Merkabah | Page 258 | INFJ Forum
Well thank you.
I a very happy that you have had a break in your is a wonderful thing to move past...just remember not to freak out and think it is permanent if you should have a run a depression in the future.
It will most definitely happen, and you should expect and go into that space with that mindset.
But also knowing that it is impermanent.

I haven’t forgotten your reading...I may be able to today, but I’m feeling Sunday evening would be best for some reason.
My injection went smoothly the other day, but now where I was injected is very sore today...which is normal for two days previous.
Anyhow...switched to different meds and they seem to be working for the time being, I appreciate your Kratom articles, I wish that it worked for me, I’ve tried it on several occasions from small to large doses, different kinds, etc. Not responsive in my system for some reason.
But that is always the issue with me and medications...they only last about 1/2 to 2/3 of the time it’s supposed to be at peak if something is supposed to last 6 hours, it works for 3 to 4 hours in metabolism has always flushed things out very quickly.
I am really, really glad you have found some form of contentment.
You deserve it.

My depression is pretty much finished like the recent international trade agreements. It has always been there just latent in the background. I have had periods of happiness, both small and large.

The problem comes down to not knowing what emotion is and how to handle it. As long as I went to school, there was always something to keep me busy. That kept any bad feelings in the background. I had periods of self-doubt, but nothing that tied me down. Once I left home, there was the constant worry of thoughts such as "Am I doing things right?", "Is this the appropriate course of action?", "What happens if I do something else?". Because of extroverted intuition, when I have a problem that I cannot grasp intellectually with Ti, I start looking at all sorts of direction for a solution. And because there is nothing to find in Si, accumulated knowledge and observations, I did not know where to go or what to do. Society lacks institutions and frameworks to deal with psychological problems properly. I would be not surprised if if turns out to be true that the medicine-industrial complex and other complexes torment people on purpose, like the conspiracy theorists claim. Whatever the case, there is neglect in society in many areas of society where changes could be made to improve the lives of people.

I am definitely sure that I would have succeeded better in life if there were more awareness in society. But for now, I am just happy that it is all over and I want to shape my future rather than relive the past. (Oh no, some feeler with attention to detail will remind me of living in the present, not planning the future. :sunglasses:)

I am equipped with a Swiss army knife in my pocket. I have better habits now for preventing problems and awareness for detecting them. If I get some uneasy feeling, I try to ask myself questions to see what is bugging me and find a solution to it. Information on the Internet that deal with communicating with your higher self have been helpful.

Make now mistake about one thing though. I found a similar method in a book written by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, so I do not want to give the picture that modern psychology is altogether clueless. Well, the profit-maximizing Big Pharma is clueless, but there surely are individuals who are not corrupt.

Regarding the kratom articles, I was just copying articles to show that the DEA is backtracking. I mean, how often does the DEA do that normally per year or decade? It has been coming slowly because more states are legalizing herbs for personal use and small-scale commercial sale. Sorry, if kratom did not work for you.

I wish you all the best with dealing with your pain. I have had psychological pain my entire life up to this point, but never physical pain. But I do know what it feels like to be deep down in the shit and feel helpless.

I hope that you will recover from the pain. :patpat:
I have zeese ideaz running through my mynde. Hahahahaha....

How about Anglo-Saxon, Classical Greek or Latin instead of Chaucer? :m155:
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What is G.E.S.A.R.A.?
October 23, 2016 by Edward Morgan

What is G.E.S.A.R.A.?

It’s an acronym for Global Economic Security And Reformation Act , and has been written and refined by great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to reset planet earth and humanity on a sustainable governance foundation.

The following 3 items must be accomplished straight away:

1) The global and public proclamation of a global jubilee or debt forgiveness, and universal reset of planetary earth/humanity back to a universal system of common governance in transparent good standing with other member beings of the Galactic Federation.

2) Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States.

3) Mass human disclosure of both non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of this planet and throughout our shared galaxy.

Why is GESARA even necessary?

The existing “cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hid humanity’s historical truth (including alien occupation and genetic tampering) for over thirteen millennia; and thus why GESARA implementation is necessary now, as the galactic community has been tasked to stop and reverse the momentum of such a rebellious and blatant action against the Creator Source, and human species. Together with humanity, all love warriors of the white light will now put an end to cabal deceit as well as re-institute universal truth and justice without further delay or negotiation.

What might GESARA manifest?

Below are 25 specific items, but expect dozens more.

1. Restore Constitutional Law in Republic of the United Sates of America.

2. Remove USA, Inc. administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.

3. Forces the USA, Inc.’s President, the Vice-President, Cabinet members, and all members of Congress to leave office.

4) Suspends all elections everywhere in the world, at all sovereign levels of government.

5) Allows new Republic of the United States appointees to temporarily govern the country’s affairs until fair and legal elections can be held.

6) Allows Republic military law enforcement to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law.

7) Allows the Republic Congress to implement the natural Constitutional Line of Succession.

8) Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and it’s alliance.

9) Forces the US military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations who no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil. That includes Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the Philippines.

10) Zeroing out of credit card balances and bank debt relief worldwide.

