[PAX] Lyndon LaRouche - what do you think about his ideas?


Community Member
I was at the climate conference and got some pamphlets about LaRouche's proposal of a new economic system, but I don't know what to think.

Here is the pamphlet: http://www.schillerinstitute.org/lar_related/2009/hzl_call_larouche_plan.html

and here is the man behind it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche

I agree that a radically different economic system might be needed to save our world as we know it, but who is to decide what this system should look like? Can responsibility be used in the same sentence as capitalism? Can the huge machine be remade or is there too much economic incentive to just keep doing shady business?
Here's my plan:
1. Get all modern technology and materials OFF of oil. Fast!

Plan B:
You went to the conference? Very cool.
...and of his teachers in general that they "lacked the competence to teach me on conditions I was willing to tolerate."

This dude rules.
In the spirit of [PAX] I'll say simply that I'm not a fan of LaRouche or his policies. I would say this: Explore the man and his views, and consider multiple options.
Such a nice woman!

In the spirit of [PAX] I'll say simply that I'm not a fan of LaRouche or his policies. I would say this: Explore the man and his views, and consider multiple options.

anybody looking for political direction is wasting their time with LaRouche or any of his ideas. sometimes you just gotta take a gardener's word for it and pull the frackin weed
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I haven't finished the wikipedia article nor have I done a substantial amount of research on him as of yet, but the man the pamphlet seems to be talking about and the man in the wikipedia article don't seem to be the same person. According to the wikipedia article, he seems rather repulsive.
I lost my childhood friend to this guy.

We use to talk about life, friends, past, girls, games, future etc. now all he talks about is American Imperialism, how Newton is a thief, and other stuff.

While it may be true or not, it's like this organization cut and brain washed the "life" out of him.
In the Seventies, at Swarthmore, we used to call his group (NCLC) the "National Caucus of Leninist Cretins." He has lived up to this perception. Some people are susceptible to contagious psychosis.