
my opinion of love is here

and here

Originally Posted by Entyqua
Love is wild, unpredictable and completely uncontrollable.
Its the most frightening and most rewarding experience in human emotions.
It has the power to hurt, heal, revive, and steal.
It is imperfect and impure, yet beautiful and freeing...
Eh. Here's mine, from the thread Some Questions about Love:
" Love never makes you feel empty, it makes you complete. It may not completely satiate your wants, but it fulfills your needs more than you can ever wish for.
There are those who think they can define love. Those who do are fools. You cannot define an entity that is in itself indefinable. It exists before, during and after every emotion that is possibly related to it subsides to a mere memory. It exists in any one of us now, lingering, only waiting for the right moment, or maybe for you to realize that it is not necessary for love to exist between two people. Love exists in you and you just have to realize when and to whom you
also this seems aptly appropiate

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 cor 13:4-8
Love is the killer you thought was your friend.

Maybe what kills you isn't love. Maybe what kills you is expectations based on fear? Maybe you just need not be afraid anymore that love could grow in you again, and even bigger? Maybe you just need time to separate love from disappoinment? :m161:
Lets brake those disappointments :m179:
Maybe what kills you isn't love. Maybe what kills you is expectations based on fear? Maybe you just need not be afraid anymore that love could grow in you again, and even bigger? Maybe you just need time to separate love from disappoinment? :m161:
Lets brake those disappointments :m179:
Yes, I suppose I do need to separate the two. But all I have learned so far is that one leads to the other, and that I don't love the way people expect me to.
When a friendship dies because romantic love fails. Then it's easy not to trust it.

Thank you for your encouragement regardless
Love is something I don't have right now and it SUCKS.
Yes, I suppose I do need to separate the two. But all I have learned so far is that one leads to the other, and that I don't love the way people expect me to.
When a friendship dies because romantic love fails. Then it's easy not to trust it.

Thank you for your encouragement regardless

If that isn't too much personal, can i ask how do you love? And what people expect from you, that you can not give?
If that isn't too much personal, can i ask how do you love? And what people expect from you, that you can not give?
I bring the past with me. not letting go of where I failed in my relationships.
each hurt more intense each time. My trust already shaken I trust less.
I push away, I reject

This goes in stark contrast to when I am actually engaged.Then I am captivating,warm,affectionate,sensual,fun,deep,empathetic,sympathetic,nurturing
and sexy

The contrast is what most people can't take.. I can't take it either.
I hate the shame in me, which only makes it worse
What sucks? Love sucks? hihi :m024:
Maybe you don't need to have it, maybe you need to see it? :mpoke: :m163:

If I was saying that love sucked I would have needed a comma there, pretty sure.

I have love from family and friends...I was talking about romantic love. And unless you are hitting on me right I don't have it.
I bring the past with me. not letting go of where I failed in my relationships.
each hurt more intense each time. My trust already shaken I trust less.
I push away, I reject

This goes in stark contrast to when I am actually engaged.Then I am captivating,warm,affectionate,sensual,fun,deep,empathetic,sympathetic,nurturing
and sexy

The contrast is what most people can't take.. I can't take it either.
I hate the shame in me, which only makes it worse

Why you feel shame?
I have some questions to you:

"you experience life" What means to experience?

"There is so much we will never see." What do you see now?

I don't experience life as much as I'd like to. Partying and eating a lot of food seem to be as far as I've "lived it up" in the past few years, but I'd like to change that. I guess my point is, we may not know much about what happens after death, but we know life is here, and we should take advantage of it to the fullest while we still can.

I see what the physical limitations of my brain allow me to see. ;)
I have some questions to you:

"you experience life" What means to experience?

"There is so much we will never see." What do you see now?

To me to experience love is to be to love as the ocean is to the fish: The fish is in the ocean and the ocean is in the fish. But you didn't ask me.