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"Gesture of Banishing”

The hand gesture that many call demonic and the sign of the devil is ironically used in many ancient traditions to expel demons or delete thoughts and actions which are against life, peace and harmony.

It was called Karana Mudra in yogic and Buddhist circles.

Also called the "The Gesture Warding off Evil"

It is made by raising the index and the little finger, and folding the other fingers.
It is nearly the same as the gesture known as corna in many western countries, the difference is that in the Karana mudra the thumb does not hold down the middle and ring finger.

You can find abhayamudrâ sometimes also as a left-hand gesture.
Ekajata and Yama, as well as Vajrapani and Bhutadamaravajrapani are frequently shown in this mudra.

Adventures in the Astral plane....or was it a lucid dream?
A premonition perhaps?

This morning I woke up in the usual manner, around 4 or 5 and take my meds, go kick back with some binaural beats in my gravity chair and try to either meditate if I cannot sleep, but usually I meditate until I fall asleep.

As some of you know I have had many lucid dream/astral projection type experiences.
Anyhow, I had this one on repeat:

I was lucid that my body had gone to sleep, and began to get the familiar vibrations throughout my body, though this time they were less intense, not as jolting - which can fuck it up for you.
Anyhow...I began to hear loud noises and twice I opened my eyes to look at the cat sleeping next to me to know that no loud noises have occurred.
It’s a rushing sound, usually lots of people talking or one specific voice really loud, crashing noises, etc. (I find the binaural beats help cancel these out somewhat)
This is when I started to try and get out of my body...I could feel my arms and my legs detach and were floating...I tried to log roll...nothing, I kicked my leg off and woke up briefly...after enticing the vibrational state again and feeling my arms and legs float back up I tried to roll forward with no luck so I remembered that Sensiko once said she had luck flipping backward and I’ll be damned if it didn’t work...I was up and out.
Standing in my living room.
Not super vivid, which is why it could have been a lucid dream, but the strange part is the next part.
I walk through the living room, down the hallways to the bedroom, and I open the door very gently so I don’t wake up Sensiko, but she is sitting in front of her sewing table talking to her sister on the phone...I start to try to tell her that I am out of body and she says “Don’t interrupt, this is about family.”.
I promptly woke up after that and could not re-induce the state...then people started to wake up and shit.
So Sensiko apparently was randomly contacted by this woman from Poland claiming to be related to her on Facebook, her Father’s life was very mysterious, he fled the Nazi’s as a teenager and eventually came to the US where she was born, but there were few pictures and he didn’t really speak about his side of the family...he passed away about a decade ago and this morning she opened Facebook to see that this woman has sent her several pictures of her father when he was much younger in Poland.
But also now she might get to see what her relatives look like, her grandparents, etc. how wonderful!
This brought her to tears right after she woke up and an eventual phone call to her sister discussing family business.
Pretty strange...that was kind of premonition-esqu I think, no?
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I'm trying to find this book I've got about astral projection for you. As yet not found. I think Kgal would have a good idea about this. ^ Perhaps you merge with / gain access to the Akashic records when you travel in an OBE (outer body experience)? Then (all) information from the past present and future is available to you.
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I'm trying to find this book I've got about astral projection for you. As yet not found. I think Kgal would have a good idea about this. ^ Perhaps you merge with / gain access to the Akashic records when you travel in an OBE (outer body experience)? Then (all) information from the past present and future is available to you.
I have similar thoughts along those lines as well.
Was able to "float" my arms and legs up this morning but then drifted into some other dream...the thing is, I was told something by someone in that dream this morning and then promptly next though was - This is about to be "erased", as in...whomever wanted me to know that information was also quite clear that it was to remain subconscious right now and as I tried my best to remember exactly what was said...I could feel as it was extracted or perhaps filed away where I cannot consciously access I have said before...I was forgetting it as I was trying to solidify the phrase/memory from what could be an Akashic type thing.
But yes, I am very much a believer in time as we know it being absolutely subjective and mostly a creation of the brain as it filters all the input we constantly are bombarded with.
That is also my theory on the loud noises as you change dimensions(?), you pass through a space where you can hear the collective consciousness, hear the prayers, the cries of pain even...sometimes like this morning...I had no voices, but instead, brief moments of what sounded like piano music.
Anyhow...I enjoy practicing the induction now...I am about 65 - 75% now able to purposefully induce the state.
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I have similar thoughts along those lines as well.
Was able to "float" my arms and legs up this morning but then drifted into some other dream...the thing is, I was told something by someone in that dream this morning and then promptly next though was - This is about to be "erased", as in...whomever wanted me to know that information was also quite clear that it was to remain subconscious right now and as I tried my best to remember exactly what was said...I could feel as it was extracted or perhaps filed away where I cannot consciously access I have said before...I was forgetting it as I was trying to solidify the phrase/memory from what could be an Akashic type thing.
But yes, I am very much a believer in time as we know it being absolutely subjective and mostly a creation of the brain as it filters all the input we constantly are bombarded with.
That is also my theory on the loud noises as you change dimensions(?), you pass through a space where you can hear the collective consciousness, hear the prayers, the cries of pain even...sometimes like this morning...I had no voices, but instead, brief moments of what sounded like piano music.
Anyhow...I enjoy practicing the induction now...I am about 65 - 75% now able to purposefully induce the state.
Sounds like very interesting experiences to be sure. I love it when I remember my dreams and have these kinds of surreal is interesting how dream memories sometimes fade before they can be recalled, just a few minutes ago I had a vague recollection of something, without knowing what it was, and I knew it was connected to my dream. How can you remember something without remembering it? It's all quite peculiar. I have had amazing dreams about flying, especially when I was a child, and I'm pretty sure these were to do with astral projection. I have also woken from a dream screaming but not able to scream, in a state of paralysis and I have no idea what that was about? If I could find the book I was talking about I'll let you know because I think it'd be good for you, as your having these experiences, to read books by people who have had a lot of experimentation with O.B.E. There are a few out these but I forget the titles and author.

