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Any patterns to it all or is it random?

It seems to happen during stressful periods of my life…though, sometimes quite out of the blue.
Maybe I should keep track and see.
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Many years ago - before I was interested in all of this ascension energy stuff - I got the idea our DNA were like antennas and could receive signals. Now what signals I couldn't articulate but I just knew deep down inside DNA was like a communicator/receiver of sorts. At the time I the idea the DNA of one person could perceive the DNA of another person was bouncing around in my mind. It was part of the reason we are attracted to certain people whom we would not ordinarily be attracted to. The idea that this was how we as a species maintained diversity in our progeny made sense. I think I was reading about our ideas of Love and Marriage and Fidelity. I had run across a research documentary showing how women married for stability but had sex with other men who were not good father material. It was speculated Nature was trying to improve our diversity and survivability leading women to have intercourse with non compatible men. The only thing that made sense to me was that some how the DNA recognized other DNA.

12 Strands of DNA connected to the 12 Chakra system would allow the data available in each frequency level to communicate with the strand of DNA connected to it. Can you imagine the vast knowledge one will have access to in the future when the human body is fully adapted and connected to all of it's DNA?

Anyway...this is my crude approximation of what is to come. You're right - the human mind in its current iteration would have a hard time understanding our DNA.

It’s like the scientists who say that we aren’t actually conscious…that there is only the illusion of consciousness hard-wired into our brains, which they reduce to basically a meat computer.
I think we are interfacing with spirit and soul and source in so many areas of this body we have…they will never explain it all because a good portion of the interface is going on across dimensions.
It seems to happen during stressful periods of my life…though, sometimes quite out of the blue.
Maybe I should keep track and see.

Yeah man definately! Put that stuff in your dream journal!
Yeah man definately! Put that stuff in your dream journal!
That shit with the ball of light my Son saw, blew my mind….crazy!
Gotta run ttyl!
It’s like the scientists who say that we aren’t actually conscious…that there is only the illusion of consciousness hard-wired into our brains, which they reduce to basically a meat computer.
I think we are interfacing with spirit and soul and source in so many areas of this body we have…they will never explain it all because a good portion of the interface is going on across dimensions.

Those scientists are fools because there is no need for a machine to be aware of what it sees, feels, hears, tastes, etc.

I've designed computers 'from scratch' i.e. not just putting parts together but actually designing from the very first transistor and I can tell you that a machine is essentially a very elaborate, controllable, and resetable physical domino effect. Computers are based on physical chain reactions, and holistically the concept of 'computer' is merely an abstract encapsulation for a container of working circuits. A computer is not much different than a car, toaster, or microwave in this regard.

Self awareness is not necessary for biological machines to operate. Even if it is an illusion, who the hell is perceiving the illusion, let alone being aware enough to call it such?
Those scientists are fools because there is no need for a machine to be aware of what it sees, feels, hears, tastes, etc.

Your requirements of a working machine (and how you use it) is not relevant to a machine that wants to survive - a machine whose function of survival depends on external factors which require mechanisms to sense external occurrences.

I've designed computers 'from scratch' i.e. not just putting parts together but actually designing from the very first transistor and I can tell you that a machine is essentially a very elaborate, controllable, and resetable physical domino effect.

Your grasp of a simple machine does not diminish what is possible of something much more complex. A complexity needed for life.

Computers are based on physical chain reactions, and holistically the concept of 'computer' is merely an abstract encapsulation for a container of working circuits. A computer is not much different than a car, toaster, or microwave in this regard.

I've never encountered a computer with a neural net - something pretty much required in anything we'd consider to exhibit behavior of something that is life-like.

If there is anything I am saying with this post, it is that I encourage you to open your mind about what life actually is, and to research AI.
Your requirements of a working machine (and how you use it) is not relevant to a machine that wants to survive - a machine whose function of survival depends on external factors which require mechanisms to sense external occurrences.

Your grasp of a simple machine does not diminish what is possible of something much more complex. A complexity needed for life.

I've never encountered a computer with a neural net - something pretty much required in anything we'd consider to exhibit behavior of something that is life-like.

