that's true, people probably won't ever completely agree on things since we all come from different backgrounds and are all seeing it from a slightly different perspective. thanks for answering
i have one more question, if you don't mind, how likely are you to change your mind once you've decided on something?
I think for myself, it would largely depend on the situation...
However, when my mind is made up, I usually don't change it.
The word stubborn has been used to describe me, lol... I think if I reflect back in my life, changing my mind about things for myself has usually carried with it, a sense of self betrayal. It has only been in very special circumstances that I have felt ok with changing my mind.
I think for myself, so much careful thought and emotion has gone into the process, that I'm always (yes I'm saying that word of absoluteness) "always" judging things to be for the best interest of myself, others close to me and the rest of the world too...
I'm not the kind of person who goes around spewing loudly about my own judgments, they are quiet and used for the betterment of my life and the world around me.
In the odd occasional times when I have changed my mind, it has been a difficult thing, and to be honest, I wish I could remember an exact situation but I just can't. I guess it is such a rarity and likely done regarding something that I didnt feel too strongly about, so it didn't stay in my memory bank
But, I'm sure I've changed my mind here and there throughout my life... I remember my parents hating my stubbornness, lol.
If you are referring to issues such as personal growth through having yr value systems challenged throughout time, then I would have to say that in those times too, I truly just "Know" what is right and wrong for myself, and even in those times, if I need to tangent off in a gentler course of thought and feeling regarding an issue, then it will take it's course by way of my adding it to my view of grace and tollerance while applying it to others, (outer world) rather to myself.