11) Activates the Republic’s Treasury Bank and Republic Treasury, along with a gold backed USN currency printed and overseen by the Republic of the United States and not the Federal Reserve which will now be marginalized until eliminated.

12) Federal Income Taxes lies will be abolished, as will the old tax code; and new easier, simpler and global tax code will be implemented on non-essential items. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items, are exempt from the sales tax.

13) The IRS, FEMA, Shadow Government Lobbyists will all be jailed, arrested or worse.

14) Creates a new 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government.

15) Increases benefits to senior citizens and makes them permanent.

16) Establishes new Presidential and Congressional candidates within 120 days after G.E.S.A.R.A.’s announcement. An interim government will quietly be put in place as to handle the nation’s affairs until new leaders can be democratically elected.

17) International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups.

18) A new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals will be issued into public circulation.

19) Eliminates birth certificate records ato be used as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

20) Restores financial privacy globally.

21) Resets all judges and attorneys back to Constitutional Law.

22) Ceases all aggressive, government military actions worldwide–including the Middle East.

23) Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the UN Security Council.

24) Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across planet earth.

25) Enables the release of thousands of hidden patents for suppressed technologies currently held under the guise of national security–including free energy devices, anti-gravity and sonic healing machines.


Sounds good to me. Psychopathy has got a best before date on this planet that we are quickly approaching. :m118:

I am particularly enthralled by the hidden patents. :mclap:
Please be patient with me...things are in flux...quite often (several times a day now) I get waves of deja vu, which is then accompanied by remembering some bit of some long lost obscure dream that I begin to forget even as I am remembering it - which makes me feel nostalgic somehow and then I think I must be losing my mind.
Anyhow...enjoy the article.​

How many of us remember our dreams?
How many of us can control them?

People who have lucid dreams know they are dreaming, and they have the ability to control their dreams.
They are able to navigate their dreamscape with an awakened mind, asking characters they come across pretty insightful questions about their spirit path. They can run, jump, and fly at will, gaining profound inner wisdom from the experience.

If one wants to dream more at night and maybe even experience the allusive lucid dream, there are several herbs one can take before bed that will help. These herbs have been used for centuries as both medicines and dream enhancers.

Caution: Although these herbs are completely legal, one should practice caution when taking them.
On top of producing better dreams, these herbs also have medicinal properties.
Take this into consideration when using them and perform proper research.

Wild Asparagus Root – Asparagus Racemosus

Asparagus root is called Tian Men Dong in Chinese.
This directly translates to “heavenly spirit herb.” Shamans, monk, and yogis have cherished this herb for millennia because of it’s heart-opening properties.

It also known as “The Flying Herb” because it is believed that it helps one “fly through the universe at night, achieving magnificent dreams.”
This was important because wisdom schools of ancient China place much value on lucid dream work.

According to Chinese folk medicine, asparagus root has a direct and positive effect on heart energy and dissolving our physical incarnation dualities. “This allows our consciousness to blossom into infinite space while we sleep.”

Use: Brewing a tea of either the fresh or dried root is the best way to use wild asparagus.
However, fresh asparagus root will be much more potent and efficient.

Valerian Root – Valeriana Officinalis

Commonly used in folk medicine as a calming aid, muscle relaxant, and to promote deep sleep for centuries, valerian root also tends to induce lucid dreaming.

That is because it causes a heightened state of slumber.

Valerian also appears to help people remember their dreams.
According to Robert Monroe, a famed specialist in Out of Body Experiences, “Most of us dream, and those who don’t simply do not remember them.”

Valerian root may be the thing one needs to remember their dreams and even navigate them successfully.

Keep in Mind: Valerian root will intensify any nocturnal adventure be it a good dream or a nightmare.
Keep that into account when using it to enhance a dream state.

Warning: There is not enough information on the effect of valerian root on pregnant women to determine whether it is safe or not.
If one is expecting, it is best to avoid it.

Use: More often than not, valerian is brewed in a tea.
However, one must use hot water, not boiling water.
Boiling water will destroy the delicate oils in the root.

It is also possible to get a tincture from dried or fresh valerian root.
These can generally be found in health food or online herb stores.

Mugwort – Artemisia Vulgaris

Mugwort has a rich medicinal and metaphysical history throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

Mugwort is referenced in Celtic and Norse mythology as a magical plant that can ward off evil.
It was hung in doorways and burnt as incense to remove stagnant air and prevent illness.

Mugwort is known as “Molush” by the Chumash Indians of California, and its Paiute name translates literally to “Dream Plant”.
It’s often smoked in indigenous ceremonies, and interestingly, is also hailed by various tribes for its power to ward off evil, bad spirits, and disease.

Mugwort can be found almost anywhere.
Take a look around the next time you go for a walk and you are sure to find some.

Use: Mugwort can be brewed as tea or smoked in a pipe.
It smokes well with organic tobacco and other smoking herbs such as mullein or bits of white sage.
The leaves of the plant are what contain the active chemical compounds used enhance dreams.

With careful preparation and planning, one can quickly learn to navigate their dreams with the use of natural herbs.
Use your resting time to learn all that you can from the dream realms.