Are you enjoying these experiences? Lets hope so, I don't think it's something which would continue if not. Do you think your having a 3rd eye opening, kundalini opening? I've been told by a few psychics that I'm extremely intuitive and extremely psychic...but I think I've closed this ability off. My experience sensing ghosts as a kid scared me a lot, maybe due to this.
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Sounds like very interesting experiences to be sure. I love it when I remember my dreams and have these kinds of surreal is interesting how dream memories sometimes fade before they can be recalled, just a few minutes ago I had a vague recollection of something, without knowing what it was, and I knew it was connected to my dream. How can you remember something without remembering it? It's all quite peculiar. I have had amazing dreams about flying, especially when I was a child, and I'm pretty sure these were to do with astral projection. I have also woken from a dream screaming but not able to scream, in a state of paralysis and I have no idea what that was about? If I could find the book I was talking about I'll let you know because I think it'd be good for you, as your having these experiences, to read books by people who have had a lot of experimentation with O.B.E. There are a few out these but I forget the titles and author.

Are you enjoying these experiences? Lets hope so, I don't think it's something which would continue if not. Do you think your having a 3rd eye opening, kundalini opening? I've been told by a few psychics that I'm extremely intuitive and extremely psychic...but I think I've closed this ability off. My experience sensing ghosts as a kid scared me a lot, maybe due to this.

Firstly...I forgot to add how it felt to be told whatever it was I was told in my experience this was an immediate “Ah-ha!” type moment and I thought to myself...well, now it all makes perfect sense...and it was at that realization that I began to wake and the “extraction” took place.
I have faith that it is somewhere in my subconscious now, some kind of sub-program that runs in the background perhaps.

A have read quite a few books on the subject and have quite a few links to free ebooks on the subject if you want I can list quite a few for you.
(When I say things like this it usually ends up being a whole page worth of links hahaha)

I had terrifying dreams/out of body experiences as a child, I had many paranormal experiences my whole life beginning when I was just a toddler.
I am mainly trying to find some mastery of this as a result of my meditation practice I began to help with my chronic rheumatoid arthritis pain in my spine and the depression/anxiety that goes hand in hand with such torments.
I can say that it has significantly helped with all three, as have several mushroom trips I took with the sole purpose of alleviating my depression, which it did, though it’s time to re-dose imo.
So, having had quite a few spontaneous lucid dreams and spontaneous out of body experiences, I noticed that with the progression of my meditative practice it has naturally moved into this realm.
I have been told by more people I can count on two hands that I have some kind of medium-type gift...though, I can say that I have never communicated with the spirit world directly...this has been mostly of my own may be something I decide to pursue in the future more than my tarot card readings and pendulum swayings.
I pretty regularly sage my home and put up protections, intentions, spells, and physical objects to keep out negative spirits...positive spirits have always been welcome, but I have even put out the intention that my home is invisible to negative seems to work, and the few times they get in, I spontaneously pop out of body and push them out...(at least when I have been asleep).
So more mastery of that realm is my main goal...I think it would be helpful in many ways.
I don’t know if my kundalini is waking up or my third eye is opening, all I know is it seems to be happening with more and more frequency if I encourage it or why not encourage it and see where it goes?

The way the information I was given this morning was very much like I said...enlightening, but I also immediately understood that it was not info I was privy to in this reality, try as I might...I couldn’t keep what was told to me in my conscious was almost like the harder I tried to remember it the faster it vanished...but yet I still remember that something was there...bizarre.

