INFJs and western astrology

INFJs only please - what is your zodiac sign?

  • Aries

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • Taurus

    Votes: 13 10.5%
  • Gemini

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • Cancer

    Votes: 15 12.1%
  • Leo

    Votes: 14 11.3%
  • Virgo

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • Libra

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • Scorpio

    Votes: 11 8.9%
  • Sagittarius

    Votes: 5 4.0%
  • Capricorn

    Votes: 12 9.7%
  • Aquarius

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • Pisces

    Votes: 12 9.7%

  • Total voters


life is good

Edit: for those of you know more than one of your signs, let's make this a poll on SUN SIGNS only. If you're not sure what that is and what I'm referring to, don't worry, just post your zodiac sign :)
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I study astrology, ALOT. Here are my stats:

Ascendent: Libra
Sun: Taurus
Moon: Scorpio
Chiron: Cancer
Mercury: Gemini
Venus: Gemini
Mars: Cancer
Juipter: Gemini
Saturn: Capricorn
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
North Node: Picies
South Node: Virgo

And my natal chart (for aspects):

Cancer Rising~ lol

That's one cute monkey.

I didn't specify for the poll because I assumed (:rolleyes:) that people would just post their sun sign. I haven't yet met too many people who know much about astrology beyond that. People seem so skeptical. Heck, I would be too if all I knew of astrology were fake 50-word horoscopes.
I study astrology, ALOT. Here are my stats:

Ascendent: Libra
Sun: Taurus
Moon: Scorpio
Chiron: Cancer
Mercury: Gemini
Venus: Gemini
Mars: Cancer
Juipter: Gemini
Saturn: Capricorn
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
North Node: Picies
South Node: Virgo

Cool! I <3

.. You have a large capricorn and gemini influence in your chart!
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Sun: Leo (with Leo Rising)
Moon: Gemini
Mercury: Leo
Venus: Virgo
Mars: Gemini
Jupiter: Pisces
Saturn: Aquarius
Uranus: Leo
Neptune: Scorpio
Pluto: Virgo

Eastern: Water Tiger
Wow, I haven't looked at my natal chart in years but I remember:

Rising: Cancer (b-day is July 22nd, I'm on the Cancer/Leo cusp)
Ascendent: Cancer
Moon: Capricorn

I always found it interesting that my sun/ascendent is Cancer but my moon (emotional side) is capricorn. (Feeling/nuture vs. aloofness/rational).
Sun~ Taurus (Aries Cusp)
Rising~ Cancer
Moon~ Leo

Those are the big three. I have my complete chart somewhere but overall those three are the major influences in anyones chart.
Whoa look at all the Rising Cancers! Myself included.

Rising Sun - Cancer
Sun - Scorpio
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Scorpio
Venus - Virgo
Mars - Virgo
Jupiter - Sagittarius
Saturn - Scorpio
Uranus - Sagittarius
Neptune - Sagittarius
Pluto - Libra
N. Node - Gemini
Damn it, you people dragged me out of the astrology closet. You bastards...I hate you all immensely. :D I try to pretend to be such a logical, intelligent girl, but dang it... I had my chart done by a professional and I was beyond blown away. It's like my dirty little secret.

Cancer rising here too...

Planet sign

Sun Sagittarius

Moon Sagittarius

Mercury Sagittarius

Venus Capricorn

Mars Virgo

Jupiter Virgo

Saturn Virgo

Uranus Scorpio

Neptune Sagittarius

Pluto Libra

True Node Virgo
The cancer rising makes alot of sense to me. So far me and ZenCat are the olny ones who differ in that respect. I am surprized I am the olny Libra rising so far (my mom, a fellow INFJ also has libra rising).

But Zen, your results perplex me a bit, but I would likely have to see the aspects to make more sense of that. :)
I always found it interesting that my sun/ascendent is Cancer but my moon (emotional side) is capricorn. (Feeling/nuture vs. aloofness/rational).

Sometimes oppisit signs are a really good compliment together. I am one as well, and it works pretty well.
Sometimes oppisit signs are a really good compliment together. I am one as well, and it works pretty well.

I agree. Typically I'm very sensitive and nurturing...but there are times that those around me think I check-out emotionally. I think it's also the reason why I'm so calm and rational during a crisis vs crying and freaking out.
But Zen, your results perplex me a bit, but I would likely have to see the aspects to make more sense of that. :)

I can't find my full chart, but I know it's around somewhere (I found my husband's and both of my kids'). I do have all my aspects noted in a book though. Why do my results perplex you?
I don't know how accurate my birth time is :noidea:. Sometimes I feel parts of my horoscope aren't very accurate, but based on the birth time that I have, here is my profile:

Sun - Aries
Moon - Sagittarius
Ascendant/Rising - Leo (?)
Mercury - Taurus
Venus - Aries
Mars - Scorpio
Jupiter Capricorn
Saturn - Scorpio
Uranus - Sagittarius
Neptune - Capricorn
Pluto - Scorpio
True node - Gemini
Lilith - Pisces
An interesting observation I've made about myself is that my astrology, numerology, and the colors of my aura are 99% accurate with each other. And I know I'm being objective, because I've always hated the characteristics of a Cancer, it was always the opposite of what I wanted to be and thought I should be (probably my moon capricorn sign playing a role). And as I've grown older, the very things I loathed, I'm becoming and enjoying it. I bet 5-10 years ago I was not a good example of a Cancer, well it seems I become more cancer-like with age. When people from my past me living my life now, they're shocked. Anyone else experiencing this?
I don't know how accurate my birth time is :noidea:. Sometimes I feel parts of my horoscope aren't very accurate, but based on the birth time that I have, here is my profile:

Sun - Aries
Moon - Sagittarius
Ascendant/Rising - Leo (?)

What do you feel isn't accurate? (Also, I love Aries, my two dearest friends are both Aries). :hug: