I Think I have figured This out


Community Member
I belive that when psychiatrists diagnose certain special and receptive types with a psychotic illness, they are intellectualizing something that is a real phenomena and not an illness. I think that most of the patients have special sensory abilities (ESP) that at times (if they are not spiritual) are intercepted by evil energies, or spirits, that want to either destroy the messenger with the label of mental illness, or make the message seem ridiculous. evil spirits seek to intercept the messages with words and hallucinations and paranoia, so that the messenger does not trust them, and scare them. Psychiatrists are rather ignorant to this, as well as the rest of society. There are areas of the mind that cannot be reached by regualar people, and so the messengers (who are affected) are ostracized for havin insights that seem ridiculous. Do you find yourself having abilities that are dismissed to be ridiculous? The voices can either be good or bad energies. Actually I do not think of them as "voices" they are more like word symbols, and they are abstract. Words, pictures, and sounds cannot describe them accurately, which is where you get "word salad" from. We cannot find correct metaphors at times, so we seem incoherent. But if you can detect patterns, we only assign one word to a symbol, you can be able to find the analogies. And the energies received can come in like loghorrea, causing more confusion among linear minded people when we try to express them.
I hope this makes sense to you all, it seems like only gifted people can understand.
IPsychiatrists are rather ignorant to this, as well as the rest of society.

Or perhaps you are just ignorant of the neurological and hormonal studies that psychiatrists reference for their diagnoses.
I suppose your ideas about energies and evil spirits cannot be disproven, but they seem to be needless complications and distractions from the productive direction of research.
Demons make it look like these powers are only imagined, or linear thinking people cannot comprehend the messages and deem them imagined.
(Appears to be the gist of it.)

I'd go with TLM's suggestion of looking into them brain studies.
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I belive that when psychiatrists diagnose certain special and receptive types with a psychotic illness, they are intellectualizing something that is a real phenomena and not an illness. I think that most of the patients have special sensory abilities (ESP) that at times (if they are not spiritual) are intercepted by evil energies, or spirits, that want to either destroy the messenger with the label of mental illness, or make the message seem ridiculous. evil spirits seek to intercept the messages with words and hallucinations and paranoia, so that the messenger does not trust them, and scare them. Psychiatrists are rather ignorant to this, as well as the rest of society. There are areas of the mind that cannot be reached by regualar people, and so the messengers (who are affected) are ostracized for havin insights that seem ridiculous. Do you find yourself having abilities that are dismissed to be ridiculous? The voices can either be good or bad energies. Actually I do not think of them as "voices" they are more like word symbols, and they are abstract. Words, pictures, and sounds cannot describe them accurately, which is where you get "word salad" from. We cannot find correct metaphors at times, so we seem incoherent. But if you can detect patterns, we only assign one word to a symbol, you can be able to find the analogies. And the energies received can come in like loghorrea, causing more confusion among linear minded people when we try to express them.
I hope this makes sense to you all, it seems like only gifted people can understand.

I don't know if I can agree with the psychiatric part when dealing with interfering energies. After studying abnormal psychology for a while I do think certain brain functioning are altered by mental diseases such as schizophrenia and depression which is also very genetic.

But apart from that, yes I do think energies are receieved by normal people with esp abilities that do not have a history of mental disorders. Some have been even decsribed as "psychic attacks".

This discussion I think will work great with people who already accept the premise that subconscious mind is connected to the greater infinite wisdom which is mainly accessed by humans through intuition. Might be hard to get a discussion going with people who only think in the linear and do not accept esp and such. However, many older INFJs on this forum will have a very good understanding and discussion on this topic.:m159:
Or perhaps you are just ignorant of the neurological and hormonal studies that psychiatrists reference for their diagnoses.
I suppose your ideas about energies and evil spirits cannot be disproven, but they seem to be needless complications and distractions from the productive direction of research.
they are distractions, but they encourage research, which overlooks the underlying issue of their existence. they want you to think its crazy.
I don't know if I can agree with the psychiatric part when dealing with interfering energies. After studying abnormal psychology for a while I do think certain brain functioning are altered by mental diseases such as schizophrenia and depression which is also very genetic.

