Meaningful Movies


Permanent Fixture
I forget
What are some meaningful movies you have seen? One for me is Tuesdays with Morrie and Aurore le film.

Tuesdays with Morrie: columnist Mitch Albom recounts his time spent with his 78 year old sociology professor at Brandeis University, Morrie Schwartz, who was dying from Lou Gehrig's disease. Albom, a former student of Schwartz, had not corresponded with him since attending his college classes sixteen years earlier.
Albom is a successful columnist to the Detroit Free Press after failing to become a pianist. After seeing Schwartz on Nightline, Albom visits Schwartz. They arrange to meet on Tuesdays. The Detroit Newspaper Strike frees Albom from work and allows him frequent flights from his home in Detroit to Schwartz in Boston. The resulting book is based Albom's recount of Schwartz lectures, quotes, experiences, and conversations. It is visited by frequent flashbacks and allusions to contemporary events between each visit.

It's a very meaningful movie with beautiful quotes.

Aurore le film: It's about a girl who gets abused (middle of the movie). The movie's meaning in my opinion is how bad child abuse can be, how some hide it, false priests, and how some children try to reach out but no one believes them. Not to mention how easily people can get away with it.

This movie is in french but on Youtube they have it with english subtitles. So if you watch it you'll learn French and Child abuse at the same time.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="580" height="360"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

If you want to see all of the movie, here is the website to where it all is:

If you've seen any meaningful movies as well, please feel free to post it. Good meaningful would be nice but it could be whatever. Or it could have impacted you in some way.
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I don't understand this "meaningful movies" thing. All films that I like are meaningful. Plus the experience of watching a film can be meaningful in either a good or bad way despite whether you liked it or not.
The Green Mile, American History X, and Life is Beautiful.
I don't understand this "meaningful movies" thing. All films that I like are meaningful. Plus the experience of watching a film can be meaningful in either a good or bad way despite whether you liked it or not.

Good way would be nice. Sorry about that :m187:
I don't understand this "meaningful movies" thing. All films that I like are meaningful. Plus the experience of watching a film can be meaningful in either a good or bad way despite whether you liked it or not.

I think she meant inspiring movies.
Inspiring and meaningful are completely different.

So a film that impacted you in a positive way? Define positive.
Inspiring and meaningful are completely different.

So a film that impacted you in a positive way? Define positive.

OMG Yield! Lol, just give us the name of a movie that gave you a nice feeling in the inside when you finished watching it. A movie that made you ponder and reflect upon.
It does matter. Film matters. And I wish to receive more information on the parameters that you set for this thread, in order for me to give an appropriate response.
How about just something that gave you a strong emotion? Just post whatever --'''
The Green Mile, American History X, and Life is Beautiful.

American History X
The Pianist
Kate and Leopold
In America
Educating Rita
A Beautiful Mind
Almost Famous
Riding in cars with boys
Paranoid Park
Girl Interrupted
The Breakfast Club
The Basketball diaries
The Longest Yard
Sixteen Candles

The list goes on haha.... Like Yield said, all movies that one chooses to watch are meaningful in one way or another.
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So post a film that gave me a strong emotion?

Lol, so in what way is Kate and Leopold a meaningful movie?
Okay, my dear, whatever you say. But in what way does it appeal to you?

I'm sorry ilovethewind, i'll stop being so anal now! I was just messing with ya.
What Dreams May Come
V for Vendetta
Cold Mountain
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Artificial Intelligence
Oh well it affects me in the sense that it moves my heart to the point of tears haha. I'm a hopeless romantic but I think it's the chivalry and the beauty in their true love that does it.

Yeah, they go through so many problems in that film. Two incredibly attractive people meet, one of which happens to be an extremely good looking man who happens to come from the past because he doesn't like any of the air head broads from his time. He cross's paths with MEG RYAN and he helps her with her high flying advertising job, in which she probably get's paid loads. Then you get the narrative "curve" where something bad has to happen to enable conflict in which their "true love" really gets tested. It's really inspiring.

But I have to say I've loved it as well. I've seen it 3 times.