the sunshine. While I was drinking water I'd hold a mouthful in my mouth so it could feel and hydrate with the Water. This gave me a chance to send love and gratitude to Water for helping my body function optimally. As I began to swallow I heard squeels of delight from Water as they slid down my throat and in to the body. Hah Hah... Water ....on an adventure ride....through my body....down in to the earth...and eventually to a Tree. Those were the Thoughts and Feelings transmitted to me. I laughed and laughed and my energy field expanded and felt light. :D :D I'm grinning....

Oh... another thing about increasing your connection to your guide(s). I have learned there will be Doubt...and this occurs to hone our Discernment. As long as you declare "For my Highest Good and Highest Good of All"....before trying any form of communication no other being can do harm to you without your permission. So unless you agree to an "abduction"....on some level.... I wouldn't expect it to happen. Unless of course you WANT to be know....just for the hell of it. Then by all means focus your attention there. LOL
At any rate... expect to have Doubt. It's normal. You are learning and remembering your self.
So I actually did preface my request the other night with something along the lines of....only those with loving intention may contact or attempt to connect with I got that covered!
No...I have been very successful with my astral projecting...yes, you have to let your mind slip....but then you snap into hyper-consciousness of some sort just before you increase your vibrations and hopefully jump out.
I'm trying to gain more practice at self-induction as opposed to a spontaneous jump.
That's all.
So that was my wave back.
How very wonderful!
Yes...unlike the blinking lights on a plane...these flashes were slightly least a good second to a second and a half.
I am going to go out tonight and try to see which constellation this was taking place in front of....I want to say it was near the Pleadies, the seven sisters...but I will confirm was about 1130.
I have already begun asking in meditation for my next step.
I will let you know what I get....this deja vu is ever increasing...I sometimes wonder if it will all come together into a more substantial story line or memory...or like I said...feels like a bit of a long forgotten dream.
There was a dream I dreamed over and over as a child....of a secret door at the bottom of some nonexistent stairs irl at the church we used to go to.
I would open the door and there was a spiral slide made of highly polished wood...very beautiful...I remember how wonderful it was at the bottom of the I loved going there....but I couldn't tell you a single thing about what is at the bottom of the slide....something wonderful.
I'm glad you seem to be doing so well!
Hey, seriously, get some of this Ashwaganda root....fucking fantastic stuff!
Again, and as always...I'm sorry about B.
At least you know he is happy now.
Much love to you and thank you for your guidance....and I do feel lucky to be in these shoes!
Not playing down anything...I just don't let it all fly out there at once either sometimes.
I would open the door and there was a spiral slide made of highly polished wood...very beautiful...I remember how wonderful it was at the bottom of the I loved going there....but I couldn't tell you a single thing about what is at the bottom of the slide....something wonderful.

Deep yo.
Hey, seriously, get some of this Ashwaganda root....fucking fantastic stuff!

This triggered my memory and sure enough I have some in my collection of supplements (i never take any of them anymore). So I took two. We'll see if I turn in to a Mantis Being or something.... Hahahahahaha
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This triggered my memory and sure enough I have some in my collection of supplements (i never take any of them anymore). So I took two. We'll see if I turn in to a Mantis Being or something.... Hahahahahaha
How do you know you aren't already a mantis soul trapped in a human body?
Do you now, or have you ever, felt the urge to eat the human head of your lovers after mating?
(Don't answer that!)
No...that is cool, you already have some...did you already try it once and it not work?
If it doesn't work for you, then no sense taking them.
They are such an interesting compound though...adaptogenic.
You can even drink with them....almost everything contraindicates
It's supposed to be good for more "womanly" things as google and there is an article about the benefits specifically for - The 12 awesome things it does for women!
Or something along those lines.
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I have already begun asking in meditation for my next step.
I will let you know what I get....

.....this deja vu is ever increasing...I sometimes wonder if it will all come together into a more substantial story line or memory...or like I said...feels like a bit of a long forgotten dream.
There was a dream I dreamed over and over as a child....of a secret door at the bottom of some nonexistent stairs irl at the church we used to go to.
I would open the door and there was a spiral slide made of highly polished wood...very beautiful...I remember how wonderful it was at the bottom of the I loved going there....but I couldn't tell you a single thing about what is at the bottom of the slide....something wonderful.

