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No to both:

Calling gay unions marriage will just make the term ambiguous. To have to use the expression 'straight marriage' is redundant. Marriage is a type of contract and gay unions should be termed gay union contracts.

Both marijuana and tobacco should be illegal, but decriminalised: so that the general population does not have access, but those who want it will always find means of obtaining it.
Legalize Gay marriage and I'm on the fence with Marijauna.
As previously stated.

Yes to Gay Marriage
Yes to weed(with restrictions which also include alcohol and tobacco)
I relize these are opinions but...

No to both:

Calling gay unions marriage will just make the term ambiguous. To have to use the expression 'straight marriage' is redundant. Marriage is a type of contract and gay unions should be termed gay union contracts.

Isn't it the same thing, just a different name? If I put on a mask, I'm the same person. Actually, thus is more like a haircut.

Both marijuana and tobacco should be illegal, but decriminalised: so that the general population does not have access, but those who want it will always find means of obtaining it.

I agree that mary j should be decriminalized at the very least but it makes no sense to spend money trying to keep it out of the hands of people. And if nobody cares and you don't spend money trying to prevent people from using it, as a government, why not just legalize it.

I don't remember the exact statistic but in my Poli Sci 250 class, my prof said that like 15% of the potential American electorate can't vote because they had felonies for possession of weed.

War on drugs=Derp.
I agree with both and am also for the restrictions on marijuana.
Both marijuana and tobacco should be illegal, but decriminalised: so that the general population does not have access, but those who want it will always find means of obtaining it.
Why not make money off it?
No, but not because I don’t want homosexuals to marry. It is because I want the government out of marriage altogether, gay, straight, or otherwise. Leave marriage to churches. The government can do civil unions that won’t discriminate based on sex and other things.

I think I see your point, but don't civil unions represent a separate status unequal to marriage? If so, wouldn't that still be considered discriminatory? And perhaps it's because of my own issues with organized religion, but I see churches as less likely to marry same-sexed individuals than the government in general, and I also don't see government getting out of marriage altogether. So did I miss something?
I think I see your point, but don't civil unions represent a separate status unequal to marriage? If so, wouldn't that still be considered discriminatory? And perhaps it's because of my own issues with organized religion, but I see churches as less likely to marry same-sexed individuals than the government in general, and I also don't see government getting out of marriage altogether. So did I miss something?

I think he means he wants the legal part of marriage to be a "civil union" for all people regardless of orientation and dissociate the marriage label from it all together. making marriage more of a religious symbolism so to speak similar to baptism. correct me if I'm wrong in my assumptions here.
For now I'd like to see gay marriages legalized simply for the recognition they deserve as being human.

Ultimately, though, I agree with @aeon in that the government should be out of marriage. Marriages should be the domain of the religions, period.

Why do we need civil unions anyway? It's essentially done to transfer wealth, property, assets, etc. Civil unions are a waste of effort. Why do we need a law to protect the assets of one individual from another? How many of you have gone through a divorce? It costs thousands of dollars. Who benefits from that?
Insurance. Now there's a big mess. You HAVE to be married to qualify for insurance? Why? Why not have insurance for a single person?
Medical issues. These days, even if you are married, you still have to sign a form saying this person or that person can be involved in any of the process. For example: when I went in to my obgyn for the regular pap exam, etc., I had to sign a form designating whether my spouse would be allowed to know my results.
What is the point of legal unions?
When I divorced my first husband I had to ASK permission from the judge to get my maiden name back. w.t.f.

What I think will happen in the future is that people will enter into contracts in order to raise children. Otherwise - why legally enter into a civil union?

Marriage, on the other hand, satisfies the different religious ideals.

RE legalizing marijuana: I agree with most of what has been said before me. It's ridiculous the US is still spending large amounts of effort to fight it.
I guess I don't really care one way or another if marijuana becomes legalized, but I'd probably disagree on the gay marriage thing... but I don't think marriage should be a legal issue, nor the state's "civil unions." Civil unions and marriage are crap.
The term marriage should be left to the churches. The government should just call it "gettin' hitched" where everyone can do it with all the tax breaks and zero debate. The term "civil union" is too Orwellian for my taste.
The term marriage should be left to the churches. The government should just call it "gettin' hitched" where everyone can do it with all the tax breaks and zero debate. The term "civil union" is too Orwellian for my taste.

I'm not sure how coining the phrase "gettin' hitched" would fly with the political correctness police. Maybe the southerners would feel ridiculed, or the northerners would feel left out in the phrase...
Yes to both. I have gay acquaintances who are in committed long-term relationships. What they do in the bedroom is none of my business. I do find it funny when Kelly asks if my best friend and I will go have dinner with her and her partner. I'll call my best friend and say "Kel wants to go on a double date again." LOL Gay couples make just as many contributions to society as heterosexual couples.

You have no idea the magnitude by which gays are limited. For one example, (and this is probably the majority of states) gays find it difficult to be able to be foster parents or to even be considered a suitable placement during adoption (through the state, non-private) b/c the state guidelines mandate that no other non-related adult may be living in the home (except by marriage.) I do see that major companies are beginning to allow partner benefits for health insurance, etc.

Yes to legalizing marijuana. At present, my sister's husband has terminal cancer. He has decided to stop the chemo-therapy because of the pain. He is getting ready to let go. In the meantime, my sister did get him marijuana to help him feel comfortable in the last months of his life. I see nothing wrong with this by any means, but their state does not allow medical marijuana.

I also believe that if it is legalized that it be sold by a licensed dealer, much like medical marijuana.
No one should be driving under the influence of marijuana period imo. It does make your reactions delayed. I mean it probably won't matter most of the time but it sure will when a deer suddenly darts out in front of you.

I dunno, I do ok with it, in fact I feel like my reflexes are sharper when I am stoned. I certainly do better at menial tasks like driving and carpentry as I feel hyper focused.
Why not make money off it?

I dont think the government should be a business or charge us for freedoms.

I dunno, I do ok with it, in fact I feel like my reflexes are sharper when I am stoned. I certainly do better at menial tasks like driving and carpentry as I feel hyper focused.

I feel the same way about alcohol.
I dont think the government should be a business or charge us for freedoms.

I feel the same way about alcohol.

Wanna race through a school zone?