If there is anything I am saying with this post, it is that I encourage you to open your mind about what life actually is, and to research AI.

I never said otherwise.

Why are you correcting my shit again?

Also if you paid attention you should see that I was actually illustrating the reason why simple machines are not enough to explain intelligence and self awareness to begin with. So your "encouragement" is unwarranted.
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It’s like the scientists who say that we aren’t actually conscious…that there is only the illusion of consciousness hard-wired into our brains, which they reduce to basically a meat computer.
I think we are interfacing with spirit and soul and source in so many areas of this body we have…they will never explain it all because a good portion of the interface is going on across dimensions.

Plus the fact they are trying to measure with instruments designed to only recognize what we can interpret with only the five senses. There is quote going around again and again that suggests we cannot solve the problems we have using the same way of thinking....or something like that.
Scientists cannot measure or observe using equipment designed for only 3rd frequency matter. They have got to get outside that box...just like one has to do to solve a problem.

"meat computer"....hahahahahaha..... i have never heard that one before. :tongue:
Plus the fact they are trying to measure with instruments designed to only recognize what we can interpret with only the five senses. There is quote going around again and again that suggests we cannot solve the problems we have using the same way of thinking....or something like that.
Scientists cannot measure or observe using equipment designed for only 3rd frequency matter. They have got to get outside that box...just like one has to do to solve a problem.

"meat computer"....hahahahahaha..... i have never heard that one before. :tongue:

Maybe science doesn't need to go that far. Science is already good at what it does, who says it has to do more?

What's wrong with another separate paradigm? Must we really have a lawnmower that is also a submarine, when we could have a lawnmower and a submarine?
Maybe science doesn't need to go that far. Science is already good at what it does, who says it has to do more?

What's wrong with another separate paradigm? Must we really have a lawnmower that is also a submarine, when we could have a lawnmower and a submarine?

A lawnmower that's also a submarine? No. I agree with you. A separate paradigm is a great idea....for the time being.
Those scientists are fools because there is no need for a machine to be aware of what it sees, feels, hears, tastes, etc.

I've designed computers 'from scratch' i.e. not just putting parts together but actually designing from the very first transistor and I can tell you that a machine is essentially a very elaborate, controllable, and resetable physical domino effect. Computers are based on physical chain reactions, and holistically the concept of 'computer' is merely an abstract encapsulation for a container of working circuits. A computer is not much different than a car, toaster, or microwave in this regard.

Self awareness is not necessary for biological machines to operate. Even if it is an illusion, who the hell is perceiving the illusion, let alone being aware enough to call it such?

Plus the fact they are trying to measure with instruments designed to only recognize what we can interpret with only the five senses. There is quote going around again and again that suggests we cannot solve the problems we have using the same way of thinking....or something like that.
Scientists cannot measure or observe using equipment designed for only 3rd frequency matter. They have got to get outside that box...just like one has to do to solve a problem.

"meat computer"....hahahahahaha..... i have never heard that one before. :tongue: like deciphering what reality actually is not what the virtual reality image we each have going on in our heads.
What are we missing…I think we are missing a lot…but I also think we can tap into those other dimensions and frequencies going on around us.
I have the right mind to declare “ghosts” as nothing more than the crossing of two alternate universes. like deciphering what reality actually is not what the virtual reality image we each have going on in our heads.
What are we missing…I think we are missing a lot…but I also think we can tap into those other dimensions and frequencies going on around us.
I have the right mind to declare “ghosts” as nothing more than the crossing of two alternate universes.

I think realness is a human concept in the first place.

Remember that vitality sigil I made for you? Whether it really 'works' or not and what it does kind of depends entirely on your interpretation, doesn't it?

Does it really matter that I charged it with a ritual and found its shape by placing letters a certain way and then drawing the lines between them, as opposed to just doing some random scribbles and saying "here it is"? Because I think it makes a difference and I think it showed. What that difference is and how it works on the other hand, is an entirely different story.
I think realness is a human concept in the first place.

Remember that vitality sigil I made for you? Whether it really 'works' or not and what it does kind of depends entirely on your interpretation, doesn't it?