Tell me some of your experiences if you don’t mind, that is kind of what this thread is all about.
Hope you are well.
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Well. I don't think my experiences are as extensive or clear the ones you have had, but I'll try and write them out. How I remember these experiences feels quite vague and undefined. This also reminds me how a lot of these things seem to come more from a language of symbolism and feeling than words. I might jump around a bit, if that feels like an easier way of expressing myself.

You may have read in another thread my experience from age 9-11 when I lived in my grandparents house. I experiences clairsentience and clairaudience, extremely vividly and was kept up most nights. I lay in my bed in terror and tried to use the power of my mind to 'ask' these entities to leave me alone. It was as if they were looking in through the walls and I heard footsteps on the corridor. At the same time I was sleep walking. I remember once waking up on the stairs and one of my family members talking to me.
I also sensed the energy in that house as being heightened, both positive and negative. (e.g. not just negative), and the sense that there was a parallel layer of time going on. I had a very strong feeling in another house about a parallel layer of a sense the old 'stuck' time in this other house was so incredibly strong. I could not say how I felt it but I did. These experiences are from a village in the west country, in houses 400 plus years old. I wish I'd asked my school friend if they felt it too, (the ones who actually lived in that house). I was only there once, and I have to say it did give me the creeps.

Dreams of flying. I have had various types of dreams like this,-
Ones where I'm 'flapping' my arms and really trying to defy gravity.
Ones where I'm literally gliding through the sky, effortlessly.
When I was dancing hours and hours of the day I think I had an astral projected dance dream, where I was doing my steps out of body. (probably more than once).
The flying dreams that I've had, most of them have felt hugely significant, as if I had been with my guides or something (?) and I woke up feeling like I had been imparted some message or that something significant had happened. I woke up feeling really happy, elated and alive- and somehow very contented.
The flying thing was such a huge thing to me, when I was about 7 years old, or younger? I was standing on a swing...this is going to sound stupid...I went higher and higher, and then I let go, I think I thought I could fly If I tried hard enough. Needless to say I landed on my chin and had to go to hospital for stiches.

I had flashes of realisation as-well in childhood, these came in images I think rather than in words. I had a sense of the cyclical nature of existence, and I saw that in a circular shape, going around in phased graduation.
Peak moments. Oh yes, amazing peak experiences- in relation to nature and the amazing beauty of existence. I still have these but I don't think the experience has been so intense.
Having said that I spent a lot of time in nature this summer. Where I live feels quite magical to me, (it is also on a lot of energy lines- and you can really feel this) and I have been becoming more attuned to the energy around me by spending a lot of time in nature. I felt myself becoming more attuned to the subtle energy and the beauty around me and I felt that nature was communicating with me in particular ways. The very subtle movement of air...the sudden riotous chorus of birds in bird song...even the movement of the branches of trees, the particular light in a given many little things. These experiences in nature were so wonderful and I realised that if you go for a walk and you rush, or if your with a friend talking, you don't always get the chance to really see or experience anything.

I'm interested to know about this sleep paralysis that I have had, the thing where you wake up from a nightmare trying to scream but are paralysed and can't move or speak or scream. I can't tell you how frightening that is. A friend told me that this experience is hypnogogic and is to do with the energy field trying to leave the body, as in a OBE, but waking up you stop the experience, hence the paralysis..I'm not sure if this is the case?

Other experiences I had had was feeling a wave of energy rush as me (I knew it was a spirit)
Feeling a presence/demon point it's finger in my back
'feeling' my energy body as an extremely large thing- projecting out from my body,
or experiencing a part of my body like this.

Also re dreams, isn't it funny how you can wake up from a dream in a particular mood. Sometimes I've been unhappy or worried about something and I wake up feeling different and that somehow everything is alright. So I know something has happened in my sleep.

In healing work, Reiki, some training in bioenergetics healing and basic training in Shamanism. I have 'met' guides and have different guides in the different realms. I need to spend more time with them actually because I get a lot of healing - even from just being very passive in these realms (going on my own shamanic journey, and asking a question or for guidance or help.

In particularly, bioenergetics healing I have 'seen' in my mind's eye angelic guides, and I also know I have a team of south American guides...I usually go and hang out with both on any shamanic journeys.

I think it's amazing that you are so advance in your practice with meditation etc. although I chant, I have been aware that silent meditation is really what I need to do in addition to this practice in order to evolve more spiritually and get more connected to myself and my guides. I want to develop my intuition and psyche more and I know this is the way to do it. I'm glad your meditation helps you and I'm sure it helps alot with the pain..(when I'm doing Reiki I'll send you some healing too -even with an alias name it should still arrive)!

