Variable Hybrid
- NFJedi
We're one of the rarest creatures in the human race. Not only are INFJ males the rarest type, but it is my experience that a lot of us a gay, possibly a majority. Many of us have a strong feminine side, whether straight, gay, or otherwise.
So, I thought I'd ask how you fellow INFJ males manifest your masculinity?
I'm not at all into sports, hunting, cars, or a lot of 'manly' things, but there is a virile side of me that is very strong. I love martial arts, target shooting, and sci fi / fantasy action movies. I love fight scenes in movies, especially when the motivation is heroic, self sacrificing, and honorable. I also love violent video games like Unreal Tournament and World of Warcraft, but I can't say I'm much a fan of games that are violent for the sake of being sadistic. The motivation of the violence is more important to me than the violence. These things are an outlet for my 'manly' urges. And as a balance point, I love non-violent video games like Peggle, Animal Crossing just as much, and I also love non-violent movies. I don't want anyone to get the impression that I'm a chest beating warmonger, just that there is a side of me that really likes 'heroic violence'.
I don't like real violence and go well out of my way to avoid it, but for some reason I'm comfortable with it when I'm forced to inflict it - such as someone needing to be restrained, in the defense of those I care. Only afterward does it bother me that I had to resort to it, and that I hurt someone. When I do get physical, I try to avoid injuring anyone as much as I can get away with, without losing the confrontation.
Anyone else have similar prefences?
So, I thought I'd ask how you fellow INFJ males manifest your masculinity?
I'm not at all into sports, hunting, cars, or a lot of 'manly' things, but there is a virile side of me that is very strong. I love martial arts, target shooting, and sci fi / fantasy action movies. I love fight scenes in movies, especially when the motivation is heroic, self sacrificing, and honorable. I also love violent video games like Unreal Tournament and World of Warcraft, but I can't say I'm much a fan of games that are violent for the sake of being sadistic. The motivation of the violence is more important to me than the violence. These things are an outlet for my 'manly' urges. And as a balance point, I love non-violent video games like Peggle, Animal Crossing just as much, and I also love non-violent movies. I don't want anyone to get the impression that I'm a chest beating warmonger, just that there is a side of me that really likes 'heroic violence'.
I don't like real violence and go well out of my way to avoid it, but for some reason I'm comfortable with it when I'm forced to inflict it - such as someone needing to be restrained, in the defense of those I care. Only afterward does it bother me that I had to resort to it, and that I hurt someone. When I do get physical, I try to avoid injuring anyone as much as I can get away with, without losing the confrontation.
Anyone else have similar prefences?