Then what are the ears, nose, throat, etc.?
Unrelated sense organs...
I mean, I'm sure we could come up with something poetic about them, but they don't have a related status as far as I can tell.
Now, are eyes really the windows to the soul? Eyes say a lot, but they can be misleading.
It's meant to be an imaginative exercise.
He's INTP, that IS his imagination =P
Oh right. I was simply adding humor so as to make my intention of not being offensive clear via interwebs.
The hands are a record of a life history. Hard and leathery, soft and sweet, scarred, dark, pale, calloused; history is not easily erased.
Ah. Yes, that could be a worse problem.
Well, I guess I can give the whole thing a more poetic spin.
The mouth is a window into the recent past. A lingering smile, a fading grimace, a perpetual pursing of the lips.
The hands are a record of a life history. Hard and leathery, soft and sweet, scarred, dark, pale, calloused; history is not easily erased.