Mexican Dream Herb – Calea Zacatechichi

Calea is perhaps the best known of all Dream herbs.
The Chontal Indians of Mexico used this shrub traditionally for lucid dreaming.
Calea can be consumed in tea (the flavor is pungent and bitter) or by smoking the dried leaves.

Effects: Apart from the intensification of visual imagery during sleep, you may find yourself feeling a sense of well-being, light-headedness and clarity the day after.

Use: Taking at least five grams of this herb is required to be really effective for most people.
Drink the herb before bed, keep an intent in mind before falling asleep.

Sun Opener Herb – Heimia Salicifolia

This plant was called Sinicuichi (or Sun Opener) by the Aztecs and is still used by Mexican shamans as a trance divination catalyst.
This herb is regarded as sacred in that it enables vivid recollection of past distant events.
Some users have reported the remembrance of pre-birth events!

Effects: Apart from the intensification of prophetic visual imagery during sleep, Sun Opener causes a yellowing of the vision and altered acoustic perception.

Use: Traditionally, fresh leaves are collected and allowed to wilt.
The leaves are then put into a cup or jar, cool water is added, and the mixture is placed in the sun to brew and ferment for at least 24 hours.
It is said that during the fermentation process, the knowledge of the sun is embedded into the potion, creating the “elixir of the sun” (hence the name).

Intellect Tree – Celastrus Paniculatus

Celastrus paniculatus is a shrub used in Ayurvedic medicine in India.
Celastrus seeds and oil have long been regarded in India as beneficial to the intellect and memory which makes it a wonderful supplement in dream recollection.

Apart from its effectiveness as a dream enhancer, Celastrus is a great mental stimulant, or nootropic, that increases your mental “sharpness.”

Effects: Apart from the intensification of visual imagery during sleep, Celastrus is an effective brain tonic.

Use: Take 5-10 seeds one hour before bedtime for 3 to 5 days until vivid dreaming occurs.

Xhosa Dream Root – Silene Capensis

Silene is regarded by the Xhosa people of Africa as a sacred plant.
Its roots are traditionally used by shamans to promote lucid dream states in healers and other shamans during initiation ceremonies.
It is noted as a “teaching plant” that is considered highly sacred.

Effects: Intensification of visual imagery during sleep.

Use: Mix this herb in small amounts in water and consume prior to sleeping.
Silene also makes an interesting tasting tea but it can be bitter, so the extracted “shot” form is recommended.

Blue Lotus – Nymphaea Caerulea

Although it is nicknamed the Blue Egyptian Lotus, the Nymphaea Caerulea herb is actually a Water Lilly that shares no connection to the actual lotus flower.

Nymphaea was used as a sacrament in ancient Egypt as a mild sedative.
Today, the herb is used by herbalists to treat insomnia, but it has also been reported to induce lucid dreaming.

Effects: Improves quality of sleep and may intensify visual imagery.

Use: This herb is typically consumed in teas, elixir extracts, or by smoking it.
If you have trouble dreaming or if you find yourself frequently waking up during dreams, blue lotus is a great supplement to use alongside one of the other substances mentioned in this article.

Tian Men Dong – Asparagus Racemosus

Tian Men Dong is one of the world’s top adaptogens and is also know as the “Wild Asparagus Root” in English, and “Shatawari” in Ayurvedic medicine. The Chinese word for wild asparagus root is Tian Men Dong, or “heavenly spirit herb,” as it was cherished by shamans, monks, and yogis for its heart-opening effects.

Chinese Taoist monks placed much value on dream work, nicknaming Wild Aspagarus as “The Flying Herb”; they found it effective to help one fly through the universe at night, achieving magnificent dreams and moving in alignment with the spirit.

Effects: Improves quality of sleep, induces relaxation and stress relief, serves as a good anti-depressant and stimulates “flying dreams.”

Use: 1 to 3 grams per day in a concentrated form.

African Dream Bean – Entada Rheedii

Traditionally used in African medicine to induce vivid dreams and enable communication with the spirit world, Entada facilitates entry into the dream world, and promotes increased REM awareness.

This makes it easier for the sleeper to realize that they are dreaming and thus gives them an edge in achieving lucidity.
Entada contains several active compounds, essential oils and alkaloids.

Effects: Improves sleeping states by increasing depth, length and awareness.

Use: The inner meat of the seed is consumed directly, or the meat is chopped, dried, mixed with other herbs and smoked just before sleep to induce the desired dreams.


Always do a very well research before consuming any substance.

Keep in mind that the type, quality, age, storage and care of these herbs are all factors that will influence your experience with them.

Not only that, but the set, substance, setting and right dosage, along with creating a strong enough intention are all essential elements that must be carefully considered before exploring the depths of your mind.

Some herbs for external use

is a powerful, fragrant flower that has a history of uses around the world.
Place a flower or two in your pillowcase for lucid and very vivid dreams.

Mugwort has been known to enhance vivid, lucid and prophetic dreams.

Anise‘s licorice-like fragrance can keep nightmares away.

Sage leaves can be used to bring more peacefulness and healing to your dreams.

Burdock is effective at keeping negativity, anger and sadness from your dream state.

Mullein can help you to ward off nightmares and have pleasant dreams.

