

Community Member
What is love?


How love can grow?


Are you growing love in yourself?

What is love?


How love can grow?


Are you growing love in yourself?


Another poem styled question,

OKay. Here are my answers:

Love is the language of heart.
This is so because anyone can send messages heart to heart with their love. IT is magical thing.

If you want to grow your love, very simple, have faith and believe LOVE's power. Move in your life with this tool. Give time to your love and freedom too, don't forget. :D Most im: BE go-giver in love. This can raise its height.

Yes, i am growing love within myself.
I think it is necessary for me. In future i will love someone, so first i have to be well educated about love. I am master of myself. :) I am teaching myself and loving myself.

Enjoyed answering questions!!!!
What is love?
I have some theories about this. They might seem far-fetched but I think they may be right!!! Not sure about proving it though so I'll leave it at that.

How love can grow?
On a personal and time. Deeps trust of a person can eventually lead into love. Time only reinforces and amplifies upon this, making it grow deeper.

Are you growing love in yourself?
Oh yes....only because I choose to live within love. It is my ecosystem, so to speak. In this case, there are many diverse flavors and manifestations of love, but love still governs them all. There always is temptation to lose love...say to fear or cynicism. That's why I say I choose it. I love because I can....that's it.
what is Love?
Love is more.
Love is less.

Love is complicated.
Love is bigger then me.
Love is bigger then you.

Love is undiniable.
Love is unstoppable.
Love is unbelievable.

Love fights the battles that can't be won.
Love Endures the storms that come.
Love build the bridges undone.

Love is the life unlived.
Love is the life ungiven.
Love is the life refuted.

Love is the life lived.
Love is the life given.
Love is the life proven.

What is love?
Love is complicated.
Love is.
What is love? (Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more)
Chemical processes in the brain.
Because that's how we work.

How love can grow?
Maybe this was supposed to say "how can love grow?"
I don't know. My personal relationships seem to be deteriorating due to death and idiocy on the parts of others. I'm not the best person to answer this question.

Are you growing love in yourself?
Apathy and cynicism seem to be on the rise. I like to be optimistic, but sometimes life and reality beat me down.
Great fucking question.
I'm going to steal my answer from something that was written well before my ancestors were even thought of.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 said:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love in its purset form is wanting the absolute best for someone - and not restricting that 'someone' to oneself.
What is love?

Supporting, accepting differences, sharing vulnerabilities, emotional growth, joking, hurting, and learning to caulk the bathtub (I'm dating an ISTP).
What is love? Mutually beneficial relationship between two people that transcends a casual bond.
Why? Because it connects us, and it makes us want to be with someone.

How love can grow? Compromise, respect, empathy, and sacrifice.
Why? Because in order to get, you must also give, and if both parties are doing both, then they are receiving what they need.

Are you growing love in yourself? I try to, yes. It can be difficult, and it can be very rough.
Why? Because life can be so goddamn lonely, and more people need to know what it means to love someone.
Love is accepting what is and letting it be.
Love is recognizing yourself in it and it in you.
Love is what the universe is contained in.
Love is what you become when you believe in Love.
What is love?
How love can grow?
Are you growing love in yourself?

Love is forgiving, giving and caring for others, even when they stab you in the back.

Why? because love isn't about receiving.

Love grows in intensity - the more difficult it is to give love, the stronger it is when given.

I can't tell if I'm growing in love.... I want to.
What is love? (Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more)
Chemical processes in the brain.
Because that's how we work.

How love can grow?
Maybe this was supposed to say "how can love grow?"
I don't know. My personal relationships seem to be deteriorating due to death and idiocy on the parts of others. I'm not the best person to answer this question.

Are you growing love in yourself?
Apathy and cynicism seem to be on the rise. I like to be optimistic, but sometimes life and reality beat me down.
Great fucking question.

First of all I am very sorry for my English language. Thank you for noticing the mistake hihi.
And also I have to say about what I am dissapointed. It seems that people understood how works brain in such a level which still can not explain every step oh human thought, and they can not let go the idea that they are piece of meat. But there are so many details in brains, body, social interaction, nature, universe. Why people can not move from that point and understand how harmonious they are, how complex is body and brain, and that they are actually choosing how and what to do, because they are a part of magical nature, which now is more understandable than before, but it still exists.
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What is love?