But apart from that, yes I do think energies are receieved by normal people with esp abilities that do not have a history of mental disorders. Some have been even decsribed as "psychic attacks".

This discussion I think will work great with people who already accept the premise that subconscious mind is connected to the greater infinite wisdom which is mainly accessed by humans through intuition. Might be hard to get a discussion going with people who only think in the linear and do not accept esp and such. However, many older INFJs on this forum will have a very good understanding and discussion on this topic.:m159:
ALL psychiatrist are not liars; some just cover up the truth with clinical explanations; only with psychotic disorders. antipsych drugs (which i refuse to ingest) are specifically designed to destroy those parts of the brain sensitive to extrasensory beings. yes it is intuition. they love the psychiatrists, the energies.
ALL psychiatrist are not liars; some just cover up the truth with clinical explanations; only with psychotic disorders. antipsych drugs (which i refuse to ingest) are specifically designed to destroy those parts of the brain sensitive to extrasensory beings. yes it is intuition. they love the psychiatrists, the energies.

Yes, I agree about the drugs. I wish they employed more medical intuitives and holistic healing in conjunction with CBT regarding mental disorders.

With our strong iN I wonder if INFJs have stronger esp or psychic abilities.
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Or perhaps you are just ignorant of the neurological and hormonal studies that psychiatrists reference for their diagnoses.
I suppose your ideas about energies and evil spirits cannot be disproven, but they seem to be needless complications and distractions from the productive direction of research.
They are not incorrect about the physical causes of the "disorder" they think we have, but they are incorrect when they stop there. the energies attempt to implant in special minds a defect that will enable their colleagues (energies working in science, government...) to identify that defect and give it a scientific name. This will seem out of line with the ESP aspect of it, and even though they are directly related, they seem unrelated.
Yes, I agree about the drugs. I wish they employed more medical intuitives and holistic healing in conjunction with CBT regarding mental disorders.

Now I am interested to know if INFJs have esp.
have you noticed that antipsychs make you worse? or want to KILL yourself? I never ATTEMPTED suicide until i was put on clonazepam; that is when i filled a bathtub with ice cubes and water and gave myself hypothermia. they tried to say its a normal side effect...they are only trying to influence your behavior to get rid of you.
have you noticed that antipsychs make you worse? or want to KILL yourself? I never ATTEMPTED suicide until i was put on clonazepam; that is when i filled a bathtub with ice cubes and water and gave myself hypothermia. they tried to say its a normal side effect...they are only trying to influence your behavior to get rid of you.

Yep, anti psychotic drugs takes about 6 to 7 weeks to take effect. It is like a steroid, you have to continually endure it until it takes effect. Then it is successful. HOWEVER, the biggest problem is in the beginning one to two weeks the drugs increase the tendency to commit suicide. Many teenagers died as a result.

You are suppose to suffer through it and many therapists/psychiatrists suppose to keep a close eye on the patient.

Psychiatrists make average $200,000 to give out prescription. If they don't, their bonus/quota decrease resulting in lower pay.
They are not incorrect about the physical causes of the "disorder" they think we have, but they are incorrect when they stop there. the energies attempt to implant in special minds a defect that will enable their colleagues (energies working in science, government...) to identify that defect and give it a scientific name. This will seem out of line with the ESP aspect of it, and even though they are directly related, they seem unrelated.
How do you know all this is true? I would say that psychiatry "works very well without this assumption."
How can you prove i dont know if there is neither evidence to prove i do or dont? You will deny i know these things because "insight" has to be ground rooted in something that can eventually be tested or proven. if it is unscientific, it will seem made up.
So if left untreated by a professional, those people bearing these messages from beyond (that they cannot even communicate let alone barely understand)
are able to care adequetely for themselves and not become a danger to themselves or others?
How can you prove i dont know if there is neither evidence to prove i do or dont? You will deny i know these things because "insight" has to be ground rooted in something that can eventually be tested or proven. if it is unscientific, it will seem made up.
I'm not trying to prove that you don't know. Clearly you think that you do. I want to know why you think so.
no, the evil energies drive them to destroy themselves, eventually(if they are not spiritual) sometimes they cannot discern good energy from bad so they shut out good energy, and dont get the correct guidance from the good energy, so they fall prey. but God doesnt punish them; He understands the situation.