Does it really matter that I charged it with a ritual and found its shape by placing letters a certain way and then drawing the lines between them, as opposed to just doing some random scribbles and saying "here it is"? Because I think it makes a difference and I think it showed. What that difference is and how it works on the other hand, is an entirely different story.

You're wrong
Well worth the watch!!!

Stephan A Schwartz:
Non-Local Consciousness and Exceptional Experiences


A Transformation Dialogue with Stephan A Schwartz and Dr Craig Weiner:

Non-Local Consciousness and Exceptional Experiences; Genius, Religious Epiphany, Near Death Experiences and Psychic Phenomena

Two hundred years of reductive materialism has failed to explain the extraordinary experiences we know as moments of genius, religious epiphanies, near death experiences and psychic insights.

This dialogue will talk about these experiences showing that they are in essence the same experience, differentiated only by intention and context.

The dialogue will talk about the well-conducted experimental research across the continuum of science that proposes a new interdependent model of consciousness, one that is not limited by space or time.

We'll compare shamanic and spiritual traditions with this new research suggesting they arrive at similar worldviews.
Finally, we'll talk about meditation and other psychophysical self-regulation techniques that offer a powerful avenue for producing these exceptional experiences.

Stephan A. Schwartz is the Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research.

He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication , both of which covers trends that are affecting the future.
He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post.

Previously he was the founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory, and Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center, Senior Fellow of The Philosophical Research Society, Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations, and an editorial staff member of National Geographic.

For 40 years he has been studying the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect independent of space and time.
​Mild electric brain stimulation boosts creativity, may tackle depression

If you want to fight depression or boost creativity, all you need is brain stimulation treatment, according to the first results of a placebo-controlled study conducted in North Carolina.
Scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill proved that normal treatment of psychiatric diseases, involving alteration of electrical activity in the brain, can measurably boost creativity.

The results were published in the journal Cortex under the title “Functional role of frontal alpha oscillations in creativity”.

Twenty healthy individuals, between the ages of 19 and 30, participated in the study, undergoing a low dose of electric currents (a safe and non-invasive frequency of 8 to 12 hertz cycles per second) the first time for five minutes, and then for thirty.

Electrodes attached to their scalps showed prominent rhythmic EEG patterns.

The results, in a “common, well-validated” test of creative thinking, improved by on average 7.4 percent, during the second period of treatment.

“That’s a pretty big difference when it comes to creativity,” said senior author Flavio Frohlich in the press release.
“Several participants showed incredible improvements in creativity. It was a very clear effect.”

To test the accuracy of the research, a second experiment was held — this time, with 40 Hertz of electrical current.
This involves gamma frequencies typically associated with conscious perception of senses.

“Using 40 Hertz, we saw no effect on creativity,” Frohlich said. “The effect we saw was specific to the 10-hertz alpha oscillations. There’s no statistical trickery. You just have to look at each participant’s test to see these effects.”

According to previous research, highly creative people demonstrate alpha activity, which is characteristic of a restful waking state of mind, such as in daydreaming.
That is why alpha waves in the brain, discovered in 1929, may be essential for the creative process.

“This study is a proof-of-concept. We’ve provided the first evidence that specifically enhancing alpha oscillations is a causal trigger of a specific and complex behavior — in this case, creativity,” Frohlich said.

“But our goal is to use this approach to help people with neurological and psychiatric illnesses. For instance, there is strong evidence that people with depression have impaired alpha oscillations. If we could enhance these brain activity patterns, then we could potentially help many people,” Frohlich added.

So, the team has started clinical trials to examine major depressive and premenstrual disorders.
They believe that people suffering from such disorders could also benefit from alpha wave brain stimulation.

“If people with depression are stuck in a thought pattern and fail to appropriately engage with reality, then we think it’s possible that enhancing alpha oscillations could be a meaningful, noninvasive, and inexpensive treatment for them — similar to how it enhanced creativity in healthy participants,” Frohlich said.

However, stimulating alpha waves in the brain may not necessarily mean resorting to electric shock therapy.
Meditation is an easier way to increase alpha activity, according to a 2010 Norwegian study.