Jasmine flowers are known to enhance erotic and romantic dreams, especially useful for women processing issues related to sex.

Lemongrass can boost your boring dreams by adding color and exotic elements.

Rose Petals will add a loving sense and warmth to dreams.
Also especially helpful to women.

Clary Sage‘s super fragrant scent can provide you with some vivid and strange dreams.
Ideal for the nocturnal adventurer!

[Sources: lonerwolf, thesacredscience, organicauthority]
What is Well-Being?
Prof. Robert Cloninger, MD, PhD

Material wealth is no guarantee of well-being.
Prof. Robert Cloninger talks about what wellness is and what factors are critical to reaching it.

He also talks about the importance of spirituality to discover values that bring meaning, purpose and satisfaction to our lives.

Beyond a Reductionist View of Human Being
Prof. Robert Cloninger, MD, PhD

The human being is complex, and needs a healthy body,
mind and spirituality for complete well-being.

We are part of something bigger, and the awareness of that makes us happier.

A free e-book of wondrous things.

Studies in Occultism by H P Blavatsky.

From the intro:
Occultism is not magic.
It is comparatively easy to learn the trick of spells and the methods of using the subtler, but still material, forces of physical nature; the powers of the animal soul in man are soon awakened; the forces which his love, his passion, can call into operation, are readily developed.

But this is Black MagicSorcery.
For it is the motive, and the motive alone, which makes any exercise of power become black, malignant, or white, beneficent Magic.
It is impossible to employ spiritual forces if there is the slightest tinge of selfishness remaining in the operator.

For, unless the intention is entirely unalloyed, the spiritual will transform itself into the psychic, act on the astral plane, and dire results may be produced by it.

The powers and forces of animal nature can equally be used by the selfish and revengeful, as by the unselfish and the all-forgiving; the powers and forces of spirit lend themselves only to the perfectly pure in heart and this is DIVINE MAGIC.”

Studies in Occultism

The powers and forces of animal nature can equally be used by the selfish and revengeful, as by the unselfish and the all-forgiving;
the powers and forces of spirit lend themselves only to the perfectly pure in heart and this is DIVINE MAGIC.

Written by: H P Blavatsky
Published by: A Collection of Articles from Lucifer, H. P. Blavatsky's magazine
Edition: First
ISBN: None
Available in: Ebook
Download the free PDF ebook here (113 pages):

Studies in Occultism by H P Blavatsky
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Flash-Mob Meditations To Occur At Voting Stations During Election
  • Oct 28, 2016
On November 8th, 2016, hundreds and possibly thousands flash-mob meditations will commence at the polling stations everywhere across America. Elevate The Vote says that “this is a non-partisan participatory event that is open to everyone. It’s about the fundamental unity of human life that seems to have been so forgotten in this campaign.”

The intention is to “elevate the consciousness of every U.S. voter on election day, impacting how we feel about ourselves, politics, this election, and each other.”


“Meditation gives you an opportunity to come to know your invisible self. It allows you to empty yourself of the endless hyperactivity of your mind, and to attain calmness. It teaches you to be peaceful, to remove stress, to receive answers where confusion previously reigned.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer Image Source

While many will love this concept, some may be a bit skeptical of it having any effect. With that, we can look further at the studies that have been done on synchronized meditations and the measurable effects they did create.

What is known as the Maharishi Effect has actually been studied over 600 times, which was conducted in 33 countries and in over 250 independent research institutions. The evidence overwhelmingly correlates synchronized group prayer and meditation having extremely positive social, political and economic benefits to the world. Positive correlations for numerous health benefits to the individual were also observed and confirmed.

The most well-known study on this effect was done in 1974, which observed three different gatherings of over 7,000 people meditating each morning and evening for three consecutive weeks. The study took place in Fairfield, Iowa (December 17, 1983-January 6, 1984), The Hague, Holland (December 21, 1984-January 13, 1985) and Washington, DC (July 1-July 10, 1985). The results were astounding. According to the Rand Corporation, a think-tank based in California, “acts of global terrorism resulting in fatalities and injuries were reduced by 72%.” Time series analysis was used in this study to rule out possibilities that the reduction in global terrorism was caused by pre-existing trends, drifts in data or cycles. But how was this done then? How did it spread from a small group to a larger one?

Scientists believe this is due to a coherent resonance being created in the Unified Quantum Field by those meditating.

Going a bit further with it, we can think of a laser. Its coherent light is established by what is known in physics as the Field Effect. The Field Effect’s principle, according to the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy is “that it is not necessary to act individually on each individual constituent of a system, but that the system can be handled in one stroke at the collective level.”

The 7,000 people meditating created a Field Effect of harmonious coherence that spread throughout the collective–which in turn helped to reduce acts of terrorism (incoherent, disruptive energy).


Synchronized meditation shifts events and timelines in our Quantum Universe. Souce

If you live outside of the U.S. you can also join in by meditating with a global synchronized meditation that begins at 3pm Pacific Time (U.S.). Also, you can add to this movement even if you live in the U.S. by meditating at this time or at a local polling station. If you plan not to vote or already voted, you can also stay at home and meditate that evening. Let us all envision a world at peace, ourselves at peace and all social systems in balance and at peace.

