Likes / Dislikes (People)


List 5 specific likes or dislikes you have about people (i.e. general qualities or characteristics).
*Not encouraged to name anyone specifically.
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* Intelligence
* Humility
* Strength
* Tolernace and open-mindedness, or Wisdom
* Magnanimousness and generosity in spirit


* Two-faced people
* Shallowness
* Narrow-Minded
* Know-it-all
* Patronizers

i have more for both lists but you said only 5, so there

* Intelligence
* Humility
* Strength
* Tolernace and open-mindedness, or Wisdom
* Magnanimousness and generosity in spirit


* Two-faced people
* Shallowness
* Narrow-Minded
* Know-it-all
* Patronizers

i have more for both lists but you said only 5, so there

Nice list.

- The capacity to do great things
- When people leave me alone :D
- That everyone will eventually die
- The slim chance that we will evolve for the better
- That women smell good LOL


- The capacity to do terrible things
- Pretentious folk
- Hedonistic folk
- Narrow folk
- Everyone else

mmm, cynicism... yummy
  1. The brotherhood we humans seem to posses from time to time
  2. Ideas that people come up sometimes, awe inspiring
  3. Advancing technologically, emotionally and spiritually
  4. Diversity
  5. Hitting deep bottom and having the courage to stand up again, like the phoenix


I can't think of anything right now.
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1) Smarts w/ compassion
2) People who appreciate, not self, but ideas
3) Genuinely laid back but serious (not arrogant)
4) Beautiful people (not physical attractiveness) but interesting personal characteristics they unintentionally display
5) Someone who can make anyone feel comfortable without trying


1) Not thinking or making an effort to connect the dots before speaking.
2) Comfortable with knowing less, rather than more.
3) Extreme lack of self-awareness.
4) Able to see only one side of the coin, not realizing that one side can't exist without the other.
5) Arguing that it's blue, when the answer is clearly red. (Reducing everything to a matter of opinion)
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These are common trends that I see in groups of people that I like and dislike (each group has no crossover)

+ Capacity to care for someone who is hurt
+ General understanding when something goes wrong
+ Giving people the benifit of the doubt
+ Putting effort in beyond what is asked
+ Uncalled random acts of kindness

- Unclear communication (this bugs me more then ANYTHING, I can't even begin to describe how much I hate this!)
- General lateness, and subsequently not caring about it
- Revenge-seeking thoughts and behaivor
- Not thinking things completetly through
- Letting negative emotions run everything, and subsequently blocking clear/rational thought.

-People who think that their snap judgments are the absolute, unquestionable "truth"
("I'm a straight shooter, tell it like it is, call a spade a spade" etc.) usually it's a cover for some kind of ignorance/fear/hate.
-Black and white views of the world (people don't get subtlety?)
- Emotional immaturity


-Laidback folks
-girly girls

-Depression (it's infecting)
-Stress (" ")
-Bratty behaviour
-People imposing
Dislike: Smarmy people
Dislike: Bossy people
Dislike: Inconsiderate people
Dislike: Noisy People
Dislike: People who wear lots of perfume

Like: the opposites of the above: sincere; polite; considerate; quiet; inconspicous people.
Traits that I likely would marry despite my disbelief in marriage

- Blunt honesty
- Laid back-ness
- Walking wikipedias
- Risk takers
- Great conversationalists

Traits that I dislike with a fiery passion and murdered with sledgehammer

- Complainers who don't attempt to solve the problem
- People who aren't punctual.
- Controlling people
- Smotherers, people who need TOO MUCH attention
- Busy people who always have 1000 things going on
Traits that I likely would marry despite my disbelief in marriage

- Blunt honesty
- Laid back-ness
- Walking wikipedias
- Risk takers
- Great conversationalists

Traits that I dislike with a fiery passion and murdered with sledgehammer

- Complainers who don't attempt to solve the problem
- People who aren't punctual.
- Controlling people
- Smotherers, people who need TOO MUCH attention
- Busy people who always have 1000 things going on

MARRY ME! :m035:
No way I'm going anywhere near that damn monkey.

*pokes with 293 mile long stick*
If i get rid of the moneky, then you'll marry me?!
I am being as blunt-ly honest as possible! :becky:
*chopped up and burned*