Also, lastly, I'm not at all surprised that you have an extensive reading list, I wouldn't expect anything less! The book I was thinking of describes how to induce OBE, the position to sleep in etc. I am quite weary of developing my psyche in a sudden or dramatic way...I mean the experiences I've had have been amazing and the most part. I just ask that they stay that way. e.g. nothing too frightening or sudden, ideally.

I also believe that you can evoke protective energy, through guides, power animals, and I also use these techniques to protect myself. If I'm ever scared or feel something negative I also use sage etc. and evoke some protective energy from another realm. I think believing you are safe is also a powerful protective force.
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Well. I don't think my experiences are as extensive or clear the ones you have had, but I'll try and write them out. How I remember these experiences feels quite vague and undefined. This also reminds me how a lot of these things seem to come more from a language of symbolism and feeling than words. I might jump around a bit, if that feels like an easier way of expressing myself.

I understand completely.

You may have read in another thread my experience from age 9-11 when I lived in my grandparents house. I experiences clairsentience and clairaudience, extremely vividly and was kept up most nights. I lay in my bed in terror and tried to use the power of my mind to 'ask' these entities to leave me alone. It was as if they were looking in through the walls and I heard footsteps on the corridor. At the same time I was sleep walking. I remember once waking up on the stairs and one of my family members talking to me.
I also sensed the energy in that house as being heightened, both positive and negative. (e.g. not just negative), and the sense that there was a parallel layer of time going on. I had a very strong feeling in another house about a parallel layer of a sense the old 'stuck' time in this other house was so incredibly strong. I could not say how I felt it but I did. These experiences are from a village in the west country, in houses 400 plus years old. I wish I'd asked my school friend if they felt it too, (the ones who actually lived in that house). I was only there once, and I have to say it did give me the creeps.

When I was a child, a baby my parents heard a loud moan/groan come from the bedroom of my brother and me, it couldn’t have been made by me or my brother.
I had constant nightmares/night terrors from as far back as I can remember...I have also had several electronic devices turn on and move by themselves as a child...even while in the box.
Then it moved again a week later while on the dresser in the middle of
the night (remote control R2D2), and I knew that I was done on purpose by whatever entity to scare me. I was tormented by something with a particular name that I will not name here and give power to.
I went out of body almost every night but I could always tell when the negative entity was arriving...there was a noise..a rushing, electrical buzz/crackling...then I knew I had to back to my body.
Eventually, I gained enough control to jump back to my body and wake up at which point the nightmares ceased.

Dreams of flying. I have had various types of dreams like this,-
Ones where I'm 'flapping' my arms and really trying to defy gravity.
Ones where I'm literally gliding through the sky, effortlessly.
When I was dancing hours and hours of the day I think I had an astral projected dance dream, where I was doing my steps out of body. (probably more than once).
The flying dreams that I've had, most of them have felt hugely significant, as if I had been with my guides or something (?) and I woke up feeling like I had been imparted some message or that something significant had happened. I woke up feeling really happy, elated and alive- and somehow very contented.
The flying thing was such a huge thing to me, when I was about 7 years old, or younger? I was standing on a swing...this is going to sound stupid...I went higher and higher, and then I let go, I think I thought I could fly If I tried hard enough. Needless to say I landed on my chin and had to go to hospital for stitches.

I’ve had lots of flying dreams too...many dreams where I can breathe underwater as well...but I would say that my most vivid dreams have been apocalyptic in nature. Sometimes it is Earth...sometimes it is somewhere like Earth...sometimes it is a completely alien world...and each time, I don’t feel afraid...even though I have seen piles of bodies stacked so high you could hardly see the peak...bizarre and violent ways of worlds ending.
I feel like I’m supposed to observe these that’s my job in that dream, to be an observer.
To see the destruction and death.

I had flashes of realisation as-well in childhood, these came in images I think rather than in words. I had a sense of the cyclical nature of existence, and I saw that in a circular shape, going around in phased graduation.
Peak moments. Oh yes, amazing peak experiences- in relation to nature and the amazing beauty of existence. I still have these but I don't think the experience has been so intense.
Having said that I spent a lot of time in nature this summer. Where I live feels quite magical to me, (it is also on a lot of energy lines- and you can really feel this) and I have been becoming more attuned to the energy around me by spending a lot of time in nature. I felt myself becoming more attuned to the subtle energy and the beauty around me and I felt that nature was communicating with me in particular ways. The very subtle movement of air...the sudden riotous chorus of birds in bird song...even the movement of the branches of trees, the particular light in a given many little things. These experiences in nature were so wonderful and I realised that if you go for a walk and you rush, or if your with a friend talking, you don't always get the chance to really see or experience anything.