:D I'm glad to hear you're asking for the next step. I tried all manner of ways to get a more detailed long range answer to many questions...and I found it doesn't work well at all.
First of all things are changing quickly now. Most of my changes are going on internally for the moment while my body is adapting. Today I'm home from work because I feel like I'm a huge amoeba trying to walk around. Besides....the job is ending so there is really no point in me pushing myself to show up there only to suffer in the old building heat and mold.

Here is a quote from the P's as shared by Nora Herold that is very relevant:

Nora Herold
19 hrs ·
"There are so many timelines converging in this moment that there can not possibly be any ultimate truth. Please remember this as you are confronted by another's perspective. There can only be what resonates in your being as your truth." The Pleiadians #operatefromjoy #pleiadians

Speaking of timelines and DejaVu....
We are in the process of integrating our other selves into our whole self. The 3D version of our self Mind cannot hold awareness of all of other selves (yet) we end up having these weird experiences of remembering another life and sometimes that bleeds through in a very visceral way....such as having a waking dream....going on a journey and having a vision(Shamanic).....having an out of body experience....sudden dislike of the thing we have loved our whole life....craving strange things we never thought of before...etc etc.

For example I am very much connected with my Tibetan monk self from long ago as now I LOVE burning frankincense and nag champa and I can hear them toning in the background of my mind while meditating or toning OM. :D Just remembering those days fills me with great Joy!

When we ...ummm...phase in to another life it could be one on this planet....or others...or other dimensions and states of Being. I know I have been a star in another "life".

Deja Vu could be explained by saying we are remembering our other bits and pieces...that serve us here in this Now. How it serves you is up to you....and your higher frequency Self.

...and yes.... you are correct.... It WILL all come together in a more substantial way...that is unique for each of us.

Just imagine being able to access the knowledge and wisdom gained from some of your other lives..... like that time you were able to shape and reform matter by working in a co-creative manner with the four elements and the earth. :D Already you have an inkling of the truth of that because you're interested in how talking to the body changes it's DNA and can bring balance and harmony and health to it.

I remember you talking about that marvelous dream.... because I too used to have one filled with gleaming beautiful wood all around in this giant house I was walking through trying to find the right stairs. I hope you have that dream again soon and that you remember a bit of what's waiting there for you.
I hope one day I will remember what was there.
But I have a sneaking suspicion that going there represents the "veil" and how thin that can be for some children...and how we generally see less and less, unless you are lucky like some of us.
Though it would be nice to be a simple zombie sometimes....blissful even.
Not in my cards or yours my friend.
Perhaps when I die there will be a door with that slide and I will take one final ride.
Or maybe it just represents my loss of youth and longing for simpler times?
All pretty good explanations I
Anyhow....a wooden slide....I remember it was like different slats of wood pressed together like butcher block...but super slick.
I just remember happiness at the bottom of the slide.
Maybe I'll give that a good meditation one day and would be cool to try hypnotherapy on it and see if some memory can be pulled from the depths?
Or maybe there was never anything there at all....maybe I just had this idea that it was so great, but it isn't there really?
I still have that dream once in a while...I get to where I am sitting on the edge do the lower doorframe about to slide down....and I'm so freaking happy that I finally found it!
That church has since been torn down.
What say you?
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How do you know you aren't already a mantis soul trapped in a human body?
Do you now, or have you ever, felt the urge to eat the human head of your lovers after mating?
(Don't answer that!)

Hahahahahahahahahahaha..... as a matter of fact I DO have a Mantis connection. Heh....
....and my Ex has said many times after a round of love making that I blew his mind.... Does that count? lolololololololol

It turns out the Mantis Beings are part of the original designers of this grand game we've been playing down here. They helped develop the hardware (so to speak)...the matrix...the energy grid....the template....whatever you want to call it. They startled me the first time I saw them in my mind's eye....but that was all. There was no fear afterwards....only curiosity. :D Now when I see a praying mantis on my plants outside I tell them hello and try to give them a safe space to do their thing. :D
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:D I'm glad to hear you're asking for the next step. I tried all manner of ways to get a more detailed long range answer to many questions...and I found it doesn't work well at all.
First of all things are changing quickly now. Most of my changes are going on internally for the moment while my body is adapting. Today I'm home from work because I feel like I'm a huge amoeba trying to walk around. Besides....the job is ending so there is really no point in me pushing myself to show up there only to suffer in the old building heat and mold.

