I wanna have your baby!

Zero Angel

Permanent Fixture
Possibly 4w5
I don't get it. Seriously, i've got this vibe from two of the women that i've slept with in my life. And it not only mystifies me, but it creeps me out -- especially if we've really only known each other well for a week or so.

Sex is a lot of things to me. It's a recreational activity, and an opportunity to develop a deep personal bond, it's fantasy and mutual giving, its a skill which one gains proficiency in and eventuall masters. The ideal here is that one has it for these purposes, and then makes kids when they're stable and confident.

To me having a child is not really an option at this point. Don't get me wrong, I think children are wonderful. However, the thought of having one while not being certain i'm equipped to have it. Urgh!

Anyways, what's up with these kinds of women? Are they tired of transient relationships and want to settle down? Do they see me as stable and thus a proper vector for the bearing of their biological urges? Some nice guy who will stay at home with the kids while mom is out having fun? Is there other reasons for this?

I don't know why but its kind of bugging me today.
Umm...it sounds like those women are a little crazy. Or in *desperate* need of some counseling, because they see you as their heir savior...
They want unconditional love, the kind of love a baby gives, and you are apparently sexy.

own it

anyway who wouldn't want a cute little baby

Okay while babies may be cute...they do not give their parents unconditional love. This is the biggest fallacy ever implanted into society.

Babies have one survival instinct...and that is to survive. And they are ruthless about honing it and developing it as they mature.

Poor Zero. Sounds like you should register at a sperm bank, donate a few times and then direct your potential brood mares to the location. That way they can get what they want without you being legally required to support it.
(lets just test their dedication to having your kids!)

That and since you've attracted two of these women, I'd highly suggest re-thinking the kind of women you are attracted to. Are you a magnet for the needy, insecure, and predatory types (you know, the ones that tend to 'trap' their mates by getting pregnant or insisting on buying or renting a place together....or rushing towards marriage....)?
Okay while babies may be cute...they do not give their parents unconditional love. This is the biggest fallacy ever implanted into society.

Babies have one survival instinct...and that is to survive. And they are ruthless about honing it and developing it as they mature.

Poor Zero. Sounds like you should register at a sperm bank, donate a few times and then direct your potential brood mares to the location. That way they can get what they want without you being legally required to support it.
(lets just test their dedication to having your kids!)

That and since you've attracted two of these women, I'd highly suggest re-thinking the kind of women you are attracted to. Are you a magnet for the needy, insecure, and predatory types (you know, the ones that tend to 'trap' their mates by getting pregnant or insisting on buying or renting a place together....or rushing towards marriage....)?

They want unconditional love, the kind of love a baby gives, and you are apparently sexy.

own it

anyway who wouldn't want a cute little baby


I'm gonna have to agree.

Just own it dude.
Impregnate and run like hell?

Maybe you should tell them what's up. They'll understand.

If anything, you might be putting off that "Good father" vibe. Confident, righteous, loving, things my father wasn't(LOLjk, I love my dad). Try putting off the jerk vibe so you can shoot for one-night-stands. And, if that isn't to your fancy, just become a recluse.
The only person (besides your random internet folks) who's said that to me was one of my exes. But we knew each other for quite a while.

So maybe it's the kind of women you're attracting.
I dont get it either. How some women would look at a guy and be like "omg I want to have his babies!" Where as i would be thinking while looking at a guy that way. "I wonder if he is any good in bed." :P Babies and pregnancy are the last thing on my mind right now. I do want a relationship though, just dont want to rush things. :P
One way to tell if they are any good in bed is to take them dancing.

Other than that...unless some guy has a genetic guarentee that my kids by him will be all geniuses, immune to cancer, artistically talented and or musical prodigies, and good looking....I'm not offering my womb services to anyone anymore.

The factory has been mothballed and decommissioned.

The factory has been mothballed and decommissioned.


Those chicks are CREE-PEE. Stop sleeping with crazy people. Did they seem insane before you slept with them or just afterward? If after, you're going to need to head over to the Mature Topics thread and go into detail so we can pinpoint EXACTLY what you did to bring about this maternal mania. *gets out notebook* But if they were all desperate and overeager to be loved before you slept with them.. then eh.
Um, maybe you should stop sleeping with needy chicks and then complaining about it.. Just a thought. And vibes? That they want your children??
Dude, we've been over this, don't listen to them.

Listen to me. Just own it.

Accept that you are a highly prized baby maker and roll with it.
Okay, then I recommend that Zero get a vasectomy and then agree with said women that they can indeed have his baby. Thereby guaranteeing that he gets sex as much as possible.

Of course, once again, make a donation so that when you are indeed married and want kids you still have some of your little swimmers on stand-by.
Okay, then I recommend that Zero get a vasectomy and then agree with said women that they can indeed have his baby. Thereby guaranteeing that he gets sex as much as possible.

Of course, once again, make a donation so that when you are indeed married and want kids you still have some of your little swimmers on stand-by.

This is the type of 'out-of-the-box' thinking that I like.

That and since you've attracted two of these women, I'd highly suggest re-thinking the kind of women you are attracted to. Are you a magnet for the needy, insecure, and predatory types (you know, the ones that tend to 'trap' their mates by getting pregnant or insisting on buying or renting a place together....or rushing towards marriage....)?
I might be. I do remember a crazyish clingy woman being attracted to me in middle school, even though I clearly was not interested she just would not lay off.


Those chicks are CREE-PEE. Stop sleeping with crazy people. Did they seem insane before you slept with them or just afterward? If after, you're going to need to head over to the Mature Topics thread and go into detail so we can pinpoint EXACTLY what you did to bring about this maternal mania. *gets out notebook* But if they were all desperate and overeager to be loved before you slept with them.. then eh.
Well, one of them was. She was also one of the most interesting people I ever met -- I really did like her a lot. But the whole wanting to do it without protection thing so early in really did creep me out (I'm also certain she was an NJ of some sort).

Alcyone, you really do present an interesting option. If I can put say 10 or so helpings of sperm into storage, that should be enough for contingencies.
Maybe you should tell them what's up. They'll understand.
Yea I might try doing this if it happens again. Let them know that it creeps me out, and turn it into a question of 'why', before we go any further.
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Nothing says "You're cute but I'm not ready to be a daddy." better than a condom.

Wear one. Every time. And the question is moot.
One way to tell if they are any good in bed is to take them dancing.

Other than that...unless some guy has a genetic guarentee that my kids by him will be all geniuses, immune to cancer, artistically talented and or musical prodigies, and good looking....I'm not offering my womb services to anyone anymore.

The factory has been mothballed and decommissioned.


Dancing...interesting. That just reminded me of something I'd rather not remember. What about musicalizing in general...like drumming and guitarring for those who are too reserved to bust out dancing in public? (Though it seems those things are more micro-coordination than whole body coordination). On another note...does that assessment work on girls too?

I'm not offering "fatherhood" services. But I do have this genetic guarantee...see...I was genetically engineered...I can also fly (I have these pretty blue white and pink wings...)
No, dancing is the best way to tell. At least for me.

A good dancer responds and adapts to their partner.

Are their movements predictable and repetitious (could be that they are the same way in bed)? From the female side, how well do they take control in the dance; are they directive and is there a sense of certainity? How do they touch? Is it firm and confident, is it strong and rough, or is there barely any pressure and they're limiting their physical contact (the last was such a turn off for me).

Body movement....Is there some coordination, can hands and feet be moving separately? I've had dance partners who keep their hands plastered to me and still cause they were concentrating more on what their feet (or groins) are doing.