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3w4 SX
So a person that also shares an interest in the mbti suggested I look into INFP... I never really thought of myself as an INFP, but I don't want to rule it out... I could have sworn I'm an INFJ, and I still think I am, but I'd like to ponder the possibility of INFP for a few minutes...

I have read about INFP's and everything seems to fit except for the non-assertion and disorganization... I am most definitely NOT disorganized, and I am highly assertive.

This woman (An INFJ, although a good case can be made for her being a potential ENFP) said that I likely learned to be organized as a byproduct of my chaotic, dysfunctional home environment. She does have a point... otherwise, I could just naturally be an organizer. In other words, she said that I may have learned to organize to keep my mind off all the crazy, emotional stuff I was dealing w/in my environment. Regardless, I have continued to organize all of my life and actually take great pleasure in it. I have never heard of this being the case with INFP's...

INFP-wise I am very romantic though and care highly about aesthetic's. I will feel offset if things are not aethetically pleasing.

Help on differences between INFP's and INFJ's? Personal experience sharings? Opinions? Thanks!
You might want to closely examine Fi and Ni. Depending on which one ends up more dominant should help.
Personal experience sharing eh... Well, I have never met an INFJ in real life, but I have met a few INFPs, a couple of them I knew quite intimately. This is pretty tough to communicate properly, and much of this may be due to the fact that one of the INFPs was quite unstable, so I feel like the first example may not be competely fair, but I really do think it's valuable when combined with the other two examples. Again, I'll follow this example with a couple of other examples of INFPs I have met that were considerably healthier.

The thing about talking to the INFPs, and certainly with the first INFP I have intimate experience with, is that although they are quite thoughtful and capable of chattering for a year, bouncing off the sides walls of their brain searching for some exotic and profound explanation of things, they just don't seem to be interested in having a consisent or accurate understanding of anything in particular. Now, I know I as an INFJ have had a tendancy to produce some pretty extreme out-there rants, and can even be quite proud of my weirdness, but I think the dividing line is a sort of concern that's always at least somewhat present on the part of INFJs to have a responsible, consistent, and complete understanding.

It was sometimes hard for me to talk to one of the INFPs because of how outlandish and unreasonable the ideas actually were, as though they could just come from anywhere and were often completely unwarranted. Now, I don't want to sound like a hypocrit, I mean, I'm a very weird, crazy guy with a passion for blowing the minds of the people that surround me... but I do it... responsibly. That's so hard to communicate. I suppose at this point there's no sugar coating it, perhaps because of the INFP I had gotten so close to, INFPs to me come off as a little spazzy, and not really interested in really understanding well the ideas they can run at the mouth about.

So, I mean there's a lot of other things, but, I guess as far as the whole "organized and assertive" thing goes, in my experience, INFPs are... not organized. Howevor, I do think that they can be alarmingly assertive, particularly with blasting people with their opinions in social situations, and I do stress the word "blast".

I feel pretty bad about how negative that seems. But, I want to stress again that the INFP I was closest to was unstable, and of course I'm sure that there's a lot of healthy INFPs out there. In fact, I had a political science professor who was an INFP(it was so exciting, I met her in her office and she had a David Keirsey book!!!), and she was obviously respected and enjoyed for her eclectic and interesting discussions and was a true example of an NF to take up various highly idealistic causes, but again, I have to say, listening to her was sometimes difficult because it does seem like she was entirely too liberal about the way she powered through ideas in a way that didn't always seem very...... responsible...

The other INFP I met was a male INFP that I think was mostly stable, and he could best be described as a super hippy. His ideas flowed even more liberally than the others, and they were always so sooo out-there. The ideas that would flow from him were idyllic cloud-skipping ideas, fully equipped with wildly abstract explanations of chakras, people who are beings of light, and a genuine belief in evil. Now, I don't really have a problem with this person, I really even have quite a bit of respect for him, but I could not allow myself to think so... recklessly. I'm a weird guy, but, just not that kind of weird.

Anyway, that was enjoyable to write and I hope it's useful.
i took some tests and it says that i'm an INFP

but some resulted as me being an INFJ

but i think i'm an INFJ :m075:i feel like an INFJ
It was sometimes hard for me to talk to one of the INFPs because of how outlandish and unreasonable the ideas actually were, as though they could just come from anywhere and were often completely unwarranted. Now, I don't want to sound like a hypocrit, I mean, I'm a very weird, crazy guy with a passion for blowing the minds of the people that surround me... but I do it... responsibly. That's so hard to communicate. I suppose at this point there's no sugar coating it, perhaps because of the INFP I had gotten so close to, INFPs to me come off as a little spazzy, and not really interested in really understanding well the ideas they can run at the mouth about.

