I quit


Community Member
The third boy to run away from me in the past year just happened. I now quit and resign myself to a live of cats.
Details please
We went on first date... he asked if he could see me again on Monday.

Monday came with no word, I texted him to see if we were still on. He said he couldn't because he had a family emergency.

This morning I go on msn. And he has updated a note thing 16 hours ago about seeing fireworks. (Its the long weekend here, fireworks happen on the Monday).

Generally family emergencies don't involve fireworks.
The third boy to run away from me in the past year just happened. I now quit and resign myself to a live of cats.

Stupid boy. Lucky cats. It's a shame though. I think everyone deserves a fairytale with a happy ending. So maybe put the book down for a while and pick up a nice cuddly cat, then come back to the story when you feel warm and fuzzy again. :)
Stupid boy. Lucky cats. It's a shame though. I think everyone deserves a fairytale with a happy ending. So maybe put the book down for a while and pick up a nice cuddly cat, then come back to the story when you feel warm and fuzzy again. :)

Right now I feel more pissed off... and needing copious amounts of alcohol.
I feel ya! *opens bottle of whiskey*
Stupid boy. Lucky cats. It's a shame though. I think everyone deserves a fairytale with a happy ending. So maybe put the book down for a while and pick up a nice cuddly cat, then come back to the story when you feel warm and fuzzy again. :)

I agree. You probably should do yourself a favor and focus on yourself instead of silly boys. Are they really worth your time stewing over them, anyway? You should be far more important to yourself than that. Someone that's deserving of you will come along when you're not looking so hard for one.
Stupid boy. Lucky cats. It's a shame though. I think everyone deserves a fairytale with a happy ending. So maybe put the book down for a while and pick up a nice cuddly cat, then come back to the story when you feel warm and fuzzy again. :)

Some people like suffering though....
We went on first date... he asked if he could see me again on Monday.

Monday came with no word, I texted him to see if we were still on. He said he couldn't because he had a family emergency.

This morning I go on msn. And he has updated a note thing 16 hours ago about seeing fireworks. (Its the long weekend here, fireworks happen on the Monday).

Generally family emergencies don't involve fireworks.

why is this such a big deal to you?
why is this such a big deal to you?

Because he lied to me? Because he wanted me to trust him. Because I let him in a little (into my thoughts).
don't worry CoffeeShopDiva, i've just about resigned my chase as well. i've let myself fall for all the wrong people and now i don't feel a need to hurt myself anymore than i've already done. it's a shame that he wasn't honest with you because i much rather prefer a solid rejection than a sugar-coated one that beats around the bush. sometimes, hope is just not something you want to leave for someone you have the intention of rejecting...it is childlike and selfish to do so since it demeans the other person's sense of judgement for the sake of running away unscathed.
I keep trying to figure out the same mistake every person makes that ends up in things like this, and I think the original mistake is starting in the first place. Why date? What are you looking for, exactly...?
Most males, as most people, are underdeveloped, and sexually underdeveloped men tend to be looking for little more then sex. Have you been dating underdeveloped men and not giving them a chance at sex? If so, then consider dating more developed men.

Developed men are generally looking for more important things in a relationship: a woman with nearly the same intellectual level, similar values, similar interests and a woman with flaws they can put up with. The last one is what trips a lot of women up: they often have flaws that are nearly intolerable (we call this "baggage"). Traditionally my problem with finding women has been (besides my own shyness) similar interests/intellectual level. I love cognitive science and philosophy (to a lesser extent anymore) and I am very intelligent...it's hard to find women (or people in general) that share those traits.

So if you have been dating men you think are more developed, and they're running from you, consider why. Maybe you're smarter then them and they feel intimidated, maybe you just don't share similar interests or values. Maybe you just haven't found the right one. There is a lot of possibility here, just keep your mind open, stay open to self development, and be patient with the dating game. :)