To find out more information about the flash-mob meditations and to see or start one in your local area, visit Elevate The Vote.

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and practices health coaching through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health facebook page or visit the website for more information on how to receive health coaching for yourself, a family member or a friend as well as view other inspiring articles.

Real politics instead of bread and circus. I hope that the US will choose an enlightened leader this time. :m073:

Here is the info:
3 PM PST, 6 PM EST, on Nov. 8th
Average Day on Atlantis
[Excerpt from TT: 2002-04-25]

[MaryBV] I have the burning desire to hear what the average day was for someone who lived in Atlantis during its zenith. What sort of technology was available at that time?

[M_Entity] To describe an average day for any time period would be quite arbitrary, as each day would be quite different for so many fragments, but we will comment within reason.

The civilization currently on your planet most like Atlantis at the time could be said to be some parts of Greece and Italy, as a combination of ancient and modern elements combine strangely and beautifully.

Atlantis was primarily Early Young Soul, with a great deal of Baby Soul influences throughout the culture and expectations of behavior. This then, is quite similar to many societies familiar to you, especially the United States of America.

An “average day” then consisted of participating in your very ritualistic and high profile spirituality. Spiritual practices were considered a means of identifying yourself and your sense of place in the community. Wealth was not as divided as is currently on your planet, but there were still those who had more than others, creating Classes of people. Inherent in the Baby and Young, of course, requires that division.

As electricity could be said to be your theme of accepted and permeating technology currently, quartz generators would have been the equivalent in Atlantis.

Both are similar in effect when used, but the uses of their ideas of quartz generators were far less stable and impractical at the time. Their use of quartz generators would be the equivalent of your Nuclear Energy currently. Both are profound sources of energy with eventual disastrous effects.

[MaryBV] Large crystals on top of buildings?

And yes, there were large crystal panels within the architecture of that time.

The use of Crystals in Atlantis was far less mystical than the New Age has described. Crystals as sources of energy are used in your own current technologies as similarly as Atlantis.

We will note that what you call “dinosaurs” did still exist alongside humans of the time, though this may not coincide with your current interpretation of historical data. Great walls were built as a means to protect Atlantis from these creatures. These creatures were not hostile, anymore than a bear or tiger might be, but the dangers were there.

There was a strong postal system and library system at the time, though the libraries of the time consisted of many contributors. By this we mean that individual households listed themselves as providers of certain material and this promoted a great deal of interaction among the Atlantean.

Continuing with this subject will be more appropriate as a specific topic, but we share a bit of our perceptions from that time to contribute to your exploration.

Michael on Atlantis.

Hmmm, dinosaurs?!? So, is our knowledge of history fabricated or just incomplete?

They were civilized back then in terms of utilities. But were they public or privatized by stealth?
I’m just glad my new insurance will cover 6 acupuncture sessions a year...sweet!

Human Multidimensional Anatomy


There is considerable evidence to suggest that there exists a holographic energy template associated with a physical body.
This etheric body is a body which looks quite similar to the physical body over which it is superimposed.

The etheric body also carries spatial information on how the developing fetus is to unfold in utero, and also the structural data for growth and repair of the adult organism.

This energetic structure works together with cellular genetic mechanisms.

The physical body is connected to and dependent upon the etheric body for cellular guidance - the physical body cannot be maintained without it.
If the etheric field becomes distorted, physical disease soon follows.

Many illnesses have their origin in distortions of the supportive etheric field.

The etheric body is composed of matter, but it is of a different density and frequency than the matter composing the physical body.
It is not completely separated from the physical system with which it interacts.

There are specific channels of energy exchange which allow the flow of Information to move from one system to another.

These channels have been discussed in Eastern literature.

The Acupuncture Meridian System

Ancient Chinese theory has it that the acupuncture points on the human body are points along an unseen meridian system that runs deeply through the tissues of the body.

Through these meridians passes nutritive energy bearing coded information.

There were a series of studies on the anatomic nature of the meridian system in animals which were carried out in Korea during the 1960’s by a team of researchers headed by Professor Kim B.Han.

Kim’s histologic studies of the tubular meridian system showed that it appeared to be divided into a superficial system and a deep system.

The deep system was further subdivided into various subsystems.
  1. The first of these deep meridian systems was called the Internal Duct System.
    These tubules were found free-floating within the vascular and lymphatic vessels, penetrating the vessel walls at entry and exit points.

    Fluids within these internal ducts were usually found to travel in the same direction as the flow in the vessel they were discovered in.
    In certain circumstances ductal fluids were noted to flow in the opposite direction.

    The fact that these ducts penetrate and leave the vessel walls indicates that the formation of these ducts is different (and perhaps earlier in time) than the origin of the vascular and lymph systems.

    The meridians may act as spatial guides for the growth and development of the vascular and lymphatic systems.

    As vessels developed they would grow around the meridians.

  2. A second series of tubules was characterized and called the Intra-External Duct System.
    These ducts are found along the surface of internal organs and appear to form a network which is entirely independent of the vascular, lymphatic and nervous systems.

