Is there such a thing as being "childish"?


Is there such a thing as being too "childish"?

And is there a statute of limitations and up to what age someone should have the chance to be "childish" without social or other consequences?
Forever, if the person is me. :m024:
After a couple nights on the town with my advisor... Never so long as you own it.:m183:
Only if you expect people who aren't your parents to do things for you without a good reason.
I think "childish" is used synonymously with immature, and thus seen as negative.

Child-like, however is different, more positive.
My father was one for good sayings.

He once told me that there was a difference between "childlike" and "childish", and that we should always strive to be childlike. Childlike implies wonder, curiosity, a love for life, a love for discovery, trying new things, inventing/inventions, the art of creation, etc. Childish implies temper tantrums, a selfish attitude, ignoring good advice, and so forth.

I'd much rather be childlike. :) The statute of childish, per the definitions I've given above, expired when I turned 10.

ETA: Peppermint, I posted this before I read your note! Maaan...Jinx, hon'. Serious jinx! :D
of course, I get called childish sometimes and I suppose it's true depending on your frame of reference. something I've wondered about - why is selflessness and openness often correlated with immaturity and inexperience? does maturity really confer onto a person the unwillingness to share?
of course, I get called childish sometimes and I suppose it's true depending on your frame of reference. something I've wondered about - why is selflessness and openness often correlated with immaturity and inexperience? does maturity really confer onto a person the unwillingness to share?

I think there is maturity in true selflessness and openness. But this type of selflessness won’t be self-extinguishing, so that it can continue to be.

I think a truly closed heart with an unwillingness to share is often the result of some type of bitterness, left by pain. And those left adrift in denial often choose to comfort themselves. They may label themselves as mature, sometimes attacking what they don’t understand. :(
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My father was one for good sayings.

He once told me that there was a difference between "childlike" and "childish", and that we should always strive to be childlike. Childlike implies wonder, curiosity, a love for life, a love for discovery, trying new things, inventing/inventions, the art of creation, etc. Childish implies temper tantrums, a selfish attitude, ignoring good advice, and so forth.

I'd much rather be childlike. :) The statute of childish, per the definitions I've given above, expired when I turned 10.

ETA: Peppermint, I posted this before I read your note! Maaan...Jinx, hon'. Serious jinx! :D

Good saying!
I'm saying around 15 at worst, but the fact that I'm still having a childish side tells that I shouldn't be trusted. >_>;

I guess I should've been more childlike and less childish :3
I think childish can be interpreted in different ways. I am very much tuned into my inner child which I just love. I can by very playful and full of giggles and make a of fool of myself and not care, some might see this as childish. :noidea:
i'm always trying to be an adult. i'm getting better over time and i think i'll get there eventually i hope sooner rather than later. i think of childish behaviour as being things like: failing to take responsibility for a personal situation, idle bitching about others, and not walking my talk (ie living my values). (at least these are the things i'm working on at the moment.)
Is there such a thing as being too "childish"?

And is there a statute of limitations and up to what age someone should have the chance to be "childish" without social or other consequences?

Yes. For me it pretty much means to be irresponsible.
My father was one for good sayings.

He once told me that there was a difference between "childlike" and "childish", and that we should always strive to be childlike. Childlike implies wonder, curiosity, a love for life, a love for discovery, trying new things, inventing/inventions, the art of creation, etc. Childish implies temper tantrums, a selfish attitude, ignoring good advice, and so forth.

I'd much rather be childlike. :) The statute of childish, per the definitions I've given above, expired when I turned 10.

Before I was sidetracked by April
Is there such a thing as being too "childish"?
Yes. I'd even ask whether there is any such thing as not being childish enough.

If you want people to take you seriously as an employee or colleague, and if you want to be competent to vote, take good care of property, and provide for a family, don't be childish. Childishness is the antithesis of all those markers of adulthood.
noms on tlms head

My father was one for good sayings.

He once told me that there was a difference between "childlike" and "childish", and that we should always strive to be childlike. Childlike implies wonder, curiosity, a love for life, a love for discovery, trying new things, inventing/inventions, the art of creation, etc. Childish implies temper tantrums, a selfish attitude, ignoring good advice, and so forth.

Super epic win for father. :first:
Is there such a thing as being too "childish"?

And is there a statute of limitations and up to what age someone should have the chance to be "childish" without social or other consequences?

Sometimes. Throwing kicking tantrums when you don't get your way is one example.

But, just being a child who sees the world as a wonderful playground is awesome.