I used to be able to command the winds when I was a child..haha.

I'm interested to know about this sleep paralysis that I have had, the thing where you wake up from a nightmare trying to scream but are paralysed and can't move or speak or scream. I can't tell you how frightening that is. A friend told me that this experience is hypnogogic and is to do with the energy field trying to leave the body, as in a OBE, but waking up you stop the experience, hence the paralysis..I'm not sure if this is the case?

Other experiences I had had was feeling a wave of energy rush as me (I knew it was a spirit)
Feeling a presence/demon point it's finger in my back
'feeling' my energy body as an extremely large thing- projecting out from my body,
or experiencing a part of my body like this.

Also re dreams, isn't it funny how you can wake up from a dream in a particular mood. Sometimes I've been unhappy or worried about something and I wake up feeling different and that somehow everything is alright. So I know something has happened in my sleep.

In healing work, Reiki, some training in bioenergetics healing and basic training in Shamanism. I have 'met' guides and have different guides in the different realms. I need to spend more time with them actually because I get a lot of healing - even from just being very passive in these realms (going on my own shamanic journey, and asking a question or for guidance or help.

In particularly, bioenergetics healing I have 'seen' in my mind's eye angelic guides, and I also know I have a team of south American guides...I usually go and hang out with both on any shamanic journeys.

I think it's amazing that you are so advance in your practice with meditation etc. although I chant, I have been aware that silent meditation is really what I need to do in addition to this practice in order to evolve more spiritually and get more connected to myself and my guides. I want to develop my intuition and psyche more and I know this is the way to do it. I'm glad your meditation helps you and I'm sure it helps alot with the pain..(when I'm doing Reiki I'll send you some healing too -even with an alias name it should still arrive)!

Also, lastly, I'm not at all surprised that you have an extensive reading list, I wouldn't expect anything less! The book I was thinking of describes how to induce OBE, the position to sleep in etc. I am quite weary of developing my psyche in a sudden or dramatic way...I mean the experiences I've had have been amazing and the most part. I just ask that they stay that way. e.g. nothing too frightening or sudden, ideally.

I also believe that you can evoke protective energy, through guides, power animals, and I also use these techniques to protect myself. If I'm ever scared or feel something negative I also use sage etc. and evoke some protective energy from another realm. I think believing you are safe is also a powerful protective force.

It seems that you are quite advanced and well familiar with the paranormal and PSI too.
I have quite a few more stories, most are floating about this would take a considerable amount of time to give you a full report on everything that I have seen/experienced...but have had a heavy mantle clock thrown at me once...or something hit all the empty hangers with enough force that they all then hit the door of the closet...still can’t find any rational explanation of that one.

Thanks for sharing some of your stories...I’ll have to share a few with you sometime.
Have a good night!
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^ The apocalyptic dreams sound quite something. I have a vague memory of some kind of other planet type dream now.
I will try, over time, to look back through the threads a bit, to get a bit more of your experiences.

I just wanted to share this short scenario. Over the space of a couple of years I interviewed for a job as HCA (health care assistant) on an acute mental health ward. I have over 10 years experience in care, including nearly 5 with people with learning disabilities. On top of that a degree (in the arts, but still a degree), and a post grad as a movement psychotherapist- and lots of other experience related to that and helping different groups of people. Now I may not be the smoothest customer but I was certainly intelligent enough, capable enough and over-qualified for the job. Hell it even said on the description that experience was desirable but not essential.
However, I kept being interviewed by this one woman and one of her subordinates...and she just would not give me the job. I interviewed for the same job 4 times. As you can see I was pretty desperate- and determined to get this job.

Each time she would phone me the next day to give me feed back, at sometimes encouraging, highlighting how I had fallen short and could improve. Other times not really giving positive critical feed back at all. I started to wonder about this woman. One of the times I went for an interview I had something like an anxiety attack before the interview, - just at the sight of her. I realised that something was happening in my energy field when I was around her, that she was having a destabilising effect on my energy field. The last interview was so bad, she mixed up all my intentions, contradicted me, didn't allow me to finish my sentences etc. it was a complete joke. I felt so destabilised by the end I could barely finish a sentence.

By the time she phoned me up for the inevitable 'feed back' nightmare, somehow this time I was ready. I had sense enough to pull back from all the bull shit. In a flash of intuition (and after chanting for several hours), when the call came (and after many tears)- I instinctively imagined my angelic guide and my shamanic guide on each side of me. I had the sense that I had to shield my 3rd eye and solar plexus, so I shielded them with my hands...

