If you were a super hero....


Community Member
If you were a super hero and you only had 3 powers what would they be?
What would your name be?
And what would your costume look like? =)


Edit: I forgot to state my super hero: I would want to be able to turn invisible, walk through walls and fly. But I guess that would be like a ghost o.O
Just call me ghost girl I guess. I wouldn't need a costume because I would be invisible; secretly saving the world without it's notice. =)
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If I were a super hero, I would likely be doing something "behind the scenes".

My powers would be:
The abillity to control the EM spectrum
The abillity to travel through dimentional planes
A strong empathic sense

As far as a costume, It would just be something on the simple side. earthy and electronic at the same time.

Name? I have no idea.
If you were a super hero and you only had 3 powers what would they be?
What would your name be?
And what would your costume look like? =)


My name would be Mayflow, and my costume would be transparent, and I would respond to posts like these. Poetically thinking would be a prioity, for a poetrygirl like thee. I could also fly. And dream.
If I could have any three powers?

Unlimited Psychokinesis.
Cosmic Awareness.
Temporal Control.

With these three powers, I could lift anything, fly, be utterly invulnerable, heal anyone, know anything, and be there when I needed to. I would spend the majority of my life making the world a better place, the minority of it enjoying myself, and a very small part playing really funny practical jokes.

I'd wear a Superman costume, just to be funny.

My superhero name would be Von Hase. If I had all of those powers, I'd have no reason not to be completely public about my identity. If anyone was about to do something bad to someone I cared about, I'd know and then stop them.

This reminds me of a funny story a friend of mine told me. Her company paid her to go to a Tony Robins seminar. At the seminar, everyone was asked to tell the people at their table what they would be if they had no limitations. She said "Superhero". The people there said, "No." She said, "But Tony just asked what I would be if I could be anything." Tony then told everyone that they had no limitations and they said. She jumped up and said "YES! I can be a superhero!"
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Von Hase Sounds like he knows what he's talking about, but I have no idea, nor have I seen or read about Temporal Control in my life.

But basically he'd have the strength and flying ability of

And the omniscience of

Me, I've learned from years of being a comic dork that there is no power greater then the human mind and heart, backed with an unlimited amount of cash. Those are the powers that beat all every time.
If I were a superhero, I wouldn't want any powers. I would do it old school like Batman with gadgets, skill, and lots of moneys.

For my costume, I'd probably wear a fire and bullet resistant trenchcoat, shades with inbuilt nightvision and GPS navigation, and carry a concealed set of daggers of varying functions.
If I were a superhero, I wouldn't want any powers. I would do it old school like Batman with gadgets, skill, and lots of moneys.

For my costume, I'd probably wear a fire and bullet resistant trenchcoat, shades with inbuilt nightvision and GPS navigation, and carry a concealed set of daggers of varying functions.
Basically this guy.


He's one of the few LGBT Superheroes.
Midnighter. You'd love him.
Me, I've learned from years of being a comic dork that there is no power greater then the human mind and heart, backed with an unlimited amount of cash. Those are the powers that beat all every time.

Actually, the only reason those three things trump all other powers is because comic books have writers. For example, writers would have us believe that Batman could beat Superman. Hehe.

I made up all of those powers.

Temporal Control would be the control of time itself. Forward, backward, freeze it, fast forward, etc. Want to go faster than a speeding bullet? Slow time down to a halt for everyone but you, or better yet, just go back in time before the bullet ever moved.

Cosmic Awareness would be terribly overwhelming unless it was only activated by wanting to know things. If you care about people, you know if they are in trouble. If you would want to know if they called out for help, you would. Who stole the diamonds? Where are they now?

Unlimited Psychokinesis would be the really interesting one. Sure it would contain all those nifty things like telekinesis which could let you fly or bounce bullets off of your chest, but you could also use it to heal, resurrect, regenerate, set things on fire, freeze them, control any form of energy, etc. The applications are almost unlimited if you are creative.

Imagine the capacity to help people with those three powers. I wouldn't fight crime. I'd just make all attempts at harm fail and keep people from being hurt as best as I could.

But, all of those powers at the same time would be like Superman getting a Green Lantern Ring, hehe. If you're going to dream, dream big!

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Actually, the only reason those three things trump all other powers is because comic books have writers. For example, writers would have us believe that Batman could beat Superman. Hehe.
I wrote out three paragraphs of why this statement was wrong, and deleted it just cause I don't want to get into an argument about superpowers at 1:42am.

I do that enough already, but I will say this your statement has some holes in it.
If I was to pick three powers that were more in line with what most superheroes are capable of...

Healing - to heal myself and anyone I touch of anything.
Spirit Control - to make people not want to hurt anyone.
Teleportation - to be able to go where ever I was needed.

I'd just go around protecting people and saving them from whatever I could.

If I did adopt a costume and secret identity, it would only be to protect my privacy from all the people in the world who would be expecting me to heal them 24 hours a day. Even heroes have to rest.
I always loved Han Solo from star wars.

No real power; just luck, and a good shot. A bit of a loner with a dark past and a great friend (Chewie!!). And a great engineer, being able to fix his ship and all.

Just your average guy who's survived a lot, grew, and was able to make something of himself through faith, a bit of luck, and a drive to succeed.
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Thanks, Von Hase; I was hoping to see "healing" as a choice out there. It would be my first choice as it always has been something I wish could be done through me. We all have the ability to heal through our words and/or actions, just as we have the ability to destroy with our words and/or our actions. Healing is number one for me. Now back to work to think about the other two.
I'd have the ability to control probabilities, and fly. I'd also have the power of energy transduction, to change the forms of energy...converting light to kinetic energy or something. This is kind of nerdy, but after taking a statistical mechanics class in grad school, I realized that probability controls everything...Imagine, just influence the probability that my molecules are exactly unaligned with those in a wall, and I can walk through it. Or I could change the probabilities of the air molecules bouncing around, so all the oxygen molecules condense in one spot, and then influence the probabilities of kinetic energies, so it basically freezes, and then transfer that energy over to igniting another portion of the air...
My costume would be a cassock...and sunglasses...think Neo in the matrix.
A charcoal long sleeve T shirt, black velore pants, backwards black hat, my black and white chess board gloves

the ability to :

talk to anything/read minds-sign language and animals
walking/transferring through shadows and the dark
flying and stealth
I'd like one power. To be able to dive into the mind of any person and drive them completely insane in seconds by exposing truths about themselves that they would never be able to handle,and messing up their unconscious mind.

I would be an antagonist. I would wear simple black clothes and a totally demented black mask( like Voldo's mask).
And I would be called The Unknown. The super hero would defeat me with something cliche, like being able to accept everything he is and isnt. But a real horrorshow would take place before this would happen.
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I'd like one power. To be able to dive into the mind of any person and drive them completely insane in seconds by exposing truths about themselves that they would never be able to handle,and messing up their unconscious mind.

I would be an antagonist. I would wear simple black clothes and a totally demented black mask( like Voldo's mask).
And I would be called The Unknown. The super hero would defeat me with something cliche, like being able to accept everything he is and isnt. But a real horrorshow would take place before this would happen.

I'd comment but evidentally on this forum if I make honest comments, I get banned from the topic, so there seems no point of me being honest, now does there?