If you could turn back time...


Retired Staff
messed up
If you could go back in time and experience ONE thing - weather it be something of your own life, or something in the past - what would it be?

Would you change something?

Would you want to stay?
I would tell my uncle how much he meant to me.

He was younger than 45 when he passed away from diabetes, I never got to say goodbye or that I loved him.
I would do the same thing Hotkebab, except I would tell my brother how much I loved him and how awesome he was!
And yes, I'd want to stay for awhile, and just reminiscense, but life has a way of moving whether we want it to or not.
I wouldn't; I have no desire to go to the past, and in a way I fear the idea of doing so.
Interesting thoughts from everyone...

I would go back to an ancient civilization, to experience life from another POV. I would love to see the ancient temples in their brand new glory. The Mayan ruins as they once were. THe world before modernization.

I would stay for a time.

As far as going back to anywhere in my life, it is irrelevant. All my past led me to where I am now!
If you could go back in time...

Interesting thoughts from everyone...

I would go back to an ancient civilization, to experience life from another POV. I would love to see the ancient temples in their brand new glory. The Mayan ruins as they once were. THe world before modernization.

I would stay for a time.

As far as going back to anywhere in my life, it is irrelevant. All my past led me to where I am now!

What a unique answer. I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. I would love to go back in time to see the Anasazi civilization when they were living in the cliffs of Mesa Verde and yes, I'd definitely stay for a time, maybe long enough to solve the mystery of their disappearance.

The other culture I'd love to visit is the horse culture of the plains Indians long before the Europeans began to encroach on their way of life. Here I might want to stay for the remainder of my life.
What a unique answer. I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. I would love to go back in time to see the Anasazi civilization when they were living in the cliffs of Mesa Verde and yes, I'd definitely stay for a time, maybe long enough to solve the mystery of their disappearance.

The other culture I'd love to visit is the horse culture of the plains Indians long before the Europeans began to encroach on their way of life. Here I might want to stay for the remainder of my life.

OOOH yes...I like those too!
Well, to piggyback on your awesome idea Entyqua, I'd go back to find out where the hell the Basque language/culture originated from as it's currently unknown.
Well, to piggyback on your awesome idea Entyqua, I'd go back to find out where the hell the Basque language/culture originated from as it's currently unknown.

Ooooh. Yes that would be something I would like to do too!!
I wanna go an exponential factorial of googolplex galactic years back in time, spend a couple of hours gazing around, and then watch the universe go fast-forward to present day, all within an afternoon, so I'm back here for tea.
If you could go back in time...

Well, to piggyback on your awesome idea Entyqua, I'd go back to find out where the hell the Basque language/culture originated from as it's currently unknown.

You might have company on this trip, SD; the Basque fascinate me as well.
K guys, we've still got room for one or two more. Can anyone spot me $5 for gas? I get paid on tuesday.

If you could go back in time and experience ONE thing - weather it be something of your own life, or something in the past - what would it be?

Would you change something?

Would you want to stay?

i'd go back to the time when the universe was just starting out.. it would be incredible to, somehow, be a witness to the very beginnings of everything that has ever been or ever will be.
I definitely do not want to go back to my past, but I do wish I would have handled situations a lot better than I did, regarding this hard ordeal that I'm experiencing.
I don't know what year or day it was, but just this one memory I have of being at home and watching The Worst Witch with my mom just in the kitchen with the Christmas tree all lit up when it was gloomy and sort of dark outside.

That's such a random, obscure memory, but it's just one of those moments in which I was happy for no apparent reason. So it was just joy and contentment, and not excitement, which for me is always fleeting. Oh, and I don't think I had homework then.

Or either this one time when my mom made blueberry muffins. ...I feel that somehow I am not answering the question very well. I feel like I should lie and say that I'd experience something historic, or at least something with a credible verb in it, and not something stupid like blueberry muffins.

But, for the record, at least I was honest.