- INFJ again
- Enneagram
- 4w5
don't expel me right away
and I don't want to bother you with yet an other self centered tread 
When I typed myself INFJ I loved it very much but there was only one thing that bothered me and that is that I don't believe my intuition is very strong, not my strongest tread, I would say feeling is. I don't know, maybe I don't have a good impression on what intuition realy is. I can't say that I just know something, it is more that I feel something. I don't have ideas, I have feelings about ideas. I don't see the path, I see a world of possibilities and connections, I can see the connection between phylosophy and science, I can make my values work in a lot of different areas. I feel what is right or wrong. I analyse everything in my life on how it feels for me. Does it feel good or not? Does it feel like the good thing for me to do or not. I feel so much and so deep, I'm feeling all the time. I don't know, is that Ni or Fi?
I have been reading this article about INFP (see link) and it fits me perfectly. I'm idealistic and perfectionistic, self critical and always try (tried) to please other people: my parents, my teachers, my coworkers, my friends.
I also thought I was very stricked in appointments so that made me a judging type. But I'm not so sure about that any more. My house is a mess, I have a lot of to do lists but don't feel like doing them (unless I really really have to). I make schedules but never keep to it. But when someone is visiting me or at work, everything is very neat, perfectionsticly neat.
But to other people I am rigid in appointments. Maybe that hase more to do with my values than with judging. When someone changes an appointment in the last minute, they step on my values and I become very rigid. Or when they asks me to do something in the last minute, I feel obligated to help them even if I don't want to and that gives me a big deal of stress.
I feel like the real me is more dreamy, accepting, with very strong values and feelings, going with the flow. And that I changed that to survive in this world
here are some quotes that definatly work for me:
some thoughts on that???

When I typed myself INFJ I loved it very much but there was only one thing that bothered me and that is that I don't believe my intuition is very strong, not my strongest tread, I would say feeling is. I don't know, maybe I don't have a good impression on what intuition realy is. I can't say that I just know something, it is more that I feel something. I don't have ideas, I have feelings about ideas. I don't see the path, I see a world of possibilities and connections, I can see the connection between phylosophy and science, I can make my values work in a lot of different areas. I feel what is right or wrong. I analyse everything in my life on how it feels for me. Does it feel good or not? Does it feel like the good thing for me to do or not. I feel so much and so deep, I'm feeling all the time. I don't know, is that Ni or Fi?
I have been reading this article about INFP (see link) and it fits me perfectly. I'm idealistic and perfectionistic, self critical and always try (tried) to please other people: my parents, my teachers, my coworkers, my friends.
This is so true! from one moment to the other I can be very rigid, so rigid that people's head will spin! And because I have been in the impression a long time that the world always violates my ideals, I always am a little bit rigid. Maybe that is why I tested INFJ. But since I'm on this forum, I'm changing. I'm relaxing, are more easygoing, floating with the flow. And finely this block inside of me is melting. I can relax more, don't have to be alert for someone to step on my values. I'm feeling more at home with myself and my test results are pointing more at INFP.But in general, INFPs tend to be easygoing and congenial. They would prefer to "fit in" harmoniously rather than to create waves--as long as they can do so without violating their ideals. Yet when others do trample on INFPs' codes, INFPs can become very demanding and extremely aggressive, often to the surprise of both themselves and others.
I also thought I was very stricked in appointments so that made me a judging type. But I'm not so sure about that any more. My house is a mess, I have a lot of to do lists but don't feel like doing them (unless I really really have to). I make schedules but never keep to it. But when someone is visiting me or at work, everything is very neat, perfectionsticly neat.
But to other people I am rigid in appointments. Maybe that hase more to do with my values than with judging. When someone changes an appointment in the last minute, they step on my values and I become very rigid. Or when they asks me to do something in the last minute, I feel obligated to help them even if I don't want to and that gives me a big deal of stress.
this is me :shocked: did this guy know me???The daughter of an engineer may pursue that career to please her father--and find it academically very attainable and challenging--although as an NFP, she may find the work of engineering foreign, even hostile, turf.
I feel like the real me is more dreamy, accepting, with very strong values and feelings, going with the flow. And that I changed that to survive in this world
here are some quotes that definatly work for me:
When INFPs are trying to decide on their type, they tend to start confident (even if they are wrong) but begin to wonder if their type is correct, and get more and more confused by all the possibilities that keep expanding. They feel surrounded by correct answers that don't agree. They also try on the other types to see if they like the feel of them, moving from one 'what if' to the next, often going back and forth from their favorites. INFJ looks the best on them because it is the rarest and most unique, and INFPs very much want to feel unique. Unfortunately, it doesn't come in their size, so they keep looking, and trying it on, to see if they can accept the poor fit if it will allow them to wear something so cool. In this case, Ne and Fi are working their magic by playing off of each other indefinitely. Ne keeps coming up with possibilities while Fi wants to feel unique and admirable.
Or i could just leave it with that and say "I just feel that I'm INFP" :becky:Example of Fi Ne: "I will only tolerate those who tolerate me because only those who can tolerate me are worthy of my tolerance."
Example of Ne: "Things are as they are."
Example of Fi: "How will the thinking of others affect me
some thoughts on that???
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