  3. A third series, known as the External Duct System, was found to run alongside the outer surface of the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels.

    These ducts are also found in layers of the skin and are known there as the Superficial Duct System.
    It is this latter superficial system which is most familiar to classical acupuncturists.

  4. The fourth series of tubules, known as the Neural Duct System, are distributed in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
All the ductules were eventually found to be interconnected (from superficial to deep systems) so that the continuity of the whole system was maintained.

The various duct systems are linked together via the connection of the terminal ductules of the different systems.

Kim found that the terminal ductules reach the tissue cell nuclei.
Also, spaced at intervals along these meridians, Kim found special small corpuscles .

Those corpuscles in the Superficial Duct System seem to lie beneath, and correspond with, the classical acupuncture points and meridians of the body.

Fluid extracted from these tubules revealed high concentrations of DNA, RNA, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, sixteen types of free nucleotides, adrenaline, corticosteroids, estrogen, and other hormonal substances in levels far different from those ordinarily found in the blood stream.

It is apparent that there is an important relationship between the acupuncture meridian system and the endocrine regulation of the physical body.

It was apparent during experiments that when meridians get severed, serious vascular degeneration takes place.
There was also a change in reflex time, which was prolonged more than 500 percent.

Meridians provide a specialized nutritive flow to the organs of the body.

Kim found that meridian ducts, in some species, form within 15 hours of conception.

This would suggest that the functioning of the meridian systems exert an influence on the migration and spatial orientation of the internal organs.
Because the meridians connect to each cell’s genetic control center, the meridians also play an important role in both replication and differentiation of all the cells in the body.

Dr Harold Burr carried out experiments mapping electrical fields around developing embryos.
Through his research, he discovered that an electrical axis developed in the unfertilized egg which corresponded with the future orientation of the brain and central nervous system in the adult.

The creation of such an electrical axis forms a waveguide for a directional energy field that provides spatial orientation to the cells in the developing embryo.

It was also discovered that the contour of the electrical field of embryos followed the shape of the adult.

It would appear from the research of these and other scientists that the meridian system forms an Interface between the etheric and the physical body.
It is the first physical link between the two.

Electrographic researchers have found that changes in the acupuncture points may precede the changes of physical illness in the body by hours, days, and even weeks.

Science and the Evolution of Consciousness: Chakras, Ki, and Psi”.

Motoyama found that certain individuals could consciously project energy through their chakras.
When they did so, significant electrical field disturbances emanated from their activated chakras.

Itzhak Bentov, a researcher of physiological changes associated with meditation, has duplicated Motoyama’s findings regarding electrostatic energy emission from the chakras.

Another interesting study by Dr. Valerie Hunt at UCLA used more conventional measuring equipment in a study of the chakras and the human energy field.

Hunt found regular, high frequency, sine-wave oscillations coming from these points that had never previously been recorded (1978).

The normal frequency of brain waves is between 0 and 100 cps (cycles per second), with most Information occurring between 0 and 30 cps.

In comparison, muscle frequency goes up to about 225 cps and the heart goes up to about 250 cps.
The readings from the chakras was in a band between 100 and 1600 cps - far higher than what has been traditionally found radiating from the human body.

Each color of the human aura is associated with a different wave pattern, and these wave patterns were recorded by Dr. Hunt at the chakra points.

When colors such as “white light” were seen in the auric field, the frequency signal measured was over 1000 cps.

Hunt has hypothesized that this high frequency level is actually a sub-harmonic of an original frequency signal which is in the range of many thousands of cycles per second: a sub-harmonic of the original subtle energy of the chakra.

The Human Frequency Spectrum

The Astral Body

The astral body is composed of astral matter, which is a subtle substance of even higher frequencies than etheric matter.

Knowledge about this part of subtle human anatomy has been taught since the earliest Egyptian dynasties.
The astral body is another component of the total multidimensional body that is superimposed over the physical body.

Because astral matter exists in a frequency band that is well above etheric and physical matter, it coexists with and occupies the same space as the other two.

According to esoteric sources, the astral body, like the etheric body, also has seven major chakras.

Like the etheric chakras, they are transformers of energy.
Since the astral body is involved with emotional expression, the astral chakras provide a subtle energy connection whereby a persons emotional state can disturb or enhance physical health.

Another name for the astral body has been the desire body or emotional body.
Fear is one of the dominant astral energies.

The degree to which people are affected by these desires and fears governs the extent and nature of one’s personality expression upon this frequency. Host physicians consider human emotional expression to be a characteristic of neural activity of the limbic system within the brain.

The limbic system is only a subsidiary system to higher energy systems which also have input into the system.

Unlike the etheric body, which supports and energizes the physical body, the astral body also functions as a vehicle of consciousness which can exist separately from, yet connected to, the physical body.

The mobile consciousness of the individual can interact with the environment via the astral body while the physical body is inactive.

Research efforts have established the presence of the astral projection of consciousness, as well as the ability of entitles to detect a projected consciousness.

In fact, many of the underground installations have security systems which range into the astral in order to detect intrusion.

Some of the security systems on the Nevada Test Site and Dulce have this feature.