She asked me how I thought I'd got on..
the whole interview was a travesty, we both knew that
After a moments pause I said "O.K." "I think it went O.K"
This really knocked her off her guard an annoyed her I could tell she wanted me to make myself vulnerable somehow so she could stick the knife in...but I didn't give her the she went through the inevitable preamble, and I said a courteous, and light hearted (I don't give a fuck) "thank you" and then got off the phone.

Now I know this woman is a snake. She is a Matron on an acute mental health unit, (a bit like one flew over the Cockoos Nest)! and she didn't want me on her team because she could tell that I had a mind of my own and might cause her trouble. I'm pretty certain she is a narcissist (and possibly with some psychopathy as well).
I have had a lot of encounters with these people (unfortunately), but what I find interesting is how I'm learning to read the physical signs my body is giving me when I am around them. Especially the solar plexus chakra and the gut...also the throat. The body tells you when some shit is going on energetically between you and someone.

Anyway I loved this experience when I was on the phone with my guides. I felt so protected. I decided - finally- to really not go for that job again, and to listen to the signs, sometimes a door remains closed for a reason. It is interesting because due to a sequence of events since late May I'm pretty sure that the Universe does not want me to be working right now, sometimes you just have to trust and read the signs! It's certainly also the right thing for me not to be working with this woman. Anyway I wanted to share that because I'm interested in the chakras and the information they give,- and their relation to well-being etc.
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Regarding protecting your auric field, maybe different things appeal to different people, but I read somewhere if you very under attack around someone (toxic maybe), to imagine a black Panther circling around you to protect your space. I absolutely love that, I love the big cats and somehow a black panther feels like the very best one of all for that. I just wanted to share that in case anyone else wants to try using it too.
Increase spatial reasoning - Mozart music, especially piano music, can raise your spatial reasoning the equivalent of nine IQ points. And that's an average, meaning there are people who get even more of a boost from it. There are a lot of theories, but some claim that Mozart's music focuses the listener more.

Possibly even cure Parkinson’s - At this point, you may be asking, "Sure, music can fix my brain, but can it fix my body?" which would indicate you expect entirely too much from iTunes. No amount of power ballads is going to cure your heartburn or trim a few pounds off anyone's overly-gelatinous ass. However, if you have Parkinson's disease, it just might be able to help. Victims of Parkinson's suffer from muscle spasms, locking muscles, balance problems and sketchy scientists with kick ass time machines. As it turns out, applying music can instantly resolve the physical issues of Parkinson's in many victims.Take Rande Gedaliah, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2003 and found she had muscle spasms, balance problems and difficulty walking. The disease eventually led to a serious fall in the shower. Things were looking pretty grim until one day she found out she could listen to music and suddenly be able to move with ease, the type of music determining the speed she walks at. We Are the Champions let her walk a slow clip and Born in the USA made her move faster still. Anything by Nine Inch Nails sent her spiraling into a rage.
When you're locked in your room, listening to your old N'Sync CDs, have you ever noticed your foot tapping on its own? That's not just because you have terrible taste in music. It's because the portions of the brain which deal with rhythm and movement are so automated that it requires no conscious attention to move to a beat. It's like your brain going behind your back to get things done because it knows it can't rely on you to bust an appropriate move when you hear "Bye Bye Bye."
Suddenly, patients with bradykinesia--an inability to initiate movement--can move instantly as their brain interprets the music and sends movement signals to their legs, essentially tricking their bodies into moving. Yes, music can trick your broken, unresponsive body into obedience.

I imagine you've come across Dr Oliver Sacks. He's a neurologist and has written about the effects of music on brain and neurological processes "Musicaphillia",- as well as also writing about death people's visual recognition "Seeing voices", he's written about hallucinations (and seizures), and his most famous book 'the man who miss-took his wife for a hat' is well worth a read.

Music and singing do so much for elderly people. (e.g. people with Alzheimer's). A song can bring someone alive. It's amazing how music (a bit like smell) can aid memory in such an immediate way. I think this will be recognised more in the future, we should use it much more as an adjunct, aid and therapy, much more than it is already used.
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^ The apocalyptic dreams sound quite something. I have a vague memory of some kind of other planet type dream now.
I will try, over time, to look back through the threads a bit, to get a bit more of your experiences.

I just wanted to share this short scenario. Over the space of a couple of years I interviewed for a job as HCA (health care assistant) on an acute mental health ward. I have over 10 years experience in care, including nearly 5 with people with learning disabilities. On top of that a degree (in the arts, but still a degree), and a post grad as a movement psychotherapist- and lots of other experience related to that and helping different groups of people. Now I may not be the smoothest customer but I was certainly intelligent enough, capable enough and over-qualified for the job. Hell it even said on the description that experience was desirable but not essential.
However, I kept being interviewed by this one woman and one of her subordinates...and she just would not give me the job. I interviewed for the same job 4 times. As you can see I was pretty desperate- and determined to get this job.