This is what Ne looks like to people who don't use it: ideas coming from out of nowhere.

By comparison: instead of ideas, Ni looks like you are coming up with answers out of nowhere. :loco:
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Ni is the Answer that has to work backwards to find the question.
Ne is the Question that has to work forwards to find the answer.

Ne comes up with multiple answers.
While Ni has difficult time knowing how they got the answer.

ALSO, looks have nothing to do with it.
More too: It all comes down to which of the four processes you use.

INFJ = Ni Fe Ti Se
INFP = Fi Ne Si Te.

We really, *really* don't process information the same way.

It's often expressed in specific ways, but I can name several "messy" INFJs and several "neat" INFPs. It's not the outward appearances; it's how information is processed. I'm a messy INFJ and I admit it, but I know exactly where everything is. And don't you dare mess up my system or I will KEEL YOU DED.
So a person that also shares an interest in the mbti suggested I look into INFP... I never really thought of myself as an INFP, but I don't want to rule it out... I could have sworn I'm an INFJ, and I still think I am, but I'd like to ponder the possibility of INFP for a few minutes...

I have read about INFP's and everything seems to fit except for the non-assertion and disorganization... I am most definitely NOT disorganized, and I am highly assertive.

This woman (An INFJ, although a good case can be made for her being a potential ENFP) said that I likely learned to be organized as a byproduct of my chaotic, dysfunctional home environment. She does have a point... otherwise, I could just naturally be an organizer. In other words, she said that I may have learned to organize to keep my mind off all the crazy, emotional stuff I was dealing w/in my environment. Regardless, I have continued to organize all of my life and actually take great pleasure in it. I have never heard of this being the case with INFP's...

INFP-wise I am very romantic though and care highly about aesthetic's. I will feel offset if things are not aethetically pleasing.

Help on differences between INFP's and INFJ's? Personal experience sharings? Opinions? Thanks!

I should say, the first time I took the test in college, I got INFP. Then, a few years later, out of curiousity I took it several times on the net and got INFJ consistently. So, I wasn't sure between the two for awhile myself.

I frequently use Ni and am usually correct. I use Ne just as much, though.

But the thing that pointed me to INFP, was that I am much more comfortable improvising. I don't usually make any fixed plans when I can get away with it.. If anything, I'd rather not form a fixed decision and leave my options open to explore. As a result, I am pretty open-minded and adaptive.

As far as INFPs being assertive, all I can say is that I am highly assertive. Maybe it seems INFPs are not assertive because INFPs are usually conflict averse, and do not know how to assert themselves without fear of causing an arguement. However, INFPs are really very self-aware and as a result, usually know their boundaries and limits and when they are pressed. So I'd say it's just a matter of time before an INFP gains the skill of asserting themself peacefully.

I beg to differ with Hinsoog here:

they just don't seem to be interested in having a consisent or accurate understanding of anything in particular.

The INFPs I know and have known in my personal and professional life are people who are very focused on whatever issue(s) that are important to them, very dedicated to gaining knowledge and insight into these areas and implementing what they know.

An ex-boyfriend INFP was on his way to Grad school for sociology and had conducted much research in the field as an undergrad to present at seminars. Not sure how that would be possible if he was as Hinsoog would suggest about INFPs.

An INFP female coworker of mine is also a very serious student who just finished her Master's degree in sociology. She is very thorough and consistent in conversation on that topic or anything psychology related.

While Hinsoog admittedly referenced an 'unstable' INFP, a healthy and balanced INFP is highly socially conscious, self aware, and dedicated to being informed and consistent on whatever issue is of value to them. We may be highly sensitive and idealistic, but that doesn't mean we can't be practical and get anything done.
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Still bouncing between... hmmm. I'm definitely organized, almost obsessive! LOL. What else? I'm weird... and highly empathetic. I think I said that already? I've most definitely had prophetic dreams... I can read people within seconds, and I don't even have to talk to them.

The thing that gets me however, and I am wondering if this is true for other INFJ/P's is do you hate IMPOSED structure? Keyword: Imposed. In other words, I hate structure when it interferes with my creativity... I absolutely resent it.

Think about school... do you like a teacher with a nice detailed, organized syllabus or someone more go with the flow? I hate the go with the flow types... they waste my time... I like some struture, but I do not (I will repeat) do NOT LIKE IT WHEN I DO NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER MY CREATIVE OUTLOOK! I NEED to be creative and have that be okay... if not, and say, "tradition," "rules," "stucture," etc etc interferes I am miserable and will rebel. Is this a P thing or J thing? Anyone relate?
This is what Ne looks like to people who don't use it: ideas coming from out of nowhere.