Here is a quote from the P's as shared by Nora Herold that is very relevant:

Nora Herold
19 hrs ·
"There are so many timelines converging in this moment that there can not possibly be any ultimate truth. Please remember this as you are confronted by another's perspective. There can only be what resonates in your being as your truth." The Pleiadians #operatefromjoy #pleiadians

Speaking of timelines and DejaVu....
We are in the process of integrating our other selves into our whole self. The 3D version of our self Mind cannot hold awareness of all of other selves (yet) we end up having these weird experiences of remembering another life and sometimes that bleeds through in a very visceral way....such as having a waking dream....going on a journey and having a vision(Shamanic).....having an out of body experience....sudden dislike of the thing we have loved our whole life....craving strange things we never thought of before...etc etc.

For example I am very much connected with my Tibetan monk self from long ago as now I LOVE burning frankincense and nag champa and I can hear them toning in the background of my mind while meditating or toning OM. :D Just remembering those days fills me with great Joy!

When we ...ummm...phase in to another life it could be one on this planet....or others...or other dimensions and states of Being. I know I have been a star in another "life".

Deja Vu could be explained by saying we are remembering our other bits and pieces...that serve us here in this Now. How it serves you is up to you....and your higher frequency Self.

...and yes.... you are correct.... It WILL all come together in a more substantial way...that is unique for each of us.

Just imagine being able to access the knowledge and wisdom gained from some of your other lives..... like that time you were able to shape and reform matter by working in a co-creative manner with the four elements and the earth. :D Already you have an inkling of the truth of that because you're interested in how talking to the body changes it's DNA and can bring balance and harmony and health to it.

I remember you talking about that marvelous dream.... because I too used to have one filled with gleaming beautiful wood all around in this giant house I was walking through trying to find the right stairs. I hope you have that dream again soon and that you remember a bit of what's waiting there for you.
Yeah, I basically take things day to day, sometimes hour to hour...depending on how I feel.
Being in chronic pain makes me so self-centered in my thinking occupies a lot of thought time.
I hate that....but...if I fight it, it only frustrates me further....I have to roll with it to be sucessful!
Can you believe someone wrote my Etsy shop to complain that I listed my things I sell there in metrics.
It went something like this - You are a shop based in the USA, so here we don't use the metric system.
To post measurements for your products in cm instead of in. is disingenuous and deceitful to the customer.
I replied - I assure you no such deceit is ever intended. I sell product all over the world, at least half of my business...the rest of the world besides the US uses the metric system.
Then I linked him to an online conversion calculator so he could figure it out for himself and said, Good day.
What a fuck.
It clearly says cm.....a total of 4 times on the listing he was referring to.
Like I'm not being a good American by using the metric system...idiot.
I use it because it is far more accurate in its measurements too when I am measuring something smaller.
Instead of writing 3 and 8/15ths...old English crap.
Call me disingenuous and deceitful in my listings....I make sure and accurately portray what I sell so I don't have a bunch of people wanting their money back or leaving bad reviews.
Sorry, had to vent.

Yes the deja vu is ever attitudes toward life and things are changing significantly right now....I can feel it occurring, though I can't describe it.
I believe there is a good possibility that they are real past life memories, some here, some on another planet it seems.....or alternate reality more like in how it feels.
Doing all that I feel I can be doing on a personal level to progress toward whatever it is I am moving faster and faster toward.
I hope you find your stairs also!
Much love....thanks for your input!
Enjoy your day off!
Hahahahahahahahahahaha..... as a matter of fact I DO have a Mantis connection. Heh....
....and my Ex has said many times after a round of love making that I blew his mind.... Does that count? lolololololololol

It turns out the Mantis Beings are part of the original designers of this grand game we've been playing down here. They helped develop the hardware (so to speak)...the matrix...the energy grid....the template....whatever you want to call it. They startled me the first time I saw them in my mind's eye....but that was all. There was no fear afterwards....only curiosity. :D Now when I see a praying mantis on my plants outside I tell them hello and try to give them a safe space to do their thing. :D
Very interesting.
I once played with a praying mantis all day would crawl around on me....but would mainly just sit on my shoulder....never tried to get away....I put it on our rose bush that evening but never saw the same one again...I think.



The BBC. Nope! The Aboriginals did it. :m052:

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