Each time she would phone me the next day to give me feed back, at sometimes encouraging, highlighting how I had fallen short and could improve. Other times not really giving positive critical feed back at all. I started to wonder about this woman. One of the times I went for an interview I had something like an anxiety attack before the interview, - just at the sight of her. I realised that something was happening in my energy field when I was around her, that she was having a destabilising effect on my energy field. The last interview was so bad, she mixed up all my intentions, contradicted me, didn't allow me to finish my sentences etc. it was a complete joke. I felt so destabilised by the end I could barely finish a sentence.

By the time she phoned me up for the inevitable 'feed back' nightmare, somehow this time I was ready. I had sense enough to pull back from all the bull shit. In a flash of intuition (and after chanting for several hours), when the call came (and after many tears)- I instinctively imagined my angelic guide and my shamanic guide on each side of me. I had the sense that I had to shield my 3rd eye and solar plexus, so I shielded them with my hands...

She asked me how I thought I'd got on..
the whole interview was a travesty, we both knew that
After a moments pause I said "O.K." "I think it went O.K"
This really knocked her off her guard an annoyed her I could tell she wanted me to make myself vulnerable somehow so she could stick the knife in...but I didn't give her the she went through the inevitable preamble, and I said a courteous, and light hearted (I don't give a fuck) "thank you" and then got off the phone.

Now I know this woman is a snake. She is a Matron on an acute mental health unit, (a bit like one flew over the Cockoos Nest)! and she didn't want me on her team because she could tell that I had a mind of my own and might cause her trouble. I'm pretty certain she is a narcissist (and possibly with some psychopathy as well).
I have had a lot of encounters with these people (unfortunately), but what I find interesting is how I'm learning to read the physical signs my body is giving me when I am around them. Especially the solar plexus chakra and the gut...also the throat. The body tells you when some shit is going on energetically between you and someone.

Anyway I loved this experience when I was on the phone with my guides. I felt so protected. I decided - finally- to really not go for that job again, and to listen to the signs, sometimes a door remains closed for a reason. It is interesting because due to a sequence of events since late May I'm pretty sure that the Universe does not want me to be working right now, sometimes you just have to trust and read the signs! It's certainly also the right thing for me not to be working with this woman. Anyway I wanted to share that because I'm interested in the chakras and the information they give,- and their relation to well-being etc.

I’ve had similar interactions with certain people.
I can totally relate.
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Are you sure your not a devil child?

Pretty certain...I was raised Mormon so go figure haha.

No...when I was in like the first or second grade, on certain days, I would swear to you that I could change the wind’s direction...and I would often stand under the huge trees they had along side the playground and wave my arms in air.
Even now...when it gets really windy...I get weirdly charged Qi.
I’ve had similar interactions with certain people.
I can totally relate.
Have you noticed anything noticeable going on with your chakras when interacting with people,
especially when the interaction has not been healthy?
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Have you noticed anything noticeable going on with your chakras when interacting with people,
especially when the interaction has not been healthy?

For sure...being in the medical field I have had to really learn how to guard my own energy and be aware when it’s being taken advantage of be it purposefully or out of some feeling of necessity.
There was a surgeon I used to work with...I think I pinned her as an ISTJ...God, was she draining to be around...she didn’t even have to would just be in her proximity and bells and buzzers would go off intuitively.
I know, there have been times when I have sacrificed a good amount of energy that I probably should have held back to help someone in a medical crisis.
Over the years I developed a pretty good switch so I could maintain and be professional and give the best care that I could give someone...even so, you eventually have to let the steam valve open...many times I have left the OR and burst into tears or been close to it on the way home.
I used to be lead burn tech at a hospital in CA...many of the patients were children...many of their burns were purposefully inflicted upon them.
Even now, it’s difficult for me emotionally now that I’m not in that environment where the job demands a cool head.
Especially in the open heart room where I worked first assisting for 6 years.
Pretty sure I have given my everything more than once and felt it in a negative physical way.
The form of arthritis I have is called Ankylosing Spondylitis and is confirmed by x-rays and a positive gene marker HLA-B27.
I probably should have stopped scrubbing several years before it disabled me and taught at the college in Portland that offered me a spot, but I loved to do surgery.
I miss it now so terribly.
Not to say that I wouldn’t ever go and teach or do something along those lines in the future.
I’ve been dealing with several other medical issues that have come up...including a drug induced heart attack thanks to a drug interaction.
Was taking Propranolol for migraine headache prevention (got them frequently when working in the medical field due to stress), not even that high of a dose...but it is a beta-blocker...well, I started Indomethacin which is a prescription Nsaid like Aspirin only stronger and it caused the other drug to build up in my system to the point I was so beta-blocked that my pulse was 30 and my BP was 220/110...I thought I was going to die any moment, but never lost consciousness...surprising with one heartbeat every two seconds.
Anyhow...that took a big toll on my cardiac enzymes were moderately high in elevation and I spend a couple nights at the hospital.
But it’s been a long road back to health considering many types of exercise exacerbate my arthritis.
Anyhow...enough of that.

