Just came across this thread while searching for info about INFJ (definitely me) and ENTJ (likely my boyfriend) compatibility. I did find that TheDaringHatTrick's article had some good insights, especially the fact that INFJs are super sensitive to criticism and conflict, which my ENTJ boyfriend just cannot relate to. He, meanwhile, is argumentative, defensive, and doesn't particularly value emotions. That's been our main battle- we've had to learn to meet in the middle with every conflict that we come up against, because I am way too sensitive, but he did need to learn to value emotions much more. Like the article said, "there are many gaps and things to work on in this relationship, [but] both individuals can become more balanced and complete persons" if they decide to put in the work.
Our strengths and weaknesses are totally opposite, which is very interesting, as I had always sought out men who were exactly like me. This resulted in a couple of completely disastrous relationships, in which we understood each other's deepest natures, resulting in a great deal of love and passion but also the magnification of each other's greatest weaknesses. This lead to total instability and a few really messed up break-ups. However, my ENTJ boyfriend and I, while it took much more effort to come to an understanding of each other and to be able to get along on a longterm basis, are infinitely more stable. We share a great sense of humor and a few common interests, but most of all, we share ideas of how we want our relationship to progress and what our lives are going to look like. While our totally opposite personalities and ways of seeing the world have caused a lot of conflict over the time that we've been together, things started to settle down a lot once we started to understand each other better and realized that being happy together was more important than being right much of the time (especially for him).