Experiments carried out at Stanford Research Institute by physicists Targ and Puthoff in 1974 indicate a doubling of sine wave frequency of a magnetometer during a projection of consciousness.

The evidence from these and other experiments implies that the astral body can create electromagnetic disturbances of lower octave harmonic energies which can be measured by sensitive electronic equipment.

The astral domain has certain unique properties, one of which is the principle that astrally or emotionally charged thoughts have a life of their own.

They exist as distinct energy fields, or thought-forms with unique shapes, colors and characteristics.

Higher Bodies

The first of the subtle bodies which extend into the frequency range beyond that of the astral body is known as the mental body.

The mental body is the vehicle through which the self manifests and expresses the concrete intellect.
The mental body also has its corresponding chakras which are ultimately linked to the physical form.

On the mental level, thought-forms may represent purely mental ideas that an individual is (or will be) working on.
If the mental body is functioning properly, it allows the individual to think clearly and to focus mental energies in appropriate directions with force and clarity.

Healing a person at the mental level is stronger and produces long lasting results than healing from either the astral or etheric levels.

Beyond the mental fields, there are what are known as the causal fields, or causal body.
It is the causal body which is the closest thing to the individual Self.

The causal body is involved with the area of abstract ideas and concepts.
Causal consciousness deals with the essence of a subject while the mental level studies the subject’s details.

The lower mental body dwells upon mental images obtained from sensations, and analytically reasons about purely concrete objects.

The causal body deals with the essence of substance and true causes behind the Illusion of appearance.
The causal density is a world of realities.

On this level, we no longer deal with emotions, ideas, or conceptions, but with the essence and underlying nature of the thing In question.

Frequency Models

Due to the perceptual limiting factors of the physical brain, the conscious mind is ordinarily locked into a fixed space/time reference, or time-track.
This refers to the Earth time-frame of reference, and the locked vantage point.

Astral projection may be viewed as the transfer of consciousness from the neuronal connections and fixed time-frame of the physical brain into the astral vehicle of consciousness.

The autonomic nervous system allows the body to function normally while the individual entity is outside it.
What is G.E.S.A.R.A.?
October 23, 2016 by Edward Morgan

Just wondered what you think about this

What is G.E.S.A.R.A.?

It’s an acronym for Global Economic Security And Reformation Act , and has been written and refined by great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to reset planet earth and humanity on a sustainable governance foundation.

The following 3 items must be accomplished straight away:

1) The global and public proclamation of a global jubilee or debt forgiveness, and universal reset of planetary earth/humanity back to a universal system of common governance in transparent good standing with other member beings of the Galactic Federation.

2) Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States.

3) Mass human disclosure of both non-humanoid (extra-terrestrial) life in existence on the surface of this planet and throughout our shared galaxy.

Why is GESARA even necessary?

The existing “cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hid humanity’s historical truth (including alien occupation and genetic tampering) for over thirteen millennia; and thus why GESARA implementation is necessary now, as the galactic community has been tasked to stop and reverse the momentum of such a rebellious and blatant action against the Creator Source, and human species. Together with humanity, all love warriors of the white light will now put an end to cabal deceit as well as re-institute universal truth and justice without further delay or negotiation.

What might GESARA manifest?

Below are 25 specific items, but expect dozens more.

1. Restore Constitutional Law in Republic of the United Sates of America.

2. Remove USA, Inc. administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.

3. Forces the USA, Inc.’s President, the Vice-President, Cabinet members, and all members of Congress to leave office.

4) Suspends all elections everywhere in the world, at all sovereign levels of government.

5) Allows new Republic of the United States appointees to temporarily govern the country’s affairs until fair and legal elections can be held.

6) Allows Republic military law enforcement to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law.

7) Allows the Republic Congress to implement the natural Constitutional Line of Succession.

8) Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and it’s alliance.

9) Forces the US military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations who no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil. That includes Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the Philippines.

10) Zeroing out of credit card balances and bank debt relief worldwide.

11) Activates the Republic’s Treasury Bank and Republic Treasury, along with a gold backed USN currency printed and overseen by the Republic of the United States and not the Federal Reserve which will now be marginalized until eliminated.

12) Federal Income Taxes lies will be abolished, as will the old tax code; and new easier, simpler and global tax code will be implemented on non-essential items. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items, are exempt from the sales tax.

13) The IRS, FEMA, Shadow Government Lobbyists will all be jailed, arrested or worse.

14) Creates a new 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government.

15) Increases benefits to senior citizens and makes them permanent.

16) Establishes new Presidential and Congressional candidates within 120 days after G.E.S.A.R.A.’s announcement. An interim government will quietly be put in place as to handle the nation’s affairs until new leaders can be democratically elected.

17) International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups.

18) A new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals will be issued into public circulation.

19) Eliminates birth certificate records ato be used as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

20) Restores financial privacy globally.

21) Resets all judges and attorneys back to Constitutional Law.

22) Ceases all aggressive, government military actions worldwide–including the Middle East.

23) Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the UN Security Council.

24) Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across planet earth.

25) Enables the release of thousands of hidden patents for suppressed technologies currently held under the guise of national security–including free energy devices, anti-gravity and sonic healing machines.


