MAyflow Philosophy


Ok, I've been working on creating my own philosophy. Any thoughts?

Mayflow philosophy, the beginning...

If you see something as sad, then you are the one who created "this is sad". It is not that something is sad. That something isn't even a something, it is just a way of seeing things that you are creating. It is only that you see it as sad. If you see something as unfair, well, yeah, same mental laws apply. Happy or whatever, too.

Now, how you see something is really entirely up to you. You see (or think you see) that others see it certain ways and you yourself determine that you will or will not accept this in some entirety or in partial, but you are still the one making this decision. Not everyone may be this individuated to be able to fully do this, and more accept to be part of a group and buy more into that "group think" but that is still a a decision made by the individual or monad. There is a balance in all of this and the balance is different for each individual, but not only that, but for each individual, each moment is a moment of newness and what was balance in the last moment is slightly shifted in the next. This prevents stagnation of the mind, Which could cause it to circle endlessly in a small defined circle, preventing it from widening into the eventual omniscience and open unlimitedness, which is in recognition of what it has always been.

Minds (whether of the individuated entities or the overall individuated species or the ones integrated within the whole of the whole) are holistic in aspect and beingness, and no one in this is separated from the others, although no two individuated beings are exact dupicates. Rain and a waterfall and individual droplets are individuated, and work together, as a whole as well.

This philosophy leans towards holography.
So, if my dog gets hit by a car, while I'm walking him on a leash - and dies of his injuries - because the driver was illegally talking on his cellphone and speeding, and drunk, that's not sad and unfair?
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To each his own. That's all I'm gonna say, lol.
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he's saying it's sad and unfair for you. he's emphasizing perspective and mind over matter here. Its only sad because you let yourself get attached to your dog, and now the dog is gone, and you find it unfair because you feel neither the dog nor you did anything to deserve it. I'm not saying your wrong to feel this way, or anything like that, but your feelings are your own fault (according to this philosophy).
So, if my dog gets hit by a car, while I'm walking him on a leash - and dies of his injuries - because the driver was illegally talking on his cellphone and speeding, and drunk, that's not sad and unfair?

I interpret what he means to be that if we look upon the world with sad eyes then the world will be sad. Or if we look upon it with a happy mentality then it will be happy. ^^

Great one! Your philosphy reminds me a little of the law of attraction and of course unity.
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Sounds pretty existential. I have similiar thoughts.
I see things similarly and it is saddening to realize I am not special in thinking this way.
Well, I am happy that some of you understand and or agree at least in part.

Here are some further thoughts on it...

I am not here as a saviour for anyone but myself, nor do I believe anyone is anyone elses saviour either. That does not mean I cannot learn from others and other philosophies and religions, but it does however mean that ultimately it is up to each our own.

I am adamantly in favor of the principle that it is the individual entitiy that continuously creates their own perceptual analysis and paradigms, and as I said in the beginning of this topic, this may lead to nothing but circular thinking patterns and experiences or it may lead to greater and deeper understandings of the mind itself and the Universe which it is part and parcel thereof.

There is much (I believe) that lies virtually untouched in the potential of the human mind, quite especially in terms of individual sub or super-conscious connections with the consciousness itself and also in the collective unconsious areas as well.
it is the individual entitiy that continuously creates their own perceptual analysis and paradigms, and as I said in the beginning of this topic, this may lead to nothing but circular thinking patterns and experiences
Can you elaborate on this a little more? I wanted to comment about this part, but I want to make sure I understand just what you mean. I'm particuliarly interested in the circular thinking patterns part, and how this arises through one's own perceptional analysis.
I think there is freedom in being able to step back and recognize that things are not necessarily inherently sad, unfair, etc. Especially unfair. But emotion is a great part of being human, and I don't think I would want to detach from that in favour of a more philosophical approach to life. Spiritual, yes. Philosophical (as in more abstract and devoid of sentiment), probably not.

I prefer a balance between responding emotionally and still being able to retain a greater perspective on the situation. But that's just for me. Each person's path is theirs to take :)
Can you elaborate on this a little more? I wanted to comment about this part, but I want to make sure I understand just what you mean. I'm particuliarly interested in the circular thinking patterns part, and how this arises through one's own perceptional analysis.

When we create our own perceptions, we can have AWARENESS that we are doing this. I have seen somewhere or another that you are AWARE of Anthony Demello's book called awareness. Our perceptual anaysis is comprised of this awareness, or there is really no self awareness and self analysis going on. WE do get into circular thinking patterns and that is fine I think and even sometimes valuable to us, but sometimes it seems we get caught into
those patterns and think they are us ourselves. That would, in my reasoning be not so good. They are our patterns and we have created them, but we are creators and they are only patterns. We can always create new patterns. We are creators. Our functions are creative - our hearts, minds and souls are comprised of that which creates. You create your own world, as do I mine. Sometimes as it seems in our case, these worlds coincide. :smile:
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Yep I have read it and even mentioned it here! I was most struck by the notion that we enslave ourselves to circumstance and our environment, and that within our own minds we can be free.

The concept that no one or nothing can or will make you happy and then maintain your happiness for you was pretty liberating. Our joy is a state of mind and we choose it. Just as misery doesn't hijack us, we choose it or embrace it even.

The circular thing.. well, I tend to get that a lot. It seems like there is a fine line between everything until it all moves back around well, as a cycle. Weird.. as if most things or ideas (I can't say all) are one, but we're illusioned to it. I need to think about this a lot more, because I'm having a hard time trying to write what's on my mind.. Something about all actions and ideas and idealogies being motivated by a common denominator...

I wrote about it in a journal awhile ago, if I can dig the journal up I'll post some examples of what I mean. (I sort of put it out of my mind as it seemed crazy to me.)

The concept that each person is alone in their experience, and that once realized and having come to terms with-- then that person is truly free to love other people as they realize they don't need anything from them--and that upon this realization, you have so much more to give.

That's kind of circular, I think. Becoming so detached from humanity that you realize how much you love it, and so a new kinship is established...
Going way the opposite direction only to come back to the other extreme. Or you could say establishing such a fierce individualism in yourself that it drives you to become a collectivist. But the reason these things bleed into one another is because they are motivated by love. When you realize you're alone in your experience, it pushes you to know and love yourself. You are complete in yourself. So then you see no need to strive against or manipulate others to fulfill yourself...
What does that mean for the origin of violence and oppression? Probably that it is the result of delusion. I'm not really able to get into it more right now, as I'm still trying to figure things out.. But right now, this is about what I've got figured out for myself.

They are our patterns and we have created them, but we are creators and they are only patterns. We can always create new patterns. We are creators.
This kind of reminds me of something written in The Road Less Traveled, in which a sign of mental health is to accept challenges in our lives (and of our experiences or patterns) as obstacles to learn from and overcome; to shape into something beneficial.
Sorry this was so long winded!
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blast from the past!