INFJ teenagers?

It's one of the coolest avatars ever. *laughs*

As for what INFJ teenagers are like? Well, I guess they're like every other teenager - wild, precocious, sometimes a little naive, but hungry to discover the world, sometimes to their detriment.

Just add a few of the more quirky INFJ traits into that mix, and you have one.
Every teenager is different, but I see a group of teenagers that are the same. Do you know how to tell if a teenager is an ENTP also?
<<< INFJ teenager.

I can't really comment here, though. I did not go through my teenage years like normal.
I was extremely introverted as a teen, I think I would weeks without talking to anybody..
I hear a good way to help shyness is to ask the other person questions, so it puts the spot light on them and not you.
Im an infj teenager. Im pretty quiet asnd reserved but dont mind talking to people. i have a small group of close friends but I also have a le=arge group of people who I consider "Aquatences" (not sure thats spelled right but who cares) who are not quite close friends but not strangers either. If you wanna ask me somthing else feel free.
I hear a good way to help shyness is to ask the other person questions, so it puts the spot light on them and not you.

I do this, but not because I'm shy. I notice that most people have in common is the love of talking about themselves. So I indulge them with it.
Im an infj teenager. Im pretty quiet asnd reserved but dont mind talking to people. i have a small group of close friends but I also have a le=arge group of people who I consider "Aquatences" (not sure thats spelled right but who cares) who are not quite close friends but not strangers either. If you wanna ask me somthing else feel free.

That was me as a teenager too. Although, I was probably more shy.

Plus - I did have minor teenage problems as well. Emotional roller coasters and being mad at the world. Yay for youth! :P
I'm still a teenager. I'm still pretty quiet and reserved around groups of people. If I'm one-on-one with someone though, I tend to be a bit more talkative. I'll usually ask questions if I don't know them and be as friendly as possible. I talk a lot more than I did when I was 13. I seriously wouldn't say a word to anyone unless I was spoken to. I recall being serious and bitter.

I also have a large group of acquaintances but a very small group of close friends. I'm not outgoing. I don't recall attending any parties at all in high school. It's just not my bag. I spent (spend) my Friday nights at home usually catching up on tv shows or maybe playing rock band with a couple of friends.
I was extremely introverted. People would ask me why I never spoke. I didn't display any emotions, and some people thought that I didn't have the capacity for enthusiasm. I had no friends or at least no friends; I'd spend time by myself reading, preferably away from people. I believed one summer that I was schizoid, but I realized that was a mistake because schizoids don't get lonely and depressed.

Okay, that is how I was in general. There were times when I didn't act that way, but that is how I was the vast majority of the time.
I was extremely introverted. People would ask me why I never spoke. I didn't display any emotions, and some people thought that I didn't have the capacity for enthusiasm. I had no friends or at least no friends; I'd spend time by myself reading, preferably away from people. I believed one summer that I was schizoid, but I realized that was a mistake because schizoids don't get lonely and depressed.

Okay, that is how I was in general. There were times when I didn't act that way, but that is how I was the vast majority of the time.

Perhaps you had a mild case of avoident personality dissorder. I think a saw somwhere that its one of the more common personality dissorders for infjs. And I don't think its possible for infj's to be schizoids because they have so many mixed up emotions inside
Perhaps you had a mild case of avoident personality dissorder. I think a saw somwhere that its one of the more common personality dissorders for infjs. And I don't think its possible for infj's to be schizoids because they have so many mixed up emotions inside

Its also possible it could have been depression presenting this way, as well. I find when I'm depressed I avoid social interactions even more than I normally do. :P
Its also possible it could have been depression presenting this way, as well. I find when I'm depressed I avoid social interactions even more than I normally do. :P

I know what you mean there. That happens to me too when im down. But if it lasted for several years it could have been avoidant personality dissorder. Thats when you limit social interaction due to fear of being rejected, disliked, or embaressed. These people often believe themselves to be inadaquet and unpealing to others. Don't get scareds its not permanent and I doubt you still have it if indeed you did.
Do you also know what teenage ENTPs are like? Thanks everybody for helping me out :m045: