
Community Member
Diffrences in leading styles and what is more effective in what situation
Reactions to stressful events
Depth of personal understanding
Ability to learn
Ability to adapt
Hygine diffreances...

This thread should be a catch-all for disscusions about the diffrences in the two types, and between the diffrences, which works better in what situation.

There, I made a (what I think is) an interesting topic.

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I bet infjs don't fist fight, mostly.

They'll just talk to you in a cool, calm, collected, and smooth voice making you pause just long enough to realize your deepest darkest most horrifying secrets hidden in the depths of your consciousness. You might find yourself rocking back and forth on the floor punching yourself in the face.. And if the infj is merciful (which, aren't they famous for it!?)

They'd talk you through it.
Maybe buy you a milkshake or something to boot.
And then the infj would snicker insiduously the whole way home.

... I don't feel like answering the other questions.
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Kill them with kindness.
Win their hearts; win their allegiance. They are suckers for you anyway. You guys furnish them with souls and stuff. And cookies.
*knocks Oro out. Lights a cigarette. Exhales*

Well, I think that about settles it.

No, seriously. What a squirrely question. Who would win in a fight? Personalities do not determine one's physical agility, strength, size, or combat tactics and training--all very important factors in a physical scuffle. Would you honestly be able to tell, based on what you've seen written on a screen or read in a profile, how someone would fare in a fist fight?

Also, the other questions are all relative depending on the scenario, and the individual's abilities. MBTI is not fixed, as you know, and people deviate from it all the time to varying degrees of intelligence and social aptitudes. There are some ENTP's who would make great leaders; then there are some ENTP's that would be massacred or mutinied against if they were ever in positions of power. Some INFJ's would make great leaders as well; others might not even make it so far.

A more accurate, and carefully formulated question would involve a case study with fixed profiles for a tighter, more informed answer.

I will be satisfied, sir!

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How do I get this reply from my OP?????


I'm ready for you! :m179:

You're too late, actually. This fight is already lost. The INFJ's have won. :)
~ Haiku ~

Total Victory
The Unquestioned Champions

~ Milon

:m023: No hard feelings
~ Haiku ~

Total Victory
The Unquestioned Champions

~ Milon

:m023: No hard feelings

LOL. Nice Haiku. What a way to rub it in!

That's another point, actually. If an INFJ wins and is feeling snarky about it, at least they can write things of literary value that can be studied in universities for centuries to come, and thus, that victory will be remembered... forever.
INFJ's intuitivly know when a battle is won or lost. As there is a mutual consensus at this point on that front; we won :D
INFJ's intuitivly know when a battle is won or lost. As there is a mutual consensus at this point on that front; we won :D

Ah, consensus! :D INFJ's love a good consensus!

How do I get this reply from my OP?????


I'm ready for you! :m179:
You need a hug! :m085: (Make love not chainsaws).

But with compassion and their best interests in mind :m054:

Besides, they like it
Well... apparently I'm one of the rare "sensitive" I'm waiting for Shai Gar, Ookami, and Jax to jump in and give you guys a run...

I just made the thread so everyone else had something to talk about, I couldn't care less about the subject. tell you the truth, I think it would be a lot easier for me to try to kick Ookami's ass than yours -- you're just too sweet! :m170:
GO, how would that make Ookami easier?
Cuz I wouldn't feel bad about beating up Ookami! :m029:
Well... apparently I'm one of the rare "sensitive" I'm waiting for Shai Gar, Ookami, and Jax to jump in and give you guys a run...

I just made the thread so everyone else had something to talk about, I couldn't care less about the subject.

*hugs Orty*

Now I just feel bad.

*swipes a cookie from Alycone's offered platter and offers it up to O*

This is me redeeming myself. *cheeky grin*