Sounds good to me. Psychopathy has got a best before date on this planet that we are quickly approaching. :m118:

I am particularly enthralled by the hidden patents. :mclap:
For those of you who still need their taboos smashed to shit.
(or enjoy your cognitive dissonance)

How LSD and shrooms could help treat anxiety, addiction and depression

And on the flip side...

Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol
(for those that like to call the kettle black)

For those of you who still need their taboos smashed to shit.
(or enjoy your cognitive dissonance)

How LSD and shrooms could help treat anxiety, addiction and depression

And on the flip side...

Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol
(for those that like to call the kettle black)

It's interesting that the study says that benefits of mind altering experiences last only 3 months (I guess that means in medical terms), In my experience although I only took LSD twice. My first trip was a bad trip but even so, I remember feeling quite excited after the experience because my perception felt quite altered. For example my perception of time and the nature of experience had a lasting effect, in away opening the doors of perception. Mushroom though, in moderate quantities, only want to make me laugh, which is never a bad thing!
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Reactions: Free and Skarekrow
For those of you who still need their taboos smashed to shit.
(or enjoy your cognitive dissonance)

How LSD and shrooms could help treat anxiety, addiction and depression

And on the flip side...

Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol
(for those that like to call the kettle black)

I guess you know that cannabis oil (hemp oil) has been proven to cure cancer. It's been supressed by all the pharmaceuticals because they have such a money making industry with their chemotherapy etc.
  • Like
Reactions: Free and Skarekrow
It's interesting that the study says that benefits of mind altering experiences last only 3 months (I guess that means in medical terms), In my experience although I only took LSD twice. My first trip was a bad trip but even so, I remember feeling quite excited after the experience because my perception felt quite altered. For example my perception of time and the nature of experience had a lasting effect, in away opening the doors of perception. Mushroom though, in moderate quantities, only want to make me laugh, which is never a bad thing!

I can see the 3 month window.
Mushrooms significantly helped me get out of a deep groove of depression (like a skipping record).
It gives you that little bump you need to inch the needle forward.
What is also nice is (unlike LSD) you can start out with a small amount then increase as you go until you feel you are where you want to be.

Disclaimer: Please be aware of possible drug interactions and do your research before trying any such things. (not you personally, just the reader in general).
An often overlooked role of Si is its perception of internal bodily sensations—the body as felt and experienced from within. Perhaps more than any other function, it provides access to the raw and basic sense of “being” that exists apart from thought or outward stimuli. Historically, Eastern philosophical and religious traditions have done a much better job exploring this dimension than those of the West. This feature of Si is brought to the fore during activities requiring close attention to one’s internal bodily state, such as yoga, Tai-Chi, meditation, or various relaxation techniques. INTPs interested in exploring this element of Si may find great delight and benefit from these sorts of practices. They are especially useful in developing the body awareness necessary to relax and control anxiety.

Skeletal details and tattooing
Ötzi had a total of 61 tattoos (or Soot tattoos), consisting of 19 groups of black lines ranging from 1 to 3 mm in thickness and 7 to 40 mm long.[23] These include groups of parallel lines running along the longitudinal axis of his body and to both sides of the lumbar spine, as well as a cruciform mark behind the right knee and on the right ankle, and parallel lines around the left wrist. The greatest concentration of markings is found on his legs, which together exhibit 12 groups of lines.[24] A microscopic examination of samples collected from these tattoos revealed that they were created from pigment manufactured out of fireplace ash or soot [25]

Radiological examination of Ötzi's bones showed "age-conditioned or strain-induced degeneration" corresponding to many tattooed areas, including osteochondrosis and slight spondylosis in the lumbar spine and wear-and-tear degeneration in the knee and especially in the ankle joints.[26] It has been speculated that these tattoos may have been related to pain relief treatments similar to acupressure or acupuncture.[24] If so, this is at least 2,000 years before their previously known earliest use in China (c. 1000 BCE).[27] Recent research into archaeological evidence for ancient tattooing has confirmed that Ötzi is the oldest tattooed human mummy yet discovered.[28][29]Ötzi

They knew it all back then. Why did we lose those ancient cultural traditions in Europe?

I’m just glad my new insurance will cover 6 acupuncture sessions a year...sweet!

WOW!!! My subliminal programming on you is working, Skare. My old post proves that. :m035:

Now I know how it works. Thanks. :mpoke:
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WOW!!! My subliminal programming on you is working, Skare. My old post proves that. :m035:

Now I know how it works. Thanks. :mpoke:

What are you blathering about?
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Sorry, I forgot to embolden the key word. Take a look above.

And you equate my article with some subliminal hint you purposefully embedded in the conversation?
To what end?
It was literally, the first article that popped up when I went to a favorite site of mine.
But by all means...take whatever credit you want.
  • Like
Reactions: ImaginaryBloke
And you equate my article with some subliminal hint you purposefully embedded in the conversation?
To what end?
It was literally, the first article that popped up when I went to a favorite site of mine.
But by all means...take whatever credit you want.

Wait a minute. Are you telling me that you subliminally manipulated me to forget to embolden a word in my post?

One day, I am going to ... :smilingimp:
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