INFJ Body Language


Community Member
Whether it be regarding facial expressions, movement, how we carry ourselves, our spatial awareness of our surroundings or other people, how we assert ourselves or withdraw, etc.

I realize we are not a homogenous group, but your thoughts on perhaps what you've generally observed in yourself or other INFJs you know.
Hm.. well what i've been told is I curl up alot when I sit down, like i'll bring my knees up to my chest and hug them, or if i'm standing i'll hold my arms and look away from the person in question. That's kinda like my everday thing but I'm not a social person at all; as shown in my body language quite obviously.

As for facial expressions, my best friend says I always have a faint smile on my face but that's probably because sub conciously I like people to know that i'm not being standoffish towards them. I'm not sure if any other INFJs act like I do.
Hm.. well what i've been told is I curl up alot when I sit down, like i'll bring my knees up to my chest and hug them, o

hey I also like to curl up when sitting :D (and I am now) It's not good for posture though
I don't see how body language could be universal across a type.
I don't see how body language could be universal across a type.

one theory I have is that NFs like to give approval through body language. To make people comfortable and relaxed - that's what catalysts naturally do. Except that it's kind of harmful behavior in sexual situations.
I also tend to like being curled up more. I prefer my knees to be bent and my legs to be elevated.
We physically represent our minds by pulling everything closer to us. Close everyone out.

When I am in a crowd, i hunch, pull, and cradle myself as to avoid any physical contact, when sitting my knees are close to me, my arm are across my chest trying to contain everything in my from possibly touching another being.

With people I know, in a group, I am very affectionate, I love to touch and to be touched.
I'm not really sure that I like to curl up. I usually sit with my legs crossed, but that generally has something to do with the fact that I'm always cold.

As for my face, people tend to think that I'm always unhappy. Not true :(

I'm just spacey, and that's what my face defaults, too. Also, people who don't know me well take my cynicism and light mocking to mean that I am always pissed off. Also not true.

But that's not body language. I walk rather...ehm...unladylike. It's kind of like slouchy, hands-in-pockets (figurately speaking, I have to wear a skirt as part of my uniform), type gate.
My friend tell me I have slightly erratic body language and movement. I.E. it looks like I am going to fall all over myself every 5 minutes. It's really hard for me to describe exactly how I move and posistion myself without one actually seeing me in person. All I know is that it is distinct.

I also do like to curl up alot like most of you said. I like things (objects) to be close to me.
I wouldn't say body language....but I do have habits...

Spacing out would be my number one problem. Mant people say I have a empty look to my eyes when I do. I just find myself in random deep thought.

My second one would be pausing mid sentence ...thinking more than talking...

Other than that people haven't commented on my body language..
I fiddle with my hands when I'm nervous or uncomfortable... which is OFTEN in my fields of work. People point it out to me frequently.
Depends on the situation for me.

Walking I tend to hold myself tall, straight, and walk with purpose. People say I have a very definite stride, as though I know exactly where I am going and know the way to get there well.

Standing Generally in a que or waiting for a bus/train I appear very reserved. I generally try not to draw attention to myself, I will often find something to lean against and then disappear into my own thoughts.

Standing Socially I tend to stand upright and strong. Although I stand slightly away from the group only engaging occasionally. Although I am uncomfortable in large social situations (parties, clubs) I don't use my group as cover.

Sitting Socially I aim for a chair on the edge of the group, I sit relaxed using the whole seat and resting against the backrest. Although I don't enter alot of conversation, I listen intently to as much as I can that is being said. I prefer to have something in my hands as I am always more comfortable standing in a social situation.

Facial Expressions Socially I can appear very nonchallant about new information. Gossip irritates me beyond description. I loath ignorance and I can seem very scorning or intolerant of that. I frown and show deliberate discontent when a person is lying and it is obvious, I interperate that behaviour as a negetive slant on my intelligence. I hate being humiliated or embarrassed or failing personally in public.
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My friend tell me I have slightly erratic body language and movement. I.E. it looks like I am going to fall all over myself every 5 minutes. It's really hard for me to describe exactly how I move and posistion myself without one actually seeing me in person. All I know is that it is distinct.

I also do like to curl up alot like most of you said. I like things (objects) to be close to me.

haha that's me too
(points to thread title)

Yield, perhaps you've misunderstood the purpose of the thread because of its title. i apologize beforehand if it isn't clear or gives the wrong message.

I realize we are not a homogenous group, but your thoughts on perhaps what you've generally observed in yourself or other INFJs you know.

i agree with you when you say that body language isn't universal in a type, so thank you for restating that point.
I find that I curl up alot when I sit down. I tend to lean towards surfaces, like I'll end up leaning on the table or sofa arms and curl that way.
When I walk alone, I've been told I look scared, which isn't a conscious feeling ^^" I tend to hold my hands close together in front of me, or hold a bag strap with both hands.
My expression is usually a smile, because I got into the habit of smiling all the time several years back to try to reassure people.
And yet, I still hear that people are intimidated by me ;.;
I'm one lazy mofo. I do whatever is comfortable, and I don't really pay attention to what I'm doing. I spread out, or curl up, cross my arms or stretch. If I'm comfortable with someone, I'll lean up against them. If I got something in my pockets, I'll take it out and fiddle with it. Most of the time, though, I'll be looking right at you or whoever is talking, no matter how I position my body.

I do know that I have a "power walk," though. If I'm up, I'm moving quickly--like I can't wait to get everything done just to sit down again.

So much for universal INFJ body language.
I have a "run-the-fuck-away" walk, when I don't want to engage someone who see's me. Also I use my hands A LOT when I talk, I always keep them up, close to my chest.