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Left or Liberal?

Left or Liberal?

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You are not going to convince anyone on this forum of anything, what you can do is post lies, half truths, malicious innuendos and then come back in little while and open your browser and see the posts you made in the pursuit of your cause. You can even look and see how many bots looked at threads you participated in. You can argue with those of us who question your facts or your motives and then eventually you will grow tired and leave us be or get kicked off for being a jerk.

had you considered that there might be people on both sides playing people off against each other in order to further divide society?
each time I read one of your posts
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the point the guy in the clip in the OP is making is that communism is not out of context when looking at modern day US politics

that's the issue i'm exploring

It's certainly relevant to current politics. It's just not in context with the content of the posts that you've been replying to with it.
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each time I read one of your posts

or am i trying to reveal the wolf in sheeps clothing that is on the left?

did you know that the communist fabian societies symbol is a wolf in sheeps clothing?

It's certainly relevant to current politics. It's just not in context with the content of the posts that you've been replying to with it.

maybe i can shed some more light

can you provide me an example to work with and I'll do my best to clear up any confusion?
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Are you trying to say that being aligned with the left in any capacity makes a person a communist?
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Are you trying to say that being aligned with the left in any capacity makes a person a communist?

no the point of the thread is that traditionally liberals have NOT been communists

however in recent times communists have come clothing themselves as liberals
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i remember the incident you are referring to which involved one person driving a car into a crowd where tensions were boiling over because one side wanted to take down statues

so the statue issue is tricky because some people don't like what the people are remembered for but on the other side there is a danger because the communists want to do a thing called 'tabula rasa' where they create a blank slate

they kinda see people as something that can be moulded

people all have history and that history informs how they got to be where they are. Some of that history is downright ugly but it still explains why things are as they are so it has lessons in it

the communists want to wipe that history and that's what orwell told us in his fnovel '1984' where he said:
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

he knew a thing or two about the left as well because he'd gone to fight the fascists in spain but then saw the left turn on itself as more authoritarian aspects crushed the rest of the left. He had to flee the country to avoid further persecution

So i think this attack on history is a dangerous thing because if you look at indigenous people around the world who have lost their culture and identity and sense of self they often experience social breakdown which sees all kinds of social problems like depression, drugs, drink, family disintegration and crime etc

what happens to humans when they lose all sense of who they are and where they came from?

What Communists?
Who are you Joseph McCarthy?
Seriously man.
This is why no one is relating to certain things you say.
I see Nazis...I see Antifa and I see all the other people who are neither (majority).
Statues are nice, history is nice.
I say just move them to a museum as they are are insulting to a large portion of the population in those cities - and rightly so.
There are no statues of Hitler on the streets of Germany.
Also rightly so.
Those men represent the enslavement and death of many people.
Who cares if they are removed or torn down in anger?
Oh, the history!
Is still in the history books and online for everyone to read about and learn - the earth will burn up in the sun one day and I will be way long dead, idgaf.
It is backlash against asshats with tiki torches marching in that event you remember that was the disgusting racist face of this country...newly emboldened by D. Trump.
The closest thing to communism I have seen is the way the GOP has been behaving in Congress lately.
That and a certain person...
"It’s everyone’s favorite dictator and mine - our supreme leader - the winner of the “Donald Trump Presents...super-legit Nobel Prizes!” a record total of 87 times...the creator of “Anal Orange” anal bronzer and tinter...that’s right, president until he dies and a family member takes over - etc. etc. etc.”
You guess who.
No, I think he's a bungling mediocrity.

well to play devils advocate here do you think that he has been allowed to implement all the things he wants to implement?

Not worth losing your mind over though, we've had terrible leaders before.

i am not losing my mind over trump. some people are though and i'm trying to get to the bottom of why that is
@kinglear your cause would greatly be advanced by drawing further the distinction between liberals and leftists. There is a world of difference between a moderate Democratic party voter and antifa

yes that's the point of this thread

however are all moderate democrat voters aware that not all democrat voters are moderate?
Let me be clear: I don't hate people for simply voting and making a one off judgement call. That was a terrible choice the people were given. Most people agree on that.

Thinking that drumpf was a "less evil" vote at election time is far different from advocating for him and his bullshit.

I feel like people who voted for him were simply misinformed at the time and/or just making a gut reaction call. People should have been absolutely outraged at the choice we faced, but it was simply accepted.

We must demand better candidates to have a better future. But I fear both parties are somewhat in ruins currently. Which is actually what a lot of drumpf voters are/were wishing for.

Drumpf is fucking hilarious if you just don't take anything seriously. I don't like the two faced bullshit of a lot of his voters, claiming patriotism while secretly getting off on watching everything be dismantled. Disgusting. But that's a minority of people. I don't even really hate those people, I just think they're kind of dumb.

Excuse my lack of cutting and pasting skills :wink:

"That was a terrible choice the people were given. Most people agree on that."
"...outraged at the choice we faced, but it was simply accepted."
"We must demand better candidates to have a better future."

I agree with everything you wrote above (with some other thoughts but it's not important to the conversation by relaying here and now)....
What I've been thinking a lot lately is .......HOW on earth did we get here?

"Drumpf is fucking hilarious if you just don't take anything seriously."

Makes me think of something I heard (not sure who said it but I got the gist of what they were trying to put across)...."Critics take Trump literally but not seriously and his admirers take him seriously but not literally." I guess we can all put our own spin on what "seriously" means....:wink:

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What Communists?
Who are you Joseph McCarthy?
Seriously man.
This is why no one is relating to certain things you say.
I see Nazis...I see Antifa and I see all the other people who are neither (majority).
Statues are nice, history is nice.
I say just move them to a museum as they are are insulting to a large portion of the population in those cities - and rightly so.
There are no statues of Hitler on the streets of Germany.
Also rightly so.
Those men represent the enslavement and death of many people.
Who cares if they are removed or torn down in anger?
Oh, the history!
Is still in the history books and online for everyone to read about and learn - the earth will burn up in the sun one day and I will be way long dead, idgaf.
It is backlash against asshats with tiki torches marching in that event you remember that was the disgusting racist face of this country...newly emboldened by D. Trump.
The closest thing to communism I have seen is the way the GOP has been behaving in Congress lately.
That and a certain person...
"It’s everyone’s favorite dictator and mine - our supreme leader - the winner of the “Donald Trump Presents...super-legit Nobel Prizes!” a record total of 87 times...the creator of “Anal Orange” anal bronzer and tinter...that’s right, president until he dies and a family member takes over - etc. etc. etc.”
You guess who.

i think the erasure of history would only start with the removal of statues and wouldn't end there. i think that was just a public way in which they could pick a fight

as for the 'unite the right' movement they have only united to face a growing threat from the left which has become more violently millitaristic

as the left becomes increasingly violent we will see a more aggressive push back from the right because many people do not want fullblown communism which is what those more violent elements in the left actually want
Makes me think of something I heard (not sure who said it but I got the gist of what they were trying to put across)...."Critics take Trump literally but not seriously and his admirers take him seriously but not literally." I guess we can all put our own spin on what "seriously" means....:wink:

i honestly don't think we've even scratched the surface of why trump is hated

i'm trying to speak with people frankly but i'm hitting a lot of resistance. I've also received personal attacks on my character

people don't want to speak about their true political motivations and this is why things will continue to degrade in the US because communication is breaking down