Then there are certain people who you can almost see an aura can certainly feel their energy when they come in the room or it changes.
I hear that opioid drugs have been prescribed widely and freely in the States and there is a real endemic issue with addiction. I can't believe doctors have prescribed it so widely. I just saw a documentary about it the other day. High rates of over dose and going on to develop heroin addiction (in a very well off American suburb).

I'm sorry this topic maybe doesn't really relate to this thread, but I suppose in broader terms it might do, as how people are treated medically through drugs obviously had an impact on subjective health and well being. I just think the pharmaceutical companies have taken advantage of people and bastardised medicine purely for their own financial gain.

It reminds me of the dangers of having whole public service industries privatised and managed by big companies e.g. prisons, pharmaceutical and drug companies, mental health facilities, food and agricultural conglomerates, etc. etc. Big business is not good for health.
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I hear that opioid drugs have been prescribed widely and freely in the States and there is a real endemic issue with addiction. I can't believe doctors have prescribed it so widely. I just saw a documentary about it the other day. High rates of over dose and going on to develop heroin addiction (in a very well off American suburb).

I'm sorry this topic maybe doesn't really relate to this thread, but I suppose in broader terms it might do, as how people are treated medically through drugs obviously had an impact on subjective health and well being. I just think the pharmaceutical companies have taken advantage of people and bastardised medicine purely for their own financial gain.

It reminds me of the dangers of having whole public service industries privatised and managed by big companies e.g. prisons, pharmaceutical and drug companies, mental health facilities, food and agricultural conglomerates, etc. etc. Big business is not good for health.

No there is truth to what you say.
I have detoxed off of opioids several times now (all prescribed for my arthritis)....Methadone was probably the hardest physically...while Buprenorphrine was definitely a mental battle of will power.
Both sent all kinds of energies throughout the house...bangs and doors slamming while I had feverish bouts of sleep (You don’t sleep for at least the first 3-4 days and start to go bonkers...I watched the whole Sherlock series back to back to back for hours ahahaha.)

I honestly think that mushroom and other certain psychoactive substances have great potential to help certainly with depression/anxiety/ but also with PTSD and chronic pain. Hell, most big cities have Ketamine clinics where you get an IV low dose of Ketamine (monitored of course...and you can’t be on any benzos like Valium, it negates the effect for some reason) but they have found for PTSD in particular that it is profoundly life changing and many only find they need 3-4 trips to the place. I can’t speak for Ketamine as the clinics are also outrageously $600-$1000 a pop.
But I can say that mushrooms have probably kept me out of the psyche ward for clinical depression.
They don’t take away your depression so much as they allow you to see a new perspective...which is usually lacking in deep depressions like I experienced...I like to say, I needed something to bomb the skipping needle on the record so I could move onto the next song.
For that, they are dramatic...they helped with depression...anxiety...even early morning IBS (TMI I know) symptoms subside.
They have used Ecstasy as a nasal spray to help mend broken marriages and it worked in 100% of their trial cases where two people had been married for decades and had fallen out of love...100% fell back in love or said it was even deeper than before.
LSD, is being used to help those with anxiety about terminal illnesses and coming to terms with dying, it’s shown amazing results.
Kratom, which was almost until recently outlawed here, has shown great results helping people kick opioid addiction.
Big Pharma tried to outlaw it, because they were going to isolate whatever helped the addicts and synthesize it...not sure why they didn’t follow through.
Anyway, I’ve mostly worked with mushrooms and I do advocate their safe and educated use.
I think one must prepare themselves mentally, emotionally, and spiritually before trying anything like what I’ve just written about however.
Regarding protecting your auric field, maybe different things appeal to different people, but I read somewhere if you very under attack around someone (toxic maybe), to imagine a black Panther circling around you to protect your space. I absolutely love that, I love the big cats and somehow a black panther feels like the very best one of all for that. I just wanted to share that in case anyone else wants to try using it too.

How about a swarm of bees to protect your energy, whether in etheric, astral or physical (chemical) form?


Skare, how is that astral projecting going? Did you get an odd sensation? I have been causal projecting and am soon going to do akashic projecting in higher planes of existence. ;)