By comparison: instead of ideas, Ni looks like you are coming up with answers out of nowhere. :loco:


"But, but, all the pieces fell together and this is the picture that came up! I can't explain it,'s true." :D
The key factors for me in understanding my type as INFJ vs. INFP were:

1. Decision-making: In forming the framework for decision-making, I seek external input. Once my decision is made, I am not usually vulnerable to outside perspective unless that perspective is enough to cause me to reconsider my whole decision framework. My sense (and INFP's here can elaborate or amend as necessary) is that an INFP generally has an instant (or very quick) internal understanding of their decisions/judgments on something. After the fact they may engage externally to affirm or gather additional information, but the initial decision comes quickly and from an internal framework. My decisions generally are slowly built with bricks formed of the village soil.

2. Task-oriented and need for closure: I've only really come to be as aware as I am of this after accepting my INFJ nature and living with an INFP. I cannot really relax until after a task is complete. If I've assigned myself a goal, I am in tension until I've reached the finish line or relinquished/re-defined the goal.

3. I don't feel I have a very good sense of this yet (probably because it's too close), but I believe a need for closure also plays into Ni vs. Ne. I am always striving for the answers. I want to pull all the possibilities I can gather into a funnel that will eventually narrow down into an answer. It may be a tentative answer, open to new possibilities, but still I will want my exploration to lead somewhere. My sense (again INFP's, correct as necessary), is that INFP's are very comfortable with an infinite palette of possibilities. I accept an unanswerable palette of possibilities, but I'd prefer an finite answer to come out of all the exploration.

Curious, how much does it bug you that you don't really feel sure if you're INFP or INFJ?
So a person that also shares an interest in the mbti suggested I look into INFP...

I'm curious, what about your presentation was offered by your friend as the reason for thinking you may want to look into INFP?
I accept an unanswerable palette of possibilities, but I'd prefer an finite answer to come out of all the exploration.

Ohhh that's a great one.
I'm curious, what about your presentation was offered by your friend as the reason for thinking you may want to look into INFP?

She's a qualified typer, and unless I am absolutely 100% sure about something, I will re-consider, or rather, consider, another's opinion. So to say the least, I figured I would read more about it. The reading; however, did not help and so I decided to consult.

But yeah... The 2nd session we had together (it wasn't strictly an MBTI session; I learned in the session however that she was MBTI certified :)), she claimed that I'm either INFJ or INFP and stated she's undecided. She claimed to see more of the "J" the 2nd time... she said I was very timely (early, as usual) and that my organization and need-- 'drive,' rather for closure was very J; however some things (such as my resistance to imposed structure) was very P.

It's a tough call. I am pretty stubborn though and very odd, too... very quirky ;)
She's a qualified typer, and unless I am absolutely 100% sure about something, I will re-consider, or rather, consider, another's opinion. So to say the least, I figured I would read more about it. The reading; however, did not help and so I decided to consult.

But yeah... The 2nd session we had together (it wasn't strictly an MBTI session; I learned in the session however that she was MBTI certified :)), she claimed that I'm either INFJ or INFP and stated she's undecided. She claimed to see more of the "J" the 2nd time... she said I was very timely (early, as usual) and that my organization and need-- 'drive,' rather for closure was very J; however some things (such as my resistance to imposed structure) was very P.

It's a tough call. I am pretty stubborn though and very odd, too... very quirky ;)

Well, these are very random insights and certainly not anything MBTI official, but I'll offer them for your consideration.

My instinct leans toward your type being INFP. Your style of communication strikes me as INFP-like. The use of ellipsis as you have done in each of your posts is something very common among INFP's, but not very common among INFJ's. The way you communicate and what you communicate strikes me as INFP as well, though I'm afraid I'm having trouble articulating why.

My INFP boyfriend also read your posts and I asked him for his Fi impression without telling him mine. He said, first sense, INFP. His reason was your avatar. He felt it did not seem an INFJ type avatar, but more INFP-like.

These are very tenuous observations of a person I know little of, but for what it's worth, that's a first sense for consideration.
I agree with tovlo, though I have no idea why either. The way you communicate seems very Infp to me.
IMO many INFJs mistype as INxP (men tending to mistype as INTP, as I did, and women as INFP) because of how the the J-P questions on the test are worded, the "J" answers are really describe TJ (Te) behavior more then it does FJ (Fe) behavior. NFJs can in superficial behavior look like how Ps are described in short, simplistic intros to MBTI but still have the need for closure and convergent thinking typical of those with extroverted judgment and introverted perception, which is what "J" means.