If you had to live without one sense, which would it be?

If you had to live without one sense, which would you choose?

  • Sight/Seeing

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Sound/Hearing

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Taste

    Votes: 17 43.6%
  • Smell

    Votes: 17 43.6%
  • Touch/Feel

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


If you had to live without one sense, which would it be?

Explain why.
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Taste, no doubt.
Poll added.
Come on now . . . explain . . . . :m182:
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If I had to live without one of those senses, that would be alright with me.

No choice? Why not? I would rather have four than none and would learn to adapt with whichever was withheld from me should that ever happen and make the best of it.
Okay, Restraint.

My explanation:

I know and have better experience what is life without sound? Not much difference.(you know my left ear doesn't work fully, somewhat 75%)

sight, smell, touch and taste can be used as hearing organ. Just imagine life without sound practically, you will get this point, i guess. :)
smell, seems like the least used/useful for me.
Okay, Restraint.

My explanation:

I know and have better experience what is life without sound? Not much difference.(you know my left ear doesn't work fully, somewhat 75%)

sight, smell, touch and taste can be used as hearing organ. Just imagine life without sound practically, you will get this point, i guess. :)

Ah yes, that makes good sense.
Voted taste, but actually had a hard time deciding between taste and smell. At first I thought that I use the sense of smell less frequently than sense of taste, and maybe it is that way, but then remembered the smell of magnolias in my street that I smelled this morning, or the smell of grass after the rain, and concluded that I'd rather vote for the taste.
*sob* i want to be a chef, i need all of my senses to do my job competently. That's what I like about cooking, it engages all of your senses at once. Touch, I suppose. But that's purely because of my mindset right now. Normally, I'd probably say sight though I would miss it most ardently.
I was just thinking about this the other day and I concluded that I would go without taste. If I voted smell then my sense of taste would probably be drastically reduced, so I figured taste would probably be best to go without.
If I had to live without one sense, I would choose smell because I can't live without taste (being half Italian). Also I'm a visual learner so being blind would be difficult for me. I love music far too much to live without hearing and well...touch...no need to explain this one.:m066:
Taste. That's a sense that operates within a smaller niche of experiences, ie, food and drink, and may limit some certain experimentation in the sciences, but that's about it.
Common........mama always says stupid is as stupid does! :m075:
I love all my senses but I guess under extreme circumstances I can live without the smell. Too bad lack of smell will affect directly the taste of the food/drink. But oh well, I definitely need my sight, touch, sound and taste.
I chose sight. I like hearing music, and listening. If I could not hear, I would feel left out even if I could see. So, I'd rather hear than see. I can still listen to music, lectures, tv, discussions, share thoughts, ideas. But I would miss writing - not being able to see what I'm writing on a screen, which means I wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone online as intensely. So, reluctantly I choose sight.
Taste, no doubt.

Sight/seeing is just so important for getting around and seeing things (obviously) It's the major sense that humans use.

I'm a musician, so I need my hearing.

Smell is not a lot better than taste but smell is used a lot for safety purposes (You smell gas, you leave right?)

Living without touch is an almost unfathomable condition. Most people who don't have a sense of touch tend to die from self inflicted wounds they just...never noticed.
Taste, I would give up, hands down.

Without sight, I would be forever paranoid; I think sight is the sense I would be most concerned about losing. Next most important is sound. Too much silence could drive a person mad. Or me, at least. I'd also constantly be looking over my shoulder without a sense of hearing.

Smell and touch are pretty important, too, but I hardly get as much pleasure out of taste as I do out of the others. It would probably be helpful for maintaining my figure in the future, anyway. (Vain? Shrug.)

Random "fun" (?) fact: My father has no sense of smell and, consequentially, hardly any taste. He can tell when things are sweet, bitter, salty, or spicy, but that's about it. I sporadically worry that I will lose my sense of smell, as well. It happened to him all of a sudden; one day, he woke up and simply couldn't smell anymore.

To tell you the truth, the reason I would want to save my smell... I thought about if I ever fell in love. I would want to know the smell of the person I loved. I also quite like the smell of certain lemon desserts.
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