How love can grow?


Are you growing love in yourself?


Here are my thoughts While Reading this...


:m082:..Wait what-?
:m119:...Huh?..why the-
:m074:...I-....i dont-

..haha im sorry i put you thru that i just LITERALLY had NO IDEA where that was going!

....i didnt comprehend it was a poem.

haha im sorry i just take things really literally when i read them...

so forgive me.:m178: but....I understand it now..

Hurt my head at first tho..:m049:
Here are my thoughts While Reading this...


:m082:..Wait what-?
:m119:...Huh?..why the-
:m074:...I-....i dont-

..haha im sorry i put you thru that i just LITERALLY had NO IDEA where that was going!

....i didnt comprehend it was a poem.

haha im sorry i just take things really literally when i read them...

so forgive me.:m178: but....I understand it now..

Hurt my head at first tho..:m049:

:m075: :m131:
Love and fear are supposed to be the two greatest motivational feelings there are. Love can place the other person's value above self value; fear, self value of life over that of another.

It is difficult to understand in the fear side how someone could jump out of a tenth story window to keep from being burned alive, but the unknown becomes the better choice than the known. The greatest human fear in many is loss of one's own life.

When a person places the importance of life of another over the life of their own self, understanding and feeling the fear of self-loss, some type of love is present. There are several types of love and many subtypes under each category. If the love you are questioning about is what I think the love between two people, not being just friends or family, it is oftentimes a beautiful thing to see. It can be even more beautiful to feel, especially when both parties feel the same. It can be somewhat of a tragedy when only one feels that love and the other does not.

Some people will risk everything for love, as some people will risk everything to stay alive. Whatever the love is you ask about, I hope you find it and live with it. Love is, in my opinion, not just a feeling but an action word.

Edit to add, what Milon said.
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First of all I am very sorry for my English language. Thank you for noticing the mistake hihi.
And also I have to say about what I am dissapointed. It seems that people understood how works brain in such a level which still can not explain every step oh human thought, and they can not let go the idea that they are piece of meat. But there are so many details in brains, body, social interaction, nature, universe. Why people can not move from that point and understand how harmonious they are, how complex is body and brain, and that they are actually choosing how and what to do, because they are a part of magical nature, which now is more understandable than before, but it still exists.

No worries about your language skills. I can't speak another language (I was alright with Spanish), but you're pretty good at it. It's pretty late and I wasn't planning on replying to anything on this forum, but I like this post and the point you bring up.

You're right, although I see it in a somewhat different way. I don't know what we're doing here and why we experience life the way we do. I don't necessarily believe in a singular, omniscient deity, but I do think we are part of something larger that we can't comprehend.

Our perception of reality is limited by our anatomy. We experience life in a different way than say, a chupacabra or a dog. The human brain is complex and we don't understand it, but think about it this way: you experience life. Our reality is important to us, but in the grand scheme of things we as humans are insignificant. The universe is huge. There is so much we will never see.

There is a reason all of this exists.
Our perception of reality is limited by our anatomy. We experience life in a different way than say, a chupacabra or a dog. The human brain is complex and we don't understand it, but think about it this way: you experience life. Our reality is important to us, but in the grand scheme of things we as humans are insignificant. The universe is huge. There is so much we will never see.

There is a reason all of this exists.

I have some questions to you:

"you experience life" What means to experience?

"There is so much we will never see." What do you see now?
What is love?


How love can grow?


Are you growing love in yourself?


:) :) Love is wonderful... :) :) :m085:Love fills your heart with happiness.. love is not for yourself but for others... love brings wonderful feelings which you never know you can feel :) :)
love makes me happy:mlove2: when I know that I bring happiness to other people's hearts :) :)

love can grow through sharing it with others... being selfless...

i'm growing love in myself... I THINK ahahahah love for love :) :) love for others.. love for God... love for myself <-- accepting who I am thus, I can share it more with others...

love is something I do not fully understand..:m023:. but i still want it.. and I want to see love everywhere

love is an indescribable feeling, it's too much for words :) :)